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Whitepaper V1
1th:Project Overview

2nd:Getting started

• Gamification Strategy
• Sneaker Properties
• Chips And Chip Sockets
• Sneaker Box Minting And Unboxing Probability Announcement

• Earning Calculation Formula
• Energy System
• Mission System
• Achievement System
• Anti-cheat (In Development)
• Handling Fee

5th:Other mechanism
• Notification System
• Invitation Code System

6th:The market place

7th:Token Design

8th:Decentralized Wallet

9th:Community Governance

10th:Environmental Protection And Charity

11th:Privacy Protection

12nd:Contact Us
1th:Project Overview

MOVE is a Web3 fitness and lifestyle app with game-fi and social-fi attributes. The MOVE

project considers people’s basic fitness lifestyle activity needs to help create and promote a

community of people actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle through sports and fitness activity. The

project uses a crypto incentivization mechanism to achieve this and It is the first project to

effectively realize the concept of earning through fitness activity.

Users first equip themselves with NFTs in the form of sneakers, and obtain project tokens by

walking, jogging or running outdoors. These tokens can then be used as in-game assets or

cashed out in USDT.

The goal of the MOVE project is to enable millions of people build healthier lifestyles

through its game-Fi properties, while making a positive contribution to climate change and

connecting more ppeople to the Web 3.0 ecosystem. MOVE will also build on its Social-Fi

properties to create a robust content platform that helps facilitate user-generated Web 3.0

content. Note: The MOVE project is currently in the internal development stage, and the contents

of the white paper may be adjusted in the future.

Project token designation: MOV Governance Token: MOMO

2nd:Getting started
2.1 Getting started

1. Users starts downloading the MOVE app to their mobile device.

Download the MOVE app (Download link: available soon)

2. Upon downloading the MOVE app, users can use your email to register for a MOVE

account. The registered email will receive a verification code which a user can use to obtain

verification and subsequently log into the MOVE app.

Login verification
3. Users can create a wallet by clicking on the wallet icon in the upper right corner on the

app home screen. The app will generate a 12-word mnemonic phrase for the user which can be

used to restore user’s wallet if a situation arises where a user needs to install the app on a new

device or if a user forgets their password after logging out of the app.

Important: Be sure to keep your mnemonic phrases safe and in a place where you can

easily retentive it. (handwritten notes kept out of reach of others are recommended).

1: Create/Import Wallet 2: Confirm wallet password

3: Mnemonic prompt 4: Generated mnemonic phrase

5: Verify mnemonic phrase 6: Successfully bind the wallet

4. Transfer Tokens to in-app Wallet to enable you buy the entry NFT sneakers in the

in-app marketplace. Always ensure that keep some extra tokens in your wallet account to

cater for gas fee during transfers.

1: Select Token 2: Click to transfer

5. You can now head over to the in-app marketplace to pick up sneakers of your choice!

Find the style of sneakers you like by using the filter tool. Ensure you have enough tokens

before buying. Congratulations! You are all set.

Once you complete the purchase of your sneakers of choice, you receive a set energy

level which will be restored at a rate of 25% every 6 hours, on a set time of 03:00, 09:00, 15:00,

21:00 Beijing time. You can start your MOVE journey right after your first 25% energy recovery.

Game homepage
3rd:Gamefi Elements

Single player mode:

In single player mode, users can earn MOV tokens by equipping their NFT sneakers and


Energy is required to earn tokens. Each energy can provide 5 minutes of exercise reward

time, and the energy will start to recover once the user obtains the NFT sneakers.

To start exercising to earn reward, users simply select a sneaker they already own and tap the

Start button to get started.

When exercising, you can see the exercise status at the top of the screen: it indicates Walking

or Running.


The moonwalking status is displayed if the app detects a weak GPS/Internet signal, or if the

user is not moving effectively (eg: cheating with an electric scooter or hanging the phone on a


No MOV is gained while coasting, the user may/may not lose energy, depending on the


GPS Signal:

White -- no GPS signal; red -- weak GPS signal; green -- strong GPS signal.

Ensure you have energy before exercising. If your energy is 0, there will be no token gains

from exercising.
MOV/MOMO rewards will be earned per minute of exercise, depending on the following 4

main factors:

Types of sneakers

The base MOV yield varies for each type of sneaker. Please refer to the Sneaker Properties

section for details on each sneaker type and their yield potential.

