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Unit 10.


Intonation: invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise
- Reported speech with conditionals
"You may have a stomachache if you eat too much pickled onions."
→ My mum said that I may have a stomachache if I eat too much pickled onions.
→ My mum said that I might have a stomachache if I ate too much pickled onions.
“If I had some spare time, I'd do exercise every day.”
→ He said that if he had some spare time, he'd do exercise every day.
- Reported speech with to-infinitives and gerunds
"Would you like to eat out this evening?”
→ He invited me to eat out that evening.
"You may have a short break now.”
→ The teacher allowed having a short break then.
Words and phrases related to healthy lifestyles and longevity:
life expectancy, stress-free lifestyle ...
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. nutrient B. immune C. natural D. attribute
(âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /u:/)
2. A. expectancy B. experience C. expensive D. expectation
(âm /e/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/)
3. A. remedy B. meditation C. obesity D. success
(âm /ɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /e/)
4. A. dietary B. antibiotics C. attribute D. service
(âm /aɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/)
5. A. blood B. drug C. soon D. such
(âm /u:/, các từ còn lại âm /ʌ/)
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions
1. A. cholesterol B. remedial C. expectancy D. meditation
(nhấn âm 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2)
2. A. immune B. ageing C. relieve D. massage
(nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1, lưu ý từ “massage” có 2 cách nhấn âm)
3. A. acupuncture B. bacteria C. medicinal D. remedial
(nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2)
4. A. nutrient B. vaccinate C. dietary D. develop
(nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1)
5. A. medical B. potential C. nutritious D. dramatic
(nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2)
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following sentences.
1. Doctor Lam said if you ate too much fat, you would have suffered from obesity and other health problems.
(sửa thành “would suffer”, vì đây là câu điều kiện loại 2, chỉ một khả năng)
2. Yesterday Jonas read an article on the Internet said that we could increase our life expectancy if we had a
healthy diet.
(sửa thành “that said” hoặc "saying”, lưu ý "an article on the Internet” là tân ngữ của vế trước, dùng
mệnh đề quan hệ để nối với vế sau)
3. Going to the gym regularly is good, but there are others ways to keep fit and stay healthy.
(sửa thành “other ways”, để "other" làm tính từ, bổ nghĩa cho “ways")
4. Health experts advised to wash vegetables carefully before consuming them.
(sửa thành “washing”, “advise ST/doing ST”, tránh nhầm lẫn với “advise SB to do ST")
5. My personal trainer suggested that I must do some warm-up activities before starting the main tasks.
(sửa thành “should do” hoặc “do”, lưu ý cấu trúc với từ “suggest”)
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
1. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching and ____.
A. meditate B. meditation C. meditated D. meditative
(“meditation” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự thiền định”)
2. Cycling makes you fitter and gives you a better life ____.
A. expectation B. expecting C. expectancy D. expectant
(“life expectancy” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “tuổi thọ", đồng nghĩa với "life span")
3. People with normal, healthy ____ systems generally can fight off certain diseases without drugs, and might
not even feel sick.
A. immune B. commune C. operation D. prevention
("immune system” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “hệ miễn dịch”)
4. The effects of diarrhoeal disease can be conquered with one of the simplest and cheapest natural ____ known
to science.
A. restorations B. selections C. remedies D. fixings
(“remedy” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “cách chữa trị”)
5. A poor diet, with low nutrient snacks can lead to nutritional ____.
A. shortages B. lacks C. inadequacies D. deficiencies
(“nutritional deficiencies” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự thiếu hụt chất dinh dưỡng”)
6. If the victims survive the first half hour, there is a good chance of complete ____.
A. coverage B. recovery C. improvement D. treatment
(“improvement” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự cải thiện”, lưu ý "recovery” là đáp án sai, do nó mang nghĩa
“sự hồi phục” sau khi đã được điều trị xong)
7. What a pity! Thomas wasn't strong enough to ____ his own confidence.
A. improve B. progress C. boost D. raise
(“to boost ST" là động từ, mang nghĩa “làm tăng cái gì”, “boost confidence” mang nghĩa “làm tăng sự tự
8. The rapidly ____ population will put a strain on the country's health care system.
A. ageless B. ageing C. ageless D. anti-aging
("ageing population” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “dân số đang già đi”)
