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Bach Elementary School, 600 W.

Jefferson, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Colette Ivey, Principal
July 30, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my distinct privilege to share with you my highest recommendation on behalf of Mr. Anthony Stamm.
Mr. Stamm currently fulfills the role of Elementary Curriculum Coordinator for Math and Science with Ann
Arbor Public Schools. Previously Mr. Stamm and I worked together in Birmingham Public Schools, where
he fulfilled the role of Instructional Specialist.

All aspects of Mr. Stamm’s performance are exceptional. Mr. Stamm is an exemplary educator, leader
and professional who is dedicated to improving the learning experiences and lives of all children. He
has a calm demeanor under all circumstances and quickly builds rapport with the students and staff he
supports. Mr. Stamm works well with staff, is diligent about following district goals and objectives and
willingly seeks professional growth experiences.

Through my interactions with Mr. Stamm, I have learned he is truly invested in creating the most
innovative learning environments for students. While fulfilling the role of Instructional Specialist, he did so
with confidence and ease and was an integral part in defining the role. This shows his ability to pursue
new initiatives and persevere through challenging endeavors. In addition, Mr. Stamm was instrumental
in supporting staff in the use of student achievement data to plan for instruction, guiding professional
learning communities at each grade level, planning for individual student intervention, and creating an
electronic student profile to document student performance. When given a challenge Mr. Stamm is
quick on his feet and creative in his approach.

In his role as Curriculum Coordinator with Ann Arbor Public Schools Mr. Stamm supports a district wide
goal to integrate Culturally Responsive Teaching, SIOP, and the Universal Design for Learning Framework
into all elementary curriculum. Mr. Stamm was instrumental in the development of instructional units of
study during virtual learning and successfully supported grade level teaching learning networks
throughout the district. Mr. Stamm supports over four hundred classroom teachers in the use of best
practices in the areas of mathematics and science. Mr. Stamm is often seen visiting classrooms with an
effort to support classroom instruction and build relationships with staff.

Mr. Stamm’s positive personality, ability to work with others, and outstanding work ethic would be an
asset to any organization.


Colette M. Ivey

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