Efficiency attributes of sneakers

The higher the Efficiency attribute value, the more MOV a player can earn per minute.

Users can earn MOV when their sneakers are at level 0~29. When the sneakers are upgraded to

level 30, users can choose to continue earning MOV, or switch to earning MOMO. Users can

freely switch between these two earning modes.

Comfort attributes of sneakers

The higher the comfort attribute value, the more MOMO a player can earn per minute.

Users can choose to earn MOV or MOMO at level 30. Users can freely switch between these two

earning modes. For details on the release of MOMO, please refer to the introduction of the

tokenenomics section.

Movement speed

For maximum benefit, the user's movement speed should remain within the optimal

speed range for the corresponding sneaker. When the user moves below or above the optimal

movement speed range, their benefits are reduced by up to 90%. This is determined based on

the difference between the actual speed and the optimal speed range.

Once the energy is exhausted, users will no longer earn token reward for exercising. The

user still has the option to continue exercising, or manually exit "Solo Mode" by pressing and

holding the "STOP" button.

Mystery box

The mystery box in the app is the equivalent of game level achievements, which will

randomly drop when you exercise in single player mode. The box may contain MOVs, gems

(levels 1-3), or could be empty. When users reach their daily MOV cap, MOVs will no longer be

dropped in Mystery boxes. Each user has 4 chances at a mystery box drop.

Just like the sneakers, the mystery boxes have 5 unique attributes that offer users

various kinds of perks. After obtaining a mystery box, a countdown to the opening of the box

starts immediately, and when the countdown ends, the user can open the box to get the

perks contained in it. The opening time of the mystery box is proportional to its attributes or

contained perks.

Marathon mode (in development)

In the marathon mode, users need to register for the marathon at least 24 hours before

the start of the race.

There are two types of marathon competitions, weekly and monthly:

Weekly marathons are held every week for the entire week. Users can choose to run the

2.5km, 5km or 7.5km marathon. Users can only choose one marathon race at a time.

The monthly marathon is held once on a set day for an entire month. Users can choose

to run a 5km, 10km or 15km marathon but may only choose one marathon race at a time.

Users who have successfully registered for a marathon will be notified in their quest log

(under development). Users can take advantage of the Goal Setting feature to track their race

progress. Once the required running distance is completed, the user will receive a marathon

completion notification in the mission log. Users will not be able to repair the shoes they are

using until the end of the Marathon Mode.

In order to ensure the user's commitment to participation, the user needs to submit a

certain deposit when registering for the marathon. The deposit will be automatically refunded

after the marathon is completed. Participants who cannot complete the marathon within the

specified time will have their registration deposit included in the leaderboard reward pool and

distributed to the finishers and such participants will not be refunded the deposits.

Participating in the marathon earns users points which will be used to rank participants

in the marathon leaderboard. Points are tied to the user's running speed and the attributes of

the sneaker.

Reward prizes

The top X on the leaderboard in the weekly marathon and monthly races will receive

MOV/MOMO rewards and NFT gold badges (to be determined).

The top X on the leaderboard in weekly marathon races, monthly races will receive

MOMO bonuses and silver NFT badges (to be determined).

The top X on the leaderboard in the Marathon Weekly, Monthly races will receive MOMO

awards and Bronze NFT badges (to be determined).

All marathon participants will receive an NFT participation badge.

Background mode

Players can get MOV without opening the app. When the user has at least one pair of

sneakers in the warehouse, the background mode will directly obtain step-related data from

the fitness data of the mobile device of up to 3000 steps-related data per day. MOV gains in

background mode are fixed and are not affected by the shoe's efficiency and other elements.

Neither is energy consumed in background mode nor does the durability of the sneaker

3rd:Gamefi Elements
3.2 Sneaker Properties

Efficiency (MOV Earnings) - Single Player Mode, Marathon Mode

In the single player mode, the efficiency attribute has a greater impact on MOV earning

rate. MOV gains per unit of energy are also higher with higher efficiency stats. Having a high

efficiency stat value in Marathon mode will allow you to accumulate points faster on the


Lucky (Mystery box) -- Single Player Mode, Sneaker Rental (Coming Soon)

The chance attribute value determines the frequency and quality of the mysterious box

drops. Users can also receive Mystery Box drops when their sneakers are rented out.

