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Great ways to earn money online

Author: Derek Phee

How to Make Money Online

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These days, online jobs and education opportunities are quite popular. People love to work from
home, and the internet is exploding with money-making opportunities. How can you fit into this
new popular niche? Let's explore!

Working online does not impose the same time restrictions as working in an office or
brick-and-mortar store. You don’t have to adhere to strict dress codes or company policies.
Often, you don’t even have to interact face-to-face with clients, customers or co-workers. This
can be especially nice for independent spirits or introverts.

Not having to go to an office affords people a lot of freedom and autonomy. Imagine working in
your pajamas! If you need to take off to get your kids for an activity, you can do that without
having to call your boss and arrange to leave the office. Your attendance is up to you as you set
your own hours. Often, you can leave the computer for a spell to get things done and then
return to work when you are ready.

You can also be your own boss. Expand your business as you see fit. No one can restrict your
decisions or tell you what to do with your work. This does not apply if you work online for a
company, but it does apply if you are a freelancer or have your own online business.

The internet is a great way to reach lots of people on an international scale. You can use it to
advertise or offer your services to a variety of clients all over the world. Marketing through social
media enables you to reach lots of people with minimal effort.

What can you do online?

Anything, really. But having a clear goal and solid service or product is key. You must be able to
offer your future employers something. Determine your strong skills and advertise those.


Try freelancing sites like Upwork or Guru. You can charge an hourly rate or charge by the

● Writing. Being able to write is a great way to make money online. Written
communication is important for businesses. You can find jobs writing for blogs, gossip
sites, online journals and business websites, just to name a few.
● Editing. Documents often contain errors. As an editor, you comb through documents
and improve them. You can find editing jobs online in a huge variety of languages.
● Web design. Use your skills for creating websites and your aesthetic sense to create
websites for people.
● Illustration and logo design. Are you an artist? Then you can work online creating art
for businesses or other people.
● Translating. If you are bilingual, offer your services as a translator. Use your skills to
change the native language of documents. Translation services are in demand
throughout the world.
● Transcribing. After listening to audio or watching videos, you put the words down on
paper (or in an electronic document). Transcribing is hard work that requires attention to
detail and concentration. But if you are good at a language, you can find transcription
jobs online.
● Code writing. If you can write code, you have limitless job opportunities online. You can
create websites and computer programs for various companies eager to hire new


● Tutoring. High school and college students are taking to the internet looking for cheap
tutoring services. Offer your expertise in any subject and teach over video or through
written lessons. Try Chegg and the Knowledge Roundtable for tutoring jobs.
● Teaching. There are sites like VIPKid where you can teach languages online over video
chat or written lessons. English is probably in the most demand, but you can find
opportunities for any language. Offer your language teaching services to any site that
teaches the language you are most fluent in.
● Academic writing. On sites like Ultius, you can find opportunities to write academic
papers. Typically, you need a bachelor’s degree to get these jobs. Writing experience is
also helpful.
● Lifestyle coaching. Help people become their best selves. Self-improvement is a
popular niche. Writing books and offering self-improvement videos for a small monthly
fee is a great way to make money. Promise to help people transform their lives or bodies
and you'll get customers.
● Educational videos. Making educational videos and selling courses on sites like Lynda
or Coursera allows you to make money with the knowledge and skills you have. Popular
niches on these sites include coding, crafting and entrepreneurial tips and skills.

Click here to learn more:


● Travel blogging. Travel blogging is a popular niche for those who like to be on the
move. If you have traveled a lot, you can share your experiences and advice that you
have picked up along the way with massive audiences. You can get all sorts of
sponsorship and generate revenue as you capture readers.
● Recipe writing. Sharing your expertise in the kitchen can help you make money online.
Make videos and write recipes to publish on popular recipe sites. Or find people on
freelancing sites seeking recipe and cookbook writers.

Online retail

● Dropshipping. You can create your own dropshipping business and sell products
online. Use eBay and Amazon for these, as well as wholesale sites and social media like
● Selling products. If you make any sort of product, you can sell it online. Consider using
Shopify or Etsy for handmade or vintage products. Consider Amazon and eBay for other
types of products, like books or inventions or wholesale items. You can also create your
own e-shop but you must market it. Learn about SEO so that your website shows up
high in Google searches.

