Golden Rules Intimate Care 2019

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Intimate Care Golden Rules


1. Staff members must not use a mobile phone when assisting a pupil in i/c. If they
have the school visit mobile phone with them and it rings, they must not answer it.

2. No staff member should enter a room where a pupil is being assisted unless
requested as help in exceptional circumstances. They should stay for the minimum
amount of time necessary.

3. Pupils from Year 3 upwards must not come into the area to use the toilet if a pupil
is being changed.

4. Staff members must not talk across a pupil they are assisting.

1. Pupils’ iPads (non-communication aid) should be turned off and put safely to one
side to be returned to the pupil. This action should be explained to the pupil and
the safety reason.

2. Modesty curtains must be used when a pupil is having intimate care

3. Staff should explain to pupils what they are doing to assist them, giving a running
commentary on their actions (e.g. when cleaning faeces off a pupil and wiping

4. Conversations should be at an age appropriate level and to the pupil.

5. Staff should ask the pupil their preferences.

6. Staff should encourage pupils to help themselves.

7. Staff should use correct terminology e.g.:

 “Wee” or “poo” acceptable as they are in common use;

 Bottom
 Period
 Vagina
 Penis
 Testicles

September 2019 1

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