Exploring The Food Around The World

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Narrator - Hello everyone, We are from Teacher Su International School FCE24.

Our room
teacher is Teacher Kein. Today , we are going to do role play about Exploring food around the
world. Our room members areTr Kein, Michelle , Harry, Leo, Iris, Kee Kee, Robin, Kylie, Austin,
Nana, Sebella, Vivian and me Nora.

Narrator - There’s a rich family in America which consists of a famous dad and mom and a kid.
They are Robin Hook the dad, Kylie Jenner the mom and Kee Kee Jenner, the daughter.
They’re planning a luxurious trip across the world to taste different kinds of food.

Kylie Jenner - Can u believe it? We're going to travel around the world. I can't wait to see the
different cultures.

Robin Hook - Yeah. I don’t know about Kee Kee but it sure sounds exciting to me.
Kee Kee Jenner - Hey mum and dad. What are you two talking about?
Robin Hook - Wait! Aren’t you sleeping the whole time?
KK Jenner - No, I wasn’t. I was chatting with my friends.

Narrator - Their first stop is France. At the airport,

Announcer - Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would like everyone to pay attention . Passenger
Kee Kee Jenner is missing. Kee Kee Jenner if you hear this announcement please come to gate
2 . Your mom Kylie Jenner is waiting for you.

KK Jenner - I finally found you. How exhausting it is to run here. Btw I was about to phone you
but unfortunately, my phone got lost either….

Narrator - They visited a cafe near the airport.

Michelle - Bonjour! Que puis-je pour vous? There are so many drinks here. Le cele bre est
expresso. It’s a very good coffee in our country. Ce sera 12 euro. Merci prende plaisir. ( Hello.
What can I get for you? There are so many drinks here. The most famous drink is expresso.
That will be 12 euro. Thank you and enjoy!)

Robin Hook - thinking (My Goddness! 12 euro!)

KK Jenner - Dad, I want expresso, strawberry cake, hot chocolate. I actually want to try almost
everything that is included in the menu.

KK Jenner - This café serves the best bubble tea I've ever drank! I'll come here again when I
have a chance to visit France and I’m gonna give the best review to it.

Aww - After enjoying their time in France, they went on their trip to Italy. Once again, at the
Announcer - Hello ladies and gentlemen. We have arrived in Italy safely. I would like everyone
to pay attention . Passenger Kee Kee Jenner is missing. Kee Kee Jenner if you hear this
announcement please come to the arrival area . Your mom Kylie Jenner is waiting for you.

Kylie - Oh, my sweetie pie, where have u been again? Has she got kidnapped? Oh, I’m so

KK - Omg. Where are my parents? Did I lose again? Wait, let me try to phone them.
Hmm….why don’t I have their phone number? I better go to the arrival area.

Narrator - In Italy, they arranged a trip with a tour guide named Harry.

KK - Oh! I think you're our tour guide. Nice to see you.

Harry - The Colosseum is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, just east
of the Roman Forum. It is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built, and is still the largest
standing amphitheatre in the world today, despite its age. Construction began under the
emperor Vespasian in 72 and was completed in 80 AD under his successor and heir, Titus.

Narrator - Suddenly, they heard some weird noises coming from the other side of the street.

Alien - slfjwoefjwosf

Harry - What the? What kind of creature is that?

Translator - This is an Alien, L from Satan planet.

Harry - What? An alien?

Robin - Are you sure are we going with an unnamed alien who came from random land in

Kyile - Is it dangerous?

Alien - asdfjowefjf

Iris - Don’t worry. That alien isn’t dangerous. He can understand human language but he can’t
speak it. M here to help you guys. He just came here to explore the food.

Kee Kee - Let’s be friends. Do you like Mala Xiang Guo?

Alien - slfjeoswfjweo

Iris - He said he doesn’t understand.

Harry - Is it another kind of alien language? Because I didn’t understand too.

