Week 4 Plants

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Basic Structure of Plants:

1. Leaves
a) Leaves make food through photosynthesis.
b) Leaves have chlorophyll (a green pigment) in them.
c) The food is a form of sugar (glucose), then converted into
d) Water is lost through transpiration.
2. Stems
a) The stem supports the plant and holds it upright.
b) The stem transports water and nutrients from the roots.
c) The stem transports food made by the leaves.
d) The main stem branches out into smaller stems to support
the leaves, flowers and fruit.
e) Some plants use their stems for storage.
f) Trees have thick, woody stems called trunks.
3. Roots
a) Roots absorb water and nutrients.
b) They help to support and anchor the plant firmly in the
c) There are breathing roots, clasping roots, prop roots and
underground storage roots.

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