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B0 105

107 B A L A N C I N G O F T A I L R O T O R

Table of Contents

Paragraph Title Page

107 -1 ......
107 - 2 STATIC BALANCING WITH BALANCE RIG ............. 18

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1. General

a. Thetail rotor must be statically and dynamically(Seepara107-3) balanced, if maincomponentsofthetail

rotor, such as blademountingfork, controllever, laminatedstrap packor inner sleevehave beenreplaced
or repairedor if requiredby an inspection.Thetail rotor must bestaticallybalanced, iftail rotor bladeshave
been repaired extensively.

b. Iftail rotor blades of configuration Ithru W havebeen repacedor have not been installed atthe same posi-
tion again, the tail rotor must be statically balanced.
If tail rotor blades of configuration V have been replacedtogether of individually, a static balancing of the
tail rotor is not necessary.

C. Minor repairs, such as polishing out corrosion marks or touching up small paint damage, do not require
subsequent static balancing of the tail rotor.

d. The MARVEL7HEL078suspensionbalancer is used to statically balancethe tail rotors of the following

B 0 105, All B 0 105 helicopter series
The balancer is manufactured by
Phone: (201) 227-6090
and can be directly ordered from there, as well as from ECD.

2. Handling

NOTE The MARVELsuspension balancer is a sensitive instrument comprising precision rna-

chined components.
Therefore, utmost care should be taken whenever the balancer is used, transported,
and maintained. Rough or careless handlingof the balance indicating arbor, especially
handling that would cause the inner parts of the arbor to jolt against the outer shaft,
could be destructive to the arbor and cause erroneous balance indications.

a. Prior to each use, inspectthe suspension balancer as described in step 4.

b. Performtail rotor balancing in a room free from air currents and as free from dust as possible.

Revision 24 CHAPTER 107

Page 3

C. After using the balancer, disassemble it in accordance with step 6. and return the components to their
proper place in the carrying case, taking particular care to engage the arbor retaining spring.

d. The balance indicatingarbor isfilledwith dampening oil in ordert0 providean accuratebalanceindication.

As the viswsity of the oil is dependent on the temperature, the time can vary for a balance condition
to stabilize.
In any case, allow time for balance indication to stabilize.

e. If oil should haveleakedout duringtransportorstorage, evidencedbytracesofoil inthecarryingcaseand

on the arbor, replenish arbor with oil in accordance with step 7.

3. Essential equipment and accessory parts

a. MARVEL 7HEL078 suspension balancer comprising the following components (see fig. 107-1):
(1) Balance indicating arbor
(2) Back balance weight
(3) Anchor ring
(4) Rotor hub adapter
(5) Locating pins (set of 2)
(6) Hex key wrench 1116 inch
(7) Hex key wrench 3/32 inch
(8) Kit carrying case assembly

NOTE Earlier MARVEL 7HEL078 balancing kiis included the balance correction gauge
P/N 3267. This gauge was used to determine the balance masses for the trim
chambers in the tips of the tail rotor blades. However, now that the tail rotor is bal-
anced at the bolts which connect the blades to the blade mounting forks, the bal-
ance correction gauge P/N 3267 is no longer required and, therefore, no longer
included in the 7HEL078 balancing ki.

b. Balance masses:

- Wacher, steel DIN 7349-6.4 (4-69)

- Washer, steel 105-31709.14 (3.9 g)

- Washer, steel 105-31709.15 (2.4 9)

- Wacher, steel LN9025-0615L (0.9 g)

- Washer, aluminum LN9025-0615N (0.3 g) D

- Nut, self-locking LN9348-06 (2.4 9)

with split pin ------------
- Castellated nut
with split pin

n Use this washer only to fill the gap between balance washers and castellated nut (Configuration
1, fig. 107-13).

Page 4

1 Balance i n d i c a t i n g a r b o r 5 Locating p i n s
2 Back balance weight 6 Hex key wrench
3 Anchor r i n g 7 Hex key wrench
4 Rotor hub adapter 8 K i t c a r r y i n g case assembly

Figure 107-1 K i t c a r r y i n g case assembly

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Page 5
4. Inspection of suspension balancer
a. Inspect suspension balancer f o r damage and loose Parts.
b. Suspend balance indicating arbor (1, f i g . 107-2) from a suitable
means of Support (e.g. a crane).
C. F i t back balance weight (2) on the lower end of the arbor and s l i d e
it upward t o align i t s upper surface w i t h t h e "9" arbor scale divi-
sion, then secure i n t h i s position w i t h setscrew ( 6 ) .

1 Balance indicating arbor

2 Back balance weight
3 Anchor r i n g
4 Rotor hub adapter
5 Locating pins
6 Setscrew
7 Setscrew
8 Setscrew

Figure 107-2 Marvel suspension balancer assembly

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d. I n s t a l l anchor r i n g (3) on t h e lower end of the arbor and s l i d e it
upward t o r e s t against t h e back balance weight ( 2 ) . Secure anchor
r i n g w i t h setscrews ( 7 ) .
e. F i t r o t o r hub adapter ( 4 ) on lower end of t h e arbor and push it up-
ward u n t i l it abuts. Secure w i t h setscrews (8) .

f. Loosen setscrews ( 7 ) and lower anchor r i n g (3) t o s e a t against t h e

r o t o r hub adapter ( 4 ) . Tighten setscrews ( 7 ) .

g. Loosen setscrews (6) and lower back balance weight (2) t o seat
against t h e anchor r i n g ( 3 ) . Tighten setscrews ( 6 ) .
h. I n s e r t positioning pins (5) t o f u l l extent i n t o t h e r o t o r hub
adapter .

