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In this chapter, there are discussions about the methodological steps which

underlie this study. Therefore, the research design, research subject, research

setting, research procedure, research instrument, data collection techniques, the

validity and reliability of the instruments, and data analysis techniques will be

presented further.

3.1. Type of Study

The objective of this research is to design appropriate model of English

speaking materials for students of hotel accomodation study program. Therefore,

this research is classified as Research and Development since its purpose was to

develop a finished product that can be used appropriately in an educational

program (Borg, 2003:772).

3.2. Research Setting

The research is planned to be conducted on January up to February 2017 at

SMK Negeri 1 Sukadana which is located in East Lampung. There are four study

programs in this vocational high school: Automotive, bussiness management,

computer and network, and hotel accommodation study program.


3.3. Research Subject

The subjects of this research are the grade ten students of hotel

accommodation study program at SMK Negeri 1 Sukadana.

3.4. Research Procedure

The procedure of this research adapted from the system approach model

proposed by Dick & Carey (1996) in Nureffendhi (2013). However, the system

approach model is very long to be applied in this research. Therefore, there is an

adaptation to make the procedures simpler.

Step 1:
Step 6:
Need Analysis
Revising the final draft

Step 2:

Planning Step 5:

(writing the course grid) Expert Judgments

Step 3:

Designing the materials Step 4:

(writing the first draft) Try out (field testing):

The figure above is the simplified model use in this research. The procedures of

the research are described as follows:

1. Needs analysis

Its purpose is to gather the information of learners’ needs and learning

needs. The data are analysed as the basis of developing English speaking

materials for the grade ten students of hotel accommodation study program

at SMK Negeri 1 Sukadana.

2. Planning

In this stage, the course grid will be developed based on the students’

needs which are previously assessed through needs assessment

questionnaire. There will be also consideration about standards of

competence and basic competence which underlay the English teaching at

vocational school. The course grid consists of topics, unit titles, language

functions, input text, language focus that covers vocabulary and grammar,

and learning procedure/ activities.

3. Developing the materials

The English materials will be developed based on the course grid. There

will be two units; each units consist of about 10 tasks. The materials focus

on speaking skill.

4. Try-out

The material will be tried out to the tenth grade students of hotel

accommodation program in SMK Negeri 1 Sukadana. The purpose of this

step is to find out whether the developed material is acceptable and

useable or not. The materials that will be tried out to the students have

been revised based on the suggestion and revision from the experts. The

data from the try-out will be used and analyzed to revise the materials.

5. Expert Judgements

The materials will be evaluated by the experts to assess the

appropriateness of the materials. The process of assessment is using expert

judgement questionnaire. The questionnaire will be adapted from the

criteria of materials development proposed by BNSP. The experts will be

also provided some spaces to write their opinion or suggestion.


6. Revising

The results of the expert judgment questionnaire and the observation

during the try-out will be analysed and used to revise the first draft of the

materials. The revisions will be based on some categories such as the

content, the language, the presentation, and the layout. After being revised,

the materials will be considered as appropriate English speaking materials

for the grade ten students of hotel accommodation study program at SMK

Negeri 1 Sukadana.

3.5. Data Collecting Techniques

In this study, the data will be collected through questionnaires and

interview. Firstly, the needs analysis questionnaire will be used to gather the data

of the target and learning needs in English. The learners will be asked to answer

several questions related to their characteristics and needs in learning English by

choosing one or more options from several options provided. However, they will

be also allowed to give other answers related to the questions. The teacher will be

interviewed to support the data from the questionnaire. Secondly, opinions and

suggestions from the experts will be asked through the expert judgements

questionnaire to find the appropriateness of the designed materials. The expert

judgements questionnaires used a Likert scale to collect the data. Thirdly,

observation that will focus on the students’ respond regarding to the materials’

activeness will be held during the try-out. The last, the students’ and teacher’s

questionnaires will focus on their respond toward the developed materials. This

will be used as a guideline to revise the materials.

3.6. Research Instruments

In collecting the data, questionnaires will be distributed to the students and

materials experts. There will be four types of questionnaires used in this research.

