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T.B.C. : DFSE-D-STT DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO IU ‘Test Booklet Series Serial 1009732 TEST BOOKLET STATISTICS Paper II Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 1 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omisslon/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. ‘You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to’ mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is, more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate, After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. Penalty for wrong answers: THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (@) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer ‘as heen given by the candidate, onethird ofthe marks assigned to that question will he deducted as Gi) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question, Gii) If a question is left blank, ic., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO DFSE-D-STT (1-D) DFSE-D-STT Suppose the probability mass function of a| 9. Let X be a random variable with pmf under random variable X under the parameter 0 = 0) Ho and Hy given by and 0 = 0;, 0; # 0p is given by lara ean aoa lee lecele x [o]:s]2|]s Pog® | 0-01 | 0:01 | 0-01 | 0-01 | 001 | 0-95 Pa | oor | 004 | 050 | 045 Po, [0-05 | 0-04 | 0-03 | 002 | 001 | 0-85, Po® | o02 | 008 | 040] 050 Consiqer a test function @(x) as Define a test function @ such that 4 ifX=12 oF) i eeoot x)= 1025, ifX=3 0, ifx-2,3 0, otherwise For testing Ho : 0 = @ against Hy : 0 = 0, the ‘Then which one of the following is correct ? est @ is @ (a) a most powerful test at level 0-05 (b) @(x) is @ most powerful test of level a= 0:03 with power 0-0975 OE eee (© (x) has size 0-0225 and power 0-0975 ‘i but it is not a most powerful test with (© test with power 0-90 put it is not (@) test of size 0.01 (@) (x) is not most powerful test of level = 0-0225 |. Which one of the following parameters is Consider the distribution having probability bare ea Wer ice Salsas eres density function of a random variable X as RT)? : (@) Im LRT, control is not affected over the fo) fa" 085° probabilities of type-I error by suitably mee aon choosing the cut-off point hy | eee (©) LRT always gives unbiased test Let 1SX< 15 be the critical region to test the (© When null hypothesis i compost, the 5 critical region will be always similar hypothesis Hy : @ = 1°5 against Hy : @ = 2 eee ee (@) Under certain assumptions, an LRT will ‘Then be consistent (a) size of the test is 0 and test is unbiased | 5. An estimator to be a good estimator, 1 (b) size of the test is + and test is unbiased (©) sie ofthe test is 4 and testis biased (@) san ott tnta and nt oni (2-D) (a) should be efficient but not necessarily unbiased (b) should be consistent but not necessarily efficient (© should be unbiased but not necessarily sufficient (@) should “be unbiased, sufficient and efficient consistent, 6. For Cauchy distribution, following statements : consider the 1. Sample mean is consistent estimator of the population median. 2. Sample median is consistent estimator of the population median. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) 1only () 2only (© Both 1and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 7. Let X be distributed Poisson variate with mean 2 > 0. Then unbiased estimator of 7 HPA, where k > Ois @ & wm x © Cw @ 8 If Xy, Xp Ng, --» X_ are random variables having joint pdf fy (xy, x2, ... x); @ € ©, then Fisher's information about 0 contained'in the observation X is given by 2 loge f(x) i yom (bsg) 2 0) Ign By{— 2 ta fot 00 2 ©] =H, 22 fe) (a) None of the above DFSE-D-STT GB- 10. D) Let X;, Xa, X, ny Xy be a random sample from a population with pat fix, 0) = Ox” The sufficient statistic factorization theorem will be “hocx<10>0 for 0 using (b) © @ Consider a problem of estimation of Parameter © with respect to an absolute error Joss function. Hence L(0, d) = |0 ~ d|. The Bayes rule is given by (@) Mean of the posterior distribution of 6 given X (b) .Mode of the posterior distribution of 0 given X (©) Median of the posterior distribution of © given X (@) MLE of @ in the posterior distribution of OgivenX 11, Let Xp, Xo) Noy oy Xp be a random sample from uniform distribution U(0, 6) with fx, 0) = 4; 0 < x < 6, then the consistent cinta 2 @ Xp © (| md es © (fi x) fat @ Xe 12, From a sampling from N(6, 1) using SPRT for testing Hy:@=0 against 0=2, the ASN function for a = 0-05 and 6 = 0-1 is __ U0) log B + (1~ 110) log A E(n) = E@) where (a) A=18,B= 2 na) = 401-0) &) A=18,B= 2, =40-0 2 @) A= 2,B=18,B@=40- () A TH 18, E(Z) = 41-8) 2 @ a= 2,p-18,8@=4-0 13. bet X be a random variable with density function fix) = 66; 0 < x < =. Then the central 95% confidence limits for 8 with lange sample size n are 196)z (,_196)g oy (16288)x, (1-298) (Fe) ® © @ DFSE-D-STT 14. 