1 Setscrew
2 Indicator c o l l a r
3 O i l seal

Figure 107-3 Balance indicating arbor

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1 Indicator c o l l a r
2 Balance indicating
3 Indicator disc

Figure 107-4 Balance indication of suspension balancer

i. Loosen setscrews (1, f i g . 107-3) i n t h e indicator c o l l a r (2) and the

o i l seal (3).
Push indicator c o l l a r and o i l s e a l downward against the spring
pressure and establish a clearance of 0.05 mm, using a feeler gauge.
Tighten setscrews (1) .
NOTE After the movements of t h e balancer have stabilized, the
indicator c o l l a r (1, f i g . 107-4) must be concentric with
the black indicator d i s c (3) i n the top surface of t h e
arbor (2) .
j. Check relationship of indicator c o l l a r and disc. It must be
concentric a s shown i n f i g . 107-4.

If t h e above balance condition i s attained, the t a i l rotor may

then be balanced i n accordance w i t h t h e procedure outlined i n
step 5.
Loosen setscrews (1, f i g . 107-3) of indicator c o l l a r (2) and o i l
s e a l (3)
The o i l s e a l and indicator c o l l a r a r e forced upward by the spring
Tighten setscrews. The balance indicating arbor i s now protected
against impact damage .

2) I f the above balance condition i s not attained, remedy possible

arbor malfunction i n accordance with step k .

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Page 8
k. Troubleshooting - Marvel suspension balancer

1. No reaction from Foreign material or Wipe indicating sur-

indicating surfaces f r i c t i o n betwe.en faces w i t h a clean,
indicator c o l l a r l i n t - f r e e cloth.
and arbor Reposition indicator
c o l l a r t o provide
required clearance
between indicator
c o l l a r and arbor

A resin-like deposit Drain dampening o i l

has f ormed on the (107-1, step 7 . ) .
inner surface of Flush inner p a r t s
t h e arbor w i t h petroleum or
Freon. R e f i l l w i t h new
o i l (107-1, step 7 . )
Check f or concentricity
of indicating surfaces
(107-1, step 4 . )

2. Indicator c o l l a r i s A resin-like deposit Drain dampening o i l

not concentric w i t h has formed on the (107-1, step 7 . ) .
black indicator d.isc inner surface of Flush inner p a r t s of
t h e arbor arbor w i t h petroleum
or Freon. R e f i l l w i t h
new o i l (107-1,
s t e p 7 .)
Check f or concentricity""
of indicating surfaces
(107-1, step 4 . )

Damaged balance Return arbor t o manu-

indicating arbor facturer for repair:
TEL. (201) 227-6090

Table 107-1 Troubleshooting

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CiiAPTER 107
Page 9
5. Balancing of t a i l rotor

a. Preparatory work

1) Perform inspection of balancer a s described i n s t e p 4 .

2) Remove locating pins (5, f i g . 107-2) from rotor hub adapter.

3) Remove rotor hub adapter ( 4 ) from t h e arbor (1) by loosening t h e

setscrew (8) .
4) Screw i n the threaded pressure r i n g (2, f i g . 107-5) of t h e rotor
hub adapter (1) u n t i l it sGats-against the fork of the adapter.

1 Rotor hub adapter

2 Threaded pressure ring

Figure 107-5 Rotor hub adapter

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5) Place t a i l rotor on s u i t a b l e support and i n s t a l l rotor hub
adapter (4, f i g . 107-6) on t a i l r o t o r hub.

6) Turn t h e blade mountings forks so t h a t t h e borehole i n the in-

board shoe of t h e s t r a p pack assembly i s aligned w i t h t h e bore-
hole i n the inner sleeve.

7) Pin together the t a i l rotor hub and r o t o r hub adapter with lo-
cating pins (Z), taking care t h a t t h e f i t t e d b o l t s of t h e control
levers ( 3 ) r e s t on t h e upper surface of t h e locating pins. In-
s e r t locating pins t o f u l l extent.

8) Center t h e t a i l rotor hub i n t h e r o t o r hub adapter fork. I f nec-

essary, determine a x i a l play w i t h f e e l e r gauge and remove play
equally a t both ends t o achieve symmetrical i n s t a l l a t i o n . Fix hub
and fork i n t h e i r r e l a t i v e positions by screwing the threaded
pressure r i n g (1) downward t o s e a t against t h e t a i l r o t o r hub.

1 Threaded pressure r i n g 3 Control iever

2 Locating pin 4 Rotor hub adapter

Figure 107-6 Assembled t a i l r o t o r and r o t o r hub adapter

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9) I n s t a l l assembled rotor hub adapter and t a i l r o t o r hub t o f u l l
depth on t h e lower end of t h e arbor and t i g h t e n setscrew
(8, f i g . 107-2).

10) Loosen setscrews i n the back balance weight (1, f i g . 107-7) and
position back balance weight so t h a t i t s upper surface aligns
w i t h t h e "9 4/16 inchn position on t h e arbor scale. Retighten
s e t screws .

