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Whole-wheat flour particle size influences dough

Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c9fo02587a

properties, bread structure and in vitro starch
Suyun Lin, a,b Jing Gao, a,b Xiaoxuan Jin,a,b Yong Wang,c,d Zhizhong Dong,c
Jian Yingc and Weibiao Zhou *a,b

Whole-wheat flour (WWF) is increasingly popular because of the health benefits of whole grains. This
study investigated the effect of WWF particle size on dough properties, bread quality and in vitro starch
digestibility. WWF was made from intact whole grain directly. Three WWF particle sizes were examined,
including coarse, medium and fine with a mean size of 1315, 450 and 199 µm, respectively. The dough
made from WWF of a larger particle size exhibited lower extensibility and stability, and subsequently the
bread had a more compact structure (i.e. lower open porosity and thicker cell thickness), smaller specific
volume and harder texture, which were regarded as poor quality attributes. On the other hand, the bread
Received 4th November 2019, made from the fine WWF exhibited a higher amount of released glucose than those made from the
Accepted 18th March 2020
coarse and medium WWFs. Moreover, the particle size of bread bolus showed no significant effect on
DOI: 10.1039/c9fo02587a in vitro starch digestion. The whole study demonstrated that the particle size of WWF plays a critical role in determining both bread quality and digestibility.

1. Introduction devised to enhance the quality of whole grain products will

definitely arouse the interest of food manufacturers.
A whole grain consists of intact, ground, cracked, or flaked car- In general, the particle size of whole-wheat flour (WWF)
yopses, whose principal anatomical components – starchy was recognized as a significant factor impacting flour func-
endosperm, germ, and bran – are present in the same relative tionality and product quality.4 Wang et al.5 reported that the
proportions as they exist in the intact caryopsis.1 Hence, it has reduction of WWF particle size markedly increased the
been regarded as a primary source of dietary fibre and other maximum resistance to extension and extensibility of cracker
various nutritional and functional compounds (which exist dough. Liu et al.6 noticed that when the median particle sizes
mainly in bran and germ) including vitamins, minerals and of WWF reduced from 175 μm to 130 μm, the breaking force
bioactive phytochemicals.2 Furthermore, it has been proved and extensibility of tortilla significantly increased, suggesting
that whole grain intake is positively related to the prevention an improvement of the WWF tortilla quality. Moreover, the
of many chronic diseases such as certain types of cancer, type grain particle size was reported to influence starch digestion.
2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.2,3 However, the fact Blasel et al.7 observed that with each 100 μm increase in the
that foods containing whole grains or made from whole grain corn grain particle size, the degree of starch accessed by
flour typically show an inferior structure and sensory quality α-amylase declined by 26.8 g kg−1. Concerning bread, it was
has led to limited consumer acceptance. As a result, strategies identified that the proportions of slowly digestible starch and
resistant starch in gluten-free bread made from coarse rice
flour were larger than that of bread made from fine rice flour.8
Bread, as one of the most widely consumed grain-based
Department of Food Science and Technology, National University of Singapore,
foods, is an important carrier for the beneficial intake of
Science Drive 2, Singapore 117542, Singapore. E-mail:
National University of Singapore (Suzhou) Research Institute, 377 Linquan Street, whole grains. Its physical structure was considered as one of
Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 215123, China the factors impacting the glycemic index, implying that the
COFCO Nutrition & Health Research Institute, No.4 Road, Future Science and more compact the structure, the lower the glycemic response.9
Technology Park South, Beijing 102209, China Therefore, it is urgent to investigate the effect of WWF particle
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health, Beijing
size on the quality of bread, especially the structure.
Technology & Business University, Road 11st Fucheng, Beijing 100048, China
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/ Nonetheless, there is insufficient knowledge on either how
c9fo02587a such a structure can become favourable when producing

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whole-wheat bread, or whether by manipulating the particle stability (time that dough consistency remains at the desired
size of WWF it is possible to impact the baked bread structure consistency), mixing tolerance index (MTI, consistency differ-
and regulate its starch hydrolysis. Furthermore, WWF directly ence between the height at peak and that 5 min later) and
produced from grinding intact whole grains can be composi- time to breakdown (time to leave the desired consistency).
tionally different from those made by reincorporating bran 2.3.2. Extensograph test. The extensibility of dough was
into refined flour which was used in most studies in the determined by utilizing an Extensograph-E (Brabender,
literature.5,6,10 Duisburg, Germany) based on the AACC Method 54-10.
Therefore, this research attempts to investigate the effect of Herein, the parameters of the maximum resistance to exten-
WWF particle size (coarse, medium and fine) on dough pro- sion (Rm, the maximum height of the curve), extensibility (E,
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