9. Mass media have helped to raise people's awareness of ____ choices.
A. lifestyle B. living C. livelihood D. lifelong
(“lifestyle” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “lối sống, nếp sống")
10. It is said that adults are often immune ____ such diseases as measles, whooping coughs, or mumps.
A. at B. off C. over D. to
(“to be immune to ST” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “miễn dịch với cái gì”)
11. Jack's parents should ____ have a healthier diet because his big weight.
A. let him B. make him C. get him D. encourage him
(cấu trúc "make SB do ST”, mang nghĩa “bắt/khiến ai đó làm việc gì”, cấu trúc có nghĩa tương tự là “get
SB to do ST”)
12. He admitted ____ the car but denied ____ it by himself.
A. stealing / doing B. to steal / doing C. stealing / to do D. to steal / to do
("admit doing ST", mang nghĩa “thú nhận đã làm việc gì”; "deny doing ST", mang nghĩa “chối bỏ đã
làm việc gì”)
13. The young man didn't stop ____ although I asked him twice.
A. is smoking B. smoked C. smoking D. smoked
(“stop doing ST” mang nghĩa “ngưng làm việc gì”, tránh nhầm lẫn với “stop to do ST”, mang nghĩa
“dừng lại để làm việc gì”)
14. She begged with me ____ more fat and ____ more vegetables instead.
A. not to take in / eating B. taking in / eating
C. not to take in / to eat D. not taking in / to eat
(cấu trúc “beg SB to do ST”, mang nghĩa “van xin ai làm việc gì”)
15. The increase in the number of obese children can be ____ to several factors, among which is unhealthy
A. responsible B. blamed C. led D. attributed
(“to be attributed to ST", mang nghĩa “có thể quy vào” hoặc “nhờ vào”)
16. His picture on the wall will ____ to you some idea of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle.
A. coincide B. commence C. convey D. convert
(lưu ý từ “idea”, dùng từ “convey", mang nghĩa “truyền đạt, truyền tải một thông điệp, thông tin nào
17. If this kind of fish becomes ____, the future generations may never taste it at all.
A. minimum B. short C. seldom D. scarce
("scarce” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “khan hiếm, cạn kiệt”)
18. ____, you would not have been involved in that terrible condition.
A. If you listened to me B. Had you listened to me
C. If only you has listened to me D. As long as you listened to me
(đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 3, câu bình thường là “If you had listened to me”)
19. The trainer reminded me ____ in more vegetables for dinner.
A. of taking B. to take C. to be taking D. having taken
("remind SB to do ST", mang nghĩa “nhắc nhở ai đó làm việc gì”)
20. A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy lifestyles is ____ meditation and yoga.
A. taking on B. taking in C. taking to D. taking up
(“take up ST” mang nghĩa “bắt đầu luyện tập/chơi một môn thể thao hoặc môn nào đó”)
21. Research has suggested that the food we eat ____ longevity.
A. must affect B. should affect C. affected D. affects
(lưu ý “suggest” ở đây không mang nghĩa “khuyên, đề nghị”, nên "should affect” sai, câu đúng là
"affects”, thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả một sự thật)
22. My brother is now in hospital, ____ treatment of his upset stomach.
A. in B. under C. on D. over
(“to be under treatment”, mang nghĩa "đang được điều trị”)
23. After suffering an injury during the match against Federer, Nadal has required surgery ____ his right knee.
A. on B. at C. to D. in
("surgery” đi với giới từ “on”, mang nghĩa “phẫu thuật ở bộ phận nào”)
24. Remember that even simple ____ changes can boost our immune system.
A. diet B. dietary C. dieting D. diets
(“dietary” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “liên quan đến chế độ ăn uống”)
25. Jack hid himself in his bedroom and did not want to see anybody, ____ they were.
A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever
(“whoever” mang nghĩa "cho dù ai đi nữa”)
26. He is quite sure that it's ____ impossible for him to lose five kilos within two days.
A. absolutely B. extremely C. fully D. roughly
(absolutely impossible” là cụm từ cố định, nhấn mạnh “không thể nào thực hiện được")
27. In the household, grandparents and other relatives play ____ roles in raising children so that they can grow
up healthily.