1 Back balance weight

2 Anchor r i n g
3 Blade mounting b o l t s
w i t h balance b o l t s

Figure 107-7 Assembled t a i l r o t o r and balancer

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11) Loosen setscrew i n anchor r i n g (2, f i g . 107-7) and s l i d e anchor

ring upwards t o s e a t against t h e back balance weight. Retighten
s e t screw .
12) Loosen setscrews (1, figure 107-3) of indicator c o l l a r (2) and
o i l s e a l ( 3 ) . Press indicator c o l l a r and o i l s e a l down against
t h e spring pressure, and e s t a b l i s h a clearance of 0.05 mm using
f e e l e r gauge. Tighten setscrews (1).

b. Balancing

NOTE o To perform t a i l r o t o r balancing, both blade mounting b o l t s

a r e f i t t e d w i t h balance b o l t s (3, f i g . 107-7) t h a t have
provisions f o r adding balance masses a s required.
o The balance b o l t s rnay be e i t h e r f u l l y or p a r t i a l l y
threaded. Self-locking nuts, LN9348-06, a r e i n s t a l l e d on
f u l l y threaded b o l t s and c a s t e l l a t e d nuts LN9345-06 on
p a r t i a l l y threaded ones (see f i g . 107-13) .
When using p a r t i a l l y threaded balance bolts, s e l e c t an
appropriate combination of balance washers whose combined
thickness enables proper clamp-up by the c a s t e l l a t e d nut
and safetying of t h e l a t t e r w i t h a s p l i t pin. Should t h e
t o t a l mass of t h e combined balance washers assembled on the
balance b o l t exceed t h e a c t u a l mass required f o r balancing
t h e t a i l rotor, the surplus mass must be compensated f o r by
a l s o adding an equal mass t o the balance bolt located dia-
gonally opposite.
On f u l l y threaded balance b o l t s t h e balance washers need
not be combined t o bridge any unthreaded portion of bolt
shank .

1) I n s t a l l t h e appropriate nut on a l l four balance bolts, and i n s e r t

t h e s p l i t pin.

2) Check balance condition of t a i l r o t o r . Wait f o r balancer t o

provide a s t a b i l i z e d balance indication. The t a i l rotor i s
s u f f i c i e n t l y balanced i f t h e rim of t h e indicator c o l l a r i s
within t h e area of t h e black indicator d i s c a s shown i n f i g .
107-8 ( r e s i d u a l unbalance i s equal t o or l e s s than 0.08 Ncm).

B 0 105
. CHAPTER 1 0 7
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Maximum pennissible out of ba- Perfect balance .

lance. Rim of indicator c o l l a r Rim of indicator c o l l a r i s
aligns with edge of black concentric with the black
indicator disc indicator d i s c

Figure 107-8 Balance condition of t a i l rotor

3) I f the rim of t h e indicator c o l l a r i s within the black indicator

disc, disassemble t a i l rotor head and balancer a s described i n
step 6.

4) I f the rim of t h e indicator c o l l a r overlaps the edge of the black

indicator d i s c (out of balance exceeds 0.08 Ncm, f i g . 107-9),
perfonn t a i l rotor balancing as described i n step 5 ) .

Indicator c o l l a r
overlaps edge of
black indicätor d i s c .

Figure 107-9 Balance condition of t a i l rotor

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NOTE o The t a i l r o t o r i s balanced by adding balance masses

t o those balance b o l t s which a r e located opposite
t h e exposed area of t h e black indicator disc.

o Equal balance masses on diagonally opposing balance b o l t s

have no e f f e c t on t a i l r o t o r balance because they
counterbalance each other.
Accordingly equal balance masses can be removed from
diagonally opposite balance b o l t s without changing t h e t a i l
r o t o r r s balance condition.
This a l s o means t h a t equal balance masses can be added t o
diagonally opposite p a r t i a l l y threaded balance b o l t s t o
obtain proper clamp-up by t h e nut, without changing the
balance condition.
A s a rule, however, t h e balance mass should be kept t o a

5) Balance t h e ' t a i l rotor with t h e balance masses specified i n Para

107-3, by i n s t a l l i n g t h e balance masses on t h e appropriate ba-
lance b o l t s , and then observing t h e r e l a t i v e position of t h e
i n d i c a t i n g surfaces. The rim of t h e indicator c o l i a r must be
within t h e edge l i m i t s of t h e black indicator d i s c (residual
out-of-balance i s equal t o o r l e s s than 0.08 N u n ) .

6) Disassemble t a i l rotor and balancer a s described i n step 6.

7) Clamp up t h e balance masses on t h e blade retaining b o l t s w i t h the
nuts and torque nuts t o 4 Nm. Safety nuts w i t h s p l i t pins.

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6. Disassembly of suspension balancer

a. Engage arbor retaining spring by releasing the setscrews (1, f i g .
107-3) t o allow indicator c o l l a r (2) and o i l s e a l (3) t o s l i d e
upward. Secure setscrews (1) by tightening them s l i g h t l y .
b. Remove assembled rotor hub adapter ( 4 , f i g . 107-2) and rotor head
frorn arbor (1) by loosening setscrew ( 8 ) .
C. Detach t a i l r o t o r from the rotor hub adapter (4, f i g . 107-6) by
screwing back the threaded pressure r i n g (1) and removing the
locating pins (2) from the rotor hub adapter. Place t a i l rotor on a
suitable surface.
d. Disassemble suspension balancer and place individual p a r t s i n the
carrying case.

