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Two elements that defines freedom :


-ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will

- a person may act even if he or she is not required or called to take action and are free acts which can
be assigned a corresponding moral value.


- refers to the persons being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences.

-Taking responsibility can either mean a person voluntarily taking responsibility for his or her own
actions or being held responsible by other people.

-responsibility can have a positive or negative meaning,and it goes hand in hand with voluntariness in
determining the morality of an action.

In conclusion:

voluntariness and responsibility go hand in hand in determining a persons freedom.But when a person is
forced to do something or against his or her will he or she will not be responspible for his involuntarily
actions.On the other hand ,a person who had no awareness of the effect of his or her actions can be
considered as acting with diminished freedom.The realization of voluntariness and responsibility in the
exercise of our freedom gives our actions and experiences a whole new meaning.

*You must keep in mind that every action you take will always have an consequences and you should
take responsibility for it.So thats the connection between voluntariness and responsibilities.When you
do actions according to your own free will that means you voluntarily did it always expect an
consequences for your actions and by the consequences you must take responsibilities by accepting the
consequences of your actions.

"Freedom is experienced through the act of making choices. "

-It means that a person may decide to act or not to act, and these decisions are made out of his or her
own free will.

-It also means that a person may act even if he or she is not required or called to take action.

•This explains that although human freedom gives us the ability to think of countless decisions and
possible actions, we only get to choose to enact one of these possible actions or decisions. Having the
ability to choose and enact a course of action does not automatically mean that we should take action
every time. It is also possible that the choice not to take the action may be an acceptable and moral
choice in a given situation

•For example, you're a working student and you have been recommended to a high paid job but it's full
time, therefore, you are given a choice to whether go to school or go to work. You have all the freedom
to choose but it is important to be cautious and be prudent and reflect on your possible courses of
action because once an action is done you can never go back and redo it.

Self - reflection

-requires us to reflect on our actions, consider their effects, and make the proper chioces regarding the
most beneficial decisions or actions.

How can I exercise my freedom in a responsible and beneficial manner?

1. Human freedom should be exercised with control and a recognition of reasonable limits.

- we should set limits to our own freedom and learn to moderate or control our thoughts, emotions, and
actions depending on the situation.

- a person can also limit his/her own freedom or even surrender it if it will result in greater benefits.

• Example from the book, a person may choose not to enter the jeepney first despite being first in line
to give way to an elderly woman. (This means you're showing respect to the elder.)
• Another example, when our teacher scolded us because we are not managing our time wisely, thus,
we have all the freedom to talk back but as said we should control or limit our freedom. So instead of
talking back, we should listen and understand it that the lecture is for our own good.

- our sense of right and wrong guides us in recognizing and deciding on the limitations to our freedom.

2. Freedom should also be exercised with regard for knowledge and truth.

*As rational beings, it is natural for us to think before we act.

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