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George Bekey Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles


The use of robots in medicine, surgery and rehabilitation is growing rapidly. In this talk we discuss three aspects of this field: (1) robots in our bodies, namely, the placement of robotic devices within the body wheretheycanperformsensing,dataprocessingandactuation;(2)robotson ourbodies, particularly the use of robotic systems to replace some of the function of the arms, hands and legs as well as sensory functions,and(3)theuseofrobotswith ourbodies,asinthefieldofrehabilitationrobotics,withemphasis on physical therapy robots, robot wheelchairs and other systems to assist persons with major disabilities (such as associated with accidents or strokes). Throughout the talk we will highlight not only recent progress, but also major challenges facing the field. Progress in this field depends greatly on social and economic factors, and we plan to discuss some of them briefly. In particular, public attitudes, insurance, liabilityandcostplaymajorroles.Finally,wewillpresentsomeethicalissuesconcerningrobotsinmedicine andrehabilitation.

Dr.GeorgeA.BekeyisanEmeritusProfessorofComputerScience andfounderoftheRoboticsResearch Laboratory at the University of Southern California (USC). His research interests include autonomous roboticsystems,applicationsofrobotstobiology and medicine, and the ethical implications of robotics. He received the Ph.D. in Engineering in 1962 from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). DuringhisUSCcareerhewasChairmanoftheElectricalEngineeringDepartmentandlateroftheComputer Science Department. From 1997 to 2001 he served as Associate Dean for Research of the School of Engineering. He has published over 240 papers and several books in robotics, biomedical engineering, computer simulation, control systems, and humanmachine systems. His latest book, entitled Autonomous Robots from Biological Inspiration to Implementation and Control was published by MIT Pressin2005.HeistheFoundingEditorofthetwomajorinternationaljournalsinrobotics.Currentlyheis coeditingabookonrobotethics.Dr.BekeyisaMemberoftheNationalAcademyofEngineeringanda FellowoftheInstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers(IEEE),theAmericanAssociationforArtificial Intelligence(AAAI),andtheAmericanAssociationfortheAdvancementofScience(AAAS).Hehasreceived numerous awards from professional societies and from USC. He officially retired from USC in 2002, but continuestobeactive..

March 5, 2010 at 2:30pm in SCOB 252

Refreshments will be provided

School of Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical & Materials Engineering

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