Lesson 7 MA

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Each sentence has some speech in that needs punctuating correctly.

Rewrite it in
your book, assigning the four key rules of punctuating speech.

1) The policeman said don’t do that again.

2) do you know where Manchester is asked Bill.

3) how dare you shouted the angry man.

4) we should go to the shop said Ashley.

5) where are we asked the confused lady.

6) I’m going out mum said the young boy.

7) Debra asked do I need to order new art supplies

8) you can’t do that shouted the owner of the building.

9) I’m so hungry moaned Paul I could eat a horse.

10)it’s almost time to go home said Ben.

11)what do you think you’re doing screamed the woman.

12)what do you want for tea Ben asked mum. I’m not sure Ben replied.

13)Barbara told her husband don’t forget we need milk.

14)I’m going to the park said David. Ok replied his mum.

15)Dad shouted up time for bed kids. Can’t we stay up for another 20 minutes

they asked.

16) I hope your meeting goes well said Cindy.

17)Daniel rang his nana. thanks for the card nana he said. She responded, no

problem Daniel.

18)what time is it asked Steven.

19)are we there yet moaned the children. Not yet said Dad.

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