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Chapter 1

words meaning words meaning

shout 吼叫 v. twinkle 愉快的光芒 n.

shining 闪亮的 adj. tease 开玩笑 v.

across VS through 穿 过 ( 表 面 VS 内 puffy 膨胀的 adj.

部) prep.

scatter 散落 v. pile 摞 n./v.

grab 抓 v. empty 空的 adj.

binocular 双筒望远镜 n. stomach 胃,肚子 n.

in the distance 在远处 dig 挖掘 v.

cliff 悬崖 n. cheer 欢呼 n./v.

mysterious 神秘的 adj. treasure hunting 寻宝

shiver 颤抖 n. a ribbon of 一条狭长的

excitement (excited 激动 n. look/search for 寻找

VS exciting)

scramble 艰难/仓促地做 v. cheer up 高兴/振作起来

bedpost 床柱 n. be supposed to 应该

clamp 夹紧 v. puff up 膨胀,鼓起来

blond 金色的 adj. set the table 布置桌子

bang 猛击 v. a pile of/piles of 很多

stove 火炉 n. dig in 放开了吃

matey 老兄 n. pile 摞 n./v.

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