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Statistics for Data Science - 1

Week 7 Term 2
Tutorial Questions

1. Arushi wants to set a password containing first three digits followed by four letters.
What is the probability that she will choose first two letters as vowels and later two
letters as consonants (Repetition of letters and numbers is not allowed)?

Answer :0.023

2. In a nut and bolt manufacturing company, a quality engineer inspects the pairs of nuts
and bolts. In a sample of 200 pairs, eight are defective. A quality engineer randomly
selects ten pairs. What is the probability that exactly 3 pairs of out of the ten randomly
selected pairs are defective?
Answer :4.2617 * 10− 3

3. In a circular dart board of radius r, a player wins if she hits the central rectangle(dimensions
l and b). Counting only the cases where the dart hits the board, what is the probability
that the player wins?

4. 30,000 students joins the IITM online degree course for data science. IITM online degree
send a feedback form to 1000 randomly selected students. Mary and Asad has joined
this course. What is the probability that Mary got the feedback form and Asad did not
get a feedback form?
Answer :29/300

5. P (C) = 0.3, P (A ∪ B) = 0.6, and P (A ∪ B ∪ C) = 0.8, then what is the value of

P ((AU B)c ∩ C)?
Answer: 0.2

6. Mohit goes to the college library. On the upper shelf, there are 7 books related to me-
chanical engineering and 5 books related to electrical engineering. The shelf is high so
that he is not able to see the books. He selected three books at random. What is the
probability that one book is of mechanical engineering and two books are of electrical
Answer: 0.3181

7. An Engineering college hostel has 20 rooms containing two beds per room. Twenty
civil engineering students and twenty computer science students are allotted to these
rooms.If the pairing is done at random,what is the probability that there is no
civil and computer engineer roommate pair?


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