Elite's Esoteric Symbols - Cult of Aton - Part 15 - Baphomet and Cernunnos

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Sunday, 27 January 2019 Search This Blog

Cult of Aton - part 15: Baphomet and Cernunnos
Elite's Esoteric Symbols
If you are interested of the symbolism of "the Elite", you have most likely seen all these strange
references to horned beings. The first thing that comes to mind for most of the people is some
kind of devil worship. The image of the horned devil is so deeply rooted to everyone's mind, that
there is very little room for any other explanation. Unfortunately this motif triggers so strong Blog Archive
emotional responses, that it's often quite difficult to look into its history and meaning with
►  2020 (2)
analytical and emotionless mind.
▼  2019 (11)
The Bible talks about the Devil, but where does it say he has horns? ► 
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There is no such passage in the Bible, that says the Devil has horns, hairy legs and cloven hoofs.
Isn't that strange? ► 
►  February (1)
▼  January (4)
In reality the Devil got horns long after Jesus or the writing of the Bible. Depicting the Cult of Aton - part 15: Baphomet and
personification of evil with horns dates back to the internal power struggle of "the Elite" in the Cernunnos
early 1300's, when the Templars and the Vatican got into a conflict that led to the (so called) Cult of Aton - part 14: The Priory of Sion
dissolution of the Knights Templar.
Cult of Aton - part 13: Culdean Order and
The Birt...
The Vatican knew the Templars venerated Baphomet, the horned god. With a clever propaganda
Cult of Aton - part 12: The Milesians
operation, the Vatican managed to convince all the Christendom that the Devil had horns. Of
course this didn't have anything to do with the teachings of Jesus or the Bible in general. It had
►  2018 (16)
nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with politics.
►  2017 (36)
With this propaganda trick, the Vatican got leverage against the Templars. They accused the
members of the Knights Templar of devil worship, and got the excuse to imprison them.

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So were the Templars innocent on the charges of devil worship? Well, that depends how you
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define devil worship. For Templars, Baphomet was not the Devil or the personification of evil. It
was just a pagan element in their tradition. For Vatican, the Templars were little too pagan, so Masonic hand signs: The Hidden hand
something was to be done with them.
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When it comes to terms like devil worship or satanism, one would do better with terms like dark
ritual or black magic. Why? Because that takes away the silly notion of the fairy tale of some
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horned being. The real satanism has nothing to do with horns or pointy tails.
Antero V
"The Elite" does practice satanism, and most likely the Templars did too. But for "the Elite" it is
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more than just worshiping evil. They believe that by performing dark rituals they can achieve their
sinister goals. For most of the people this sounds ridiculous, but for "the Elite" it is something they
have been doing for a long time, and something they take very seriously.

At the core of this belief is the idea that "the Elite" gets their power and might from these powerful
dark entities (dark spirits, demons, archons etc.) in other dimensions. I know it sounds silly for
common people, but one must remember "the Elite" are nothing like common people. They are
psychopaths of the greatest degree, and they believe that in exchange for their power in this
world, they must give "offerings" for these dark entities. This is why "the Elite" is so into
pedophilia, blood rituals and other horrible and disgusting deeds.

Is it any wonder we have so many news of powerful people in pedophilia scandals?

Epstein and friends

But why did the Templars venerate Baphomet? If Baphomet isn't the devil, what is it?

The answer to this question lies in the history of the Knights Templar. If you haven't read the EES-
article Culdean Order and The Birth of The Knights Templar, now would be a good time to do that.

The origins of the Templar order are in the brotherhood called Culdean Order. This organization
was strongly influenced by Irish Druidism, and so were the Templars.

Baphomet is the Templar version of the old (very old!) Druidic god Cernunnos.

Cernunnos was the prototype for many later horned deities. Wherever Druidism spread, there
are  traces of Druidic motifs. For example, the so called proto-Shiva in Pakistan was based on

Proto-Shiva from Pakistan

There is an interesting connection between horns and god. The word 'god' comes from
Phoenician word 'got' or 'gott', meaning 'goat'. Later one of the tribes with Phoenician origins
became known as Goths.

Phoenician chair with a goat

Masonic symbolism: horned man and a goat

(From Finnish masonic temple)

A later god Herne - also known as White Hart or White Stag - was also based on Cernunnos.

White Hart Badge of Richard II.
The chained Herne represents the victory of the Atonists over Druids.

A very Druidic scene from the movie Snow White and the Huntsman: Snow White meets Herne the horned god

The Greek god Hermes is based on Herne. In his case the horns were replaced with wings.
Hermes/Mercury has an important role in masonic symbolism. (Read more: The Fazer Rooster)


The Templar god Baphomet has also traits from the Greek horned god Pan. The name Pan
comes from 'penta' = 5. There is a pentagram on the forehead of Baphomet.

Greek Pan

Many of the secret societies of today have their roots in the Templar Order. So whenever you see
some members of "the Elite" showing the so called "devil's horns" or wearing horns on their head,
remember there is more to the story than just a made up fairy tale of some non-existent being
with red skin and a pitchfork.

Freemason Obama and the horns

Bill Clinton and the horns

Hillary Clinton and the horns

Freemason Bush and the horns

Sarah Palin and the hornes

Freemason George Washington depicted as Baphomet

Macron and the horns

Madonna's performance with horns

Eminem as Baphomet

Rihanna with horns

Lady Gaga with horns

Posted by Antero V at 19:17

Labels: baphomet, cult of aton, entertainment industry, horns, knights templar

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