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Topic : Paragraph Coherence

Sub Topic : Transitions

What to do :
1) Read the material written below.
2) Do the exercises. Type your answer directly on this document (below the topic
content). Don’t forget to complete your identities needed.
3) Before submitting your work to the V-class site, name your word-file with “FULL
example (Gunawan Tambunsaribu_2SA05_Transitions”)

Paragraph Coherence
Coherence is related to unity. Ideas that are arranged in a clear and logical way are coherent. When a
text is unified and coherent, the reader can easily understand the main points. Creating an outline helps
us make a well-organized essay. When organizing your ideas, think about what type of organization is
the best for your topic or essay type. Here are some examples of types of writing and good ways to
organize them. Some of cohesive devices are as follows:
 Transitions
 Pronoun References
 Repetition of Key Ideas

As you have learned before, there are many transition words and phrases in English that are used to
connect sentences together or relate ideas to one another. Here are several types of writing and some
common transitions that are used with them.

Task: Retype the sentences below and directly use transitions from the list above to connect each
of the following sentences. When you have finished, compare you answers with the essay.

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