Those are the needs analysis questionnaire, expert judgement questionnaire,

students’ judgment questionnaire, and English teacher’s questionnaire. The need

analysis questionnaire will be distributed to find out the target needs and the

learning needs of the students at SMK Negeri 1 Sukadana. The expert judgement

questionnaire will be proposed to the materials experts to know their opinion

about the materials. The students’ and English teacher’s judgment questionnaires

will be distributed to find out the students’ and also the teacher’s respond toward

the developed materials.

a) Needs Analysis Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out the target needs and the

learning needs. In developing the needs analysis questionnaire, this study

referred to the theory of needs assessment proposed by Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Nunan (2004), and Tomlinson (1998) in Kusuma (2013).

Table 3.2. The Organization of the Needs Analysis Questionnaire.

Aspect References
Neccessities Hutchinson and Waters (1987)
22, 25
Target needs 23 Lacks Hutchinson and Waters (1987)
24 Wants Hutchinson and Waters (1987)
21 Goal Nunan (2004)
1, 2 Input Nunan (2004)
3, 4, 5 Activity Nunan (2004)
Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and
Learning needs 9, 10 Setting
Waters (1987)
8 Learners' role Nunan (2004)
7 Teachers' role Nunan (2004)

11, 12, Variety of learning

Tomlinson (1998)
13 activities
General opinion 6, 14,
Presentation of the
and views about 15, 16, Tomlinson (1998)
learning material 17
Content of the
18, 19 Tomlinson (1998)

b) Interview Guide

The interview guide will be used to gather information from the teacher

about students’ conditions. The information will be used to support the

results of needs analysis questionnaire which was distributed to the


c) Expert Judgement Questionnaire

The expert judgement questionnaire will be distributed to the experts after

the first draft materials are developed. The purpose of this questionnaire is

to find out the experts’ opinions and suggestions towards the materials.

The results this questionnaire will be used to evaluate the first draft of the


Table 3.2: The Organization of the Expert Judgement Questionnaire.

No The purpose of the questions References

1 To find out the apprropriateness of the content in the materials BNSP

2 To find out the appropriateness of the language in the materials BNSP

To find out the appropriateness of the methodeology in the


4 To find out the appropriateness of the layout of the materials BNSP

d) Students’ Judgement on Developed Materials Questionnaire.

Students’ judgement on developed materials questionnaire will be

distributed to the students after the materials have been tried out. The

purpose of this questionnaire is to find out the students’ respond toward

the developed materials.


Table 3.3: The Organization of the Students’ Judgement on Developed

Materials Questionnaire

No The purpose of the questions Number References

Goals, Content, and
1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Nation (2010:167)
2. Format and Presentation 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Nation (2010:167)
Monitoring and
3. 15 Nation (2010:167)

e) English Teacher’s Judgement on Developed Materials Questionnaire

English teacher’s judgement on developed materials questionnaire will be

distributed to the teacher after the materials have been tried out. The

purpose of this questionnaire is to find out the teacher’s respond toward

the developed materials. This questionnaire developed based on the parts

of the curriculum design process that are stated by Nation (2010:165)

f) Observation.

The observation will be held during the try-out of the material. The

purposes of this observation are, (1) to collect information related to the

respond of the students in the class during the try-out of the developed

materials. The information will be concluded to find whether the material

is effective or not for the students of hotel accommodation study program,

(2) to collect information related to the lack of insufficiency of the

developed material. The information will be used as a guideline to make

the final draft of the developed materials.


3.7. The Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

3.7.1. Validity of The Instruments

Validity is the idea that a measurement exactly measures what to measure

(Setiyadi, 2006). There are several types of validity such as face validity, content

validity, construct validity, and empirical validity (Setiyadi, 2006). Among those

types, this research will employ construct and content validity.

Construct validity is needed for a research instrument which has some

indicators in measuring one construct or more (Setiyadi, 2006). Since the purpose

of this study is to find out the students’ needs, wants, and lacks in learning

English especially in speaking skill. The current study will use need analysis

questionnaire published in Purwaka Budi Kusuma (2013) study.

