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Value Stream Mapping:

Operationalizing Lean Manufacturing
by Erwin Patrocinio the customer gains by adhering to a clear vision
Integrated Micro-Electronics Inc. and implementing a clear plan connecting all
improvement activities.
In the realm of electronics manufactur- The VSM is a visualization tool that has its
ing services, EMS providers are continuously origin in the Toyota version of lean manufac-
fraught with pressures from the original equip- turing (Toyota Production System). Through
ment manufacturers (OEMs) to lower the total this tool, inherent wastes or losses within an
cost of production. operation are identified. The value stream maps
One of the tools used by EMS companies to reflect a broad view of the process, usually from
achieve this goal is value stream mapping (VSM). external supplier to an external customer at a
VSM is a lean manufacturing technique used given facility.
to document, analyze and improve the flow of Many of the problems that the VSM exposes
information or materials required to produce a reach across organizational lines of responsibil-
product or service. It provides optimum value to ity and expertise. The goal of the process is to
the customer through a complete value creation identify, demonstrate and decrease those activi-
process with minimum waste in design (concept ties that do not add value to the production
to customer), build (order to delivery), and main- process.
tenance (in-use through life cycle to service). By applying VSM, EMS providers can have
Through VSM, the EMS provider maximizes a clearer picture of multiple processes involved

12 SMT Magazine • October 2015


Value Stream Mapping: Operationalizing Lean Manufacturing

in a work flow, identify waste and its sources, plexity of a certain project under study, while
identify where change is required, standardize project closure is targeted within six months.
the process, and identify potential problems Pre-work is being done prior to the learning
that could be encountered in the future state. It session and workshop. This includes gathering
can also be used as a tool for planning as well as and analysis of business operations informa-
for managing changes. The VSM process helps tion, important production details and current
make organizations more efficient by improv- performance. The line walk helps in gathering
ing their processes. Let’s see how VSM is applied more information and shows the actual sce-
in an EMS environment. nario of production where team members do
The illustration below is an example of how line observation in each process and take notes.
a VSM project is done. The workshop typically This forms part of the actual mapping process.
runs for several days depending on the com- And like any other improvement discipline, the

Figure 1: An example of how a VSM project is done.

Table 1.

14 SMT Magazine • October 2015


Value Stream Mapping: Operationalizing Lean Manufacturing

Figure 2: The bulletin board above shows how a VMS project was successfully completed.

Figure 3: The prioritization matrix is also established to guide the team on which OFI to prioritize.

VSM project has its own project charter that improved the process for the manufacture of
states the project timeline, estimated benefits flexible circuit assembly for an OEM customer
and other project information. through the use of value stream mapping.
Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate how the team The project focused on high-volume and

16 SMT Magazine • October 2015


Value Stream Mapping: Operationalizing Lean Manufacturing

Table 2.

high-value model that runs through the SMT improvement, 18% process yield improvement
line and complete backend processes. This im- and 14% improvement on the line balance in-
provement project was specifically initiated by dex through cycle time and line balancing im-
the sponsor to achieve operational excellence provements. The change in layout reduced the
targets and be more competitive. total travel distance from 66 meters to 54 me-
During the VSM workshop, the team identi- ters.
fied nine opportunities for improvement (OFI) All of the activities and improvements
and classified them according to productivity, caused significant impact financially both for
quality and delivery aspect of operations (see the company and for the customer. More im-
Table 1). portantly, the customer appreciated the efforts
Prioritization matrix is also established to and the impact of the project on the business.
guide the team on which OFI to prioritize. Also known as an end-to-end system map,
The matrix provides a means for ranking the VSM considers not only the activity of
projects based on criteria that are determined the product, but also the management and
to be important. This enables the team to see information systems that support the basic
clearly which projects are the most important process.
to focus on first based on effort and benefit. Maps are important and indispensable tools
Among the improvement activities done for travelers, geographers or anyone embarking
during this VSM is the process improvement on a journey. Just like a map, the VSM is an in-
in the screen print process in SMT where cycle dispensable tool and technique for both OEMs
time was improved by 17% by changing the di- and EMS companies in achieving lean manu-
rection of auto stencil cleaning. This resulted in facturing. It gives the big picture point of view,
a 15% increase in SMT line capacity. exposes sources of wastes (not just the wastes),
In the backend process, changing the solder shows linkage between information flow and
wire type used in the auto soldering process re- material flow, and forms the blueprint to iden-
sulted in an 86% quality improvement. Layout tify areas of improvement. SMT
analysis in both SMT and the backend process
helped reduce unnecessary travel and motion
that resulted in an 18% improvement in travel Erwin Patrocinio is the manu-
distance. facturing engineering manager
Table 2 shows the improvement activities in charge of lean manufacturing
done based on the ranking. implementation for Philippine
In summary, through this VSM the team was operations of Integrated
able to successfully achieve 23% productivity Micro-Electronics Inc. (IMI).

18 SMT Magazine • October 2015

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