perties, one of the most pivotal factors during bread making, the length of the curve) and ratio of Rm to E (Rm/E) were
as well as on the physical quality and starch digestibility of measured in triplicate.
whole-wheat bread. All WWFs were obtained from directly 2.3.3. Rheofermentometer analysis. The characteristics of
grinding intact whole grain. These results will provide manu- dough development and gas production during fermentation
facturers with a scientific guideline to produce higher quality were investigated by applying a Rheofermentometer F3
whole-wheat bread by using WWF, and help consumers to (Chopin Technologies Ltd, Paris, France). Briefly, the dough
better understand the digestion profile of whole-wheat bread. piece (315 g) was put into a movable steel basket with a piston
(2000 g) laying on the top and measured at 40 °C for 3 h. Then
the final dough height (h), the maximum dough height (Hm),
2. Materials and methods dough weakening coefficient (WC, (Hm − h)/Hm), the time
when gas starts to escape from the dough (Tx), the total gas
2.1. Materials
production volume (Vt), and coefficient of gas retention (CR)
Coarse whole grain wheat flour (Prima, Singapore; 57.1% were determined in triplicate.
carbohydrate, 15.5% dietary fibre, 15.3% protein, 10% moist- 2.3.4. Amylograph test. The gelatinisation property of flour
ure, and 1.9% fat) was purchased from a local supermarket. was determined by utilizing an Amylograph-E (Brabender,
Table salt, sugar, shortening (Radman, Singapore), and dry Germany) according to AACC Method 22-10. Briefly, a flour
yeast (Algict Bruggeman N.V., Belgium) were bought from a slurry was prepared by mixing 90 g WWF with 450 mL distilled
local market (Singapore). The digestive enzymes of α-amylase water and put into a stirring bowl. The amylograph then con-
(A3176, from porcine pancreas), pepsin (P7000, from porcine tinuously recorded the changes of viscosity of the flour slurry
gastric mucosa), pancreatin (P7545, from porcine pancreas), during heating (from 30 to 95 °C) with a rate of 1.5 °C min−1.
and amyloglucosidase (A7095, from Aspergillus niger) were all The following parameters were obtained from the amylogram:
bought from Sigma Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA), along with beginning-of-gelatinisation temperature (Tb) means the temp-
porcine bile extract (B8631) and dialysis tubing membrane erature at which starch starts gelatinising, gelatinisation
(D9777, cut-off 1400 Da, avg. flat width 25 mm). maximum (Gm) means the peak viscosity in amylograph unit
(AU), and gelatinisation temperature (Tg) means the tempera-
2.2. Physicochemical characterisation
ture at which the peak viscosity is obtained. The test was con-
The coarse whole grain wheat flour defined as coarse WWF ducted in triplicate.
was then ground into medium and fine WWFs using a pulver-
izing machine (Rong Tsong, RT-N12HK, Taiwan) operated at
4000 rpm for 30 s and 8000 rpm for 30 s, respectively. Refined 2.4. Bread preparation
wheat flour (Prima, Singapore) was taken as the control (11.7% Baked bread was prepared by slightly modifying the previous
protein). Particle size distribution of the four types of flour was method,11 and the formula included the following: flour,
measured by using a laser diffraction particle size analyzer 1000 g; sugar, 30 g; yeast, 10 g; salt, 20 g; shortening, 30 g;
(LA-950, HORIBA, Japan). Water retention capacity (WRC) of water (adjusted by WA obtained from the farinograph test). All
flour was measured according to AACC Method 56-11 (2000). ingredients were mixed at 45 rpm for 1 min by using a spiral
The measurements of contents of wet gluten and damaged mixer (WAG-RN20, Varimixer Globe, USA), and subsequently
starch were conducted as stated in AACC Method 38-10 and mixed at 100 rpm for another 4 min to produce dough
AACC Method 76-30, respectively. samples. After resting for 15 min at ambient temperature, seg-
ments of dough were produced by using an automatic dough
2.3. Characterization of dough properties divider (DR Robot, Daub Bakery Machinery B.V., Holland).
2.3.1. Farinographic test. Farinograph characteristics of Dough pieces (60 g) were then rounded and proofed in a fer-
the flours were investigated according to AACC method 54-21 mentation cabinet (Climatic chamber-KBF, Binder, Germany)
by using the Farinograph-E with a 50 g bowl (Brabender, for 40 min (40 °C, 85% relative humanity). Finally, the proofed
Duisburg, Germany). Triplicate tests were conducted to obtain samples were put into an oven (MS01T04-2, Eurofours, France)
the following parameters: water absorption (WA, percentage of for baking (200 °C, 10 min). After 1 h of cooling at ambient
water required to reach the desired dough consistency), dough temperature, the bread was stored in sealed plastic bags for
development time (DDT, time to achieve peak consistency), further analyses.

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2.5. Quality evaluation of bread beaker was put in a water bath (37 °C) for 100 s. Subsequently,
2.5.1. Specific volume and the maximum height. Specific 8 mL gastric phase fluid (final concentration: 2000 U mL−1
volume (SV) of bread is the ratio of the volume to the weight. pepsin and 0.075 mM CaCl2) was added into the mixture and
Bread volume and its maximum height were detected by using further incubated for 2 h under constant stirring at 450 rpm
a Volscan Profiler (VSP 600, Stable Micro System Ltd, Surrey, U. (37 °C water bath). Then the simulation of small intestine
K.). The moisture content of bread was measured based on the digestion was started through mixing with 16 mL intestinal
AACC method 44-01 (2000). phase fluid (final concentration: 100 U mL−1 trypsin, 21 U
2.5.2 Crumb structure. Structural characteristics of the mL−1 amyloglucosidase, 0.3 mM CaCl2, 10 mM bile). The
mixture was subsequently transferred to a 30 cm dialysis tube
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

