Practicumworklog Laraarce

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Practicum Work Log - Summary of Hours

(see instructions at bottom of file and example: last worksheet in file)

Student Name: Lara Arce
Semester/Year: Summer 2023
Organization: Baylor in Brazil
Start Date: June 5th
End Date: August 2nd

Week (dates)* Total # Hrs for Week Brief Description of Primary Tasks for Week**
2/19/23-2/25/23 2 BIB Coordinating Team Meeting
3/19/23-3/25/23 1 Meeting with Dr.Doyle to discuss practicum work
3/26/23-4/1/23 3.5 BIB Group Meeting at Dr.Doyle's House to discuss trip assignments
4/16/23-4/22/23 3.5 BIB Group Meeting at Dr.Doyle's House to discuss trip presentations and activities
5/28/23-6/3/23 12 Researched on GBV in Brazil, presentation outlines, organized assignment deadlines
6/4/23-6/10/23 10 Coordinating team meeting, presentation activity planning
6/11/23-6/17/23 22.5 Developed BIB powerpoint presentations
6/18/23-6/24/23 14 Finished editing presentation notes and began working on global health course presentation
Edited presentation notes, practiced school presentations, and finished global health course
6/25/23-7/01/23 12 presentation slides and activity preparations
7/02/23-7/08/23 13.75 Edited final slides, practiced with interpreters, unpacked and took inventory of presentation mateirals.
7/09/23-7/15/23 29 Team meetings for organization and planning,school presentations, PSF Visit with Dra.Leila
7/16/23-7/22/23 16 Interpersonal Violence presentaion, supply organization, receipt excel sheet
7/23/23-7/29/23 24 Church, water treatment,n school presentations

Total Hrs: 163.25

Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 2/20/23-2/24/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
BIB Coordinating Team First meeting (Met some of the translators through zoom, discussed trip details, outlined
02/21/23 2.0
some of the semester meeting dates)

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 3/20/23-3/24/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
03/21/23 1.0 Meeting with Dr.Doyle regarding practicum work

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 3/26/23-4/1/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
BIB Team Meeting at Dr.Doyle's House (discussed traveling schedule, common portuguese vocabulary, and trip
03/26/23 3.5

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 4/16/23-4/22/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
04/16/23 3.5 BIB Team Meeting at Dr.Doyle's House (discussed presentations, activities, and puppet shows)

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 5/29/23-6/2/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
05/29/23 4.0 Gender Based Violence in Brazil research article search
05/30/23 2.0 GBV Presentation outline, activity search, organized assignment deadlines
06/01/23 2.0 Review Bright Future presentation and Leader's Guide
Read more research on GBV in Brazil, Edit GBV Presentation outline, search for presentation templates, edit
06/02/23 4.0
templates, started editing GBV leader's Guide

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 6/4/23-6/10/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
Coordinating team soom meeting, Meeting with presentation partner, activity brainstorming, organizing materials,
06/05/23 4.0
editing presentation template
06/06/23 2.0 Edited GBV presentation
06/08/23 2.0 Edited activity material list, began creating stoplight game scenario cards
06/09/23 2.0 Edited stoptlight scenario cards and looked for card templates

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 6/11/23-6/17/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
06/11/23 4.0 Edited Bright Future PowerPoint Slides, worked on GBV presentation

BIB Zoom meeting, Finished editing Bright Future Power Point Slides, Finished editing stoplight scenario cards,
06/12/23 5.0
worked on GBV presentation
06/13/23 0.0
06/14/23 3.0 Reviewed Bright Future PowerPoint and edited it, kept developing the GBV power point presentation
06/15/23 5.0 Created new GBV powerpoint presentation on canvas and began editing the slides and presentation notes
Created an outline for the Global health course presentation and developed class notes, finished GBV
06/16/23 4.0
presentation slides and notes
06/17/23 1.5 Reviewed bright future portuguese slides and made small slide edits

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 6/18/23-6/24/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
06/18/23 2.0 Reviewedand Bright Future PPT notes and edited Gender-Based Violence Notes

06/19/23 2.0 BIB Zoom meeting

06/20/23 0.0
06/21/23 0.0
Finished editing Bright Future PPT notes, read and took notes on the Non-communicable diseases chapter for
06/22/23 5.0
global health course presentation
06/23/23 3.0 Worked on global health presentation and developed activity outline
06/24/23 2.0 Worked on global health presentation

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 6/25/23-7/01/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
06/25/23 0.0

06/26/23 6.0 BIB Zoom meeting, Worked on Global health course presentation and submitted it
06/27/23 0.0
06/28/23 2.0 Practice BIB presentations
06/29/23 0.0
06/30/23 3.0 Meeting with Dr.Doyle, edited School presentation notes
07/01/23 1.0 Edited GBV presentation notes and practiced presentation

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 7/02/23-7/08/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
07/02/23 0.0

07/03/23 1.0 Edited global health activity trivia questions

07/04/23 1.5 Edited presentation slide notes for them to get printed.
07/05/23 0.0
07/06/23 0.0
unpacking school presentation and activity materials, group meetings, and presentation from Dr.Laila about the
07/07/23 4.0
SUS System in Brazil
Met with partners, coordinating team meeting, practiced presentations with interpreters, church rehearsal and
07/08/23 7.3

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 7/09/23-7/15/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
07/09/23 3.0 Church Service in charge of worship

07/10/23 4.0 Morning meeting discussing presentation plans and organizing material, developing volunteer instruction outline.
07/11/23 8.0 Choices presentation for before and after school program and engaging with community members.
07/12/23 5.0 School presentations
07/13/23 2.0 PSF visit with Dra. Leila
unpacking school presentation and activity materials, group meetings, and presentation from Dr.Laila about the
07/14/23 4.0
SUS System in Brazil
07/15/23 3.0 Church service and interacting with past community partners

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 7/16/23-7/22/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
07/16/23 1.5 Church service and immersion

07/17/23 4.5 Orphanage visit, church adolescent Interpersonal Violence presentation

07/18/23 2.0 PSF Visit for diabetes and hypertension group,Global health presentation
07/19/23 0.0
07/20/23 0.0
07/21/23 5.0 Coordinating team meeting, resource packing, church bright futures presentation
07/22/23 3.0 Coordinating team meeting, receipt and suply organization

Total Hours
for Week-->
Weekly Work Log (see instructions below log)
Student Name:--> Lara Arce
Weekly Dates --> 7/23/23-7/26/23
Date # Hrs* Task Description
07/23/23 6.0 Morning and evening church services

07/24/23 6.0 Water treatment plant visits, elementary dental and physical health visit
07/25/23 4.5 School presentation
07/26/23 4.5 School presentation
3.0 Community engagement

Total Hours
for Week-->

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