Comfort attribute (MOMO earnings) --Solo Mode, Marathon Mode, Staking Governance

(in development)

The comfort attribute is currently under design and development.

Durability (durability/repair) -- single player mode, marathon mode

Durability attribute affects the repair costs and the rate at which sneaker

durability is depleted in single player mode. A higher durability value will reduce

maintenance costs and durability consumption. The repair cost of each 1 durability

point is different for different types of sneakers.

Durability is indicated by the physical strength bar of the sneakers. As the user's

exercise time increases indicating fitness activity, the durability will gradually decrease.

Sneakers will suffer a breakage penalty when they drop below 2 thresholds: when the

durability is below 50, the efficiency attribute bonus of sneakers will drop to 90. When

the durability is lower than 20, the efficiency attribute bonus of sneakers will drop to 10.

In marathon mode the durability attribute will allow runners to earn more points

because their sneakers will have more time to run before a breakage penalty occurs.

Users can burn MOV/MOMO to reset the attribute points of sneakers. The reset

consumption is proportional to the number of resets. The reset cost will reach the

upper limit after several resets. (In development).

Sneaker Type

There are four types of sneakers. Each type of sneaker corresponds to a different exercise intensity

and level:





Walking sneakers Jogging sneakers

Running sneakers All-round sneakers

Users’ basic MOV earnings is not static and there are several factors that may cause it to


• Durability of sneakers

• GPS signal - if the GPS signal is poor, a user's earning rate will reduce.

• Strength and stability of the mobile data signal If the data signal is unstable, it may also result

in less revenue.

• Combination of random parameters.

More information about MOMO yields will be provided in future updates.

Sneaker quality

There are five qualities of sneakers. When a new sneaker is generated/minted, the initial value

of each attribute of the new sneaker will be randomly determined within a certain range based on

the quality of the sneaker. So the same quality of sneakers will have very different initial attribute

distributions as indicated:
Sneaker grade

Users can upgrade their sneakers by burning MOVs. The upgrade time required for

each level is fixed. The higher the sneaker level, the more MOV required. The upgrade time

can be accelerated by burning MOVs. In addition, sneakers also need to burn MOMO when

upgrading to a level 29 and level 30 player.

Players can unlock additional features after reaching certain specific levels:

When the sneaker reaches the highest attainable level, the user can choose what the

type of token to earn in -- MOV or MOMO. Users can freely switch between MOV or MOMO

however there will be a cooling time between switches.

Sneaker personalization (in development)

After the sneakers reach level 30, the user can choose to burn MOMO to personalize

the sneakers, including but not limited to changing the name, adding additional attribute

points, etc. More details on the personalization feature will be released at a later date.
3rd:Gamefi Elements

When the sneaker reaches a certain level, the chip socket can be unlocked. Users can

enhance the attributes of the sneaker by inserting the corresponding chip into the unlocked

chip socket (e.g. inserting the efficiency chip into the efficiency socket).

There are four types of chips, and each chip represents an attribute:

Yellow: Efficiency

Blue: luck

Red: comfort

Purple: Elastic

In the chip upgrade interface, users can combine 3 chips of the same level into a higher-

level chip by burning MOV, for example, upgrade 3 first-level efficiency chips to 1 second-level

efficiency chip.

Starting from level 4 Upgrading chips requires burning MOMO:








Warning: Chip upgrades at level 1 and 5 will have a certain failure rate. If the upgrade

fails, the chip will disappear.

Chip activation bonus

Chips will add bonuses to the basic attributes of sneakers. Take the second-level

efficiency chip as an example on a sneaker with an initial efficiency attribute of 5: the actual

sneaker's efficiency attribute is 5 (initial efficiency) 5*40% (activation bonus) 8 (second-level

efficiency chip bonus) =15.

Chip socket type and quality

Each pair of sneakers has four different chip sockets, and the type of chip socket can be

determined by colour. Players can insert the chip into the corresponding chip socket to

enhance the attributes of the sneakers. A chip socket is unlocked when each pair of sneakers

reaches levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Players can only insert the corresponding chip type into the

corresponding chip socket. Higher socket quality will additionally increase the attribute

bonus rate of inserted chips.

A player can see the socket type but not the socket quality without opening the socket.

The socket quality is determined by the quality of the sneakers.