bread crumb were evaluated by using an X-ray microtomogra-

phy (μCT) device (Skyscan 1076, Bruker, Kontich, Belgium). to mimic sugar release in the intestine. The reaction was con-
The sample was made by cutting a 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 cm cube stantly performed in a water bath (37 °C) with continuous stir-
from the center of the bread crumb, which was then sealed in ring at 450 rpm for 6 h. During this phase, 0.5 mL dialysate
a plastic bag to prevent water loss. The X-ray beam emitter was was taken at 0th, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 90th,
tested at a voltage of 65 kV per 153 μA. During the scanning 120th, 150th, 180th, 240th, and 360th min and the same amount
process, the sample was rotated by a total of 360° (rotation of phosphate buffer solution was added immediately. The
step set at 0.2°) with a pixel size of 9 μm to get radiographs amount of released reducing sugars in the dialysate was quan-
with ideal resolution. The radiographs were then reconstructed tified by reacting with the reagent of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid
by using NRecon reconstruction software (v. 1.6.1) to obtain (DNS). Briefly, DNS regent and dialysate sample (v/v 1 : 1) were
cross-sectional images. Cell walls of the solid matrix appeared mixed thoroughly in a tube which then was put into boiling
grey, and air cells appeared black. The cross-sectional images water and incubated for 15 min. After cooling (in the dark) for
were then analyzed by using CTAn software (v. 1.4.1, Bruker 10 min, its absorbance was measured (λ = 575 nm) using a
microCT, Belgium), and finally elements including mean cell spectrophotometer (UV Mini 1240, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan).
size, cell wall thickness, open porosity, and total porosity were In this study, the amount of released sugar was stated as
obtained. glucose equivalents calculated from a glucose calibration curve
2.5.3. Textural profile analysis. Textural characteristics of (y = 0.7929x − 0.0096, R2 = 0.9967) constructed earlier.
bread were determined utilizing a Texture Analyzer (TA-XT2, Two kinetic models were applied to analyze the in vitro
Stable Micro Systems, Surry, U.K.) assembled with a 20 mm experimental data in this study. The first model (Goñi model)
diameter cylindrical probe. 2 cm thick bread slices were cut is a first-order model and eqn (1) was proposed by Goñi
vertically from each bread. The main test conditions of the et al.:14
double compression analysis were as follows: test speed, 2 mm C ¼ C1 ð1  e kt Þ ð1Þ
s−1; trigger force, 5 g; 5 s gap between compressions; and com-
pression height, 40% of the original height. The hardness (N, Here, C represents the concentration of glucose at time t, k
peak force in the first compression), resilience (withdrawal of denotes a first-order kinetic constant, i.e., the digestion rate
the first compression), cohesiveness (ratio of area work of two coefficient of starch, and C∞ means the estimated final con-
compressions) and chewiness (calculated from hardness × centration of glucose.
cohesiveness × ratio of time to reach the peak force in two For the second model (LOS model), by formatting eqn (1) in
compressions) of the bread were quantified. For each type of logarithmic form shown as eqn (2), a Logarithm of Slope (LOS)
bread, twenty-four samples from three independent batches plot can be obtained:15
were analyzed.  
ln ¼ lnðC1 kÞ  kt: ð2Þ
2.6. In vitro starch digestion
From this linear plot, the values of two digestibility para-
A three-phase oral-gastro-intestinal in vitro digestion analysis meters C∞ and k can be obtained. Although this model is
was carried out to simulate human digestion. All stimulated mathematically equivalent to the first one, it provides a novel
digestive fluids used in this study were prepared according to approach for conveniently estimating the parameters, which
an international consensus.12 Bread samples were applied to help study the mechanisms of starch amylolysis and identify
in vitro digestion analysis 24 h after baking. The in vitro diges- whether the digestion is a single-phase process or two-phase
tion procedure was modified from the method of Sui et al.13 system. Briefly, if the starch fractions are digested at different
Briefly, for the oral phase, in order to find out whether the rates, the LOS plot displays two or more linear phases with
particle size of bread bolus would influence its in vitro digesti- different slopes and distinct k.16
bility, bread crumb (without crust) was blended into fragments
of three different ranges of sizes: F1 (0.5–3 mm), F2
(5–10 mm), and F3 (15–30 mm). To mimic the chewing 2.7. Statistical analysis
process, the crumb fragments (5 g) were mixed with 5 mL oral Measurements were conducted at least three times and the
phase fluid (final concentration: 75 U mL−1 α-amylase and results were expressed as mean values and standard deviations
0.75 mM CaCl2) in a beaker, and after vortexing for 20 s, the (SD). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s post

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hoc test were performed using SPSS 16.0 (IBM, Chicago, USA) perties and bread qualities was determined by using Pearson’s
to examine the significant difference (P < 0.05) between correlation analysis.
samples. The correlation between flour properties, dough pro-

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Physicochemical properties of WWFs
The particle size distribution and mean particle size of the
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

flour samples are presented in Fig. 1 (with an inserted table).

