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What the law could not do , God l'a fait pas Jésus Christ

Rom. 8:3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God
did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He
condemned sin in the flesh (It is evident that we pay for being sinners by our
death. Afterward, our sin will be judged because of the condemnation we are under a
sentence. The essence of the gospel is found in the verse. It is impossible for us
to pay for sin adequately. The law embodied in the 10 commandments is powerless to
remove the condemnation of sin we are under. It was given to show what sin is so we
can avoid it Rom. 3:20. We can use it as a light to our lives, but it can never
remove sin’s condemnation because it deals with self-effort to solve an eternal

Jesus became flesh, and in His body, sin was condemned and paid for through His
perfect sacrifice as the only one who ever kept the entire law, Gal. 2:24, Heb.
10:10-12. He accomplished it for a trade. He gave His sinless life for our sinful
one, once and for all doing what we cannot do. By coming to Christ & accepting His
sacrifice in our place, we can have the condemnation of sin lifted and receive
God’s salvation in Christ. We either live with the condemnation of our sin and pay
for our sins ourselves, or we trust in He who can remove that condemnation for our
sin by our faith and trust in His doing what we are incapable of doing. This is an
eternal and crucial commitment. You need Jesus as your Saviour. Don’t shun Him or
dismiss His work on your behalf as unimportant!)

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