A. incapable B. indispensable C. insensible D. infinite
(“indispensable” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “quá quan trọng, không thể bỏ qua”)
28. The statistical figures on the number of obese children in that report are not ____. You should not refer to
A. accurate B. fixed C. trustworthy D. precise
("accurate” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “chuẩn xác, khi nói tới thông tin, số liệu đó có đáng tin hay không, so
sánh với "precise” là từ gần nghĩa, nhưng dùng để nói cái gì có "chi tiết, cụ thể” hay không)
29. - A: "School canteens should prepare nutritious meals for young children." – B: “____”
A. Yes, let's. B. I have to go. C. No wonders. D. I agree.
(“I agree” để thể hiện sự đồng tình)
30. - A: “____” – B: "I feel a sharp pain in my head."
A. What's the matter? B. How old are you? C. Thank you. D. Sorry to hear that.
(“What's the matter?” mang nghĩa “Có vấn đề gì chăng?")
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following sentences.
1. In the 1960s, the World Health Organization (WHO) began a campaign to eradicate the mosquitoes that
transmit the disease malaria.
A. minimize B. develop C. eliminate D. appreciate
(eradicate” là động từ, mang nghĩa “loại bỏ", sẽ gần nghĩa với "eliminate”)
2. The disease is said to kill an estimated 3 million people each year in the world's tropical regions,
predominantly southern Africa.
A. mainly B. only C. except D. noticeably
(“predominantly" là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “mang tính chủ đạo, chủ yếu”, gần
nghĩa với “mainly” là phần lớn)
3. One factor responsible for a dramatic increase in life expectancy is the advanced technology and medical
A. insignificant B. remarkable C. important D. relative
("dramatic” khi đi với các từ “increase” hoặc “decrease”, mang nghĩa “đáng kể", gần nghĩa với
"remarkable”, mang nghĩa “đáng chú ý”)
4. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet.
A. blamed on B. contributed to C. responsible for D. thanks to
(“to be attributed to ST” mang nghĩa “nhờ vào cái gì”, gần nghĩa với “thanks to”)
5. Smoking, alcohol intake and fast food consumption can increase the risk of heart disease.
A. the amount used B. the output C. the amount left D. the input
("consumption” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “lượng tiêu thụ, sự tiêu thụ”, gần nghĩa với "the amount used")
VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Recent studies have shown that more and more students are choosing unhealthy ways to boost energy.
The two main ways (1) ____ are eating snacks high in sugar and drinking beverages high in caffeine. In fact,
research shows these two choices may (2) ____ in the opposite effects as those desired.
Eating a sweet snack, (3) ____ a candy bar, does not provide the body more energy. (4) ____ candy bars
have little (5) ____ value; however, their high sugar content can create a full feeling in the consumer. While the
sugar may produce an initial boost in energy, the lack of nutritional value soon (6) ____ the body feeling
fatigued. In effect, eating a sweet snack will have the opposite effect to what most people expect.
Likewise, many people will drink a caffeinated beverage like coffee or cola to give themselves more
energy. To a certain (7) ____, drinking coffee or cola will give a person some energy. The caffeine can increase
the heart rate and blood flow, (8) ____ producing a feeling of increased energy. (9) ____, caffeine products are
often consumed in excessive quantities or at unwise times. This, (10) ____, can interfere with normal sleep
patterns and also lead to fatigue. In the end, caffeine drinkers often lose valuable hours of sleep and become
even more tired during the day.
1. A. choosing B. chosen C. which choose D. having chosen
("chosen” là rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ từ “which are chosen”)
2. A. lead B. bring C. cause D. result
(“to result in ST” mang nghĩa “dẫn tới cái gì”, lưu ý gần nghĩa với có “lead to ST" hoặc là "cause ST")
3. A. like B. such C. as D. unlike
(“like” ở đây là để đưa ra ví dụ, tương tự có "such as ...")