Coarse WWF has a higher proportion (71%) of particles over
1000 μm than the medium (12%) and fine (0%) WWF. Besides,
the proportion of particles smaller than 100 μm was the
highest in the control flour (84%), followed by the fine (61%)
and the medium WWFs (25%) and the lowest in coarse flour
(4%). The mean particle size of the coarse, the medium and
the fine WWFs was 1315.6 μm, 450.5 μm and 199.1 μm,
respectively, which were significantly larger than that of the
control flour (61.2 μm) (inserted table in Fig. 1). Hence, it
could be concluded that the three types of WWFs and the
control showed considerable differences in the distribution of
particle size.
It can be seen from Table 1 that all WWFs had larger WRC
Fig. 1 Particle size distribution of control flour, coarse, medium and
than the control flour. This might be due to the higher fibre
fine WWFs. The values are the means of percentage and the bar line is content in WWFs which can bind more water as compared to
SD (n = 6). The inset table shows the values of mean size; significant the control flour.17 In addition, the WRC values declined with
difference (P < 0.05) is indicated by different letters. the diminishing particle size of WWF (P < 0.05). Specifically,

Table 1 Physicochemical properties of control, coarse, medium and fine flour, and properties (obtained from farinograph, extensograph, rheofer-
mentometer and amylograph) of the corresponding dough samples. The values are mean with SD (n ≥ 3)

Control dough Coarse dough Medium dough Fine dough

Physicochemical properties
WRC (%) 61.05 ± 3.80d 104.63 ± 4.20a 86.21 ± 4.10b 75.67 ± 4.10c
Damaged starch (%) 6.80 ± 0.10b 4.68 ± 0.12d 5.69 ± 0.20c 7.22 ± 0.30a
Wet gluten (%) 34.10 ± 0.46a 20.87 ± 0.40d 25.17 ± 0.15c 30.70 ± 0.53b
Farinographic properties
WA (%) 62.4 ± 0.2d 73.2 ± 0.4a 71.8 ± 0.5b 70.5 ± 0.5c
DDT (min) 9.7 ± 0.9c 7.5 ± 0.3c 15.1 ± 2.1b 25.7 ± 1.5a
Stability (min) 17.0 ± 1.1b 10.2 ± 0.6c 16.4 ± 1.8b 20.8 ± 2.3a
MTI (FU) 17.9 ± 4.3a 18.8 ± 1.6a 18.0 ± 2.6a 11.3 ± 1.5b
Time to breakdown (min) 18.1 ± 0.2c 15.7 ± 0.6c 25.7 ± 1.7b 36.5 ± 5.7a
Extensibility properties
Rm (BU) 580 ± 15a 205 ± 13d 266 ± 25c 523 ± 21b
E (mm) 148 ± 15a 79 ± 15b 131 ± 12a 156 ± 15a
Rm/E 3.95 ± 0.10a 2.59 ± 0.12c 2.03 ± 0.20d 3.35 ± 0.30b
Rheofermentation properties
Hm (mm) 75.6 ± 0.6a 16.1 ± 1.2d 25.3 ± 1.3c 37.9 ± 1.0b
h (mm) 59.2 ± 0.7a 4.4 ± 1.1d 10.5 ± 1.6c 24.2 ± 2.3b
WC (%) 21.1 ± 0.7d 72.2 ± 8.0a 65.3 ± 0.5b 43.5 ± 2.4c
Tx (min) 32.7 ± 2.9a 19.5 ± 0.0b 19.5 ± 0.5b 23.0 ± 1.7b
Vt (mL) 2814 ± 59a 2498 ± 69c 2506 ± 92c 2668 ± 50b
CR (%) 59.0 ± 0.7b 55.5 ± 0.9c 59.3 ± 0.7b 62.7 ± 0.6a
Gelatinisation properties
Tb (°C) 60.9 ± 0.4c 85.1 ± 1.7a 78.1 ± 0.8b 62.6 ± 0.4c
Tg (°C) 90.0 ± 0.2b 91.8 ± 0.3a 92.1 ± 0.3a 89.9 ± 0.1b
Gm (AU) 1621.3 ± 24.2b 918.3 ± 30.5c 1407.7 ± 7.5b 2024.7 ± 24.2a
Mean values within the same row denoted by different superscript letters differ significantly (P < 0.05). WRC = water retention capacity; WA =
water absorption; DDT = dough development time; MTI = mixing tolerance index; Rm = maximum resistance to extension; E = extensibility; Rm/E
= Rm to E ratio; Hm = maximum dough height; h = final dough height; WC = dough weakening coefficient; Tx = time when gas starts to escape
from the dough; Vt = total gas production volume; CR = coefficient of gas retention; Tb = beginning-of-gelatinisation temperature; Tg = gelatinisa-
tion temperature; Gm = gelatinisation maximum.