Remote jobs

● Online companies. Many companies are hiring remote workers. You can do things like
medical coding and billing, customer service, coding, software engineering, journalism
and many other jobs from home. Some companies are even hiring doctors or
psychologists to provide services over the internet instead of in a traditional office
setting. As people become more comfortable with working online, the workplace is
adjusting. Companies have found that remote workers are actually more productive and
they can cut costs by not having a building.
Penny hoarder

Maybe you don’t want to start your own business or teach or freelance online, but you want a
little extra spending money on top of your current income. The internet offers a wide variety of
ways to make money without really working.

Click here to learn more:

5 Ways to Stand Out from the

Competition on Major Freelancing Sites
Being able to run a business at home, earn money, invest, raise kids and socially distance all at
the same time has become the 2020 marathon. Parents, professionals, graduates and those
caught in-between careers weren’t exactly prepared for the new age of working from home; yet,
as Covid-19 restructured life as we knew it, we had no choice but to consider alternative work
arrangements that supported our families right from our laptops.

Companies were forced to furlough staff as budgets were slashed. Individuals elected to quit
their jobs for fear of coronavirus exposure and others realized that, considering how fleeting life
can be, they wanted to leave their jobs and do something they love. For all of these people, the
arrangement of working on a per-project basis for different companies, brands and startups
became more alluring than ever before.

As of last year, nearly 57 million Americans considered themselves part of the gig economy as
freelancers. The data for 2020 will show a massive increase in that figure as part of Covid-19’s
new normal. Why were so many people joining the gig economy as freelancers in 2019? One
study explains it all: skilled freelancers earn more per hour than 70 percent of workers in the

That’s why more people than ever before are wondering how they can not only become
freelancers but also how they can position themselves for immediate success right out of the
starting gate. The competition to stand out as a freelancer just got dramatically more
challenging, and everyone knows it. Tens of millions of people are using the biggest freelancing
sites today, from Upwork and 99designs to Fiverr and Guru.

With millions of providers worldwide accessing these sites, how can you ensure that your profile
and services are the most alluring?

Here are five ways to stand out from the competition on major freelancing sites.

1. Use your picture throughout your profile

People think that working online as an anonymous provider, instead of being a corporate
employee, means they can withhold their identity from their freelancing profile. Quite the
contrary, removing any imagery of yourself from your freelance profile makes it harder for
prospective buyers to trust you. Are you really who you are claiming to be? How can buyers be

Content with imagery and video gets 94% more views than content with only plain text and
stats. We are visual creatures, so we need to see photo evidence that we are not being

● Include different photos of yourself for your profile picture, services and biography. The
more images you use, the more trustworthy you become
● Post only crisp, high-definition photos in which you are making eye contact with the
● Consider branding yourself with the same colors in all of your images
● Refresh your photos every few years to match your real-time identity

Click here to learn more:

2. Feature as many reviews as possible

Social proof is essential. It’s the only way we can convince ourselves that someone is
trustworthy online when we have never met them in person. That’s why 84 percent of people
trust online reviews as much as they do a recommendation from a friend or family member.
Prioritizing your five-star reviews on your profile will help a buyer trust you immediately.

● Work hard in the beginning to secure a perfect five-star average. Go above and beyond
and consider charging less-than-market prices to get your first reviews
● Proudly present the reviews on your profile, front and center
● Offer up a summary of your reviews to prospective clients in your messaging inbox

3. Don’t lie about credentials

Too often, first-time freelancers skew information about their background and experience since
no boss is watching them do it. This can come back to haunt you, especially since buyers can
do a simple background check on you in minutes. Should the freelancing site catch you lying,
you will be blacklisted for the remainder of the platform’s existence. It’s not worth it. Augment
what credentials you do have. If you don’t have many, offer free work for friends and family to
bolster your portfolio.

● Spend some months doing work for free so you can add real projects and products to
your profile
● Never lie. As you climb in prominence on a freelancing site, the company will conduct
background checks on you.
● Buyers are more likely to buy from you if they trust you. If they catch you lying, they will
never trust you again.

4. Don’t wait for first reviews

One of the most challenging periods in freelancing is the initial weeks when you have to sit and
wait for a buyer to be the first one to invest in your service. When you have no reviews, they
don’t know if they can trust you.