16. 16. (4-D) Let X and Y be independent N(@, oj ) and N(@, 03), where o? and o; are known. Then the sufficient statistic for 0 is @ +7 wo 2+ a * oy fs Ope 1 ee @ +3 ia Suppose that Xj, Xp, Xq, .y Xq be a random sample of size n. An estimator T,, calculated from this sample is said to be a consistent estimator of parameter 0 for all e > 0, 1 > 0 and n> mif (a) E(T,)=0 ) lim vcr) =0 (© PUIT,-el}1-n @ = PUIT,-el} «%-s? «? Et from a random sample of size n from the distribution, Then Var(S*) will be always greater than or equal to @ * 2 Let Xj, Xp and X, be iid normal variates with mean 6 and variance 1. Define a statistic T = X,—Xp~ Xp for unknown parameter 0. ‘Then the Fisher information contained in statistic Tis @ (b) 28. Let Xj, Xp, -) Xq be a random sample from, the distribution having pdf fix, 0) =e", x>0. ‘Then by factorisation theorem we say that (@) )) X is the only sufficient statistic for @ (b) fro. >3, x is jointly sufficient for Es (© Xiqy is sufficient for © @ frm > x| is jointly sufficient for @ ot 29, Let X;, Xp,» Xq be arandom sample of size n from N(@, 1) population, The complete statistic for 0 is, @ & ©) X\-% (©) 2K -X_-Xy @ Ky +Xy+Xy+Xy 30. Suppose (X, Y) follows bivariate nérmal distribution with means 1, lg; standard deviations 6, 62 and correlation coefficient p, -1

) 426 are respectively © 624 (a) 882 (a) 2,2,95 and 107 (b) 3,3, 101 and 107 If all the observations from three lakes are pooled into a single group, they would have a © 2,2,4end27 standard deviation equal to (@) None of the above (a) 2-000 1414 © 4128 @ 5919 ‘The mean sum of squares due to methods, instructors, interaction and errors are Consider the following for the next three (03) respectively items: In order to test the effectiveness of three different ee eee teaching methods, three instructors were assigned (b) 81, 45,65, 8-41 12 students each. The students were then randomly assigned to the different teaching methods and were taught exactly the same material. The following Rone.of the above ANOVA table was obtained for the grades of students who were given identical tests : Source | Degrees | Sum of [Mean| of | squares | $8 The Frati ining om. (SS) ratios pertaining to methods, Methods = 162 instructors and interaction are, respectively 54, 30, 5-94, 8-41 Instructors | - 90. Interaction | - 600 Error - 200 (b) 2-43, 1-35, 4:50 (a) 9°63, 5:35, 0-77 Complete the two-way ANOVA table with (©) 6-42, 3:57, 0-71 interaction and answer the following questions. (@) None of the above DFSE-D-STT Independent observations ¥3, y9, .-, Yq have been drawn from Niu, o%/x?); § = 1, 2, ms where x/s are not equal, uncorrelated with the errors in the model and x; # 0, for all i, ‘The least squares estimate of p would be 2 xiv Consider a two-way classification with one observation per cell and interaction present Yy=H+ O;+ B+ YY + ey 1 1,2,3,4, 5; 1,2,3,4 ‘Then the degrees of freedom for error SS are @ 4 © © @ 0 In a linear model Yn = Xagfpa + Ona with usual assumption, if P = X(XK)"X’, then 1, -P)X is equal to (@) Null matrix (b) Some matrix of order nxn © x @ i DFSE-D-STT Which one of the following organisations ‘compiles Consumer Price Index for Agriculture Labour and Rural Labour (CPLALRL)? (a) CSO, Ministry of Statisties and Programme Implementation (b) Office of Economic Adviser, Ministry of Commerce and Industries Directorate of Economies and Statisties, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment Which, one of the following organisations compiles and releases vital statistics, regularly, in India? (a) Central Statisties Office (b) Registrar General of India (©) Directorate General of Health Services (@) International Institute of Population Studies General Fertility Rate (GFR) is defined as (a) Number of live births per thousand mid-year female population (6) Number of live births per hundred mid-year female population (©) Number of live births per thousand mid-year female population in productive age-group Number of live births per hundred mid-year female productive age-group population in Which one of the following sampling designs is most commonly used in NSSO. household surveys ? (a) Simple Random Sampling Without ‘Replacement (b) Systematic Random Sampling (©) Cluster Sampling (a) Two-stage Stratified Sampling ‘The subject matter of 78 round of NSSO Survey is (a) Drinking water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing conditions in India Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Household Domestic Tourism Expenditure Household Consumption Expenditure ‘The most common survey period of NSSO Household Surveys is (a) January to December (b) April to March (©) Suly to June (@) January to June DFSE-D-STT ‘The Gross Value Added (GVA) by an enterprise is defined as (a) Gross value of output ‘minus’ Final ‘consumption (b) Gross value of output ‘minus’ Export (©) Gross value of output ‘minus’ Inventory (@) Gross value of output ‘minus’ Intermediate consumption In National Accounts, Domestic Economy is based on the concept of (a) Resident units (>) Currency (© - Nationality (@)_Allofthe above SASA is associated with (a) Agricultural Statistics (>) Wholesale Price Indices ‘Scheduled Tribe Welfare Land Ceilings and Reforms ‘The basic unit of data collection’ in the Agriculture Census is (a) Operational holding (>) Ownership holding (©) Household (@) None of the above 61. If the population variance is doubled, the , ron width of the confidence interval for the | 6% Whats the expectation of the lose function population mean will be (@) ‘The risk funtion (@) multiplied by 2 (©) The power function () divided by 2 (© The error function (@) The convex loss function (c) multiplied by V2 (@) divided by JE 66. If x 21 is the critical region for testing Ho : © = 2 against alternative Hy : 6 = 1, on the basis of single observation from ‘the 62. If 95% confidence interval for 1 when o is Population fix, 6) = 66", where 0 1 productive employment and decent work for all Tae (&) End poverty in all its forms everywhere @ a 0, then e ms to collect data me peer _ and child well-being in India, which one of the which one of the following is not a composi ° wing compen following would be the least preferred choice 3? hypothesi for stratifying variable for selecting villages Hi pSiig, o> 05 within a district ? (@) Female literacy rate (b) Hi p=ng.c?< 05 () Child mortality rate @ He = ho = 0G (© Number of individual units with 100 or more workers @ Hiw>ngc?> 03 : @ Sexratio DFSE-D-STT (14-D) 74, DFSE-D-STT ‘Who among the following can be engaged as | 76. census enumerators and supervisors in population census operation in India ? 1. School teachers 2 Central government officials 3. Local government officials Select the correct answer using the code given below 7. (@) Land 2only () 2and3only (© land Sony @ 1,2anda Which of the following can be derived/drawn from population census data ? 1. Sampling frame for conducting AllIndia Survey with houschold as ultimate-stage unit 7. 2 Literacy rate 3. Average monthly per capita expenditure aurce) 4. Sexratio Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) 1,2and4 @) 2,3and4 © 1,2and3 @ 1,3and4 (15-b) Which one of the following organizations is responsible for employing field enumerators for conducting All-India surveys of NSSO ? (@) SDRD ®) DPD © cpD @ Fob GDP is measured by which of the following equivalent approaches ? 1. Production approach 2. Income approach 3. Expenditure approach Select the correct answer using the code given below (@) land 2only (6) 2and 3 only © Land 3 only @) 1,2and3 Which of the following are components of Physical Quality Life Index (PQLI) ? 1. Literacy Rate 2, Infant Mortality Rate 3. Life Expectancy 4. Per Capita Income Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) 1,2and3 >) 2,3and4 © 1,8end4 @ = 1,2and4 79. Point to point inflation of a monthly Index | go, which one of the following o rganisations ‘Number is defined a5, designed ‘Ten Fundamental Principles of ‘Current, Month Index Oficial Statistics’? a) (Curent Month Indes _ 1}, i ( ‘Base Period Index 1} a (@) World Bank o (Cement les —1) 200 Last Month Index (b) International Monetary Fund Current Month Index (Current Month mess -3)* inited Nations — (se ‘Month Index of the year ) 100 (©) United Nation (a) Organisation for Economic Co-operation @ (se eens *)"™° ‘Same Month Index of last year and Development (OECD) DFSE-D-STT SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DFSE-D-STT SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DFSE-D-STT SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DFSE-D-STT SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DFSE-D-STT

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