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SWOT Analysis

Thariq Mohammed Z (2301382)

Section - E

• Leadership skills: As a Senior Officer in the NCC, I have shown to be an effective leader.
My efforts to revitalise and build a powerful alumni network demonstrate my capacity to
successfully mobilise and interact with others.
• Breaking Gender Barriers: I was successful in giving all of my underclassmen equal
opportunity based only on skill. Freshmen submitted more applications to join the NCC
as a consequence.
• Overcoming Stage fear: I have successfully overcame stage fright and improved my
communication abilities thanks to my membership in the NCC. As a result, I have been
able to lead seminars and symposiums and demonstrate my strong communication skills.
• Honesty & Integrity: My dedication to integrity is demonstrated by the example I gave of
accidentally filling out an application and immediately contacting the appropriate
authorities. This exemplifies my moral principles and honesty.

• Self-criticism: I often criticise myself too harshly, concentrating more on my
shortcomings than on my successes and advancements. This can make me less confident
and less able to recognise my own accomplishments.
• Weak English vocabulary: When I talk, I find it difficult to use powerful language and
frequently use commonplace phrases instead, losing my distinctiveness. This suggests
that I have a limited vocabulary in English, which may affect how well I can express
myself and communicate my ideas.
• Introverted Nature: Because I consider myself to be more introverted, I have a smaller
group of friends and family and less access to a variety of advise when things go rough.
This can limit my access to other viewpoints and my options for assistance and direction.

• Continued Personal Growth: I've realised that in order to continue to develop as a person,
I need to concentrate on and build on my triumphs. I may boost my self-confidence and
cultivate a positive outlook for future endeavours by highlighting my accomplishments
and growth.
• Developing English Vocabulary: I am actively improving my English vocabulary by
reading books and making it a habit. This gives me the chance to improve my
communication abilities and find more effective ways to communicate myself.
• Expanding Support Network: I may look for ways to widen my network of friends and
ask for advice from a variety of people. This can provide me a variety of viewpoints,
suggestions, and support at trying times.

• Limited Guidance: I can encounter difficulties in making crucial decisions and traversing
uncharted territory because I won't have many people to help me in the future. To lessen

this hazard, it is essential for me to actively look for mentoring or networking

• Comparison and Impression Pressure: It might put pressure on me and prevent me from
being real if I try to impress others with my vocabulary. I must put more of an emphasis
on good communication than just coming up with great phrases since true
communication is more valuable.

Overall, my SWOT analysis identifies a number of capabilities, such as leadership abilities,

breaking down barriers between genders, conquering stage fright, and exhibiting honesty
and empathy. However, there is room for development, particularly in the areas of self-
criticism, vocabulary, and support system. I can lessen possible hazards and further increase
my potential and success by seizing opportunities for personal growth, honing my language
abilities, and extending my network.

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