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Teaching writing (Sentence)

A.) Writing Steps:

1.) Study Verb List and Vocab List (Subject).

2.) Write short phrases with only Subject-Intransitive Verb.

3.) Write sentence with only Subject-Intransitive Verb-Time.

4.) Write sentence with Subject-Transitive Verb-Object-Place-Time.

5.) Write compound sentence with the use of conjunction.

B.) Type of Writing Methodology:

i.) Sentence copying.

ii.) Words rearranging.

iii.) Words / Sentence part completion.

iv.) Sentence reordering with given picture clues.

v.) Substitution table.

vi.) Sentence making with guided words and picture.

vii.) Sentence making with guided words but without picture.

viii.) Sentence making without guided words but with picture.

ix.) Sentence writing with sound recognition / voice listening.

x.) Sentence imitating.

xi.) Sentence correcting.


Note: The combination of (A) and (B) allows you to create different types of writing exercise
with students.

Ways to write a subject 主语 for person:

1.) Name 人名 4.) Third person 第三者

2.) Pronouns 人称代词 5.) Occupation 职业
3.) Relationship 关系

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