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A. Some Basic Definitions

1. Calcination: The heating of limestone to redness in contact with air is known as the
2. Hydraulicity: It is the property of lime by which it sets or hardens in damp places, water or
thick masonry walls where there is no free circulation of air.
3. Quick Lime: The lime which is obtained by the calcination of comparatively pure limestone is
known as the quick lime or caustic lime. It is capable of slaking with water and has no affinity
for carbonic acid.
o Its chemical composition is (CaO) oxide of calcium and it has great affinity for
o The quick lime as it comes out from kilns is known as the lump lime.
4. Setting: The process of hardening of lime after it has been converted into paste form is known
as the setting. It is quite different from mere drying.
5. Slaked Lime The product obtained by slaking of quick lime is known as the slaked lime or
hydrate of lime. It is in the form of white powder and its chemical composition is Ca(OH) 2 or
hydrated oxide of calcium.

1. Slaking: When water is added to the quick lime in sufficient quantity a chemical reaction takes
o Due to this chemical reaction the quick lime cracks, swell and falls into a powder form
which is the calcium hydrate Ca (OH)2 and it is known as the hydrated lime.
o This process is known as the slaking.
B. Sources of Lime:
The lime is not usually available in nature in free state.
It is procured by- burning one of the following materials:
(i) Lime stones from the stone hills,
(ii) Boulders of lime stones from the beds of old rivers,
(iii) Kankar found below the ground, and
(iv) Shells of sea animals.
It may be noted that white chalk is pure limestone and kankar is an impure limestone
The constituents of such lime stones are as follows:
(1) Clay:
This constituent is responsible for producing hydraulicity in lime. It also makes lime insoluble in
water. If it is in excess, it arrests slaking. If it is in small quantity, it retards slaking. A proportion of 8
to 30 per cent is desirable for making a good lime.
(2) Soluble Silica:
It is essential to have silica and alumina present in chemical combination with limestone to develop
hydraulicity. The silicates of calcium, magnesium and aluminium are responsible for hydraulicity.
Such silicates are inert or inactive at low temperatures. But they become active and combine with lime
at high temperatures.
(3) Magnesium Carbonate:
The presence of this constituent allows lime to slake and set slowly, but it imparts more strength.
Further, the production of heat and expansion are less. If the content of carbonate of magnesia is about
30 per cent, the hydraulicity is rendered to the lime even in absence of clay.
(4) Alkalies and Metallic Oxides:
When these are present in small amount upto about 5 per cent or so, they develop hydraulicity due to
the formation of soluble silicates at low temperature.
(5) Sulphates:
The presence of sulphates in small quantities accelerates the process of setting and reduces the slaking
(6) Iron:
If iron is present in small quantity, it develops a complex silicate at high temperature. But excess of
iron is objectionable.
(7) Pyrites:
It is undesirable to have pyrites in the composition of lime stones. Such lime stones should therefore
be rejected.

C. Classification of Limes
1. Fat Lime: This lime is also known as the high calcium lime. Pure Lime, rich lime or white
lime. It is popularly known as the fat lime as it slakes vigorously and its volume is increased to
about 2-2-5 times the volume that of quick lime. The percentage of impurities in such limestone
is less than 5%.It is prepared by calcining comparatively pure carbonate of lime which is
composed of about 95 per cent of calcium oxide. The percentage of impurities in such limestone
is less than 5 per cent.

Following are the properties of fat lime:

(i) It hardens very slowly.

(ii) It has a high degree of plasticity.
(iii) It is soluble in water which is changed frequently.
(iv) Its colour is perfectly white.
(v) It sets slowly in presence of air.
(vi) It slakes vigorously.

Following are the uses of fat lime:

(i) It is used in whitewashing and plastering walls.

(ii) With sand, it forms lime mortar which sets in thin joints. Such mortar can be used for thin joints
of brickwork and stonework,

(iii) With surkhi, it forms lime mortar which possesses good setting and hydraulic properties. Such
mortar can be used for thick masonry walls, foundations, etc. The surkhi is the powder obtained by
grinding of the burnt bricks.

2. Hydraulic Lime: This lime is also known as the water lime as it sets under water. It contains
clay and some amount of ferrous oxide. Depending upon the percentage of clay present the
hydraulic lime is divided into following three types.
a. Feebly hydraulic lime
b. Moderately hydraulic lime
c. Eminently hydraulic lime

This lime is also known as the water lime as it sets under water. It contains clay and some amount of
ferrous oxide.

Following facts should be noted:

(i) The increase in percentage of clay makes the slaking difficult and increases the hydraulic property.
(ii) With about 30 per cent of clay, the hydraulic lime resembles natural cement.
(iii) The hydraulic lime can set under water and in thick walls where there is no free circulation of air.
(iv) The colour of hydraulic lime is not perfectly white. It therefore appears less sanitary than the fat
(v) It forms a thin paste with water. It does not dissolve in water though it is frequently changed.

