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Summer Internship Project (SIP)

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)
Batch 2022-2
Table of Contents

1. General Guidelines for PGDM/MBA

2. General Formatting
3. Structure of the Summer Internship Report
4. Review of Literature
5. Research Essentials
5. Evaluation Criteria
6. Schedule of Reporting
7. Annexures
1. General Guidelines
Summer Internship Report is an important and integral part of the curriculum.
While undertaking a research project, the students gain first-hand experience in a
particular industry and get an opportunity to innovate, add to, and challenge
ideas and techniques imbibed in the first year. It is an ideal way to explore an
industry, build a relationship with a prospective employer and pave way for
The Summer Internship Report involves an extended, independent investigation of
a topic. The chosen research area must be of a nature that incorporates an in depth
exploration of concepts, theories and issues so as to produce a rigorous SIP Report.
Further, Primary Research is compulsory for all the students; changes can be done
only with permit of company’s and college mentor. Also all the communications
need to be done on the email or mentor WhatsApp group.
This is one of the major projects of the curriculum and holds great importance for
the potential employers with regards to understanding the candidate’s profile.
2. General Formatting
Application : Microsoft Word
Font Type : Times New Roman or Calibri
Font Size : 12, 14, 16
Line Spacing : 1.5 (in paragraph)
Margins : 1.5 inch to the Left and 1 inch on other side
Page Layout : A4 size
Alignment : Justified
Print Instructions : Black and White printing on both sides and Spiral Binding
Hard Copy : One hard copy to be submitted to college
Online Submission : Word file to be converted to PDF and submitted on ERP
3. Structure of the Summer Internship Report
A key feature of any SIP Report is the way in which it is structured as it
considerably enhances the finished quality of an SIP Report. Structure is important
because it dictates the topics discussed and the order in which they are organized.
The SIP report should follow the order of documents as below.
Refer to the annexures at the end of the document for the following.
Title Page
The title page should contain the following information in BLOCK LETTERS not
exceeding 16 font size. (Refer Annexure 1)
Declaration Page
The words on this page should be of a font size of 12 points. (Refer Annexure 2)
Bonafide Certificate
A Bonafide Certificate is a certificate which is issued as a proof that an individual
belongs to the particular education institute. (Refer Annexure 3)
Company Certificate
Company Certificate is a certificate which is issued as a proof that an individual
has completed the Internship at respective organization. The completion report
would be accepted in online format also which can be attached to hard copy report.
(Refer Annexure 4)
Plagiarism Report
Plagiarism report would specify the details copied or taken from other source.
Attach the report generated from the plagiarism software. (Refer Annexure 5)
Proper acknowledgement of any help received must be placed on record. There
may be a bunch of people who might have helped you during the course of the
project/research. Thank them accordingly. (Refer Annexure 6)
Table of Contents
The main function of this section is to give the reader an overall view of the report.
The main divisions as well as the subdivisions should be listed in sequence with
the page numbers. (Refer Annexure 7)
4. Review of Literature
The main aim of literature review is to provide a complete survey of previous work
published around the chosen theme of the thesis and how it has guided or informed
the present proposed research. Ensure that the relevance, reliability and
validity of the citations are evaluated and related to the present work being
carried out. The literature review comprises a background or basis on which you
can demonstrate how the present work or line of enquiry amounts to a new
contribution in this field of knowledge and research.
You can get details about past work from journal, research paper, book, etc.
Google scholar and respective journal website will be helpful to you in this
Minimum of 25 literature reviews would be required.
5. Research Essentials
Sample content and flow for Research Methodology
You need to make modifications as per your topic of SIP. But the following flow
of details and headings would form part of your report.
Research Objective
1. To Study customer expectations for buying apartments.
2. To analyze the factors that influence the buying behavior of the apartments.
3. To Evaluate customer satisfaction with the apartments.
Research Design (Suggested)
It is Descriptive Research.
Research design is defined as a framework of methods and techniques chosen by a
researcher to combine various components of research in a reasonably logical
manner so that the research problem is efficiently handled. It provides insights
about “how” to conduct research using a particular methodology. Every researcher
has a list of research questions which need to be assessed – this can be done with
research design.
Sample Design
A sample design is the framework, or road map, that serves as the basis for the
selection of a survey sample and affects many other important aspects of a survey
as well. In a broad context, survey researchers are interested in obtaining some
type of information through a survey for some population, or universe, of interest.
One must define a sampling frame that represents the population of interest, from
which a sample is to be drawn. The sampling frame may be identical to the
population, or it may be only part of it and is therefore subject to some under
coverage, or it may have an indirect relationship to the population.
Non-Probability Sampling
Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered
in a process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of
being selected.
Convenience Sampling
Convenience sampling is probably the most common of all sampling techniques.
With convenience sampling, the samples are selected because they are accessible
to the researcher. Subjects are chosen simply because they are easy to recruit. This
technique is considered easiest, cheapest and least time consuming.
Source of Data
Primary data: The researcher has collected the data through Questionnaire and with
the customer.
Data collection method
Personal survey method will be used Through Structured Questionnaire.
Sampling Method
Non-Probability Convenience Method
Sample size
Minimum 100 Samples should be collected for the purpose of study.
Hypothesis Formation
Minimum 3 Hypothesis to be formed in sync with your objectives
Data analysis
This basic research analysis is done through SPSS/R Studio. It includes descriptive
analysis, independent sample T test and ANOVA testing.
6. Evaluation Criteria
The total marks for the SIP project will be 200 and it carries 6 credits. The marks
will be awarded in proportion of 50:50 where 50% weightage will be given to
project report and 50% weightage to VIVA ALONG WITH PPT (Maximum 10
The report will be evaluated for its content, language, formatting, details included
and presentation flow. Not more than 30% of Plagiarism will be allowed.
Plagiarism certificate has to be attached along with the report.
Include content which enhances the knowledge of the reader. The content has to be
from a valid source. All charts that are included should be made in excel and then
pasted, quote the source at the bottom of the chart. Do not copy charts or other
details from any source directly. Doing this would ensure uniformity of details
throughout the report.
The construction of the sentences has to be proper so it makes sense. You may use
new words if possible. If any new term is introduced then in the bracket there write
its meaning.
The formatting has to be as per the instruction given in this guideline. Once done
with the report, check the complete report in Print Preview to see for any alignment
or font related issues.
Details and Presentation Flow
The flow of all the details that you include has to be logical and in sequence. For
your reference, a suggestive flow is included in Annexure 7.
In viva, you are expected to answer all the questions pertaining to your internship.
You will be expected to have your own role clarity. You will be tested on your
knowledge about the customer segment that was handled by you and the difference
that you were able to make to the firm during your internship. The overall
learning’s that you got from doing internship.
7. Schedule of Reporting
The schedule of reporting with deadlines is as under
Last Date to submit Particulars

