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Fallen London - Tier-3 Cross-Conversion Action Calculator

Version 1.0, November 16, 2021

Created by user Evelyn Glass

Do not enter values in this spreadsheet. Make a copy and enter values in your copied version!

To calculate the amount of total actions needed for cross-conversions:

Step 1: Select the tier-3
In column item you
B ("Currently need from
Owned"), thethe
enter tabsamount
below.of each tier-3 item you have next to the item's
Step 2: name. (They are all listed as "100" as placeholders.)
Step 3: In cell C14
Ensure that(highlighted in green),
the total amount enteritems
of tier-3 the amount
you ownof(cell
the B15)
equalthat you
to or need. than the
Step 4: amount of the
In cell E15, the target item you
spreadsheet willneed (cell C14).
calculate the total actions you need for cross-conversions to get
Step 5: the amount of the target item you need, using the most efficient method.

To do the converions based on this spreadsheet:

Step 1: Look at column
Convert Eitem
("Actions") anditem
find in
first non-zero number.
Example:TO thatfirst
If the FROM the
non-zero number in row
column Ejust
wasabove it. Correspondence
next to Do this a numberPlaques,
of timesyou
equal to
Step 2: the amount of actions indicated in column E for that item.
convert TO Correspondence Plaques FROM Journals of Infamy a number of times equal to the
number in column E next to Correspondence Plaques.
Step 3: Update the amounts
Repeat steps 1-3 untilinyou
have Bconverted
("Currently all Owned")
the items.based on your
Cell E15 newly-converted
("Total items.
Actions") should be 0, and
Step 4: you should have all of the target item you need.
Step 5: Congratulations, you're done!
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
*Zee-Ztory 44 0 0 0
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 84 0 0 0
Whisper-Satin Scrap 117 0 0 0
Journal of Infamy 59 50 0 0
Correspondence Plaque 48 50 2 1
*Vision of the Surface 49 50 1 1
Mystery of the Elder Continent 21 50 29 1
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 25 50 25 1
Memory of Distant Shores 114 150 36 1
Brilliant Soul 16 150 134 3
*Tales of Terror 113 250 137 3
Compromising Document 22 250 228 5
Memory of Light 1057 1301 244 5
Total 1769 21