Think outside the box and go to your in-person networks for first reviews. Ask family members,
former coworkers, friends and those who follow you on social media if they need your service for
their businesses. Accessing your already aggregated networks will have you circumvent
freelancing algorithms that can punish newbies.

● Think outside the box and offer a discount to people you know in the beginning
● Post about your services on social media
● Write articles about your services and post them to a website or your social profiles
● Offer referral discounts to people you know for securing you new clients

5. Offer more than one service

Marketing studies have found that consumers prefer choices when they go shopping. If you
walk into a clothing store and see just four shirts hanging on the clothing rack, you start to feel
uncomfortable, right? But if you want into a store with 400 shirt options, you would feel free to
shop around and find the item that is right for you.

The same goes for your freelancing profile. If you offer just one service, buyers will assume
you’re new to the site, you don’t know what you are doing and have only one skill-set. When
starting, offer at least three (related) services on your profile. That way, buyers can feel like they
are really shopping.

● If you don’t know what other services to offer, check out your competition. Look up
people with your same skill-set and see what other services they list.
● Don’t be afraid to teach yourself new skills. Take online classes and practice.
● After a while, increase your services from three to five to even 10!

The art of the side hustle

Those that once laughed at the thought of a side hustle becoming a main hustle are no longer
laughing. Our newly decentralized, socially distanced world has made freelancing ripe for the
taking, which is why now is a great time to pivot your skill-set online through one of the major
freelancing sites. Follow these tips above to ensure you are positioned as successfully as
possible while wading into the freelancing waters.

Click here to learn more:

9 Reasons to Start an Online Side Hustle
in 2020

It was just after the World Trade Center fell to terrorist attacks on 9/11 that I first started my
online business. Times were tough then and times are tough now. I wasn’t sure if I could make it
work but, while my business has gone through several big changes over the years, I haven’t
had to be back in a cubicle since then. Going online with my business ventures was the best
decision I ever made.

It’s offered me freedom and flexibility that I would never get working in the corporate world.
What I’ve found is that during tough times, lots of people look for ways to make some extra cash
in order to put food on the table or put money back into savings. Just like I did in the wake of

Fortunately, there are many more options than there used to be for making some extra cash.
Door Dash and Uber are popular ones. However, in my opinion, starting a gig online is one of
the best options.

Here are nine reasons why starting an online side hustle during tough times can be a great

Online side hustles can grow into full-time incomes

One of my favorite things about online side hustles that they often have the potential to grow
into a full-time income.

If you start picking up writing clients online or start offering website building services and learn
how to effectively pick up new clients then you can quickly replace your day job income with gig
work. yOu can work around your day job and bank the extra client work.

Low overhead to start

It can cost tens of thousands of dollars (or more) to start a traditional business and if you are
doing a side hustle or driving for a rideshare or delivery service, you will put loads of wear and
tear on your car.

Starting an online side hustle generally costs very little money and can be bootstrapped for as
little as a few hundred dollars and sometimes quite a bit less depending on what you want to do.

There are very few options that are as cost-effective as an online side hustle to start.

Click here to learn more:

More platforms than ever before

When I started out the only option for getting a web presence online was hand-coding a
website. It took many, many hours of learning and writing HTML code and was a big pain to do.

Now there are many, many platforms that are easy to use and effective:

You can list handcrafted goods for sale on Etsy.

You can showcase your freelance services on Upwork, Toptal, Fiverr, 99Designs, and more.

You can resell local finds on eBay.

You can start a publishing business on WordPress.

You can easily build a website on WIX.

You can list original designs on products fulfilled through print on demand vendors on Amazon.

That’s just scratching the surface. If you are creative and willing to learn, the sky is the limit and
there are many more possibilities available.

Potential global reach

When you use the internet for your side hustle you aren’t limited to your local area. This is one
of the reasons that side hustles can turn into full-time gigs so easily.

You can reach people anywhere in the world who are interested in what you are offering. You
can even build a truly global brand over time.

Many recurring revenue possibilities

This is the other one of my favorite reasons to start side hustles online. There are many, many
opportunities for passive and recurring revenue if you structure what you are doing properly.

For instance, if you start a publishing business you can earn ad revenue from posts that you
published 3 years ago. You can also start a subscription-based business, like a membership
site, that pays you month after month.
There is almost nothing more exciting to me than recurring revenue. I love seeing dollars come
in for work I did years ago.