4. A. Almost B. Most of C. All of D. Most
(lưu ý “candy” ở đây là danh từ không xác định, “most” là từ hạn định, mang nghĩa “phần lớn”, bổ nghĩa
cho “candy”; so sánh với “most of the + danh từ xác định”)
5. A. nutrient B. nutrition C. nutritious D. nutritional
(lưu ý từ “value”, phải đi cùng từ “nutritional”, mang nghĩa “liên quan đến dinh dưỡng”; từ “nutritious”
mang nghĩa “giàu chất dinh dưỡng”, chỉ dùng cho “đồ ăn”)
6. A. gets B. makes C. leaves D. lets
(cấu trúc “leave SB/ST doing ST", mang nghĩa “để/khiến ai/cái gì làm gì”; lưu ý "make SB/ST do ST")
7. A. level B. extent C. limit D. standard
("to a certain extent” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa trong một chừng mực nhất định”)
8. A. then B. therefore C. thus D. and
(“thus” trong ngữ cảnh này bằng “in this way, like this", mang nghĩa “theo cách này”; “thus” không
mang nghĩa “nên” như "therefore” trong trường hợp này)
9. A. Supposedly B. Unfortunately C. Remarkably D. Understandably
(“unfortunately” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “không may mắn rằng”; lưu ý sự trái ngược về tính chất của
cầu trước- chỉ tác dụng của caffein, câu sau nếu tác hại của nó)
10. A. in sum B. at odds C. in turn D. at risk
(“in turn” mang nghĩa “theo lần lượt”, chỉ việc uống café vào những thời điểm không thích hợp, thì sẽ lần
lượt ảnh hưởng đến “thói quen ngủ”)
VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
In 1960, Americans spent 10% of their healthcare dollar on medicines. Most of the money came from
their own pockets, and was spent on drugs that largely treated infections heart disease, arthritis and depression.
Beyond that, there was little that science could offer. Today, the range of diseases for which medical research
has some partial treatment is vast. Despite this, and the double digit increase in drug spending - 75%-90% of
which is paid for by insurance companies - prescription drugs now account for 9% of total health expenditures.
Similarly, claims by insurers and corporations - that drug costs are driving insurance costs up in general
- are overstated. According to health analyst J.D. Kleinke, since pharmacy costs represent only 9% of all
spending, even increases of 20% could not be responsible for insurance premium increases of 10%-15% over
the last two years: Premiums have been increasing far out of proportion to increasing total medical costs over
the past three years.
The fact is we should spend more on newer, more expensive medicines because they are worth the
investment. Medical innovation creates what Harvard economist David Cutler calls health capital — the ability
of people to stay well early and consistently throughout their lives, and remain that way at an increasingly older
age. In fact, under the most conservative assumption, the U.S would have needed only about 30% of the
improvement in medical progress over the period in time. In the case of congestive heart failure, Mr. Cutler
found that increased consumption of new and more expensive drugs and other innovative technologies
generated longer life, more productivity and lower health costs that offset the cost of their development and
1. What has changed the least since 1960?
A. Percentage of money Americans pay for medicines out of their own pockets.
B. The variety of drugs available.
C. Percentage of healthcare dollar on medicines.
D. The amount of money spent on drugs by insurance companies.
(lưu ý đoạn 1, câu “In 1960, Americans spent 10% of their healthcare dollar on medicines... prescription
drugs now account for 9% of total health expenditures.)
2. Claims by insurers and corporations that drug costs are driving insurance costs are overstated because ____.
A. drug costs have not increased in the past
B. insurance costs have not increased in the past
C. premiums have increased by more than 20% in the last two years
D. premiums have increased much more than have total medical costs in the past three years
(lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "Premiums have been increasing far out of proportion to increasing total medical costs
over the past three years.")
3. The way to invest in health capital is to ____.
A. adopt a healthy lifestyle
B. spend around 10% of the healthcare money on medicines
C. spend money on medicines that the latest medical science can offer
D. spend more money on medical care in spite of higher health costs
(lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "The fact is we should spend more on newer, more expensive medicines because they
are worth the investment.")
4. The cost of congestive heart failure illustrates that ____.
A. health capital is no guarantee for a better life
B. using newer drugs may prove too expensive for many people
C. using newer drugs contributes to a better life
D. it is difficult to make people spend more on medicines
(lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "increased consumption of new and more expensive drugs and other innovative
technologies generated longer life, more productivity and lower health costs")
5. The main idea of the passage is that ____.
A. people should spend more money on good medicines
B. people should get insurers to pay for their medicines
C. people are reluctant to pay a lot of money on medicines
D. medical technologies make most diseases curable
(ý chính của bài viết là "mọi người nên dành nhiều tiền hơn cho thuốc có chất lượng tốt")
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
A healthy diet is essential for maintaining a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Though some doctors
and health experts disagree on some components of a healthy diet, other parts are almost universally recognized.