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7. Maintenance

NOTE Maintenanceof the suspension balancer is limited to changing the dampening oil and
flushingthe balance indicatingarbor. This work should be performed at half-year inter-
The oil change can be performed faster if the balance indicating arbor is heated to
approx. 50 "C, using a hot-air gun or similar.

a. Remove setscrews (1, fig. 107-1 0) and drain dampening oil.

b. Clean balance indicating arbor by immersing it in petroleum or Freonfor approx. 112 hour.
Then flush arbor interior by squirting solvent from a wash bottle into the lower borehole until it flows out
of the upper borehole. Repeat this procedure approx. 10 times.

C. Usingwach bottle,fill arbor reservoirwith dampening oil (mineral oil SAE40) through lower boreholeuntil
oil flows out of the upper borehole.
lnstall and tighten both setscrews (1).

d. Remove residual oil from balance indicating arbor, indicator collar and black indicator disc with a clean,
lint-free cloth.

e. lnspect suspension balancer in accordance with step 4.

1 Setsrew
2 Banlance inidcating arbor

Figure 107-10 Balance indicating arbor

Page 17


1. General

a. Thetail rotor mustbe statically and dynamically (seepara107-3) balanced, ifmaincomponentsofthetail

rotor, such as blade mountingfork, controllever, laminatedstrap pack or inner sleeve have beenreplaced
or repairedor if requiredby an inspection.Thetail rotor mustbestaticallybalanced, iftail rotor bladeshave
been repaired extensively.

b. Iftail rotor bladesof configuration Ithru IV have been repacedor havenot beeninstalledat the same posi-
tion again, the tail rotor must be statically balanced.
If tail rotor blades of configuration V have been replacedtogether of individually, a static balancing of the
tail rotor is not necessary.

C. Minor repairs, such as polishing out corrosion marks or touching up small paint damage, do not require
subsequent static balancing of the tail rotor.

2. Balancing the tail rotor

Special tools: Balance rig 105-31702 W7
Balance tool 105-31702 W3
Eccentric disks 105-31702 W18

a. Installationof tail rotor in balance rig (see fig. 107-11).

1) Set up and level balance rig in a draught-free room. Check rollers for smooth and easy operation
and lubricate with light oil, if necessary.

2) Obtain dimension "An of balance tool (dimension is indicated on balance tool). See fig. 107-11.

3) Obtain dimension " B across outer faces of bushings in inner sleeve. See fig. 107-11.

4) To compensate for difference between dimensions "A" and "Bn, select 2 shims of equal thickness
so that the following requirement is met. Dimension "Bnmust be at least 0.01 mm greater than di-
mension "A". For available shim thicknesses See to fig. 107-11.

5) Install assembled tail rotor head and blades in balance rig as shown in fig. 107-11.

a) Remove setscrews (5)

b) Remove cover plate (4) and install tail rotor head together with pre\iiously selected shims (7)
installed one on each side.

C) Re-install cover plate (4) and secure with screws.

d) Tighten setscrews (5).

e) Position and tighten eccentric disks (3) on fitted boit of each bellcrank and secure with nuts.

CHAPTER 107 Revision 24

Page 18

SHIMS (two o f e a c h )

Balance washers
Inner s l e e v e
Eccentric disk
(105-31702 W181
Cover p l a t e
Blade rnounting f o r k
Balance r i g

Figure 107-11 Installation of the t a i l rotor head i n

the balance r i g
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b. Balancing t h e t a i l r o t o r

1) Position t a i l r o t o r on balance r i g and s e t t a i l rotor blades

perpendicular t o t h e r o t a t i o n a l a x i s (zero position of flapping
angle). The t a i l r o t o r blade must be equidistant from each side
of the blade r i g .

2) Rotate t a i l rotor t o horizontal position and check i f t h i s

position i s maintained.

NOTE When t h e balance washers have been added, i n s t a l l nut

as well and i n s e r t t h e s p l i t pin.

3) I f the horizontal position of t h e t a i l r o t o r i s not maintained,

add balance washers t o one of t h e two blade retaining b o l t s of
t h e l i g h t e r , upward moving blade ( f o r balance washer weights re-
f e r t o figure 107-12) o r remove balance weights from one of t h e
two blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t s of t h e heavier, downward moving blade,
u n t i l t h e t a i l r o t o r remains horizontal.

t i o n of r o t a t i o n

fwd b l a d e r e t a i n i n g b o l t
af t b l a d e r e t a i n i n g b o l t

fwd b l a d e r e t a i n i n g b o l t
af t b l a d e r e t a i n i n g b o l t

Figure 107-12 Balance washer locations

B 0 1'05
Page 2 1
4) Rotate t a i l r o t o r t o v e r t i c a l position and check i f t h i s
position i s maintained.

I f the "uppern blade moves backwards, make one of the following

balance adjustments:

NOTE When t h e balance washers have been added, i n s t a l l nut

a s well and i n s e r t the s p l i t pin.

a) Remove balance weights from a f t blade r e t a i n i n g bolt of

"uppern blade (see f i g u r e 107-12) and add t o fwd blade re-
t aining b o l t .

b) Add i d e n t i c a l weights t o fwd blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t of "uppern

blade and a f t blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t of "lowern blade. .

C) Remove i d e n t i c a l weights from a f t blade r e t a i n i n g bolt of

"uppern blade and fwd blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t of "lowern blade.
I f "uppern blade moves forwards, proceed according t o substeps a )
t h r u C) except perform 'remove' i n s t e a d of 'addr and vice versa.
Continue balance correction (adding and removing balance washers)
u n t i l the t a i l r o t o r maintains a v e r t i c a l position. Take care t o
achieve optimum balancing by using a minimum of balance weights.
5) Turn t a i l r o t o r t h r u 180° and check whether it remains v e r t i c a l .
I f necessary, add or remove weights i n accordance with s t e p 4 ) .

