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Lesson Plan

CLASS: 6 SUBECT: General Science NAME OF THE TEACHER: M.Rajyasundari

NAME OF THE SCHOOL: ZPHS, Tholapi Ponduru Mandal
Name of the Topic No of periods Time line for Any specific
Lesson/Unit required teaching Information

From to

6.1 • Prerequisites and • 1+1 Introduce some rich

Components components that are nutrient food items.
of food needed our body
• 1+1 Shows the pictures of
• Types of nutrients and
kwashiar merasmus and
uses obesity children.
1+1 Shows vitamine
• Tests for starch, proteins
deficiency pictures
and fats
• Balenced diet , 1+1
Deficiency diseases
Byjuce activities

Total 8

• Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to

• Learn about different components and their uses
• Understand the practical knowledge in lab activities through the tests for carbohydrates,proteins and fats
• Ask questions to understand the uses of nitrients
• Explain the methods of lab activities and what to do and what not to do
• Understand the balanced diet and deficiency diseases.
• Appreciate the natural and nutritious food items.

Content I Do We Do You Do
• Pre Requisites o o
• Teacher shows the picture and ask Students • write the
Cereals, pulses, millets, meat, fish,curd, them to identify them. discussing in prerequisites in
butter, ghee, milk, vegetables • Which ingredients do you observe in grous and their note books .
picture no. 1,3,4 understanding o
• * Can you tell me which items the prerequisites.
have more water?
• * Did you listout the midday
meal list and the ingredients used.

• * Name some food items did

you like most.

• Teacher writes prerequisites on the

board, guide the students to discus in
their group and present.

• Teacher writes key word / title of the • •

lesson on the board and ask • Discuss
triggering questions to share their and give
experiences on the topic. answers
• Relevance of the lesson eacher explains why do we learn this lesson •
• Identifyed food items eaten in different Teacher writes the concepts of the chapter / • Students • Copy the activity
parts of India . unit step by step in a flow chart form. will fill table in their note
• Ingredients contain some components the books.
that are needed to our body. Students practice questions & Activities: activity • .
• Our body needs different kinds of food tablet in
for some purpose. groups .
• Fill the table no. 1, to select some food /wp-content/uploads/2020/11/image2.jpg
items and enter these in it.

• Strategies for Practice period -1

• Key words reading • • • Read key words

Ingredients, • Write key words from • Read key words and • individually with
components,plant based food the text and read them. discuss meaning in spelling and Syllables
items, animal based food • groups division.
items,meal, dal, • • Explain key words

Similar lines reading • Read similar sentences •
Sugar. in groups. • Read lines
• Add some more lines individually
Mustard. Plant to the substitution •
Butter milk. From. Animal • Prepare their own
similar lines based on
Meat. Others the text

• •
Synopsis reading • Write synopsis based on • Write synopsis on • Read synopsis
key words and similar their own individually
All living organisms need food . lines on the board and • • Read synopsis in •
give one model reading. groups.
We get food from plants, animals and • Ask some o
other sources. comprehension question
on the synapses like
These ingredients contain some • What are plant based and
components. animal based food items?

These components develop our body


• Writing / editing
• Conduct seen / unseen • Conduct editing in • Write explanation or
dictation on keywords / groups meaning of key words
similar • on their own .
• lines

Teaching Period – 2
• Key words • Teacher writes key words • •
• Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary from the concepts going to • Read key • Read key words
fibres, water, nutrientsq teach in this period on the words in individually
• board, read them for the groups – • • Copy the key
students and explain briefly. peer group words in their note
• • Teacher reads the reading book
selected concept or para • •

• Conceptual understanding / Learning • Teacher explain the concept • •
activities and asks the following • • Prepare answers
• Some sources questions and discuss. • for the question on
of • • Write brief their own.
c • Now observe the picture. notes on •
• what they •
• What do you observe here ? observed in •
• Which nutrients are called the video. •
major nutrients? • •
• • • Student participate
• in discussion and
proteins and
• note the points
fats. • •
• Which nutrients provide • •
energy to our body? • •
• •
• Which components give • Students •
more energy than participate •
carbohydrates? in •
• •
• • What are energy
• and give the •
givingfoods? •
• answers