For example, all agree that a healthy diet includes necessary nutrients - ingredients that help keep bodies strong
and healthy. Human bodies need more than 50 different kinds of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, water,
and fiber.
Vitamins are natural substances found in plants and animals. A body cannot make its own vitamins, so it
must get them from food. Vitamins do not supply energy. However, they are useful substances that the body
needs. Vitamin A, for example, helps eyes see better. Vitamin B develops protein needed in muscle growth.
Vitamin C helps support the healing process for certain illnesses. Finally, Vitamin D helps strengthen teeth and
Minerals help balance bodily fluids, such as blood and water. They are also an important part of the iron
in blood. There are seven major minerals that bodies need in large amounts, and ten minor, or trace, minerals,
which bodies need in smaller amounts. Scientists are still studying many minerals, such as nickel and cobalt, to
try to understand exactly how they affect the human body.
Some people do not include water as a nutrient, but it is vital for a healthy body to function properly.
Humans can live for several days without food, but only for two or three days without water. People who play
sports or exercise a lot often fail to drink enough water. This can cause their muscles to become overly tired. If
not enough water is taken in during very strenuous exercise, death may in fact result.
Scientists have learned much about the importance of fiber in recent years. They now say that many
people do not get enough fiber in their diets. The average many people should eat between 30 and 40 grams of
fiber each day, twice as much as the average person currently gets. Though fiber is not digested or absorbed, it
helps rid the body of waste products. Fiber helps control weight and maintain normal levels of important
substances such as cholesterol and blood sugar. Fiber is found in whole-grain breads and cereals, as well as nuts,
beans, fruits, and vegetables. There are several different kinds of fiber, and they each help in different ways.
Two kinds of fiber, called pectins and gums, are needed to help control body fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates
(a type of nutrient that produces energy). Apples, cranberries, and cherries are good sources of pectin. Oatmeal
and legumes are good s general, fresh fruits and raw vegetables provide more fiber than peeled fruits and
cooked vegetables. According to dieticians, two servings of vegetables and two servings of whole grains (like
whole wheat bread) each day will provide enough fiber for most adults.
In summary, recommendations for a healthy diet include drinking lots of liquids while eating fiber from
a wide variety of foods. This way, the body will not be getting too much of one kind of fiber and too little of
another kind. If a person is not eating enough fiber now, it is best to change one's diet gradually. Above all,
experts warn, do not depend on getting fiber from pills or tablets. A whole bottle would need to be consumed to
see any benefit.
1. According to paragraph 1, what are nutrients?
A. Regular foods B. Sources of energy for the body
C. Useful substances in foods D. Substances controlling levels of cholesterol
(lưu ý đoạn 1, câu "necessary nutrients - ingredients that help keep bodies strong and healthy")
2. According to the passage, which of the following is true of vitamins?
A. Americans do not get enough of them.
B. They are natural substances made by our bodies.
C. They do not supply energy to our bodies.
D. They do not have a good taste.
(lưu ý đoạn 2, câu “Vitamins do not supply energy)
3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about minerals?
A. They are important to iron in blood.
B. They help balance fluids in body.
C. Many of them are being researched.
D. Some minerals support the healing process.
("support healing process” mang nghĩa “hỗ trợ quá trình hồi phục", ý này không được nói đến trong bài)
4. The word "major" in the passage can be best replaced by ____.
A. powerful B. general C. large D. main
(từ “major” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “phần lớn”, gần nghĩa với từ “main”)
5. The word "function" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. breathe B. operate C. move D. exist
(“function” là động từ, mang nghĩa “vận hành”, gần nghĩa với “operate”)
6. Which of the following is true about water according to the passage?
A. Water is not always considered a nutrient; however, it is as important as food.
B. Though nutrients are not found in water, they are essential for good health.
C. Water is not considered nutritious; however, it helps your body work.
D. Though water is sometimes not classified as a nutrient, it is essential for good health.
(lưu ý đoạn 3, câu "Some people do not include water as a nutrient, but it is vital for a healthy body to
function properly.")
7. What is the main purpose of paragraph 5?
A. To discuss the importance of fiber B. To explain the history of fiber
C. To describe the structure of fiber D .To tell how to eat enough fiber
(ý chính của đoạn 5 là để bàn về sự quan trọng của chất xơ-"fiber”)
8. Which of the following is NOT true of minerals?
A. They help balance liquids in the body. B. There are seven of them in total.
C. They play an important role in human blood. D. Some of them are under further studies.
(lưu ý đoạn 3, câu "There are seven major minerals that bodies need in large amounts, and ten minor...)