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 0 0 0
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 0 0 0
Journal of Infamy 100 0 0 0
Correspondence Plaque 100 100 0 0
*Vision of the Surface 100 200 100 2
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 300 200 4
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 400 300 6
Memory of Distant Shores 100 500 400 8
Brilliant Soul 100 600 500 10
*Tales of Terror 100 700 600 12
Compromising Document 100 800 700 14
Memory of Light 100 900 800 16
*Zee-Ztory 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 0 0 0
Journal of Infamy 100 0 0 0
Correspondence Plaque 100 0 0 0
*Vision of the Surface 100 100 0 0
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 200 100 2
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 300 200 4
Memory of Distant Shores 100 400 300 6
Brilliant Soul 100 500 400 8
*Tales of Terror 100 600 500 10
Compromising Document 100 700 600 12
Memory of Light 100 800 700 14
*Zee-Ztory 100 900 800 16
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Journal of Infamy 100 0 0 0
Correspondence Plaque 100 0 0 0
*Vision of the Surface 100 0 0 0
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 100 0 0
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 200 100 2
Memory of Distant Shores 100 300 200 4
Brilliant Soul 100 400 300 6
*Tales of Terror 100 500 400 8
Compromising Document 100 600 500 10
Memory of Light 100 700 600 12
*Zee-Ztory 100 800 700 14
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 900 800 16
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Correspondence Plaque 100 0 0 0
*Vision of the Surface 100 0 0 0
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 0 0 0
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 100 0 0
Memory of Distant Shores 100 200 100 2
Brilliant Soul 100 300 200 4
*Tales of Terror 100 400 300 6
Compromising Document 100 500 400 8
Memory of Light 100 600 500 10
*Zee-Ztory 100 700 600 12
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 800 700 14
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 900 800 16
Journal of Infamy 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
*Vision of the Surface 100 0 0 0
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 0 0 0
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 0 0 0
Memory of Distant Shores 100 100 0 0
Brilliant Soul 100 200 100 2
*Tales of Terror 100 300 200 4
Compromising Document 100 400 300 6
Memory of Light 100 500 400 8
*Zee-Ztory 100 600 500 10
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 700 600 12
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 800 700 14
Journal of Infamy 100 900 800 16
Correspondence Plaque 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 0 0 0
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 0 0 0
Memory of Distant Shores 100 0 0 0
Brilliant Soul 100 100 0 0
*Tales of Terror 100 200 100 2
Compromising Document 100 300 200 4
Memory of Light 100 400 300 6
*Zee-Ztory 100 500 400 8
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 600 500 10
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 700 600 12
Journal of Infamy 100 800 700 14
Correspondence Plaque 100 900 800 16
*Vision of the Surface 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 0 0 0
Memory of Distant Shores 100 0 0 0
Brilliant Soul 100 0 0 0
*Tales of Terror 100 100 0 0
Compromising Document 100 200 100 2
Memory of Light 100 300 200 4
*Zee-Ztory 100 400 300 6
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 500 400 8
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 600 500 10
Journal of Infamy 100 700 600 12
Correspondence Plaque 100 800 700 14
*Vision of the Surface 100 900 800 16
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Memory of Distant Shores 100 0 0 0
Brilliant Soul 100 0 0 0
*Tales of Terror 100 0 0 0
Compromising Document 100 100 0 0
Memory of Light 100 200 100 2
*Zee-Ztory 100 300 200 4
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 400 300 6
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 500 400 8
Journal of Infamy 100 600 500 10
Correspondence Plaque 100 700 600 12
*Vision of the Surface 100 800 700 14
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 900 800 16
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Brilliant Soul 100 0 0 0
*Tales of Terror 100 0 0 0
Compromising Document 100 0 0 0
Memory of Light 100 100 0 0
*Zee-Ztory 100 200 100 2
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 300 200 4
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 400 300 6
Journal of Infamy 100 500 400 8
Correspondence Plaque 100 600 500 10
*Vision of the Surface 100 700 600 12
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 800 700 14
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 900 800 16
Memory of Distant Shores 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
*Tales of Terror 100 0 0 0
Compromising Document 100 0 0 0
Memory of Light 100 0 0 0
*Zee-Ztory 100 100 0 0
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 200 100 2
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 300 200 4
Journal of Infamy 100 400 300 6
Correspondence Plaque 100 500 400 8
*Vision of the Surface 100 600 500 10
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 700 600 12
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 800 700 14
Memory of Distant Shores 100 900 800 16
Brilliant Soul 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Compromising Document 100 0 0 0
Memory of Light 100 0 0 0
*Zee-Ztory 100 0 0 0
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 100 0 0
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 200 100 2
Journal of Infamy 100 300 200 4
Correspondence Plaque 100 400 300 6
*Vision of the Surface 100 500 400 8
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 600 500 10
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 700 600 12
Memory of Distant Shores 100 800 700 14
Brilliant Soul 100 900 800 16
*Tales of Terror 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items
Item Currently Owned Needed Remaining Actions
Memory of Light 100 0 0 0
*Zee-Ztory 100 0 0 0
Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe 100 0 0 0
Whisper-Satin Scrap 100 100 0 0
Journal of Infamy 100 200 100 2
Correspondence Plaque 100 300 200 4
*Vision of the Surface 100 400 300 6
Mystery of the Elder Continent 100 500 400 8
*Scrap of Incendiary Gossip 100 600 500 10
Memory of Distant Shores 100 700 600 12
Brilliant Soul 100 800 700 14
*Tales of Terror 100 900 800 16
Compromising Document 100 1001 901 18
Total 1300 90

* = converting from this yields making waves

All conversions go from 50 to 51 items

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