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Branch manager.

This agreement is made this _________ day of _________[month] _________[year], between _________ of
_________, referred to as A, and _________ of _________, referred to as manager.

First. A employs manager for a period of _________ years from the _________ day of _________[month]
_________[year], as western manager of its _________ controlled or operated by it, or which may be controlled or
operated by it, at a salary of _________ dollars for the first year and _________ dollars for the second year, payable
in weekly installments at the end of each and every week during which manager is actually engaged in the services
of A.

Second. Manager accepts employment during that period and agrees to perform the services required as western
manager, to the satisfaction of A, and to devote all his [her] working time, labor and skill, and give his [her]
attendance and best endeavors to the business of A, and to the utmost of his [her] skill and power exert for the
interest, profit, benefit and advantage of the business.

Third. Manager shall not make or enter into any contract, order or obligation of any kind in the name or in behalf
of A without its previous written authorization.

Fourth. A agrees to reimburse manager for traveling expenses necessarily expended while traveling in the service
of A. The traveling expenses are not to exceed _________ dollars in any one week, however.

Fifth. Manager agrees during the term of this contract not to engage his [her] time or attention, or be interested,
directly or indirectly, in any other business.

Sixth. A shall have the right to renew this agreement at the expiration for a further period of _________ years in
consideration of _________ dollars to be paid upon the renewal of the agreement to manager, upon A giving to
manager a written notice of its intention to renew it _________ months prior to the expiration, and upon the giving
of notice, this agreement and every part shall be extended for a further period of _________ years except that
manager shall be entitled to receive a salary of _________ dollars a year during the first year of the extended term,
_________ dollars and _________ dollars during the second and third years respectively.

Seventh. Part of the duties of manager is to secure departments and stores for A and to organize, supervise,
operate and take charge of the departments and stores of A in different parts of the United States and Canada as
directed by A, and A may require him [her] to perform these services at any time and place.

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