• • Which nutrient needed for
the growth and repair our • and points
body? note down
their note
What are body building foods? books
Which elements are called
protecting components? •
1. Observe this picture
2. What do you observe in •
this picture?
3. What is the importance of •
• Watch the
observe the picture. video

1.What do you observe here ?
Name some kinds of vitamins? •
Which vitamin helps in
eyes health? •
What is the importance of vitamin
E? • Students
Name some rich B vitamin foods? participate
Citrus fruits are rich in which in
Observe this picture. and give the
Name some food items present in answers
the picture?
What is the use of water to our • Write 3 to 4
body? main points
Teacher explains the concept of from the
the activity. observations

• Recapitulation/ Summary/ synopsis • Assessment: • •

readings • A few questions like • Read • Read synopsis
• 1. What are major synopsis in individually
group and
nutrients? discuss • • Copy the
• 2. Which nutrients about the synopsis in their
protects our body against concepts note books
diseases. they learnt •

Practice period -2
• • • •
• Key words reading • Write key words • Read key words • Read key words
• Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, dietary from the text and discuss individually with
fibres, water, diseases, what they learnt meaning in spelling and
in the previous group Syllables division.
period and read • • Explain key
• them with words orally
• syllables division •

• • Read similar •
• Similar lines reading • Write the key sentences in • Read lines
Energy words from the groups. individually
giving text what they • Add some more • Explain key
• Carbohydrates • food learnt in the lines to the words orally.
• Proteins Body previous period substitution
and read them table
Are food
With syllables • Prepare their
division. own similar
lines based on
Protecting the text
against •
Vitamins • diseases .
• Synopsis reading • •
• 1. Major nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins,fats, • Write synopsis • Write synopsis • Read synopsis
vitamins and minerals,in addition to roughages and based on key on their own individually
water. words and • Read synopsis
• 2. Carbohydrates and fats are energy giving similar lines on in groups.
nutrients. the board and
• 3.proteins are bodybuilding nutrients. give one model
• 4. Vitamins protects our body against the diseases. reading
5. Roughages helps our body get rid of undigested
6. Water cleans our body and essential for
metabolic activities.

• Writing / editing • • Conduct seen / • Conduct editing • Write explanation
• unseen dictation in groups or meaning of key
• on keywords / words on their
similar lines own.

• Teaching Period – 3
• Key words • •
• Iodine • Teacher • • Read key words in groups • Read key words
• Copper sulphate writes key • – peer group reading individually
• Caustic soda words from • • Copy the key
the concepts words in their
• Starch going to teach note book.
• Test tube in this period
• Dropper on the board
• and explain
• • Teacher
reads the
concept or
para loudly.

Teacher do the lab activity and • Understand the • Note the data in
• Conceptual understanding asks students observe carefully. instructions of the their note books
/Learning activities teacher, students do the
Activity _2 is test for starch work and fill in the data . • Students write
• their answers in
Activity _ 4 is test for proteins. Students follow the lab records.
instructions and do the
Teacher instructs the students Activity.
while doing this experiments do
not tast them, don't put your hands
Activity__2 lab activity into your mouth.
Test for starch and protein.
What is the aim of activity _1?

Which chemical is used in test for


What do you observe in activity


What is the aim of activity _2?

What do you need for experiment


What do you learn in activity_ 2?

Fill the table no. 2 nutrients

present some food items , do the
experiment your own.

What do you observe in test for


Write briefly about activity_1

your own in the note book.

Write the chemicals used in search

and proteins tests?