24th May 2023 *Title Finalization with your mentor

5nd June 2023 **Introduction & Collection of literature

12th June 2023 Research Objective & Questionnaire
5th July 2023 Confirmation of Data Collection
6th -8th July 2023 (tentative dates) Workshop on SPSS /R Studio for Data
15th July 2022 Data Analysis
31st July 2022 First Draft Submission

*Those who have started their internships are supposed to submit their title asap.
**Introduction and Literature Review to be carried on simultaneously once the title
is submitted throughout the project.
Faculty Mentors Guidance and Assistance
Faculty mentors will be available to all students at institute level
• To make the student understand the importance of SIP with regards to
academic and practical importance.
• To Help in framing the SIP topic as per the profile of student’s internship.
• Guiding the student throughout the SIP report preparing and providing
valuable inputs for coming up with crisp and good quality report.
• To ensure that all the criteria of the SIP are fulfilled as mentioned in the
guideline so that overall learning is enhanced of students.
Your SIP guides are already allocated and informed to you. For any guidance for
report you can coordinate with them through Emails/Mentor WhatsApp group
8. Annexures

Annexure 1
Title Page
(Print the next page)
Summer Internship Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of





Submitted By
Enrollment No

Under the Guidance of

Mentor Name : (Write Correct Name with Correct Prefix)
Designation : (Please check the designation with the respective mentor)
Annexure 2

I, ---------------------- hereby declare that the Summer Internship Report on “----

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------”, submitted to
Narayana Business School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of PGDM/MBA is a bonafide work undertaken by me under the
supervision and guidance of (Name of faculty, under which project is undertaken)
and to the best of my knowledge the work is original and has not been published

Name :

Enrollment no :

Batch :
Annexure 3
Bonafide Certificate

This is to certify that the Summer Internship Report

submitted in partial fulfillment of award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Programme/Masters in Business Administration of Narayana Business School
Ahmedabad, is the bonafide work of and was carried out under my
guidance and supervision.

Name of Faculty Mentor :

Signature :
Designation :
Annexure 4
Company Certificate

(If the students are getting the internship completion certificate from the company
itself, then you do not need to get this certificate signed. Attach the certificate
given by the company.
In case you do not get the internship completion certificate from the company, then
get this certificate copy signed by your immediate boss or manager)

(Print the next page)


This is to certify that (Name of the Student), student of Narayana Business School
pursuing Post Graduate Diploma in Management programme/Masters in Business
Administration has successfully completed his /her summer internship under the
guidance of (Name of Mentor, Designation).

The Duration of the SIP was from (Date) to (date). The students’ performance
during the internship was

Signature of authorized company official

Name :

Designation :

Date :
Annexure 5

Plagiarism report

(Print the copy generated from the plagiarism software and attach)
Annexure 6


I would like to express my gratitude to our Director Dr. Amit Gupta who has given
me the opportunity to prepare this Summer Internship Report, for his kind co-
operation and encouragement which helped me in completion of this Summer
Internship Report.

I am thankful to our Dean Academics, Dr. Purvi Gupta for her motivational
support and guidance with the help of which I could make my Summer Internship
Report successful.

I am highly indebted to --------------------------------------, Faculty of Narayana

Business School for his/her guidance, constant supervision
& support in completing the report.

I am thankful to -----------------, (Company’s Guide) and (designation of the

Company’s guide and co. name) for his motivational support and guidance with the
help of which I could make my summer internship report successfully

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleagues in developing the Report

and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.
Annexure 7
Table of Contents (suggested)
Chapter Sr. No Particulars Pg. No

1 Introduction of Industry & Company

1.1 Overview of Industry
1.2 History and trend of Industry
1.3 Michael Porter Analysis
1.4 Introduction of Company
1.5 Detail About Company
1.6 Overview of different Business Segment of Company/Industry
1.7 Financial Overview
1.8 Product profile
1.9 SWOT
2 Literature review
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research objective
3.2 Hypothesis
3.2 Research design
3.3 Sampling plan
3.4 Data collection plan
3.5 Statistical tools used for data analysis
4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

5 Findings/Learning
6 Conclusion
7 Suggestion/Recommendation/Future Plans

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