Laboratory 1a

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Curtin University

Engineering Foundation Year

Engineering Mechanics

Statics: Practical Test 1a

(45 minutes hands-on + 45 minutes analysis/interpretation)

Title Equilibrium of a Simply Supported Beam

Activity Type Discovery

Concepts Studied

This activity deals with the equilibrium of forces and moments acting on a beam. This is
fundamental to the study of statics. A force acting over a lever arm generates a moment
equal to the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular length of the lever
arm. Hence, a beam subjected to various applied forces can only sustain these forces, and
remain statically stable, if other forces provide the balancing and counter-rotating effects.
Three equations of equilibrium must hold:

∑F =0 ∑F =0 ∑M=0
x y


Force – an action of one body on another. Force is a vector, characterized by its

magnitude, direction and application point. In this practical exercise, the vertical
upperward force is designated as positive, and the vertical downward force is designated
as negative. In this practical test there are no horizontal forces (x-direction) to be

Moment – in addition to the tendency to move a body in the direction of its application, a
force can also tend to rotate a body about an axis. This rotational tendency is known as
the moment M of the force. Moment is also a vector directed perpendicular to the plane of
the force and radius vectors. The magnitude of the moment of the force is proportional to
both the magnitude of the force and the moment arm d, which is the perpendicular distance
from the axis about which the moment is calculated to the line of action of the force, i.e.
M =Fd .

The right hand rule is used to identify the sense of the moment. We represent the moment
of force F about axis O-O as a vector pointing in the direction of the thumb of the right
hand, with the fingers curled in the direction of the rotational tendency. In this practical
exercise, the counter-clockwise moments will be assigned the positive direction and the
clockwise moments, negative. This is an arbitrary choice.

Figure 1

Equilibrium –
A body is in equilibrium if all forces and moments applied to it are balanced by opposite
sense, equal magnitude, forces and moments. i.e. they sum vectorially to zero. Hence:

∑F =0 ∑F =0 ∑M
x y xy− plane =0

These requirements are both necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium.

Analysis of Equilibrium

Three steps are normally used to analyse the equilibrium problem:

Step 1 – Identify the body to be investigated and isolate it from all other objects. For
example, the beam shown in Figure 2(a) is supported at points A and D, with two loads
W1 and W2 hanging from points B and C. The beam is the object we wish to analyse and
is shown isolated in Figure 2(b).

Figure 2(a) Figure 2(b)

Step 2 – Show as vectors all of the forces acting on the beam (see Figure 2(b)). Here we
will assume that the weight of the beam is small in comparison to the loads W1 and W2
and so may be ignored.

Step 3 – Since the beam is in equilibrium, use the three equilibrium equations to solve for
any unknown force magnitudes. In this case there are no horizontal forces and so ∑F x

=0 is not needed.

In the vertical or y direction, we arbitrarily assign the upper-ward direction as positive.

∑F =0y yielding R1 +R2 −W1 −W2 =0 (1)

Summing the moments about a convenient point (point A has been chosen here) yields:

∑M A(+Q) = 0 i.e. R2d−W1b−W2c=0 (2) The problem in this case may be

to find R1 and R2, given W1 and W2. They can be found by solving simultaneously
equations (1) and (2). The same result will be obtained if moments are taken about any
other point. In this case point A was chosen as it eliminates R1 from equation (2).
Choosing any other point will result in equation (2) containing both R1 and R2. This would
not prevent the equations being solved.

Description of the Test

The arrangement of the experimental apparatus is quite simple as shown in Figures 3(a)
and 3(b). In Figure 3(a), the beam is supported on two load cells, A and B. When a load
W1 is supported by the beam the support reaction forces R1 and R2 at A and B respectively
will be indicated by the two load cells. This arrangement can be used to confirm the
computed equilibrium condition of the beam.

In the second arrangement, Figure 3(b), known load W1 is supported between the two load
cells and W2 is supported to the right of load cell B. By gradually increasing W2, the
condition can be attained wherein the support reaction at A, R1 , becomes zero. If the load
W2 were to be increased further, the beam would rotate about support B.

Figure 3(a) Figure 3(b)

Schematic diagrams of the experimental arrangements

Test 1 - Experimental procedure for analysing the support reaction forces on a beam in a
state of equilibrium using the arrangement of Figure 3(a).

1. Locate the mid-span of the beam and note the corresponding scale reading (the scale
is not shown in Figure 3(a)).

2. Set up the first load cell A 200 mm to the left of the mark chosen in step 1 and a
second load cell B 200mm to the right of the mid-span location. Lock the knife-

3. Place the beam on the two load cells with the mid-span point of the beam aligned
with the chosen scale mark chosen.

4. Place a digital displacement indicator in position on the frame upper cross member
so that its ball end rests on the centre-line of the beam immediately above the
lefthand support, A. Check that the stem of the indicator is vertical and that there is
enough travel in the downward direction. Zero the indicator.
5. Move the digital displacement indicator to a position above the right-hand support,
B. Adjust the height of the knife-edge so that the digital displacement indicator
reads zero. This will ensure that the beam is parallel to the support frame. Check
this visually.

