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The Smiths were going on a picnic. Dad was getting the car ready.

Mom was fixing

lunch. Nancy and Joseph were packing games. Suzie, the youngest, was watching
from her highchair.

Then, the phone rang and Mom went to answer it.

That's when Nancy came into the kitchen. She took a sandwich and gave a piece to

Then, Joseph came into the kitchen. He took a can of pop and poured some into
Suzie's cup.

Dad came into the kitchen next. He took a piece of pie and broke off a bit for Suzie.

When Mom came back into the kitchen, she cried, "Someone has already eaten their

"Who ate their lunch instead of waiting for our picnic?" she asked.

"I just ate a sandwich," said Nancy.

"I just drank a can of pop," said Joseph.

"And I just had some pie, ," said Dad.

Suzie giggled. She was the only one who had tried a little bit of everything. And it all
tasted so good!


Good afternoon, everyone. Nice to see you. Before the class, I’d like to play a game named ‘Guessing
What? ’. You need to listen carefully and guess what am i talking about. Clear?
1. It is an activity, which we usually pack meal or food and take it to eat outdoors, especially during
an outing/tour to the countryside.
2. please guess what it is according to my description. Are you ready? Here we go!

Right! Go on a picnic! Do you like this activity? Did you have a picnic before? Why?

Today, let’s learn something about it. ( 板书标题 )

(三)1. 概述





(六)(1)根据题本中的要求和整体的时间分配,扫清障碍类型的活动(讲解新单词 、




(九)(3)词汇、句型的学习也可以在听中( While-listening )的精听( Intensive



Today we are going to learn a new passage: The Family Picnic.

First of all, let’s make a prediction. (中文解释)

Last week, i went on a picnic with my friends and had a great time in the country side. We

took a lot of things such as hamburgers/sodas/cakes/fruit. We made a huge tent and also had a


Have a guess: If your were a character in of this book, what would you take for a picnic with

your family? Use your imagination to think of as many answers as you can. Who can have a


1) Justin, you please. OK, you think they get the torch from the host country.

2) Any other guesses? Yes, Kobe. Oh, you think people light the torch with a special


Seems that you get your own answers . Let’s continue to find out the answers that the family



(十三)1. 概述


(十五)(1)泛听(Extensive listening):可采用听录音的方式,让学生对


(2)精听(Intensive listening):可采用分段听、分句听的方式,借助填空

(Fill in

the blanks ) 、 判 断 对 错 ( True or False ) 、 填 写 表 格 ( Fill in the

chart)、回答问题(Answer questions)等练习方式,帮助学生理解课文细节,




2. 简案呈现

Step 3. While-listening

(1) Extensive listening:

Listen to the tape for the first time and conclude the main idea.

(2) Intensive listening:

a. Teach the new word: stadium.

b. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.

Q1: What is the greatest honor during the torch passing activity?

Q2: When will the torch be put out?

3. 试讲稿呈现

Next, please listen to the tape and then tell me what it talks about. If not, please just

try to catch every word you heard. OK?Let’s begin.

Now, we stop here. So what does this passage mainly talk about? Who wants to share

your answer with us?

The girl in red, please. Yeah, the passage is mainly about the origin and the picnic the

family. Excellent! Next, Let’s get more details.

To help us understand the details better, let’s go through the new words first. Please

look at the following word: stadium. What does this one mean? Yes, it’s the place

where sport events are held. Can you make a sentence?

Julie. OK, “You went to the stadium to watch a concert of

( 有时间可以列举更多单词或句型 )

OK, so much for the new word.

Please listen again and answer the following questions:

1. How many people are there in this family?

2. What did they take for the picnic? Look at the chart and check the things you heard.

OK, who can answer the first question? Yes, please. Great! There are 5 people in this

family. Did you remember the name?

What about the second one? Lily. Yes, Wonderful!

Was your prediction right?


(十七)1. 概述

(十八)听后可安排各种任务活动。借助开展调查(Do a survey)、角色扮演(Role-play)、



(二十)其设计思路与 3P 模式中的 Production 环节基本一致。此处一般安排一个任务活


As we all know, the best way to use a language is to use it in real situations. So let’s havea

role-play. I will hand out some cards on which there are different characters.

You need to work with your partners to create a dialogue and try to act it out in the class.

Please remember to use as many key words and sentences as you can. You can do it like

this: ...( 可举例 ) Understand? Now, please go ahead.

Times’ up, it’s your show time! Which team goes first? You please! Others should listen


I have more questions. ( 可呈现不同小组的表现并点评 )

(五)小结作业(Summary and homework)

(六)(1) Summary

(七)Make a summary about the whole class.

(2) Homework

a. Finish the exercises in the book.

b. Search for more information about the Olympics on the Internet.

3. 试讲稿呈现

T: How time flies! Who can tell me what we have learned today? OK, I heard most of

you say we have learned a lot of new words. Great! And I also heard that we have

learned how to listen for key information. Exactly! And don’t forget: Learning

English is not just inside the class. It’s for life, for fun.

I hope you can use this expressions to describe your day when you have a picnic next


OK, boys and girls. Time is up. And there is one last thing.

What is it? Right, our homework! After you get home, please finish the exercises in

the book first and search for more information about the Olympics on the Internet. We

will share it in the next class. So much for today. Goodbye everyone!

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