You can’t get recurring revenue by driving an Uber.

Low cost to gain knowledge

From LinkedIn Learning to Udemy, you can brush up your skills in almost any area for very little

Tip: Always watch for sales on Udemy: They often offer 90% off their courses.

As an example, there is a high demand for salesforce administrators. You can learn all of
salesforce through a course on Udemy and then take the Salesforce Administrator certification
course and possibly start landing gigs or get a work from home job with that skill set.

There are many areas where you can do this. These are often new skills that are highly
marketable and that you don’t need a college degree in order to get good pay.

Location freedom

Many online side hustles will give you location freedom — meaning that you can do them from
anywhere with a laptop and internet connection.

As you build your side hustle up to a full-time income the potential to live a true “digital nomad”
lifestyle becomes huge.

That means being able to travel where you want, when you want and not miss a beat of work.

Click here to learn more:

Freelance gigs can pay very well

There are many areas of freelancing where you can potentially make $40 to $150 per hour of
work. It can take a while to learn how to get and keep clients, but once you have that skill set
down you can pretty much write your own paydays.

Because of the nature of working online, there is almost always flexibility in when you work.
Unless you are working at a remote job, you will have flexibility within timelines.

This allows you to work when kids are in bed, on the weekends, or around whatever other
obligations you have — including a day job.

The world is going more and more digital all the time. By locating your side hustle online, you
give yourself enormous upside potential and will gain skills that are marketable both in
traditional jobs and in freelance gigs.
49 Legit Ways to Make Money Online at
Making money to support your family is a noble goal, but finding a way to make money online —
and from the comfort of your home — is an even better idea. Not only will learning to make
money on the web help you build income streams you can pursue from anywhere you have an
internet connection, but many online gigs come with unlimited income potential as well.

We’ve compiled a list of 49 ways to make money online and we feel very strongly that least a
handful of these profit-seeking strategies and side gigs could work for you. Whether you’re
looking for a full-time online opportunity, a part-time job, or just something to pick up some extra
cash every now and again, you’ll find it here.

If you’re ready to find out how to make money online, at home, or in a situation where you are
the boss, keep reading to learn more.

Some jobs can be entirely online while others do require you to leave home to meet with
customers or pick up supplies and equipment. We compare all the top ways to earn money at
home or on the go in this guide.

Table of Contents

● Side Gigs and Careers You Can Do Entirely Online

● Side Jobs You Can Do Partially Online
● Making Money By Selling or Renting Your Stuff
● Miscellaneous Money-Making Opportunities You Can Do From Home
● The Bottom Line

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Side Gigs and Careers You Can Do Entirely Online

While some opportunities require you to leave your home to earn some cash on the side, others
let you earn money at home — and even in your pajamas if you want. The best work-from-home
jobs also come with unlimited income potential, and could even turn into a full-time job that
replaces your day job over time.

1. Launch Your Own Blog

Blogging can be done either as a hobby or as a full-time business. However, the business of
blogging often starts as a hobby, becomes a profitable side business, and then becomes a
brand-new, all-encompassing career.

One of the most beautiful and exciting qualities about blogging is that you can create a blog that
deals with any subject area that you are either knowledgeable or passionate about (and
preferably both!). You can write about personal finance, careers, real estate, getting into
business, technology, cooking, travel, personal health, or just about any topic you choose.

You can set up a website, gradually build up the content (articles, videos, podcasts, etc.), then
eventually monetize the site through advertising, affiliate marketing, or even the direct sale of
specific products or services. Even better, you can generally find whatever services and
technical assistance you need online and free of charge. Later on, when your site develops a
reliable cash flow, you can begin working with paid providers who can take your blog to the next

I know a good bit about starting a blog thanks to the success I enjoy here on Good Financial
Cents. I can even help you pursue your own blogging dream if you read my post on blogging:
How I’ve Made over $1,097,757 from Blogging.

Pro Trip: Bluehost gets my vote for best web hosting company to start your new blog. Get a
FREE domain name when you sign up from this website.

You’ll also want to access our Make 1K Challenge, a free email course that walks through the
steps to start your first blog and make your first $1,000.