Narrator - After meeting the alien in Italy, they felt quite amazed and weird. With a confused
feeling, they traveled to Korea. Same thing happened at the airport.

Announcer - what kee kee jenner is missing again. Oh god what type of kid is this. whatever
Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would like everyone to pay attention . Passenger Kee Kee Jenner
is missing. Kee Kee Jenner if you hear this announcement please come to gate 3. Your dad
Robin is waiting for you.

Robin - Not again, Kee Kee.

KK - Again? Huh..I feel like I’m the lost angel. Okie then. I’ll walk to the gate 3.

Narrator - They went to a restaurant nearby to fill their empty stomach.

Kein - There are some customers over there, can you go and show them the menu?

Austin - Yes, I see.

Austin - Hello, May I take you order (korean way)

Kylie - Im sorry I dun understand we r foreigners

Austin- Ahh I see, So may I take u order

Kylie - what kind of food is served here?

Austin- will explain abt menu and recommend topokki

Kee Kee - what is toppoki

Austin- will explain

Robin - OK, so, we’ll take a spicy one and a less spicy one.

Austin- oky wait a moment plz.

A few moment later

Austin - here u go, enjoy your meal.

Narrator - Just before they dig into their meal, someone familiar came up.
Alien - slfjsofewofjsd

Kee Kee - Oh, it’s you again!

Kyile - How did you get here?

Translator - Oh, we just teleported. He can teleport to anywhere.

Robin (whispering) - Maybe we should take him with us, so that we don’t need to pay for tickets.
I think we have to pay them thousands of dollars or euros or whatever if we go to Singapore by

Kylie - You’re unexpectedly smart. I was kind of regretting marrying you but not anymore.

Robin Hook- Wait, what?

Narrator - In this way,they teleported to Singapore and went straight to a Chinese restaurant.
Meanwhile at the airport,

Announcer - What! It’s weird. Why isn't that kid missing? Did she get kidnapped or something?

Narrator - The restaurant was quite nice because of the kind boss.

Sabella - (in Chinese) May I get your order?

Alien - sdlfjweofjsdo

Sabella - (in English) Do you come from another planet?

Translator - (happily) Oh, you’re correct. He’s Leo, the alien from the planet Satan.

Robin - Are there any delicious traditional dishes we could get?

Sabella - There are many traditional Chinese food in my restaurant. Chongqing hot pot is also
one of our specialties, with chilies, pepper , ginger, garlic and other spices things in the soup.
Then there are many ingredients to choose from, belly is one of Chongqing people's favorite
dishes cooked and eaten in the hot pot.

Kylie - Oh, it sounds great. We’ll have two sets of it, please.

Narrator - Suddenly, they heard a loud sound of someone breaking the glass.
Vivian - What kind of bullshit is that?I heard your shop is quite famous for food and service.So I
thought coming here might be a great idea.But I might be wrong.The food doesn’t taste great.It
taste like disgusting and also that waiter is so rude to me.I am just complaining about the food
and tell him to make a new one.He told me to pay for it.It doesn’t make sense.I won’t pay for the
food nor the glass.How will you handle it?

Sabella - Oh my apologies for your inconvenience.

Alien - fjsodfjoswefj

Translator - Yea, right. Why is she shouting like that?

Alien - sjdofjosdfjsdof

Translator - I totally agree! I think we should leave.

Kee Kee - Can I take this alien to our home, mom?

Kylie - No, he’s a boy!

Alien - sldjfowsfjos

Robin - What did he say? But if he is saying he wants to come and live with us, the answer is

Iris - No, he said he has to return to his planet and report about the food.

Kee Kee - (making a sad face) Nooooo! I’m going there with you!

Robin, Kylie - No way!

You gotta be kidding me.
Narrator - Finally, they made their ways to their destinations. The translator went to the Saturn
planet along with the alien. The family also went back to their home. The rude customer back in
Singapore got sued though. Except for her, everyone had a happy ending including me!
Byeeee, see you in the next video!

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