3rd:Gamefi Elements

New sneaker synthesis

New sneakers synthesis means that a user uses their existing 2 sneakers as a blueprint to

carry out the activity of making new sneakers. After synthesis, a new shoe box will be

generated. The two sneakers as a blueprint will be called Vintages (parents). The prerequisite

for synthesis is that both (parent) shoes cannot be in lease and need to have full durability.

How to synthesize: Select a sneaker and go to the Mint window. Select another blueprint

sneaker and press the Mint button to start. A new shoe box is created and can be opened


Each sneaker can be synthesized up to 7 times. The more times a pair of sneakers is

synthesized, the higher the MOV/MOMO cost when it is synthesized. The synthesis cost of each

Vintage shoe is calculated separately and the two pairs are added together for the final

synthesis cost.

After synthesizing the new shoes, the two blueprint sneakers have a 48-hour re-synthesis

cool down period, but the sneakers can still be used for exercising to earn tokens at this time.
New Shoes Synthesis Fuel (Cost Type):

Normal - AAA

Rare - AAA

Rare - AAA+BBB

Epic - AAA+BBB

Legendary - AAA+BBB

The quality of the box depends on the quality of the vintage (parent)

sneakers that are modelled:

Shoe-Minting Costs
1.Common – MOV
2.Uncommon – MOV
3.Rare – MOV + MOMO
4.Epic – MOV + MOMO
5.Legendary – MOV + MOMO

The first two Shoe-Minting costs the same. Shoe-Minting has a chance to drop one extra Shoeboxes.
The higher the Mint count, the higher the chance to drop multiple Shoeboxes.

Shoebox Quality is determined by the Vintage Sneaker's Quality:

The user can get a new pair of sneakers after opening the shoe box, and the quality of the
sneakers is determined by the quality of the shoe box:
The socket type of the new shoe is determined by the socket type of the
original parent shoe:

New shoe synthesis initial attribute range

The attribute value of the sneaker is randomly generated within the allowed range of its quality,

regardless of the attribute value of the original parent shoe.

Badge system (in development)

Badges are acquired by completing tasks. As the difficulty of the task increases, the quality of the

badges obtained by completing tasks also improves.

Badges enhance the gaming experience, such as:


• Extra energy in Single player mode

• Leaderboard rewards Marathon mode

Sneakers synthesis

• Higher likelihood of renting out or trading sneakers

• Reduced cost of new sneaker synthesis


• Pending

Single player mode earning cap

The single-player mode has a daily energy cap and a daily token cap,

which limits the player's daily energy and token earnings.

Daily energy limit

A player starts the game with 2/2 energy and the maximum energy cap is

20/20. Players can increase the energy limit by acquiring more sneakers (see

the energy system below for details).

Daily token cap

Players start the game with 5/5 of the Daily Token (MOVE) cap. The

maximum daily limit for obtaining tokens is 300MOVE and 15 MOMO. Players

can increase the upper limit of the daily token obtainable by upgrading the

sneaker level.
Single player mode earning mechanism

MOVE earnings calculation formula:

Of which;

N = energy cost Int (player total energy / 5 minutes)

PSEC = Player's Sneaker Efficiency Factor (Chip Socket, NFT Badge)

PSE = Player's Sneaker Efficiency

system value = system parameter, set by developer, not fixed

parameter 1 = minimum speed parameter, abbreviated as p 1

parameter 2 = maximum speed parameter, abbreviated as p 2

K = player speed

X = Average speed parameter =

When K < p 1 or K > p 2, X = 0

When p 1 < K < p 2

If K ∈ [50% of p 1, p 1], then X will change linearly in the interval 0,1.

If K ∈ [200% of p 2 p 2], then X will vary linearly in the interval 1,0.

Y = Durability parameter

When Y < 0.5, X = 0.9

When Y < 0.2, X = 0.1

In summary, the factors that affect MOV revenue are:

• Energy

• Moving speed

• Type, attribute, quality, grade of sneaker

• Chip type, grade, socket quality

• NFT badge
Magic box drop calculation formula:

Of which;

Mystery Box Quality = The quality of the box

V = value of the contents of the cube

parameter1 = minimum speed parameter, abbreviated as p1

parameter2 = maximum speed parameter, abbreviated as p2

Y = Durability attribute

In summary, the quality and quantity of mystery box dropped depend on the following factors:

• Distance the player moves

• Chance value for sneakers


The user's energy value is bound to the time zone set by the user, and will be

restored to 25% at 03:00, 09:00, 15:00, 21:00 of the set time zone every day, that is, it

will be fully restored every 24 hours.

