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My friends and I have a plan for this christmas holiday, I, andy; mika; abby;
gabby; daniel; max; charles and lewis want to go to bali and enjoy the rest of this
year there. andy; mika; abby and gabby will go at 04 december 2022 and the rest of
us will go the day after them go. all of us will go to bali by plane. Although lewis is
have aerophobia we don't have another option since that's the only option we can
afford with our economic conditon. Lewis had a bad experience with plane when he
was still a little kid.

we choose bali over another destination because the view is gorgeous and
max is a good surfer and the rest of us is really like water. we alsoreally want to visit
the GWK cultural park at least once in our lifetime, actually we just want to enjoy our
youth 'cause it doesn't last forever.

andy; mika; gabby; daniel; and lewis are australians and surprisingly the can
speak in indonesian almost fluently, meanwhile I, abby; max; and charles are
americans and we have no idea how to speak in indonesian, so I think maybe they
will be our guide in this trip.


max : hi andy, can you ask where the toilet is to the waiter?

andy : of course (talking to waiter in indonesian) the toilet is behind that curtain

max : thanks bro

Andy : No problem

max : hi andy, i thought your sister lily would join us on this trip

andy : actually she really wants to join us, but she has to be in her office, her office is
very busy lately

max : she is really a hard worker, how long has she been working there?

andy : she started working there in 2017 if i am not mistaken she started working
there in july

max : so it's been 5 years huh?

andy : yes, oh max you won't believe this, i saw a beautiful painting last night at a
gallery near our hotel. and they have a lot of things

max : no way, can you go with me there tomorrow?

andy: of course, go ask lewis too, he has good taste in painting just like you

max: yes, that's a great idea


Proverb for the Day 20:13

Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.

2 Kings 4:2

Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your
house?” "Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a small jar of olive

2 Corinthians 4:18

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


Joko Widodo was born on June 21, 1961

Megawati was born on January 23, 1947

You was born on …………………………………..?

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