6) Re-check t a i l rotor balance i n horizontal and v e r t i c a l positions

and perform s t e p s 3) and 4 ) , as necessary.

7 ) I f configuration I i s i n s t a l l e d , use balance washers I\ , f i g .

107-13) t o f i l l t h e gap between t h e f i n a l position of t h e
c a s t e l l a t e d nut and t h e balance washers. Torque nut and secure
w i t h s p l i t pin ( r e f e r t o f i g . 107-13). Take care t o add t h e Same
mass of t h i s type of washer t o t h e diagonally opposite blade
retaining bolt i n order t o preclude a renewed out-of-balance
condition .
I f configuration I1 i s i n s t a l l e d , torque stop nut and i n s t a l l
s p l i t pin i n t h e hole i n t h e end of t h e stud (see f i g . 107-13).

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Page 22

Configuration I Configuration II

Balance washers

U Split pin

Balance masses:
-Washer, steel DIN 7349-6.4 (4.6 g)
-Wacher, steel 105-31 709.14 (3.9 9)
-Wacher, steel
-Washer, steel
-Washer, aluminum
-Nut, self-locking
with split pin
-Castellated nut
with split pin

D Use this wacher only to fill the gap between balance washers and castellated nut (Configuration I)

Figure 107-13 Stacking of balance washers and masses

Revision 12 CHAPTER 107

Page 23


NOTE The tail rotor must be statically and dynamically (see para 107-3) balanced, if main com-
ponents of the tail rotor, such as blade mounting fork, control lever, laminated strap pack
or inner sleeve have been replacedor repaired or if requiredby an inspection. The tail rotor
must be statically balanced, if tail rotor blades have been repaired extensively.

If tail rotor blades of configuration Ithru IV have been repaced or have not been installed
at the Same position again, the tail rotor must be statically balanced.
If tail rotor blades of configuration V have been replaced together of individually, a static
balancing of the tail rotor is not necessary.

Minor repairs, such as polishing out corrosion marks or touching up small paint damage,
do not require subsequent static balancing of the tail rotor.

1. Necessary equipment and accessory parts.

a. PedalpositionerMBB 105-31 702W25 or steel measuringtape, approx. 300 mm long (commercialitem).

b. Chadwick-Helmuth'VibrexTrackand BalancesystemB 0 105, ModelNo. 6042 with thefollowingcom-

ponent parts:
Quantity Description Mod. No.
1 BalancerIPhazor
1 Strobex Blade Tracker
1 Gram Scale
1 Accelerometer
1 Accelerometer Bracket
1 Accelerometer Cable
1 Set Reflective Target Patches
1 Circuit Protection Module
1 D.C. Extension Cable
Block Tail Rotor Balance Chart
1 Clock Angle Connector
1 Balancer and Strobex Manual
nor local fabrication (see figure 107-21 for original).
C. Balance masses
A: Washer, steel DIN 7349-6.4
B: Washer, steel 105-31709.14
C: Wacher, steel 105-31 709.15
D: Wacher, steel LN9025-0615L
E: Wacher, aluminum LN9025-0615N
F: Nut, self-lockimg LN9348-06
with split pin -------------
F: Castellated nut LN9345-06
with split pin
Letters A, B, C, D, E and F refer to the masses listed in the "Tail Rotor Chart".
nUse this washer only to fill the gap between balance washers and castellated nut (Configuration I,
fig. 107-13).

CHAPTER 107 Revision 24

Page 24

NOTE The Chadwick-Helmuth "Vibrex Track and Balance System

B0 105" Mod. 6042, may be purchased from MBB or directly
from the rnanufacturer or one of its representatives.
Addresses: Chadwick-Helmuth Co., Inc.
4601 North Arden Drive
E1 Monte, California 91731 USA
Tel: (213) 575-'6161
Telex: 194-271
Messerschmitt - Bölkow Blohm GmbH
Kundendienst, Hubschrauber
Postfach 80 11 40
8000 Munich 80
West Germany
2. Preparatory Work.

NOTE Prior to dynamic balancing, the tail rotor must be statically

balanced and properly installed, and the pendulum absorbers
correctly adjusted.
a. Direct nose or tail of helicopter to the wind.
b. Screw accelerometer P/N 4177B (1, figure 107-14) into accelerometer
bracket (2) or (3) and secure with lockwire.

1 Accelerometer
P/N 4177B
2 Accelerometer bracket
P/N 6411
3 Accelerometer bracket
P/N 6411
new configuration

Figure 107-14 Accelerometer

B0 105
Page 25

1 Accelerometer
cable P/N 4296-2

Figure 107-15 Installation - accelerometer

C. Mount accelerometer bracket P/N 6411 on tail rotor transmission as
shown in figure 107-15, and tighten hexagon screws to specified
d. Bond reflective target P/N 4270 to one of the two blade mounting
forks as shown in figure 107-16. Degrease bonding area prior to this

. Ref lective Target

~igure.107-16Attachment of reflective target

B0 105
Page 26

e. Connect accelerometer cable P/N 4296-2 (1, figure 107-15) to

f. Route accelerometer cable (1) over vertical stabilizer and round tail
boom to LH side shell of fuselage as shown in figure 107-17, and
attach with adhesive tape at intervals of approximately 50 cm.
Degrease adhesion areas prior to this step.