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the coarse WWF had the highest WRC value (104.6%) com- Moreover, flours which have good tolerance to mixing
pared to the medium (86.2%) and the fine WWFs (75.7%). exhibit lower a MTI, indicating a stronger dough.26 The fine
This might be attributed to the depressive impact of grinding WWF showed the lowest MTI value (11.3 FU) among the three
on the capacity of fibre in WWF to bind water. That is, grind- WWFs (Table 1), implying that the dough made from the fine
ing could reduce the room available for free water through WWF exhibited the highest resistance to mechanical damage.
destroying the structure of the fibre matrix, and thus the 3.2.2. Influence on dough extensibility. In terms of bread
ground fibre would be unable to imbibe water as much as the proofing and baking, desirable dough extensibility and ade-
coarse fibre.18 quate elasticity are expected to support an ample expansion of
The percentages of damaged starch and wet gluten of the gas bubbles, and necessary for preventing the break of
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

flours are shown in Table 1. The control flour had a higher bubbles and developing a bread with an appealing volume and
percentage of damaged starch and wet gluten than the WWFs. a smooth and elastic internal structure.27 As summarized in
Among the WWFs, the amount of damaged starch increased Table 1, compared to the dough made from WWFs, the control
from 4.68% to 5.69% and to 7.22% with reducing the flour dough showed higher values of Rm, E and Rm/E. This is consist-
particle size from coarse to medium and to fine, respectively. ent with a previous report which found that the presence of
An increasing trend in the damaged starch content was also fibre unfavorably impacted on forming a gluten network
reported by Angelidis et al.19 when they milled commercial because of its diluting effect on gluten protein and the fibre–
soft wheat flour (D50 = 127.45 μm) to smaller sizes (D50 = 62.30, gluten interaction.23,28,29
22.94 and 11.4 μm). In fact, the content of damaged starch can Additionally, the dough made from the fine WWF exhibited
significantly impact the dough properties and end-product larger values of both Rm (523.0 BU) and E (156.0 mm) than the
qualities. For instance, Liu et al.20 reported that an excess medium (266.0 BU, 131.0 mm) and the coarse WWFs (205.0
content of damaged starch may induce higher water absorp- BU, 79.0 mm). It was reported that the presence of bran par-
tion, forming a softer and stickier dough, which can’t main- ticles would hinder the aggregation of flour proteins, leading
tain dough expansion during proofing, finally resulting in a to a poorly developed gluten network.30 The larger the bran
smaller bread volume. particles were, the more obvious the inhibition presented.
The wet gluten content indicates the aggregating ability of Furthermore, previous studies also showed that dough extensi-
gluten proteins.21 The fine WWF contained the highest bility and resistance had a positive correlation with bread
amount of wet gluten (30.7%), followed by the medium specific volume.31
(25.2%) and the coarse WWF (20.9%), indicating that the wet 3.2.3. Influence on rheofermentation characteristic.
gluten content increased with the decreasing particle size of Fermentation is a vital phase during bread making, in which
the WWFs. This was due to that the larger the particle size, the the dough development, gas production and retention
harder the gluten protein aggregation. Barak et al.22 also together impact the aerated structure of bread.32
reported a slight increase in wet gluten content with reducing Dough development depends on both yeast gassing power
the flour particle sizes from >150 μm to <100 μm. and gluten network strength. It is characterized by the para-
meters of Hm, h and WC which shows the proportion of decrease
in volume during fermentation. Dough with higher values of Hm
3.2. Effects of particle size on dough properties and h is regarded to maintain more gas, and a lower WC value
3.2.1. Influence on farinograph properties. The influence suggests a higher dough stability during proofing.33
of WWF particle size on the mixing behaviour of dough can be As presented in Table 1, the dough samples made from the
determined by using a farinograph and the main results are WWFs showed significantly lower Hm and h values and a
presented in Table 1. higher WC value than the control dough. Moreover, with the
WA plays a key role in bread making. The WWFs showed decrease of WWF particle size (from coarse, medium to fine),
relatively higher values of WA than the control flour. It was the whole-wheat dough development was promoted as indi-
likely because of the greater number of hydroxyl groups in the cated by increases in the values of Hm (from 16.1, 25.3 to
fibre structure which would interact with more water by hydro- 37.9 mm) and h (from 4.4, 10.5 to 24.2 mm) and a decrease in
gen bonding.17 Within the WWFs, the WA value decreased the value of WC (from 72.2, 65.3 to 43.5 mm).
from 73.2% to 70.5% with reducing the particle size of WWFs These results indicated that the dough samples made from
from coarse to fine, resulting from the decreasing water- the WWFs, compared with the control dough, had worse gas
binding capacity of the fibre.23 retaining ability and dough stability. It might be explained by
DDT and stability time can indicate the strength of dough, the interactions between gluten and fibre in the WWFs which
with their greater values implying a stronger dough.24 The impeded the free expansion of dough during proofing.24 On
values of stability time, DDT and time to breakdown all the other hand, finer WWFs had stronger dough strength,
increased significantly with the reducing particle size of WWF leading to a lower degree of dough collapse during proofing,
(Table 1), suggesting increasing dough strength. This result which might be due to that the finer fibre size showed less
could be explained by the less destructive effect of fine par- influence on the formation of a gluten network. These obser-
ticles on the gluten network as compared to coarser vations were consistent with the results of the farinograph test
particles.25 (section 3.2.1).