Each user has an initial energy cap of 2 with one pair of sneakers.

Users can increase their energy cap by purchasing/synthesizing more


The specific value relationship is as follows:

In addition, each pair of high-quality sneakers can provide extra energy:


1 green + 1 grey = 3 energy

= 2 pairs of sneakers, the base value 2 + the additional 1 of the green sneakers 2

blue + 1 gray = 8 energy

= 3 pairs of sneakers with the basic initial value of 4 + additional 2 * 2 for blue


Daily Quests: Fixed rewards

Daily tasks will be updated every day. Players can receive fixed rewards after completing the daily tasks.

If the daily task is not completed, it will be reset at 0:00 of the next week.

We will update the daily tasks in due course, and add the latest themed event tasks as an option to the daily task


Weekly Missions: Additional missions and rewards

Weekly tasks will be updated every week. Players can receive fixed rewards by completing weekly tasks within a


If the weekly task is not completed, it will reset at 0:00 of the next week.

We will update the weekly tasks in due course, and add the latest themed activity tasks to the weekly task menu

as an option.

Monthly tasks: Additional missions and token rewards

Monthly tasks will be updated every month. Players can complete the monthly tasks within one month and

receive fixed rewards including tokens.

The monthly tasks will encourage players to experience MOVE's new events, content and new themed gameplay.

It will increase activity in the MOVE app as well as increase user stickiness without adding too much burden to players.

If the monthly task is not completed, it will be reset at 0:00 of the next month.

We will update the monthly tasks in due course, and add the latest theme activity tasks to the monthly task

menu as an option.

Festive Missions: Additional Rewards Including NFT Sneaker Airdrops

We will design different holiday tasks according to holiday calendar of different countries and regions.

We will also design corresponding holiday tasks for milestone events of the MOVE project (birthday, 100-day

anniversary, player count anniversary, etc.).

Festival tasks are rich and varied, including check-in, check-in at specific festival locations, participating in special

festival events, and participating in online interactions. We are still developing more novel and interesting task forms.

If the holiday task is not completed, it will disappear automatically after the holiday task period ends, and players

can no longer claim the corresponding rewards.


Players can earn achievements through various activities in MOVE. This data

is not on-chain, but every achievement badge a player gets will be a tradable

NFT. The types of achievements currently planned are as follows:

• Wear and tear

• Challenge

• Collection

• Daily use of PvE (single player mode)

• PvP - Player-to-player matches

• Social interaction

• Economics (Thrift)

• Carbon neutrality (environmental friendliness)

• Funny

• Mapping and exploration

• Achievement feat and strength

• Meta-Achievement

We are also preparing more interesting and fun achievement forms, which

will be displayed in the achievement gallery or other forms.

The achievement system will be launched in a future version.


MOVE has developed an anti-cheat system based on the following factors:

• GPS tracking

• Motion sensors and activity data

• Machine learning based data simulation detection

Once a user is detected cheating or suspected of cheating, the user's

account will be punished, and we will give management measures such as

warning, period freezing, long-term freezing and even banning.


MOVE will charge fees for some in-game actions. The specific values are

as follows:
5th:Other mechanism

When a player performs actions involving gains and expenses, the player will receive

notifications. Notifications cover the following instances:

• Single player/Marathon/Background mode revenue

• Transaction market revenue - leases and transactions

• Gifts and donations

• Repair/upgrade/chip socket charges

• Over/Under Speed Penalties in Single Player Mode

• Records of obtaining, opening and using the magic cube/chip/shoebox

MOVE users will be notified when there are major updates and platform news that affect

player behaviour involving earnings and spending. These include:

• MOVE server downtime/flash update

• On-line and off-line of important functions of MOVE

• Other important information that MOVE deems necessary for the player to obtain.

5th:Other mechanism

Every MOVE user has a certain number of activation codes that they can share with their

friends and family. After the initial invitation code is used up, users can get 1 new invitation

code for every 10 energy they consume.