• Recapitulation/ Summary/ • Ask few questions like
synopsis readings • How to do the test for starch? • Read synopsis in group • Read synopsis
• What do you need for protein and discuss about the individually
test? concepts they learnt • • Copy the
• What you observe from these synopsis in their
two experiments? note books.
• Is all food items contain

Practice period -3
• Iodine solution, copper sulphate,
caustic soda, test tube, dropper • Write key words from the text • Read • Read
what they learnt in the previous key key
period and read them with words words
syllables division. and individu
discuss ally with
meaning spelling
in and
groups Syllables
• •
• Similar lines reading • Write similar lines like a
Is substitution table on the board and • Read similar • Read
Use Presenceo give one model reading. sentences in groups. lines
Iodine d f starch • • Add some more individu
solution for lines to the ally
Students write similar sentences
and make their some own substitution table
Copper Is • Prepare their own
sulphat Use Protein similar lines based
e and d test on the text
Caustic for

• Synopsis reading
• 1. If the food item contains starch, it • Write synopsis based on key • Write synopsis on • Read
will turn into blue black colour in words and similar lines on the their own synopsis
iodine test. board and give one model reading. • • Read synopsis in individu
• To do protein test we need copper groups. ally
sulphate and caustic soda solutions.
• If the food item present proteins it
will turns into
Violet colour.

• Writing / editing • Conduct • Conduct editing in • Write

seen / groups explanati
unseen on or
dictation on meaning
keywords / of key
similar words on
lines their

• Teaching Period – 4
• Key words • Teacher •
• Balanced diet, health, proper writes • • Read key words
cooking, fried foods, obesity, Key words from • • Read key words individually
• Deficiency diseases, the concepts in groups – • • Copy the key words
going to teach in peer group in their note book.
this period reading
explain on the
board briefly.
• Conceptual understanding •
/Learning activities • Teacher shows the pictures and
• Balanced diet ask them • Students Students write their answers.
• 1.What do you observe in the discuss and give
picture? their answers.
• How you can say that meal is
balanced diet? • Reading the
• How do the infants grow by given concepts
taking only milk? in text book and
Deficiency diseases • If we donot take balanced diet present their
what will happen?
• What is meant by deficiency
• Students
• Loss of vision caused by which
vitamin? discuss and give
• What happens due to deficiency their answers.
of vitamin D?
• What are the symptoms of • Students note
deficiency of calcium? down the
• What are the reasons for readings and
anaemia? discuss
• Beriberi causes to which
vitamin? •

• Students
discuss and give
their answers

• Watch the video

and understand
the concepts
• • • •
• Recapitulation/ Summary/ • Ask few questions like • Read synopsis • Read synopsis
synopsis readings • in group and individually
• 1.what is meant by balanced discuss about • • Copy the synopsis
diet? the concepts in their note books.
• 2. What will happen if we do they learnt •
not take balanced diet? •
• 3.Eat too much of fat food what
will happen?
• 4.if the one or more nutrients
are not adequate in our food
what will happen?

Practice period – 4
• Key words reading Read key • Read key words
• Balanced diet, proper • Write key words from the text what words and individually with
cooking, health, deficiency they learnt in the previous period discuss spelling and
diseases, obesity and read them with syllables meaning Syllables division.
division. groups. • • Explain key
words orally

• Similar lines reading 1. poor vision. • •

Deficiency of • Read similar • Read lines
2. Loss of vision. Vitamin sentences in individually
A groups. •
3. Beriberi. Causes to. Vitamin • • Add some
B more lines to the
4.scurvy. Vitamin substitution table
C • • Prepare their
5. Rickets. own similar lines
VitaminD based on the text

• Synopsis reading
A diet that contains all the
nutrients in required quantity is • Write synopsis based on key words • Write synopsis on
called balanced diet. and similar lines on the board and their own
Children who do not take balanced give one model reading. • • Read synopsis • Read synopsis
diet may face growth and in groups. individually
developmental and problems.
Balanced diet provides all the
nutrients that our body needs in
right quantities along with
adequate amount of roughages and
Deficiency of one or more
nutrients in our food for a long
time makers certain diseases.
If we take food containing too
much fats daily it leads to obesity.

• Writing / editing • Conduct • Conduct editing • Write explanation

seen / in groups or meaning of key
unseen words on their own
dictation on
keywords /
• similar lines

Signature of the teacher Signature of visiting officer Signature of Head Master

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