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Verify the solution of 6m + 5 = –7

A. -2
B. -7
C. -12
D. 5

2. Verify the solution of 3c – 2 = 2

A. 2
B. 4/3
C. 4
D. 3/4

3. Verify the solution of 2 + 5y = 2

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

4. Verify the solution of 4 – 3x = –5

A. -5
B. -1
C. -1/3
D. 1/3

5. Solve the equation 2y – 1 = 7

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
6. Solve the equation –4 = 2 + 3a
A. 2
B. 1
C. -1
D. -2

7. Solve these equation 3 =20
A. 3
B. 20
C. 60
D. 80

8. Solve these equation 6 =−3
A. -18
B. -3
C. 3
D. 18

9. Solve these equation 21= 7
A. 7
B. 21
C. 47
D. 147

10.Solve these equation 9= 4
A. 4
B. 9
C. 36
D. 40
11.The senior girls’ basketball team took one-third of the basketballs to their game.
They took 7 balls to their game. How many basketballs were there altogether?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 7
D. 21

12.One less than three times a number is eleven. Write the equation
A. x – 3 = 1
B. 3x – 11 =1
C. 3x - 1 =11
D. 1 - 3x = 11

13.Five more than twice a number is seven. Write the equation

A. 2x + 7 = 5
B. 5 + 2x = 7
C. 7 + 2x = 5
D. 5 + 7x =2

14.Bob ate 22 jellybeans. His mom says that he ate one-quarter of the bag. How
many jellybeans were in the bag to start with?
A. 88
B. 22
C. 4
D. 1

15.Maya took one-fifth of the cookies out of the cookie jar and ate them. She took
out an additional 4 to give to her brother. If 9 cookies in total were taken out of
the jar, how many were in the jar at the start?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 9
D. 25

16.Use the distributive property to expand 3(u – 6) =

A. 3 X u -6
B. 3u - 18
C. 3u - 6
D. 3 - 6u

17.Use the distributive property to expand 5(r + 1) =

A. 5 X r + 1
B. 5r + 5
C. 5r
D. r + 5

18.Use the distributive property to expand 4(–5 – w) =

A. 4 – 5 – w
B. -20 – w
C. -4 + 5w
D. -20 – 4w

19.Use the distributive property to expand –2(x – 20) =

A. -2x + 40
B. -2 + x – 20
C. -2 + x + 40
D. -x + 40

20.Hazar is having 4 friends over to play video games. Each person will spend $6 on
game rental and $4 on drinks and snacks. Calculate these expressions.
A. 10
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60
21.Solve these equation using the distributive property 15 = 3(p – 7)
A. 12
B. 36
C. 15
D. 21

22.Solve these equation using the distributive property –3(m – 2) = 21

A. -3
B. -5
C. 15
D. 21

23.Solve these equation using the distributive property 0 = 2(–2 + h)

A. -2
B. 0
C. 2
D. 4

24.Solve these equation using the distributive property –6(7 + r) = 30

A. -42
B. -72
C. -6
D. -12

25.Brittany has some cookies. She gave four of them to friends. If she doubles the
number that she has left, she will have 12 cookies. Write an algebraic expression
to represent how many she would have if she gave four of them away to friends.
A. x – 4 = 12
B. (x – 4)2 =12
C. x + 4 = 12
D. (x+4)2 = 12
26.Rajinder collects hockey cards. He currently has 75. He has a plan to collect 12
more each week. After how many weeks will he have a total of 147?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

27.Calculate a 14% tax on $288.

A. $ 40.32
B. $ 247.68
C. $ 288
D. $ 328.32

28.Calculate a 14% tax on $36.50.

A. $ 41.61
B. $ 31.39
C. $ 36.50
D. $ 5.11

29.Calculate a 14% tax on $149.99.

A. $ 170.9886
B. $ 128. 9914
C. $ 20. 9986
D. $ 14

30.Calculate a 14% tax on $128.79.

A. $ 146.82
B. $ 110.76
C. $ 128.79
D. $ 18.03
31.Calculate a 14% tax on $3428.
A. $ 3907.92
B. $ 34.28
C. $ 2948.08
D. $ 479.92

32.Calculate the discount from $92 watch, 30% off

A. $ 27.6
B. $ 64.4
C. $ 119.6
D. $ 120

33.Calculate the discount from $476 TV, 15% off

A. $ 30.6
B. $ 71.4
C. $ 404.6
D. $ 547.4

34.Calculate the discount, sale price before taxes, and sale price including 13% total
tax of $28.95 book at 10% off.
A. $ 29.06
B. $ 25.19
C. $ 29.44
D. $ 32.71

35.The cost of a ticket for a CFL game 3 years ago was $36.00. The cost of the ticket
has increased by 25%. Calculate the new cost of the ticket.
A. $ 36
B. $ 40
C. $ 42
D. $ 45
36.Store A offers successive discounts of 10% one week and 20% the second week.
Store B offers a one-time discount of 25% the second week.
Which store offers the greater discount?
A. Store A
B. Store B
C. Store A and B has the same discount
D. None of them

37.At a discount of 25%, skateboards are on sale for $135.

What is the original price?
A. $ 140
B. $ 180
C. $ 190
D. $ 200

38.A TV set, regularly priced at $256, is offered for sale at 25% off. Sales tax is 15%.
Calculate the sale price at a 25% discount and then add 15% sales tax to it.
A. $ 198.6
B. $ 212.7
C. $ 220.8
D. $ 256

39.The sales tax in Ontario is 13%.

Janis pays a total of $32.77 for a fishing pole.
Find the cost of the fishing pole before sales tax.
A. $ 42
B. $ 41
C. $ 30
D. $ 29
40.Terence came to Canada shopping on a long weekend.
The exchange rate for his US money was $1.00 US to $1.05 Canadian.
How many Canadian dollars would Terence get for $500.00 US?
A. $ 525 Canadian
B. $ 500 Canadian
C. $ 510 Canadian
D. $ 512 Canadian

41.Frozen fruit bars cost $ 4 for 5 bars.

Find how many you can buy with $12.
A. 9
B. 12
C. 15
D. 18

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