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Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore-641112

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Lab Evaluation-2
Date: 28.06.2023 Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Class: EEE-B Maximum: 20 Marks

Course Outcomes

CO 1: Understand the typical programming constructs: data (primitive and compound),

control, modularity, recursion etc. thereby to understand a given program
CO 2: Understand and analyze a given program by tracing, identify coding errors and
debug them
CO 3: Make use of the programming constructs appropriately and effectively while
developing computer programs
CO 4: Develop computer programs that implement suitable algorithms for problem
scenarios and applications

SET – 2
Question 1:
There is one string array River (2D character arrays) and an integer array Length - the first one
stores the River names and the second one stores the corresponding length (in Kms.) from its
origin till its destination (meeting an ocean/merging with another river etc.). For example, if the
first string in Country is “Ganga”, the first entry in Length will be 2150. Write a C program that
contains a function to print the name of the rivers, whose lengths are more than the average
length of all the rivers in the array. [CO4 BTL-3, 10 Marks]

Question 2:
Write a C program to find sum of square of digits of a number using recursion. (Example digit
123, answer 14)

[CO4 BTL-3, 10 Marks]

Rubrics for Evaluation:


Q1 – Implementation (8) Q2 – Implementation (8) Output(2+2)

0 – Not done 0 – Not done 0 - Not done

2 – Menu usage 2 – Reading the input 1 – Partial Output
2 – Function Usage 2 – Function Usage 2 – Full Output
4– Correct and complete
4– Completion logic  


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