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SHILOH 2022-‘Covenant Highways

Teaching series: Commanding Marital Breakthrough - Psa. 68:6
Introduction 0
 Marriage Institution has always been under attack since it was instituted in the garden of Eden and that has
continued up till now – Gen. 3:1-10/ Psa. 68:6/Mat. 19: 5-6
 Two objectives of the enemy in his battle against the institution of marriage:
 First, to stop it from happening at all – Psa. 68:6
 Secondly, to ensure it never works – 1Cor. 14:33/ Mat. 13:24-28/36-40
 It is every believer’s heritage to be married, if so desired – Rom. 8:32
Day 1: Enforcing Marital Breakthrough (Part 1) MARITAL BREAKTHROUGH IS MY HERITAGE - Gen. 1:27/ 2:18
A. Understanding your redemptive right to marital Breakthrough.
 By redemption, you have a right to marital breakthrough – Gen. 1:26-28/ Jn. 10:10
 Our father is the marriage maker so we are not permitted to be marriage beggars – Gen. 2:18/ Ps. 68:6
 Marriage is a good thing and every good thing is our entitlement in Christ including a peaceful, joyful,
faithful and settled marriage – Matt. 7:11/ Pro. 18:22
B. Engaging vital forces for the full delivery of your marital testimony.

1. Renew your mind by the word – Rom. 12:2 3. Engage the prayer of faith – Mk. 11:24
2. Engage spiritual stewardship – Matt. 6:33 4. Remain spiritually sensitive – 1 Cor. 2:14
Day 2: Enforcing Marital Breakthrough (Part 2) KEYS FOR MARITAL BREAKTHROUGH – Mk. 4:11
 The kingdom of God operates by keys – Mk. 4:11
 The keys that provoke testimonies are knowledge based – Lk. 11:52
 The right application of that knowledge is what we refer to as wisdom – Matt. 7:24-27
 This wisdom is referred to as principal thing – Pro. 4:7
 Wisdom is also described as profitable to direct – Exo. 10:10
Therefore, what are the wisdom keys for marital breakthrough?
o Expectancy – Is. 50:7/Pro. 23:18 o Obedience – Deut. 28:1/ Jam. 1:25
o God-Addiction – Rom. 8:28/ 1 Cor. 2:9 o Spiritual Consistency - 1 Cor. 15:58/ Ps. 16:4
Day 3: Enforcing Marital Breakthrough (Part 3) POSSESSING THE OVERCOMER’S MENTALITY – 1 Jhn. 5:4
 Everyone who is born of God is an overcomer
 To win this battle, there is a mentality to possess.
 We must continue to prove the validity of scriptures – 1 Tim. 4:13/15
 It is not unspiritual to be challenged, but its unscriptural for you to be defeated – Ps 30:5
To Overcome Marital Siege:
1. You must understand Your right to a successful married life:
a. You are a child of Destiny – Rom. 8:29-30
b. You are ordained for signs and wonders – Isa 8:18
2. Possess an overcomer’s mentality – 1 Cor. 10:13
a. Victory begins from the mind – Phil 2:5
b. Guard your heart to keep your life - Watch those imaginations – Gen 11:6; Rom 12:2
3. The Holy Spirit in you should be the source of your strength
a. Depend on Him for direction and strength through your waiting period – Prov. 3:5-6; 2 Cor. 12:9.
b. The Holy Spirit is always there to strengthen when overwhelmed by challenges – Eph. 3:16  
c. The Holy Spirit empowers you to overcome any attack of the enemy – Isa. 59:19; Rom. 8:35–39
Ministration: All Ministrations shall be by the use of Shiloh Anointing Oil. NO USE OF MANTLES
Jesus is Lord!

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