9. The word "they" in the passage refers to ____.
A. breads B. kinds of fiber C. cereals D. different ways
(lưu ý "There are several different kinds of fiber, and they each help in different ways"; "they" thay thế
cho danh từ, nhưng ở vế trước chỉ có “kinds of fiber” là danh từ)
10. The author's tone in this passage could best be described as ____.
A. neutral B. humorous C. critical D. pessimistic
(giọng điệu của tác giả trong bài là “neutral”, mang nghĩa “bình thường, trung lập”)
IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following sentences.
1. "What a beautiful dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
("compliment SB on ST/doing ST” mang nghĩa “khen ai đó về cái gì”)
2. "Please don't leave until I come back," Sarah said.
A. Sarah suggested not leaving until she comes back.
B. Sarah asked us to leave until she came back.
C. Sarah told us not to leave until she came back.
D. Sarah offered to leave until she came back.
("don't leave” là câu mệnh lệnh, chỉ có B và C cũng là câu mệnh lệnh, nhưng B lại sai về nghĩa)
3. "Stop smoking or you'll be ill", the doctor told me.
A. The doctor advised me to give up smoking to avoid illness.
B. The doctor suggested smoking to treat illness.
C. I was ordered not to smoke to recover from illness.
D. I was warned against smoking a lot of cigarettes.
(câu B, C và D đều khác nghĩa câu gốc, trong đó ở câu D “to be warned against smoking a lot of
cigarettes”, “nên tránh hút nhiều thuốc”, hàm ý việc hút thuốc chưa diễn ra, khác với câu gốc)
4. She said, "John, I'll show you round my city when you're here."
A. She made a trip round her city with John.
B. She planned to show John round her city.
C. She promised to show John round her city.
D. She organized a trip round her city for John.
(lưu ý thì tương lai đơn “I’ll show ..." được dùng để đưa ra "offer” – “lời đề nghị”, nên sẽ tương đương
"promise to do ST")
5. My friend told me, "If I were you, I would not ask him for help."
A. My friend advised me not to ask him for help.
B. My friend told me to ask him for help.
C. My friend prohibited me from asking him for help.
D. My friend suggested not asking him for help.
(lưu ý “If I were/was you” là cấu trúc dùng để đưa lời khuyên, nên sẽ bằng "advise SB to do ST")
X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given.
1. Last night she worked very hard. She wanted to finish the report on time.
A. Last night she worked very hard so as to finish the report on time.
B. Last night she worked very hard although he wanted to finish the report on time.
C. However hard she worked last night, she finished the report on time.
D. No matter how hard she worked last night, she finished the report on time.
("so as to do ST" chỉ mục đích của ai khi làm gì. Lưu ý “she wanted” ở câu gốc)
2. You'd better call him immediately. It's possible he'll leave for Paris.
A. If he leaves for Paris, you should call him immediately.
B. You'd better call him immediately as he possibly leaves for Paris.
C. You'd better call him immediately so that he possibly leaves for Paris.
D. You'd better call him immediately unless he possibly leaves for Paris.
("as” mang nghĩa “vì”, chỉ ra lí do cho việc gì)
3. She wasn't wearing a seat-belt. She was injured.
A. If she hadn't been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured.
B. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she would have been injured.
C. If she were wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't be injured.
D. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured.
(lưu ý câu gốc ở quá khứ, dùng câu điều kiện loại 3 để diễn tả một hành động không có thật ở quá khứ)
4. I eat a lot. I cannot keep fit.
A. I eat more and more and become fitter and fitter.
B. The less I eat, the fitter I become.
C. The more I eat, the less fit I become.
D. I become fit not only because I eat a lot.
(cấu trúc so sánh kép, lưu ý câu B sai do nó sai sự thật “the less I eat”, thực tế “ eat a lot")
5. They finished one project. They started working on the next.
A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next.
B. Only if they had they finished one project did they start working on the next.
C. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next.
D. Not until they started working on the next project did they finish the previous one.
(cấu trúc đảo ngữ “Hardly ... when ...", dùng để nhấn mạnh hai sự việc xảy ra liền nhau)

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