2. Take Online Surveys

This might be the most commonly advertised way to make money online. The concept of taking
surveys in exchange for money is simple, but you should do your research and tread lightly.
This is also a business that had more than a few scam operations! I even hesitate to include this
category, but the subject of how to make money online wouldn’t be complete without including
online survey companies that are truly legitimate.

Some will pay you cash to take surveys, but awarding points seems to be the more common
method of compensation. You accumulate points by doing surveys, and the points can be
redeemed for merchandise.

Survey Junkie

● Highly reputable for online surveys, redeem for cash.


● $10 Sign-up Bonus

inbox dollars

● $5 Sign-up Bonus

Check them out, do some research, and see what you think. I suspect that at best you can
make a few hundred dollars extra each month. But if that’s all you’re looking for, and you have
some time to kill, have at it!

Learn more about our top survey sites for making money online at home.

3. Invest with Peer to Peer Lending

While this work at home “job” requires an investment on your part, you can do this entirely from
home and on the web. It also is possible to get double-digit interest rate returns on your
investment through peer-to-peer lending platforms, such as Lending Club and Prosper. When
you consider the fact that bank investments typically pay less than 1%, it’s like getting 9% (or
more) on your money for free!

When you invest with peer-to-peer lending sites, you are effectively functioning as a lender,
lending directly to the borrowers who come to the site. The borrowers are vetted and rated
based on credit profile, income, and the purpose of the loan.
You can earn above-average rates of return because peer-to-peer lending eliminates the bank
function. That means that you participate in nearly the entire interest rate being paid by the
borrower, rather than the less than 1% that you will typically earn with an online savings
account. Not only that, but you can reduce your risk by investing in slices of hundreds of
different loans.

Learn more about LendingClub

4. Start a Facebook Ads Business

Facebook Ads have become increasingly popular over the past few years, mostly because
they’re so effective when it comes to reaching new audiences to buy products or services.

Each year, companies spend trillions of dollars trying to capture the attention of large audiences.

Due to the massive user-base Facebook garners, it has naturally become a hot-bed for
companies – large and small – to spend some of their marketing budgets.

Running Facebook Ads is great for small businesses because there is no minimum amount of
monthly ad spend. So, if a business only has a spare $100 to run ads, that will do just fine.

But, most small business owners simply don’t have the time or the know-how to run these ads.

That is where you come in.

By learning how to manage Facebook Ads for small companies, you can make a killing. And,
(once you know what you’re doing) it really doesn’t take much work at all.

Starting a Facebook ads business is simple:

1. Learn how to run Facebook Ads (Psst…Complete this online Facebook Side Hustle
2. Reach out to local small businesses asking if they would like to expand their customer
base through Facebook Ads.
3. Propose a simple business relationship in which the company sets a monthly Facebook
Ad budget and pays you to run the ads.

5. Sell Homemade Items On

If you are good at creating homemade items of almost any kind, you should try your hand at
selling them on Etsy. This website is dedicated to the sale of crafts and other homemade items
you can’t buy at a regular store. Etsy charges a fee of 3.5% of your sale, which is a lot lower
than what other online marketplaces charge. The rest of the profits are yours, so it’s easy to see
how you could earn a lot of money fast with the right homemade product.

The advantage with crafts is that they are creative in nature, and can work well if you are a
creative type. In addition, since you are making the crafts, you’ll be able to better control your
inventory, as well as the costs that go into it.

6. Rate Products and Services on MyPoints

Companies need to have their products and services evaluated – it’s a fundamental part of the
marketing process. To do so, they often turn to individuals to review those products and
services. This creates yet another opportunity for you to make money online and in your spare

A website for this purpose is MyPoints. This website lets you sign up to evaluate products and
services before rendering your opinions with focus group companies. You earn money for your
time, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

7. Become a Virtual Assistant

Outsourcing is the new and dominant wave of the business world. As businesses shed
employees, they increasingly turn to independent contractors to supply work that in-house staff
used to complete. One of the ways they do this is through virtual assistants. These are people
who provide certain tasks online. Businesses can use virtual assistants as much or as little as
they need to. If you can make yourself available to multiple businesses, you might have plenty
of work without ever leaving your house.