1 Accelerometer
cable P/N 4296-2
2 D.C. extension
cable P/N 3529
3 Circuit protect ion
module P/N 6045
4 Balancer
5 Stroboscope

Figure 107-17 Accelerometer cable connections

B0 105
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NOTE o Pedal positioner 105-31702 W25 may be used only f o r

adjustment made during ground running of t h e helicopter.

o Use of t h e pedal positioner f a c i l i t a t e s adjustment, but i s

not compulsory; t h e required pedal displacement may instead
be established using a measuring tape. The spacing between
the l e f t displaced pedal and t h e r i g h t pedal s h a l l be:
60 millimeters (2 -36 inch)

g. Mount pedal positioner 105-31702 W25 on right-hand pedals as shown i n

figure 107-18.
Check pedals f o r freedom of movement.

Figure 107-18 I n s t a l l a t i o n of pedal positioner on RH pedals

B0 105
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h. Connect circuit protection module 6045 (3, figure 107-17) to
helicopter's 28VDC power supply, and D.C. extension cable 3529 to
receptacle of circuit protection module.
i. Route D.C. extension cable (2, figure 107-17) out of cabin and along
LH side shell of fuselage to meet accelerometer cable (1) as shown in
figure 107-17.
Tie the two cables together at intervals with adhesive tape or
j ., Connect balancerlphazor as follows:
1) Connect connector line of balancer/phazor to free plug of D.C.
extension cable.

2) Connect accelerometer cable to "accelerometer Bn receptacle of


3) Connect strobex blade tracker to "strobexn receptacle of

k. Set balancer/phazor and strobex as follows:
1) Balancer/phazor
function : B
R.P.M. Range:
tail rotor rpm 2219 min -l
R.P.M. Tune: 222
2) Strobex
"Moden switch:
No other settings on the balancerlphazor and the strobex blade
tracker have any effect. The phazor indication, in particular, is
of no significance.

B0 105
~ a g e29

3. Determination of imbalance

NOTE o Imbalance i s determined during ground run.

o The helicopter power receptacle i s energized only when both
engines a r e running or an EPU has been connected. I f only one
engine i s running, there i s no guarantee t h a t 100 % rotor rpm
can be achieved. This means t h a t the "RPM Tunen s e t t i n g on
the balancerlphaser would have to' be s l i g h t l y reduced.
o The balance condition of the t a i l rotor depends t o a large
extent on t h e blade angles; the balance condition i s
therefore determined f o r three d i f f e r e n t blade angles i n each
t e s t run.

o The rotor blade attached t o t h e blade rnounting fork t o which

the r e f l e c t i v e t a r g e t i s fixed, s h a l l be c a l l e d "blade 1" or
"target bladen .
The blade retaining b o l t s s h a l l be numbered a s shown i n
figure 107-19.


1 I 4

Figure 107-19 Rotor blade w i t h r e f l e c t i v e t a r g e t attached t o

the blade mounting fork

B0 105
Page 30
a. Enter s e r i a l numbers of t a i l rotor blades under "BLADE SN." i n
"Correctionn data section of Tail Rotor Balance Chart. See figure
The rotor blade w i t h the attached r e f l e c t i v e t a r g e t i s t h e "target

b. Determine balance masses already i n s t a l l e d on a l l blade retaining

b o l t s of t h e s t a t i c a l l y balanced t a i l rotor and enter them under
"MASS" next t o t h e i r respective b o l t s i n the correction t a b l e .

C. Set t a i l rotor rpm t o approx. 99 %.

d. Adjust balancer/phazor t o t a i l rotor rpm as follows:

Slowly turn the "R.P.M. Tunen d i a l (preset t o 222) through the 219 t o
224 range u n t i l the "IPS" meter pointer makes maximum deflection.

e. Determine vibration amplitude ("IPSn) as follows:

1) Move l e f t pedal backward u n t i l both "B" marks on pedal positioner

105-31702 W25 are i n alignment.

NOTE The l i g h t beam from the strobex blade tracker i s re-

flected back t o it by the r e f l e c t i v e t a r g e t attached t o
the blade mounting fork.
To make t h e t a r g e t v i s i b l e , make the l i g h t beam h i t it
perpendicularly. When directing the l i g h t bearn, hold
strobex close t o l i n e of sight and look d i r e c t l y over the
top of it.
Recommended spacing between t a i l rotor and strobex i s
approximately 5 meters.

2) Press t r i g g e r switch on Strobex grip and point strobex towards

blade mounting forks t o locate the r e f l e c t i v e t a r g e t .
The t a r g e t appears as a stationary image a t some angular position
within a c i r c u l a r area.
The t a r g e t can be compared with the hour hand and the c i r c u l a r
area w i t h the face of a clock.
Read and record angular position ("Clock Anglen) of r e f l e c t i v e
target .

3) Press "VERIFY TUNEn button on balancer/phazor whilst observing

the "Clock Anglen of the t a r g e t w i t h the strobex.
I f t a r g e t moves away from original position, i . e . position prior
t o pressing "VERIFY TUNEn button, keep "VERIFY TUNEn button
pressed and adjust "R.P.M. Tune" u n t i l t a r g e t returns t o position
observed before "VERIFY TUNEn button was pressed. Release button
and observe "Clock Anglen again. Repeat .adjustment procedure un-
til t a r g e t remains i n Same position whether "VERIFY TUNEn button
i s pressed or released.
Record t h i s "Clock Angle" i n the clock l i n e of the "Reading"
section of the T a i l Rotor Balance Chart shown i n f i g . 107-20,
under column B (= backward displacement of l e f t pedal).