All of the instruments will be in students’ native language, Bahasa

Indonesia. The researcher will use five raters (four researcher’s friends, and the

researcher) to rate the students’ and teacher’s judgment questionnaires . The raters

will be needed to ensure the construct validity of the questionnaires. The

researcher may use raters to rate the reliability of the indicators to measure the

construct validity of the instrument which has one construct (Setiyadi, 2006).

Table 3.5.

Table of percent agreement of the questionnaires.

Statement Rater %
No. Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 4 Rater 5
Number 3 Agreement
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0



1 : Agree

0 : Not Agree

Content validity is related to all of the numbers in a research instrument.

The researcher needs to find out all of the indicators in the research instrument

and analyzes it to find out whether the instrument has represented the material(s)

that will be measured. Since the researcher will utilize well-established need

analysis questionnaire and experts’ judgment prepared by the previous research,

the content validity of the instruments is established. The observation, interview,

students’ and teacher’s judgment are based on the expert theories. Content

validity, which refers to the degree to which that instrument measures intended

content area, “is not a statistical property; it is a matter of expert judgment” (Vogt,

1999 as cited in Cetinkaya, 2005).

3.7.2. Reliability of Instruments

Reliability is the consistency of a measurement of a research, or the ability

of a measurement to measure the same research subjects in a different time and

gives the consistent results (Setiyadi, 2006).

The researcher will gain the data by using quantitative description. The

researcher will analyze the reliability to find out whether the questionnaires are

reliable or not. The questionnaires are considered reliable if they have good level

of reliability. A reliable measure is one that provides consistent and stable

indication of the characteristic. To measure the relability of the experts’, students’,

and teacher’s judgment questionnaires, the researcher will use Cronbach Alpha

Formula after she has found the variance of all items.

First of all, the results of questionnaires will be scored based on Likert

scale; the score ranges 1 – 4. To measure the consistency items of the

questionnaires, the researcher will use Cronbach Alpha Coefficient since it is the

most common measurement used to measure the consistency among the indicators

of the questionnaires. The alpha ranges between 0 and 1. The higher the alpha, the

more reliable the questionnaire will be (Setiyadi, 2006, p. 167).

3.8. Data Analysis Technique

3.8.1. Data from Questionnaires and Observation

This research is using two kinds of questionnaires, which are analysed

differently. The data of needs analysis questionnaire will be analysed using

percentages. The assessment of the expert’s, students’, teacher’s opinion and

observation during and after the try-out of the developed materials use Likert

Scales. According to Bell in Wardhana (2013), Likert Scales ask the respondents

to indicate strength of agreement or disagreement with a given statement or series

of statements on five – or seven point range. The scoring of this data ran from:

1 = SD, if you strongly disagree with the statement

2 = D, if you disagree with the statement

3 = U, if you neither agree nor disagree or doubt about the statement

4 = A, if you agree with the statement

5 = SA, if you strongly agree with the statement

In order to make the data easier to be read, the researcher converted the

data into the interval of mean values. based on the quantitative data conversion

proposed by Suharto (2006) in Kusuma (2013) it can be seen in the following

table whether the result of the mean value were effective or less effective.

Table 3.3: Quantitative Data Conversion (Suharto, 2006)

Scales Categories Interval of mean

5 Strongly agree Strongly effective 4.20-5.00
4 Agree Effective 3.40-4.19
Neither effective or not
3 Neither agree or disagree 2.60-3.39
2 Disagree Not effective 1.80-2.59
1 Strongly disagree Strongly not effective 1.00-1.79

3.8.2. Data from Interview

The data obtained from the teacher’s interview related to the school’s

facility and also students’ condition in learning English will be recorded and then

transcripted. The data will be analyzed in four steps. The first step is collecting the

data. The second step is data reduction. In this step, the researcher will select

limited, simplified, and transformed the data by summarizing or paraphrasing the

interview transcripts. The next step is data display. The last step is drawing the


Indeed, there are discussions about the methodological steps which

underlie this study. They are the research design, research subject, research

setting, research procedure, research instrument, data collection techniques, the

validity and reliability of the instruments, and data analysis techniques.

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