You can work as a virtual assistant through dedicated websites, such as Upwork or Zirtual. All
kinds of skills are needed, and compensation can vary anywhere between $10 per hour to $100
or more. Obviously, the higher pay will be to people who have more technical skills, such as web
building skills and marketing. But you can find work doing administrative tasks at the lower end
of the pay scale.
8. Work from Home As a Nurse (For Nurses Only)

If you are a registered nurse, there are opportunities to make money online and without ever
leaving your home. There are businesses who need the expertise of a nurse to answer
questions from customers, or to provide information and recommendations.

All kinds of companies need RNs for this purpose, including health insurance companies,
hospital chains, and even medical recruiting companies. You can find them by checking out their
job sites, and entering the key phrases “work at home” or “work from home” or “telecommuting”.

But you can also register with a company called Fonemed. They are in need of nurses to
provide triage and medical information to their clients by phone. The clients are primarily doctors
based in Canada and the United States.

9. Start a Product-Based Website

Is there a product or service that you are particularly enthusiastic about? If you are, you may be
able to develop a website that is built around selling it. You don’t have to be the actual provider
of the product or service either. There are many businesses that offer these products and will
allow you to sell them on an affiliate basis. For example, you may be able to sell a product on
your website for a commission of 20% or 30% of the sale price.

Shopify offers you the ability to create a fully operational website for this purpose.

This is a more technical way to make money online then most of the other strategies given. But
you can get an excellent course on how to make it happen with Steve Chou’s Create a
Profitable Online Store program. Steve and his wife have built a highly successful online store –
selling wedding napkins – and he’s anxious to provide insider secrets to people who sign up for
his course.

10. Become an Online Freelance Writer

Do you see all of those articles, tutorials, and guides all over the Internet? Somebody wrote
every one of them! If you have decent writing ability (no, you don’t need a journalism degree!),
and knowledge in a few specific topic areas, you can be one of those writers. It’s an opportunity
to make money online and without ever leaving your home. It’s also the kind of venture that can
start out as a small side business but grow into a full-time career.
You can get started by offering your services as a content writer on a website like Upwork. That
can be a good place to get started, though you’ll want to go full-on independent as your
experience and reputation begin to grow.

And if you’d like to go the independent route, check out this post on How to Become a
Freelance Writer, which is written by Holly Johnson. Johnson has been earning a living as an
online writer since 2012, earning multiple six figures per year in the process. She also has a free
webinar and a course you can buy, so make sure to check them out.

Interested in building a freelance career on your own terms? Check out

11. Sell Other Online Skills

Being an online freelance writer is one type of skill that you can use to make money online. But
there are a wide variety of other skills that can be used in a similar manner. Every website and
blog on the Internet needs technical skills. This can include graphic design, web design, search
engine optimization, social media marketing and promotion, content editing, and so much more.

If you have any of these skills you can market them for websites such as 99Designs (which is
mostly graphic design) and Upwork for other skills.

If you are more confident in your skills, you can also market directly to websites and blogs. You
can contact the sites by email to market your services. That will also enable you to select the
specific types of sites that you are more comfortable working with. Since there are literally
thousands of websites and blogs on the web, the potential market is limitless.

Build up a large enough book of business, and you’ll never need to look for a job again!

12. Become an Online Juror

Do you like watching court trials on TV? You might be able to turn that interest into a hobby that
makes you some money.

There’s a site called eJury that will pay you a small amount of money to participate in pre-trial
jury cases. These enable attorneys to determine in advance how a jury is likely to view the
circumstances surrounding a certain case, and to make adjustments for the real trial.
The site advertises that they will pay you $5 to $10 depending on the length of the trial review
(usually about 35 minutes). That’s not a big payday, but if you can get on several cases each
week, it could be enough to make your car payment – who knows?

13. Dive Into Affiliate Marketing

If you already have an active blog or website, you can earn extra income – completely passive
income at that – by adding affiliate marketing to your site.

With programs such as Amazon Affiliate, Google Adsense, and, you can have ads
related to your content automatically placed on your site. This will provide you with an income
every time someone clicks on one of the ads. This is the perfect way to add an extra income
stream to your existing web platform.

If you have high enough web traffic, you can also participate in affiliate programs from various
companies. They will typically pay you a certain amount of money every time someone signs up
for a product or service that is advertised on your website. Thousands of websites are making a
lot of money using affiliate marketing.