(vi) If hydraulic lime is to be used for plaster work, it is to be ground in fine powder and then it is mixed
with sand. The mortar thus prepared is kept as heap for one week or so and it is then ground again. Such
mortar can then be used for plaster work.

Table 5-1 shows the points of comparison between these types of hydraulic lines.

The hydraulic lime can set under water and in thick walls where there is no free circulation of air.

3. Poor Lime: This lime is also known as the impure lime or lean lime. It contains more than 30
per cent of clay. It slakes very slowly. It forms a thin paste with water. It does not dissolve in
water though it is frequently changed. It sets or hardens very slowly. It has poor binding
properties and its colour is muddy white.

This lime makes a very poor mortar. Such mortar can be used for inferior type of work or at places
where good lime is not available.

 Precautions to be Taken in Handling Lime:

Following precautions are to be taken while handling lime to avoid accidents:
(1) Contact with Water:
The quick lime should not be allowed to come in contact with water before slaking.
(2) Facilities for Workers:
The lime dust causes irritation and hence the workers handling lime should be provided with goggles
and respirators. The lime also causes skin burns, especially if the skin is moist. It is therefore advisable
to provide rubber gloves, gum boots and skin protective cream to the workers likely to get skin burns.
(3) Fire Hazard:
The quick lime gives out immense heat while slaking and hence all suitable measures should be taken
to avoid chances of any fire hazard.
(4) Instructions to Workers:
After handling lime, the workers should be instructed to wash the exposed portions of the body with
abundant fresh water. Similarly the workers handling milk of lime, which is hot, should be advised to
oil their skin daily to avoid skin burns.
 Uses of Lime:
The lime is an important engineering material and its uses can be enumerated as follows:
(i) It is used as chemical raw material in the purification of water and for sewage treatment.
(ii) It is used as a flux in the metallurgical industry.
(iii) It is used as a matrix for concrete and mortar.
(iv) It is used as a refractory material for lining open-hearth furnaces.
(v) It is used in the production of glass.
(vi) It is used for making mortar for masonry work.
(vii) It is used for plastering of walls and ceilings.
(viii) It is used for the production of artificial stone, lime-sand brick, foam- silicate products, etc
(ix) It is used for the soil stabilization and for improving soil for agricultural purposes.
(x) It is used for whitewashing and for serving as a base coat for distemper.
(xi) When it is mixed with Portland cement, the mortar attains valuable properties and such a mortar
can be used in place of the costly cement mortar.

 Tests Conducted for limestone:

The lime stones are tested to determine the quality of lime which can be obtained from them. For
determining exactly the suitability of limestone, the detailed chemical tests are carried out in a
But for general information, the following four practical tests are made:
(1) Physical properties
(2) Heat test
(3) Acid test
(4) Ball test.
(1) Physical Properties:
The pure limestone is indicated by white colour. The hydraulic lime stones are indicated by bluish grey,
brown or some dark colour. The taste of hydraulic lime stones is clayey and they give out earthy smell.
The presence of glistering particles on the surface of lime stones indicates the presence of free sand.
The presence of lumps gives an indication of quick lime or un-burnt limestone.
(2) Heat Test:
A piece of dry limestone is weighed and it is heated in an open fire for few hours. The sample is weighed
again and loss of weight indicates the amount of carbon dioxide. From this data, the amount of calcium
carbonate in limestone is worked out.
(3) Acid Test:
A teaspoon of powdered lime is taken in a test tube and dilute hydrochloric acid is poured in it. The
contents are now stirred and the test tube with its contents is then kept standing in its stand for 24 hours.
If content of calcium carbonate is high, there will be vigorous effervescence and less formation of
residue. Such an action will indicate pure limestone. On the other hand, if content of calcium carbonate
is less, there will be less effervescence and more formation of residue. Such an action will indicate
impure or hydraulic limestone.
If a thick gel or semi-solid material is formed which does not flow even when the test tube with its
contents is turned upside down, it indicates lime of class A. If the gel is not quite thick and tends to flow
when the test tube is tilted, it indicates lime of class B. If however there is no gel formation, it indicates
lime of class C.
(4) Ball Test:
In this test, the balls of about 40 mm size of stiff lime formed by adding enough water are made and
they are left undisturbed for six hours. The balls are then placed in a basin of water. If there are signs
of slow expansion and slow disintegration within minutes after placing in water, it indicates class C
lime. If, on the other hand, there are very little or no expansion and numerous cracks, it indicates class
B lime.

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