6th:The market place


The marketplace is where users rent and trade NFT sneakers, badges and gems. Users can

filter and purchase products on sale in the marketplace through the classification function.

Trading System

Users can buy and sell NFT sneakers, shoe boxes and gems in the in-game marketplace.

Rental system (coming soon)

One of the common hurdle currently facing new users coming into Web3/blockchain games

is the numerous steps involved to get started. From creating an exchange account, to converting

legal tenders to crypto currency, and browsing Web 3.0 with a decentralized wallet. MOVE aims to

break through this barrier by introducing a rental system.

By offering a smart rental system that makes entry as easy as downloading an app and

renting sneakers, ensuring new users aren't distracted while exploring the game.

Users who want to rent shoes can go to the in-app marketplace and apply for a rental. After

being paired with a renter, the renter's lease terms need to be accepted before the lease can be

approved. Each rental contract lasts 24 hours, after which the sneakers are returned to the owner

for repair.

Depending on the renter's credit rating, the rental agreement can be extended up to 7 days.

Failure to comply with the terms set out in the rental agreement will result in a 1 star deduction

from the lessor's credit rating.

Whenever the renter completes a lease period in single-person mode, the smart contract

will distribute the revenue according to the lease agreement. Benefit for renters and renters is

fixed at 30/70%. The system will reward the lessee with 0.1 credit for each successful performance

of the lease agreement.

Credit system (coming soon)

Sneakers renters will need to go through and pass the new seller tutorial to improve their

credit rating. After a credit rating of 2/5, a user can start renting shoes. The new seller instruction

is to ensure that the renter understands all the basic principles of the app, preventing the renter

from starting to use MOVE without fully understanding it, or even getting nothing in return (such

as on a treadmill, or a misconfigured NFT sneakers).

Credit ratings are capped at 5/5.

7th:Token Design


Game Pass: MOVE

Governance Token: MOMO


How to obtain MOVE

MOVE is unlimited and only minted when the player moves in single player or background


How to spend MOVE

• Synthesis of new sneakers (Mint)

• Sneaker repair

• Sneaker upgrades

• Chip upgrade

• Chip socket unlocked

• Reworked sneaker attributes


How to obtain MOMO

MOMO can be obtained through token minting activities. There are a

total of 6 billion.

How to spend MOVE

• Participate in governance

• Accepted option in the case of voting

• Sneaker customization

• Lv28-Lv30 sneaker upgrades

• Epic and legendary Sneaker- Minting

• Lv4-9 chip upgrade

• Sneaker attribute rework

Distribution method

• 30% - reward for move & earn; reward for participating in governance

• 30% - community airdrop, community activity rewards

• 16.3% - private financing

• 14.2% - Team Retention

• 7% - public offering

• 2.5% - Consulting & Marketing spend


• Halved every three years.

• 15% of the total supply of MOMO will be earned through move &earn /Governance for the

first three years

• 7.5% for the second year and 3.25% for the third year until all tokens are released.

Phase one:

1. In-game wallet

2. Assets that support two chains: BNB and BSC (coming soon).

3. Built-in trading function

4. Built-in asset cross-chain function (coming soon, token and NFT).

5. Wallet backup support

Phase two:

1. Provide deposits and withdrawals of multi-chain assets

2. Support NFT avatar setting function based on ETH and BNB

3. Better UI/UX

Community profit sharing

2% of the MOVE income will be retained by the team to keep development and operations

ongoing. 5% will be used for MOVE ecological construction. The remainder will flow into the

community treasury and it will be up to MOMO holders to decide how to distribute:




10.1 Environmental protection and


MOMO holders will decide through community referendum how MOVE allocates project

treasury revenue to purchase on-chain Carbon Removal Credit to more openly and

transparently support global carbon neutrality.


MOMO holders will decide through community referendum how MOVE allocates the

project fund treasury revenue to other public charity projects related to environmental

protection, green initiatives, health public welfare, support to disadvantaged groups, etc., to

ensure openness and transparency.


Users can choose to donate their MOVEs - these MOVEs will be exchanged for USD/fiat to

purchase carbon neutral credits or destroyed. Donations are entirely voluntary.

11.1 Privacy protection

MOVE will not and does not intend to profit from users’ data; and will

strictly comply with the relevant privacy requirements by Google and Apple.


MOVE Official Community

MOVE official Twitter

MOVE official website

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