14. Get Paid to Watch and Rate Online Videos

Swagbucks will actually pay you to watch videos, movies, and even news programs, and rate
them when you’re done. That will earn you points for each video that you watch, and those can
be redeemed for cash (through PayPal) or through gift cards.

You won’t make a fortune with Swagbucks, but it can provide a small extra monthly income,
which you will earn in your spare time. And if you have a few hours to kill every night or even a
few nights per month, why not earn some money on the side?

15. Get Paid to Review Software with SoftwareJudge

This is another of the more technical online money-making strategies. SoftwareJudge will pay
you to review the software that they produce. You have to try out the software, render a
thorough review, and provide your opinion about your experience.
Obviously this is a venture for people who are very familiar with various types of software, and
who know how to thoroughly investigate and evaluate each program. But it’s also one of those
opportunities where you will start small, and your compensation will grow with experience and
as they develop a greater degree of trust in your opinions.

16. Online Data Entry

If you have a lot of clerical experience, this might be your dream job – an opportunity to make
money online and at home with some easy data entry work.

You can go through a website such as Upwork to get online data entry assignments. Otherwise,
you can also check with job offerings for online data entry on Craigslist.

The jobs may only be temporary, or even related to a specific project. But if you’re only looking
for some extra money, this can be the way to do it. And you never know – if you get on an
assignment, and it becomes ongoing, you just might have that work-at-home-in-your-pajamas
job that you always wanted!

17. Get Paid to Evaluate Websites

A site called User Testing will actually pay you a fee to evaluate websites. This company
typically pays you $10 for each video that you review – which typically takes about 20 minutes.
If the work is there, and you are particularly good at it, you could earn up to $30 per hour.

That’s a pretty solid pay rate for a work-at-home job that doesn’t even require a college degree.
You wouldn’t have to work a whole lot of hours to generate a decent part-time monthly income.

18. Participate in Online Focus Groups

This is a variation of taking online surveys. You can participate through ProOpinion with this gig,
and you’ll be compensated with points each time you complete a survey. Points are redeemable
for cash (through PayPal), or with Amazon Gift Cards, iTunes Gift Cards, or you can elect to
make a donation to the American Red Cross.

Once again, this is one of those ventures that won’t earn you a boatload of money. But it will
enable you to earn some extra cash (or gift cards) just for participating in online focus groups.
19. Sign Up for Fiverr

Fiverr is a website that helps workers connect with various micro-jobs. You can earn $5 for each
task that you complete. And of course, the secret is to complete as many tasks as possible.

Those tasks can include either products or services. They can involve research, data entry, or
any one of a number of small tasks that someone needs to outsource for a specific project. You
may even be asked to perform unusual tasks! You can decide which tasks you want to take on,
and which you want to ignore.

You can also sell certain products on Fiverr. Of course, this will include small items that will cost
no more than $5, including shipping. You may even be able to use the $5 limit as an intro price
on certain skills, such as graphic design or accounting, but charge higher fees for more
complicated projects.

As you go along, you’ll also want to garner positive reviews. The more positive reviews you
have, the more tasks that will become available, and the more income you will earn.

20. Get Connected with Various Work from Home Jobs

Working Solutions is a web platform that matches agents – service providers – with clients who
need those services. This is a way for you to land a work-at-home job.

The website has been around since 1996, and it even provides education to the agents to help
them learn about the client’s business. They do this through a program called Working Solutions
University, and is completely free to use.

Click here to learn more:

Also check out, which is another website that connects people with an array of
remote work opportunities around the United States.

21. Sell Your Lesson Plans on Teachers Pay Teachers (For Teachers Only)

If you are a teacher, you can have an opportunity to sell your lesson plans on a site called
Teachers Pay Teachers. This will provide you with an opportunity to make money online using a
“product” that you already have – your lesson plans.
You can actually sell those plans on the website, which is particularly beneficial to new teachers,
who probably have not yet created their own lesson plans. They may use your lesson plan
entirely, or they may use it as a template to develop their own customized version. Either way, if
they buy your lesson plan, you’ll get paid.

This is essentially a peer-to-peer platform for teachers. It is where they may come and share
various teaching resources, as well as lesson plans.

22. Create and Sell Online Courses with Udemy

Udemy offers another way to earn money on the education side of the universe. This is a
website where you can sell educational courses, and it’s not just for teachers. Anyone can
create a course and sell it on the Udemy platform.