B0 105
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B0 105

NOTE Release t r i g g e r switch on Strobex g r i p before reading the

"IPSn on t h e Balancer.

4) Read and record "IPSn (vibration amplitude measured i n inches per

second) i n "Reading data section of t h e T a i l Rotor Balance Chart
( f i g . 107-20), under column B.

5) Place LH pedal p a r a l l e l t o RH pedal so t h a t marks B and F of the

pedal positioner are i n alignment.

6) Take balance readings a t t h i s new blade angle a s described i n steps

e.2) t o e . 4 ) , and record "IPSn and "Clock Anglen i n "Readingn data
section, under column - P (Pedals -
Parallel) .
7) Move LH pedal forward so t h a t both F marks of t h e pedal positioner
are i n alignment.

8) Take balance readings a t t h i s new blade angle a s described under

steps e .2) t o e . 4 ) , and record against nIPSn and "Clock Anglen i n
"Readingn data section, under column - F (LH Pedal -
9) Shut down engines.
1 0 ) If the "IPSn of a l l three points of imbalance, i . e . B,P and F, i s
0.2 or less, the t a i l r o t o r i s s u f f i c i e n t l y balanced.
Remove vibrex system as described i n step 4 .

11) Determine t h e mean point of imbalance R from t h e three individual

points of imbalance B, P and F a s follows:

a) Plot the "Clock Anglesn and nIPSn of imbalance points B, P and

F on t h e clock section of t h e Tail Rotor Balance Chart, and
labe1 these points B1, P 1 and F1. Refer t o the example i n
figure 107-20.
Connect points B1, Pl'and form triangle.

C) To obtain the mean point of imbalance R, bisect any two sides

of the t r i a n g l e and draw l i n e s from the midpoints t o t h e oppo-
s i t e Corners of the t r i a n g l e . The point of intersection of
theses l i n e s i s the mean point of imbalance R.

B0 105
Page 32

RUN N O . 1 2 3 4
POSITION I 11 111 I II 111 I II 111 I Il 111

C LocK 8:30 I0:oo k-SO1:oo $:b6:00 6302:00 44:m &;Ob 3 :a10:a

O . S 0.8 0 . i 0 . 5 0.d QY 0.4 0.1 0.W O.&

. (PS 0.9 - P
- -

- -

B O L T S 2 AND3

Figure 107-20 Balance example

B0 105
Page 33
f. Determining balance masses and where t o put then, using the Tail
Rotor Balance Chart.

1) From the mean point of imbalance R1, draw l i n e s p a r a l l e l t o t h e

rectangular grid l i n e s t o i n t e r s e c t the weight l i n e s . The
intersection points on the weight l i n e s indicate the amount of
masses t o be added t o , or removed from t h e respective blade
retaining bolts of t h e blade mounting forks.

NOTE o Identical balance masses on diagonally opposite blade

retaining b o l t s cancel each other out.
I f the masses a r e unequal, only the difference
between them has any e f f e c t .
o The minimum balance mass i n s t a l l e d on a blade retain-
ing bolt i s 2.4 grams, i . e . mass of t h e nut and s p l i t
I f a balance mass of l e s s than 2.4 grams i s required
on one of t h e bolts, t h i s balance mass can be
removed, i f present, from the bolt diagonally
opposite, or t h e minimum mass of 2 . 4 grams (nut and
s p l i t pin) can be added t o the bolt i n question and a -
mass of 2 . 4 g l e s s the actual required balance mass
then added t o t h e diagonally opposite b o l t .
o To prevent e r r o r s from occurring during t h e distribu-
t i o n of balance masses, it i s recommended t h a t a nut
and s p l i t pin always be i n s t a l l e d on affected blade
retaining b o l t s which require balance masses of l e s s
than 2.4 g. A t t h e Same time, t h e Same mass s h a l l be
added t o t h e diagonally opposite bolt by i n s t a l l i n g
washers or t h e nut and s p l i t pin.

2) Enter the amount of balance masses required for the respective

blade retaining b o l t s i n t h e nCorrectionn data section.
The preferred balance mass combination would be one obtained by
removing any e x i s t i n g s t a t i c balance masses from t h e s t a t i c a l l y
balanced t a i l rotor, rather than by adding additional balance

3) Make up the required balance masses indicated i n the "Correctionn

data section by selecting t h e appropriate masses from the avai-
l a b l e balance masses A, B, C, D, E and F. Use G r a m Scale 47 t o
weigh out the balance masses.

B0 105
Page 34
4. Balancing t h e t a i l r o t o r .

NOTE o I d e a l t a i l r o t o r balance i s normally obtained by r e p e a t l y

