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Reflection on Gathered Items on

Cognitive Based Assessments

Cognitive assessment is one of the evaluation

techniques that teachers utilize the most frequently. It is a
kind of test that is used to evaluate pupils' cognitive ability
on a wide range of topics, including language, problem-
solving, and reasoning. These let teachers evaluate the
students' knowledge and understanding of the topic that is
being taught.
It is easy for us to find the cognitive-based assessment
when our professor assigns this activity because we are
using our item bank. This task assists in evaluating whether
the objectives are being reached and whether the
assessment we are using is in line with the learning
competencies. The feedback provided by my professor is
very helpful in helping us improve the type of evaluation we
are utilizing for some of the items that we reviewed that
needed better improvement.
In assessing the learning of the students, I believe that it
must not go beyond memorizing a facts and information. In
order to develop the holistic learner, teachers should
consider that the three domains of objectives are being met
in the lesson. These are cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. Every institution of learning should work to be
the best not just in terms of academic performance but also
in terms of imparting useful skills and attitudes to the
students. The availability of activities that will foster the
development of values will enable students to fully
understand their nature as human beings.
I am determined to continuing to uphold my
commitment to set a positive example for values for my
students. I will work hard to meet their needs in terms of
knowledge acquisition, talent development, and most
importantly instilling values and the right mindset.

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