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Gassing power of yeast is characterised by the values of pectin more easily, causing an increment in the viscosity of
total gas production volume (Vt), the coefficient of gas reten- starch paste.35
tion (CR) and the time when gas starts to escape (Tx). A larger Significant decreases were also noticed in the case of the Tb
gassing power relates to a higher yeast activity, implying a value (from 85.1, 78.1 to 62.6 °C) upon reduction of WWF par-
higher Vt.33 A higher Tx means a higher dough permeability to ticle size from coarse, medium to fine. The higher Tb value of
carbon dioxide. the coarse WWF might result from its lower content of
As also shown in Table 1, the control dough had a higher Tx damaged starch granules which required more energy for gela-
value (32.7 min) than the dough samples made from the tinisation to occur.36
WWFs (19.5–23.0 min), indicating that the dough made from Statistically, the Tg values of the coarse and the medium
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

the WWFs had a higher permeability to carbon dioxide than WWFs (91.8 and 92.1 °C) showed no significant difference but
the control. This might be explained by the speculation that were slightly larger than those of the fine WWF and the
fibres in the whole-wheat dough physically disrupted the control flour (89.9 and 90.0 °C). As the Tg of the wheat flour
gluten protein matrix through acting as points of weakness or slurry was thought to depend on hydrogen bonds through
stress focus within the expanding dough cell walls.24 No sig- which starch molecules are associated with each other,36 it
nificant difference was found in the Tx value among the whole- could be concluded that the influence of WWF particle size on
wheat dough samples, suggesting that the WWF particle size hydrogen bonds between starch molecules was very limited.
did not affect the dough permeability. Nevertheless, the Vt and
CR values of whole-wheat doughs increased obviously with the 3.3. Effect of particle size on bread quality attributes
reduction of WWF particle size from coarse to fine. This 3.3.1 Specific volume (SV) and maximum height of bread.
increased gassing power might be related to their increasing SV is a very important property of bread quality. As presented
content of damaged starch, which was more favorable for in Table 2, the whole-wheat bread had a smaller SV and the
forming dextrins as fermentable sugars for yeast growth.33 On maximum height compared to the control bread. This might
the other hand, the increased gas retention ability might be due to the fibre particles in the WWFs which disrupted the
resulted from the improving dough extensibility as shown in gluten network, reduced the dough extensibility and restricted
section 3.2.2, which helped prevent air cells from collapsing gas retention and gas bubble expansion, decreasing the SV of
during dough expansion, resulting in greater gas retention. bread.37 These were consistent with the results in sections
3.2.4. Influence on gelatinisation properties. Starch gelati- 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. For the whole-wheat bread, both SV and
nisation is an important process, because gelatinised starch in maximum height increased with the reduction of WWF par-
the dough, along with the gluten, forms the membranes of gas ticle size. This was supported by the result that reducing WWF
cells in bread crumb.34 Amylograph results of the starch particle size enhanced the Rm and the ability of gas retention
pasting properties including Tb, Tg, and Gm are presented in (Table 1) of dough, which would prevent air cells from collap-
Table 1. sing and lead to a larger SV. The increasing trend of the
The coarse WWF showed the lowest Gm (918.3 AU) followed maximum height of bread agreed with the trend of Hm during
by the medium (1407.7 AU) and then the fine (2024.7 AU) dough fermentation (Table 1). Furthermore, as shown in
WWFs. The increasing Gm value could be explained by the Table 1S,† a positive correlation was found between the SV of
increasing content of damaged starch granules which bread and the gas retention of dough and its wet gluten
absorbed water, swelled and leached out amylose and amylo- content. This indicates that the SV of bread could be well pre-

Table 2 Quality characterization (specific volume, maximum height, and morphological and textural parameters) of bread samples made from
control, coarse, medium and fine flour. Values are mean with SD (n ≥ 3)

Control bread Coarse bread Medium bread Fine bread

−1 a d c
Specific volume (mL g ) 4.23 ± 0.17 2.41 ± 0.25 3.02 ± 0.09 3.76 ± 0.15b
Maximum height (mm) 81.46 ± 0.81a 73.58 ± 0.52c 79.40 ± 1.12b 79.76 ± 0.76b
Morphological parametersa
Total porosity (%) 72.55 ± 1.90a 57.56 ± 0.98c 63.48 ± 0.72b 63.77 ± 3.53b
Closed porosity (%) 0.16 ± 0.01c 0.64 ± 0.05a 0.27 ± 0.06b 0.16 ± 0.04c
Open porosity (%) 72.43 ± 1.91a 57.06 ± 1.07c 63.37 ± 0.74b 63.67 ± 3.45b
Cell wall thickness (mm) 0.09 ± 0.03c 0.23 ± 0.05a 0.17 ± 0.01b 0.11 ± 0.03c
Cell size (mm) 1.05 ± 0.14a 0.27 ± 0.15c 0.87 ± 0.08b 0.86 ± 0.05b
Textural parametersb
Hardness (N) 2.52 ± 0.34d 16.23 ± 2.75a 8.09 ± 1.22b 5.20 ± 0.99c
Chewiness 224.1 ± 52.6d 976.1 ± 100.7a 568.0 ± 89.3b 413.9 ± 78.8c
Cohesiveness 0.83 ± 0.01a 0.69 ± 0.0.03d 0.74 ± 0.0.03c 0.79 ± 0.03b
Resilience 0.44 ± 0.01a 0.32 ± 0.02d 0.37 ± 0.01c 0.43 ± 0.02b
Mean values of the parameters of breads within the same row signified by different superscript letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Morphological parameters were obtained from image analysis of X-ray µCT measurements. b Textural parameters were obtained from texture
profile analysis (TPA).

