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Student’s name: ……………….

Vocabulary and Reading: SPORTS

1. Complete de word map with abilities and talents from the list:
bake a cake
design a Web page
do gymnastics
fix a car
fix a motorcycle
paint pictures
play chess
play the violin
ride a horse
sing English songs
tell good jokes

1. What activities from the list can you do?

I can bake a cake, paint pictures and sing English songs.
2. What’s your talent or ability?
I can bake delicious bread.
I paint sculptures as hobby.
I can do origami and paint.


How Happy Are People With the Way They Look?

Social media and video conferencing are impacting self-esteem

In the United Kingdom, a large survey study found that 42 percent of the British public feel
insecure about the way they look. Women reported more insecurities than men, with 49 percent of
women signifying insecurity in their appearance compared to 34 percent of men. These numbers are
nearly double those from just a decade.
Why are more people dissatisfied with their appearance than ever? Social science research
has identified social media and the recent increase in video conferencing as key drivers. These
appearance-focused endeavors may be cumulatively leading to a negative impact on self-esteem.
Social media provides users the opportunity to present the best versions of themselves to the
public. The notion of the social media influencer has prompted a strong pressure for people to focus
on their appearance as they use their respective social media platforms to “influence” others to
adopt a specific look or behavior.
Snapchat and Instagram are believed to be at the core of this phenomenon. These
applications create the opportunity to emulate influencers through filters that can alter the user’s
facial anatomy, whiten teeth, and change skin texture and tone. These filters unfortunately
propagate an environment where the only images that many users deem worthy of posting are those
that are put through a curated lens. The creation of an idealized “pseudo-self” image can lead to
feelings of insecurity about one’s real-life appearance.
Read more on:
1.Read the first two paragraphs and underline TRUE or FALSE
1. In the United Kingdom, 42 percent of the British public feel insecure about the way they
look. (True/False)
2. Women in the United Kingdom reported more insecurities about their appearance than
men. (True/False)
3. The percentage of women feeling insecure about their appearance in the United Kingdom
is higher than the percentage of men. (True/False)
4. The numbers of people feeling insecure about their appearance in the United Kingdom
have decreased over the past decade. (True/False)
5. Social media and the recent increase in video conferencing are identified as key drivers for
people's dissatisfaction with their appearance. (True/False)
6. Appearance-focused endeavors have a positive impact on self-esteem. (True/False)
7. Social science research has shown that people's dissatisfaction with their appearance has
no connection to social media or video conferencing. (True/False)

2. De acordo com o texto:

a) Que oportunidade as redes sociais oferecem aos seus usuários?

b) Qual papel os influenciadores das redes sociais desempenham na formação do foco

das pessoas em relação à aparência?

c) Quais plataformas de redes sociais são consideradas o cerne do fenômeno voltado

para a aparência?

d) Como os filtros do Snapchat e Instagram contribuem para a propagação de uma

determinada imagem?

a) De apresentar a melhor versão do público para eles mesmos.

b) Uma forte para as pessoas adotarem uma aparência ou comportamento específico como eles
mesmo fazem.
c) Snapchat e Instagram.
d) Porque eles alteram a anatomia facial do usuário, deixando-a de uma forma mais
padronizada que causa insegurança quando não usado.

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