6. Remove the digital displacement indicator and unlock both knife-edges. Zero the
load cell indicators.

7. Position one hanger at the mid-span point of the beam as shown in Figure 3(a). Place
a 5 N load on the hanger such that W1 = (5 N + the weight of the hanger). Tap the
beam gently several times to allow any motion, that may be being prevented by
friction, to occur and then and record the readings displayed by the load cells in
Table 1.

8. Move the hanger to several different positions, in turn, on the beam. Complete Table

Table 1 Experimental data obtained from the set-up in Figure 3(a)

Weight W1
Position of W1 (= 5 N plus the Load Cell Load Cell
(distance in mm from mid-span) weight of the A B
hanger) (N) (N)
-100 6.65 4.80 1.60

-50 6.65 4.00 2.30

0 (i.e. at mid-span) 6.65 3.30 3.30

+50 6.65 2.30 4.10

+100 6.65 1.50 4.70

Test 2 - Experimental procedure for analysing the conditions under which the equilibrium
state cannot be achieved using the set-up shown in Figure 3(b):

9. Lock both knife-edges of the two load cells. Remove the hanger and rearrange the
beam so that it is supported at mid-span on load cell B. Locate load cell A 400 mm
to the left of load cell B.

10. Follow Steps 4, 5 and 6 to arrange the beam parallel to the frame cross member and
zero the load cells.

11. Apply a known load W1 (2 N + the weight of the hanger) to the beam 100 mm to the
left of load cell B.

12. Position a hanging bucket 150 mm to the right of load cell B. Gradually place some
small metal pellets into the bucket. One of your group should place their hands just
below the right end of the beam (close, but not touching) to catch the beam should
it rotate about point B. You are aiming to add just sufficient pellets that the support
reaction at A becomes zero. When the reading of load cell A just becomes zero (the
beam at A is just about to move upwards), stop adding metal pellets to the bucket,
record the load on load cell B and also weigh W2 using a balance (W2 = the weight
of the bucket + the weight of the added metal pellets).

13. Move W2 to two other positions, in turn, to the right of the load cell B (W1 remains
2 N + the weight of the hanger and is located 100 mm to the left of load cell B).
Repeat step 12 to determine the minimum weight W2 that will make the reaction
force at A zero. Complete Table 2.

Table 2 Experimental data obtained from the set-up shown in Figure 3(b)

Weight W1
Position of Load Cell Load Cell Position Measured
W1 (= 2 N plus the A B of weight of
weight of the (N) (N) W2 (mm) W2 (N)
3.65 6.00 150 mm to 2.5
100 mm to
0 the right of
the left of the
the load
load cell B
cell B
3.65 7.10 100 mm to 3.67
100 mm to
0 the right of
the left of the
the load
load cell B
cell B
3.65 8.10 80 mm to 4.70
100 mm to
0 the right of
the left of the
the load
load cell B
cell B

Questions (for analysis following the experiments)

(1) According to the experimental data obtained and recorded in Table 1, summarise
the theoretical relationship between the weight and position of W1 and the
resulting reaction loads at supports A and B.

ΣFy = 0 = Ra + Rb - W1

(2) If the position of W1 = (5 N + the weight of the hanger) were 150 mm to the right
of the mid-span point of the beam, calculate the support reactions at A and B.

ΣFy = 0 = Ra + Rb - W1
ΣMa ( +ve anticlock) = 0

(Rb*.4m) -(W1*.35)=0
Rb =( 6.65*0.35/0.4)=5.81 N

Ra = W1- Tb = 0.83N

(3) Write down the force and moment equilibrium equations for the beam in Figure
3(b) for the condition where the support reaction at A has just become zero.
Should the analysis consider the weight of the beam itself? Does the above
experimental procedure require modification if the weight of the beam is
considered? Explain your answer.

ΣFy = 0 = Rb - W1 - W2
ΣMa ( +ve anticlock) = 0
= (Rb*c )-(W1 *a) - (W2*b)
No the analysis does not consider the weight of the beam itself as only exteral load
analysed here, the beam is considered to be 2d.

(4) Considering Test 2, what will happen if you continue to increase W2 ? Explain
your answer.

If the weight of W2 is increased, the beam will not stay at eqillibrium position
and start bending towards W2 as the force exerted by W2 will be more than W1
and R1 combined.

(5) There will be inaccuracies in your measurements. As best as you are able,
comment on the possible experimental errors that may have occurred in
undertaking these tests and measurements.

The few possible experimental errors which might have occurred could be as
follows - 1) the apparatus is not calibrated properly
2) the position of the loads were not set at the right position because of
inaccurate eye position while placing the loads


The marking scale for this exercise will be as follows:

• Test 1 – experimental procedure performed correctly (0.25) •

Test 1 – accurate results, well presented (0.50)
• Test 2 – experimental procedure performed correctly (0.25) •
Test 2 – accurate results, well presented (0.50)
• Questions 1 to 5:
- Answers poorly attempted (0.25)
- answers show an average level of understanding (0.75)
- answers show an above average level of understanding (1.0)
- answers show a high level of understanding with accurate comments etc.

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