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dicted by the gluten content of flour and the extensibility of produce a softer and more elastic texture than coarser, thicker-
dough.38 walled cell structures.40 Thus, the decreasing WWF particle
3.3.2 Structure of bread. Typical images of the bread size was expected to improve the bread mouthfeel.
crumbs are shown in Fig. 2. Morphological parameters includ- 3.3.3 Texture of bread. Regarding bread, hardness is
ing cell wall thickness, mean cell diameter, and porosity (total, usually regarded as an index for the total textural attributes,
open and closed) are listed in Table 2. For the whole-wheat and soft texture is generally an appealing quality. The hardness
bread, bread made from the coarse WWF had lower values of values of whole-wheat bread significantly decreased from 16.2
total porosity, open porosity, and cell size, but larger values of to 8.1 to 5.2 N with the diminishing WWF particle size from
closed porosity and cell wall thickness than the bread made coarse to medium to fine (Table 2). Wang et al.28 also reported
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

from the other two WFFs. Porosity is a valuable parameter for that a smaller reconstituted WWF particle size resulted in a
describing the crumb structure, and larger porosity suggests a relatively lower hardness in Chinese southern-type steamed
more open texture.39 As a consequence, with the thinnest bread. Moreover, the size reduction was inversely correlated
(0.12 mm) and the largest cells (0.86 mm), bread made from with hardness (r = −0.964, Table 1S†), but positively correlated
the fine WWF appeared to be the most porous bread. with the SV (r = 0.998, Table 1S†) of bread, suggesting that
Conversely, bread made from the coarse WWF had a denser bread made from coarser WWF had higher hardness and
crumb structure with the thickest walls (0.23 mm) and the smaller SV. The changes in bread chewiness exhibited the
smallest air cells (0.27 mm). Therefore, it could be concluded same pattern as hardness, which is in agreement with the find-
that the reduction of WWF particle size induced a more ings of previous studies.41 Hence, WWF of a smaller particle
porous crumb with larger and thinner cells. This might be size was more favourable for producing soft whole-wheat bread.
attributed to the increasing ability of gas generation and pore Bread cohesiveness is an indicator of the internal resistance
enlargement as supported by the results of rheofermentation or cohesion of the bread structure, while resilience is com-
(section 3.2.3). monly related to the bread crumb elasticity.42 As shown in
Additionally, the mouthfeel of bread was reported to be Table 2, both cohesiveness and resilience increased with a
related to cell properties.40 Finer, thinner-walled uniform cells reduction in WWF particle size. This phenomenon can be

Fig. 2 Slice photos (first column), crumb images (second column) and typical cross-sectional X-ray µCT binary images (third column) of bread
samples (control, coarse, medium, and fine).

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explained by the fact that the dough made from the fine WWF ticle size on the properties of starch digestibility in bread was
had higher extensibility and resistance than that made from assessed. The LOS model was used to assess whether the
the coarse WWF (Table 1). In contract, Wang et al.28 reported starch hydrolysis followed a single or two-phase process.
that steam bread (made from reconstituted WWF) comprising Table 3 summarizes the estimated values of starch digestion
fine bran had a lower cohesiveness value than that comprising rate coefficient (k) and final concentration of glucose (C∞)
coarse bran. This might be due to two reasons; the steam obtained from these two models. Firstly, the LOS analysis
bread has a different making process from baked bread in this showed that the digestion was a continuing single-phase
study, and secondly, the impact of reconstituted WWF on end- process with a single k value; that is, the reaction rate constant
products is different from WWF made directly from whole remained unchanged throughout the whole small intestinal
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

wheat grain. Furthermore, bread with high cohesiveness is digestion process. Secondly, the values of k and C∞ calculated
expected as it can readily form a bolus during chewing rather from these two models showed a similar trend.
than disintegrates in the chewing process, while low cohesive- Considering the values of R2 (>0.9), better fitting was
ness implies enhanced vulnerability of bread being fractured obtained by applying the Goñi model. Specifically, the k values
or crumbled.43 of whole-wheat bread (from 0.0032 to 0.0052 min−1) were
smaller or slightly smaller than that of the control bread
3.4 Effects of particle size on in vitro starch digestibility (0.0060 min−1). Additionally, bread made from the coarse and
By fitting the experimental data (Fig. 3A) to two models (i.e. the medium WWFs had higher k values than the bread made
LOS model and Goñi model), the potential impact of flour par- from the fine WWF. The dietary fibre in WWF might act as a

Fig. 3 (A) Release of starch (experimental data) of four bread samples (control, coarse, medium and fine) in an in vitro digestion system represented
as white, blue, black and gray respectively. (B) Scanning images of bolus fragments with different particle sizes: F1 (0.5–3 mm), F2 (5–10 mm), and
F3 (15–30 mm). Values of C∞ (C) and k (D) of three bolus fragments (F1, F2, and F3) within each bread (control, coarse, medium, and fine), C∞: the
estimated final concentration of glucose; k: the first order kinetic constant. The bar line is SD (n = 3). The same letters above the bars denote no sig-
nificant difference among the three fragments within each type of bread (P > 0.05).

