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Grade 9

A ra onal expression is a frac on where the numerator and denominator are both
Ra onal algebraic equa ons can take the form:
where x(x)P(x) and x(x)Q(x) are polynomials, and x(x)Q(x) is not equal to zero. The goal is to
find the values of Xx that make the ra onal expression equal to zero.
To solve ra onal algebraic equa ons, follow these steps:
Step 1: Factor both the numerator x(x)P(x) and the denominator x(x)Q(x) if possible.
Step 2: Set the numerator equal to zero and solve for Xx to find the poten al values that make
the ra onal expression zero.
Step 3: Check each solu on found in Step 2 to ensure it does not make the denominator
x(x)Q(x) equal to zero. Any value of Xx that makes the denominator zero is called an
extraneous solu on and should be excluded.
Step 4: Express the final solu on as a set of valid values for Xx.
Example: Let's solve the ra onal algebraic equa on:
Step 1: Factor the numerator and denominator: X2−4x=x(x−4)x2−4x=x(x−4) x−2x−2
Step 2: Set the numerator equal to zero and solve for Xx: X(x−4)=0x(x−4)=0
This gives us two poten al solu ons: X=0x=0 and X=4x=4.
Step 3: Check the solu ons in the original equa on: For X=0x=0:
For X=4x=4:
Both solu ons sa sfy the original equa on.
Step 4: Express the final solu on as a set of valid values for Xx:
The solu ons to the ra onal algebraic equa on X2−4xx−2=0x−2x2−4x=0 are X=0x=0 and
Type equation here.

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