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Globus Garment Ltd.

Production Recovery Plan

Date: 18-05-2022
Production completion date - 17th May'22
Behind From Till 17/May
Unit Plan
Total Recovery 18-May 19-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 24-May 25-May 26-May 28-May 29-May 30-May 31-May Achieved May'22 Possible to Achive

Production Plan in Month (1,987) 5,200 5,850 6,450 6,800 7,250 7,250 7,250 7,050 7,000 7,110 7,150 6,600
36,997 119,407
U-1 Onward Achievement Plan 5,200 6,050 6,600 7,000 7,400 7,400 7,500 7,250 7,000 7,260 7,150 6,600

Total Recovered Pcs: 1,450 - 200 150 200 150 150 250 200 - 150 - - 1,450 (537)

Production Plan in Month (2,490) 5,057 6,150 6,953 7,750 8,580 8,180 8,610 8,880 8,630 8,780 8,880 8,330
51,408 147,488
U-2 Onward Achievement Plan 5,457 6,400 7,103 7,900 8,630 8,280 8,610 8,880 8,630 8,780 8,880 8,530

Total Recovered Pcs: 1,300 400 250 150 150 50 100 - - - - - 200 1,300 (1,190)

Production Plan in Month (7,787) 5,778 5,570 6,270 6,570 5,750 5,800 6,260 6,600 5,150 5,700 4,800 5,070
32,317 96,253
U-3 Onward Achievement Plan 4,500 4,656 5,000 5,000 5,400 5,800 6,260 6,600 5,150 5,700 4,800 5,070

Total Recovered Pcs: (5,382) (1,278) (914) (1,270) (1,570) (350) - - - - - - - (5,382) (13,169)

GGL Total (12,264) (2,632) 16,035 17,570 19,673 21,120 21,580 21,230 22,120 22,530 20,780 21,590 20,830 20,000
120,722 363,148
Total Production for the Day 15,157 17,106 18,703 19,900 21,430 21,480 22,370 22,730 20,780 21,740 20,830 20,200

Remarks Summary

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Total

Plan Qty 119,944 148,678 109,422 378,044
Achieveble Qty 119,407 147,488 96,253 363,148
+/- (537) (1,190) (13,169) (14,896)
XYZ Garment Ltd.
Production Recovery Plan
Date: 7/21/2022
Production completion date - 20th July'22
Behind From Till 20/July
Unit Plan
Total Recovery 21-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul Achieved July'22 Possible to Achive

Production Plan in Month (Based

(26,171) 8,852 7,411 7,357 6,734 6,665 7,453 7,458 7,670 7,493
53,815 115,239
U-1 Onward Achievement Plan 5,924 750 6,020 7,000 7,520 7,510 6,300 5,850 6,950 7,600 - -

Total Recovered Pcs: (5,669) (2,928) 750 (1,391) (357) 786 845 (1,153) (1,608) (720) 107 - - (5,669) (31,840)

Production Plan in Month (Based

(18,464) 7,546 7,351 7,199 7,276 7,328 7,000 6,366 6,490 6,924
68,078 123,465
U-2 Onward Achievement Plan 5,400 500 5,768 5,800 5,950 5,269 4,400 5,900 7,500 8,900 - -

Total Recovered Pcs: (8,093) (2,146) 500 (1,583) (1,399) (1,326) (2,059) (2,600) (466) 1,010 1,976 - - (8,093) (26,557)

Production Plan in Month (Based

Plan) (31,631) 7,153 7,012 6,461 7,156 7,801 7,225 7,305 7,583 7,763
33,507 80,503
U-3 Onward Achievement Plan 3,566 1,620 4,500 4,850 5,050 5,480 5,650 6,000 5,130 5,150 - -

Total Recovered Pcs: (18,463) (3,587) 1,620 (2,512) (1,611) (2,106) (2,321) (1,575) (1,305) (2,453) (2,613) - - (18,463) (50,094)

GGL Total (76,266) (32,225) 23,551 - 21,774 21,017 21,166 21,794 21,678 21,129 21,743 22,180 - -
155,400 319,207
Total Production for the Day 14,890 2,870 16,288 17,650 18,520 18,259 16,350 17,750 19,580 21,650 - -

Remarks Summary

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Total

Plan Qty 152,203 144,903 130,597 427,703
Achieveble Qty 115,239 123,465 80,503 319,207
+/- (36,964) (21,438) (50,094) (108,496)

1. Production loss at unit-3 due to product type migration from bottom to top (process wise skill shortage).
2. Worker high absenteeism (specially after EID huge worker migration).
3. Due to productivity fail & shipment issue line increased for style VNR 1011, TT 1036, VNR 1006.
Buyer Our Ref. Ship Date Ship Qty. Sewing Start Sewing End Possible Ship Date Delay Remarks
Production Plan Summary of May'22 (GGL)
Sl. Particulars Grand Total Remarks
Unit-1 (L-1,2,3,4,5,6) Unit-2 (7,8,9,10,11,12,19) Unit-3 (13,14,15,16,17,18)

1 Total Plan Qty. 0 Pcs

2 Avg. Production/Day #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Pcs
3 Plan Working Hour/ Day Hour
4 Total Working Days Day
5 Plan Efficiency %
6 Style Change Over
7 Avg. SMV Minute
8 December Shipment Plan Qty. 0
9 Non Wash Qty. 0
10 Garments Wash Qty. 0
11 Heavy Wash Qty. 0
12 canda 0
13 Lindex 0
14 Peacocks 0
15 Varner 0
16 Bonmarche 0
17 Kiabi 0
20 Gina Tricot 0

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