c o r r e c t i n g t h e balance u n t i l no f u r t h e r improvement i s
p o s s i b l e . This i s achieved by making s e v e r a l t e s t runs and
balance mass changes u n t i l p o i n t s of imbalance of 0.2 IPS o r
l e s s a r e obtained.
o The blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t s may be e i t h e r f u l l y or p a r t i a l l y
threaded. Self-locking nuts, LN9348-06, a r e i n s t a l l e d on
f u l l y threaded balance b o l t s , c a s t e l l a t e d nuts LN9345-06 on
p a r t i a l l y threaded ones ( s e e f i g . 107-13).
When using p a r t i a l l y threaded blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t s , s e l e c t
an appropriate combination of balance masses whose cornbined
thickness enables proper clamp-up by t h e c a s t e l l a t e d nut and
s a f e t y i n g of t h e l a t t e r with a s p l i t p i n .
Should t h e t o t a l mass of t h e balance masses assembled on t h e
blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t exceed t h e a c t u a l mass required f o r
balancing t h e t a i l r o t o r , t h e s u r p l u s mass must be compen-
s a t e d f o r by a l s o adding an equal mass t o t h e blade r e t a i n i n g
b o l t l o c a t e d diagonally opposite.
On f u l l y threaded blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t s t h e balance masses
need not be combined t o bridge any unthreaded p o r t i o n of b o l t
shank .
a. Remove self-locking o r c a s t e l l a t e d n u t s from blade r e t a i n i n g b o l t s
and add t h e balance mass combinations made up according t o s t e p
3 . f . 3 ) t o t h e r e s p e c t i v e b o l t s , o r remove masses, a s appropriate.
b. Torque s e l f - l o c k i n g o r c a s t e l l a t e d n u t s t o 4 Nm and secure with s p l i t
pins .
C. S e t t a i l r o t o r rpm t o approx. 99%.
d. Determine p o i n t s of imbalance f o r a l l t h r e e LH pedal p o s i t i o n s (B, P
and F) i n accordance with s t e p s 3 . e . l ) t o 3.e.8) and record them i n
t h e "Readingn d a t a s e c t i o n of t h e T a i l Rotor Balance Chart.
e. Shutdown engines.
f. I f t h e "IPSn of each of t h e p o i n t s of imbalance, B, P, and F i s 0.2
o r l e s s , t h e t a i l r o t o r i s s u f f i c i e n t l y balanced.
Remove vibrex system a s described i n s t e p 5.

B 0 105
Page 35
B0 105

g. Determine the mean point of imbalance R2 from imbalance points B2, P2

and F2 as described i n step 3.e.11) and make up the required balance
masses as specified under s t e p 3 . f . 3 ) .
The index "2" indicates t h a t the t e s t run concerned i s the second
t e s t run. The imbalance points plotted on t h e chart should therefore
be given t h i s index f o r purposes of d i s t i n c t i o n . Similarly, the
imbalance points i n further t e s t runs are marked w i t h the indices "3,
4, ...".
NOTE o The amounts of balance mass and t h e phase ("Clock Anglen)
of the balance diagram have been established experiment-
a l l y and r e f l e c t the average f o r helicopters of a given
type. However, these values may vary according t o t h e
equipment, service l i f e , play i n bearings and joints
e t c . of t h e helicopter.
For t h i s reason, the chart provided should be considered
a s an example and must be matched t o the individual heli-
copter as necessary.
Correction of t h e balance chart avoids unnecessary t e s t
runs .
o I f mean point of imbalance R2 does not move towards the
Center of the chart a f t e r t h e f i r s t balance ~ o r r e c t i o n
t r i a l , correct t h e phase (clock numbering) of balance
diagram with "Clock Angle Corrector 3597" a s described i n
s t e p h.
h. Correct balance chart a s follows:

1) F i r s t determine the balance mass of e i t h e r t h e span or chord

axis, preferably t h e Span axis, as- described i n step 2.f. Balance
and check t a i l r o t o r a s described i n steps 3.a. through f .

2) Detennine mean point of imbalance R3 from imbalance points B3, P3

.and F3 as described i n step 3.e.11).

3) Place eyelet "An of "Clock Angle Corrector 3597" over the mean
point of imbalance R2 and rotate corrector body so t h a t the A-0
l i n e i s p a r a l l e l t o the grid l i n e s which extend from the "not yet
balancedn axis.
Do not a l t e r fixed part of "Clock Angle Correctorn.

4) Rotate pointer of "Clock Angle Corrector" so t h a t the A-B l i n e

goes through mean point of imbalance R3.

B0 105
Page 36

5) The A-B line intersects a scale which indicates the number of

hours to be added to or substracted from the clock angles around
the clock face.

6) Re-number the clock on the chart accordingly.

The balance chart is now matched to the helicopter (correct
orientation of clock to weight axes) .

7) As appropriate, add or remove the balance masses determined in

step 3.f. at the blade retaining bolts of the unchanged Span or
chord axis.
i. Balance tail rotor as described in step 4. until the "IPS" at each
of the points of imbalance B, P and F is 0.2 or less.

5. Removal of Vibrex System

a. Remove pedal positioner P/N 105-31702 W25 from the pedals.
b. Disconnect circuit protection module, balancerlphazor and strobex
from one another.
C. Remove D.C. extension cable and accelerometer cable from helicopter.

NOTE Accelerometer bracket 6411 may remain permanently

installed on tail rotor transmission.
d. Remove accelerometer bracket from tail rotor transmission, if
necessary. Re-install previously omitted washers LN9016-06K. Tighten
hexagon screws to specified torque (see fig. 107-15).
e. Check nuts for specified torque as described in step 4.a.2) and split
pins on balance bolts for security.

B0 105
Page 37
Ser .No.: . .. . . . . .. ...
Date: . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .
Sign.:. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .

Se: fia~ancerPhazor lor ROIO: RPM 2219 Sirobcr Blade Tracuer io ..Mode A "

RUN N O . 1 2 3 4

I I 1I
\ f \ f \ f
9 1
. . . .. . , . . . . .
(Target) S 2
e 3
9 4



F NUT* COTTER 1 2.4 1


Figure 107-21 Tail Rotor Balance Chart

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