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Table 3 The first order kinetic constant (k) and the estimated final con- could be concluded that the influence of bread bolus particle
centrations of glucose (C∞) of bread (control, coarse, medium, and fine) size (with ranges of 0.5–3 mm, 5–10 mm, and 15–30 mm) on
in an in vitro digestion system. Values are mean with SD (n = 3)
its in vitro starch digestibility was not significant. Nevertheless,
Zou et al.45 found a rapid increase in digestion rate constant
Kinetic parameters
when pasta was ground into a powder (0.1–1 mm) before being
Model Bread sample k (min−1) C∞ (mg mL−1) R2 cooked. As they summarized, the sequential digestion (from
Goñi Control 0.0060 ± 0.0002a 22.16 ± 1.11b 0.9902 the outer region towards the inner region) through the pasta
Coarse 0.0052 ± 0.0007b 19.12 ± 0.83c 0.9940 structure reduced the reaction area of starch hydrolysis, but
Medium 0.0052 ± 0.0016ab 16.53 ± 3.49c 0.9669 once the pasta structure was destroyed after grinding, many of
Published on 23 March 2020. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 4/16/2020 12:33:26 PM.

Fine 0.0032 ± 0.0002c 35.29 ± 1.65a 0.9994

the starch granules were no longer fully encapsulated within
LOS Control 0.0068 ± 0.0007A 20.41 ± 1.31B 0.6213 gluten, thus accelerating their digestibility. Moreover,
Coarse 0.0057 ± 0.0006AB 18.53 ± 0.71C 0.6441 Ranawana et al.46 reported that the significant inter-individual
Medium 0.0041 ± 0.0016BC 16.46 ± 7.94BC 0.5768
Fine 0.0033 ± 0.0006C 34.19 ± 4.54A 0.7528 difference of particle size distribution of chewed rice might
have an effect on the in vitro and in vivo glycemic potency, as
Mean values of the parameters (Goñi model) of bread within the
they found that the in vitro starch digestion of rice reduced
same column denoted by different superscript letters differ signifi-
cantly (P < 0.05). A−CMean values of the parameters (LOS model) of with its increasing particle size (from <0.5 mm to >2 mm).
breads within the same column denoted by different superscript Considering the bread digestion in this study, while the
letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).
compact micro-structures in pasta and rice may impede the
accessibility of starch granules to enzymes by decreasing the
reaction area, the situation was different in bread, as its more
sponge and have the capacity to absorb water, which was likely porous structure (without grinding) had provided enough wide
to form an entangled network, therefore impeding the reaction areas for the hydrolysis of starch. Thus, the influence
diffusion of amylase into a starch granule and decreasing the of bolus particle size on starch digestion was less profound for
rate of digestion.44 On the other hand, the relatively integrated bread than for pasta and rice.
fibre in the coarse and the medium WWFs could absorb and
retain more water than that in the fine WWF as described in
sections 3.1 and 3.2.1, which might be favorable for the 4. Conclusions
migration of enzyme molecules from the solution into the
bread matrix and attacking starch molecules, resulting a In conclusion, the dough properties, bread quality attributes
higher k value. and in vitro starch digestion were all significantly influenced
It was also noted that bread made from the coarse and the by the particle size of WWFs. With the decrease of WWF par-
medium WWFs had lower C∞ values than the one made from ticle size, DDT and stability increased, indicating a stronger
the fine WWF. One explanation would be that the entangled gluten network of dough, which increased its gas retention
network of fibre in bread made from the coarse and the capacity during proofing. Consequently, bread made from
medium WWFs affected the starch granule swelling and conse- coarser WWF had a smaller SV and a more compact crumb
quently enzyme action, which eventually reduced the total structure, resulting in a less appealing texture which was
starch hydrolysis. In addition, the more compact structure in harder and had lower cohesiveness.
the former two kinds of bread (as explained in section 3.3.2) However, because of the entangled network of fibre in the
could be another important factor, in which the particle state food matrix and the more compact crumb microstructure
was maintained longer during the digestive process and the which reduced the accessibility of starch granules to enzymes,
area accessible to α-amylase was thus reduced, finally leading bread made from the fine WWF showed a larger C∞, which
to a lower glycemic response.9 Interestingly, bread made from was not favorable for those who want to control their blood
the fine WWF showed a higher C∞ value than the control glucose. Moreover, the particle size of bread bolus within the
bread, considering their similar structure, which led us to range of 0.3–30 mm had no significant impact on in vitro
suggest that insoluble fibre particles in the fine WWF could starch digestion. Thus, the particle size of WWFs is a signifi-
impact the continuity of the gluten network, which increased cant factor that needs to be considered in making whole-wheat
the vulnerability of starch against digestive enzymes.9 bread, and this indicates that too coarse or too fine WWFs are
On the other hand, with the aim to study the impact of both undesirable. Further investigations should be conducted
bolus size on the starch digestibility in bread, three size ranges to find the optimal range of WWF particle size for producing
of bolus fragments (F1, F2 and F3) were prepared from each whole-wheat bread with a targeted level of both texture and
type of bread sample (Fig. 3B). Their particle size ranges were low starch digestibility.
0.5–3 mm, 5–10 mm, and 15–30 mm, respectively. The values
of k and corresponding C∞ (Goñi model) relating to the three
different bolus fragments (F1, F2, and F3) are presented in Conflicts of interest
Fig. 3C and D. Both C∞ and k values showed no significant
difference among F1, F2, and F3 within each type of bread. It There are no conflicts to declare.

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Acknowledgements D. Dupont, A standardised static in vitro digestion method

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