It’s an excellent opportunity to offer technical training courses that teach people how to learn a
much-needed skill, or accomplish an important task. It could also prove to be an important
testing ground for your educational courses. If you are able to market your course on the site,
against direct competition, you may be able to direct marketing to the general public, using a
website, videos, or even an affiliate marketing program.

Much like creating an ebook or a video, educational courses on Udemy can also be an excellent
source of passive income. And that can be an important part of your ability to make money
online on a consistent basis.

23. Answer Technical Questions Online

As a professional in just about any field, you can offer your expertise on JustAnswer. This
company is always looking for professionals in various fields who will provide answers to
reader’s questions. You can make money online by answering these questions and pointing
people in the right direction to get the solutions that they need.

The website doesn’t indicate how much money you can earn, but it is an opportunity to earn
extra money doing what you know best, at home and in your spare time.

24. Write an eBook

Is there a topic that you’re really strong in? You could write an ebook and start earning some
extra money. This is also a passive venture. Once the ebook is written, you can begin getting
sales through a thoroughly automated process.

People come to your ad page, make a payment, and are then directed to a download page
where they can get their copy of your ebook. You won’t have to lift a finger. Get a few ebooks
written and marketed, and well, you get the idea. “How to” ebooks are some of the best ones to
provide, especially if you’re an expert in a given field.

There are different ways to market an ebook. One of the most common is through Amazon’s
Kindle program. They can help you with all the steps to both publish and market your ebook
through their incredibly popular platform. There are some specialized sets of writing software
that will help with not only writing your ebook but also formatting it correctly for the Amazon
market as well as Barnes & Noble and iTunes.

You can also market your ebook on your own website or blog, which can work pretty well if the
site gets good traffic. Still, another method is affiliate marketing. You can offer to pay sites
related to your ebook a percentage of the sale price – say, anywhere between 20% and 50% –
for them to post an ad or linked article for your book on their site. This could enable you to
market your ebook on multiple platforms for greater market exposure.

25. Monetize Your Twitter Account

If you are active on Twitter and have a few thousand followers, you may be able to earn some
money tweeting through PaidPerTweet. You can sign up for the app for free, and then earn
money each time you tweet a message from one of their advertisers out to your followers.

The amount of pay that you will receive per tweet depends upon the number of followers that
you have. Naturally, a person with 100,000 followers will receive higher compensation than
someone with 5,000 followers.

It’s one of those strategies that can enable you to earn a decent amount of money from a slow
drip of activity. For example, if you’re paid $5 per tweet, and you tweet two messages a day for
a month, you can earn $300.

That’s a pretty good return on about five minutes worth of work per day.
Click here to learn more:

26. Buy and Sell Websites

Have you ever seen those shows on TV of people who buy dilapidated houses, and then rehab
them and sell them for enormous profits? You can also do that with websites and web domains
through a site called It’s a virtual marketplace for websites and web domains.

It’s something akin to picking stocks. You want to buy undervalued domains, and sell them later
on at a higher price. For example, you can pick a domain that is out of favor, but could be
related to some future event. So if you decide that the stock market is likely to crash in the
future, you can buy a domain that includes the words stock market crash during a rising market,
and then sell it in a falling market.

You can also buy struggling websites and work to improve their appearance, revenue stream,
and value. Once you do, you can sell the sites for more money than you paid for them. It’s kind
of like doing property rehabs, but without getting your hands dirty.

27. Become an Online Translator

We’ve been hearing a lot about globalization in the past few decades, and that’s meant that
more people who speak different languages are interacting on a day-to-day basis. That has
created a major need for people to work as translators. If you are bilingual, this could be a real
opportunity for you to make money online. is a site where you can get paid to translate all kinds of documents, including files and
even conversations. The site provides you with an opportunity to list your services as a
translator. They offer opportunities in Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and
other languages, and specialize in legal, medical, technical and other fields.

If you are bilingual, and feel that you can translate any of these documents, this can be an
opportunity for you to make money online and at home in your spare time.

Side Jobs You Can Do Partially Online

While some jobs can be completed entirely online, others do require you to leave your home
from time to time. Here are some of the best online money-making opportunities that may
require you to leave home for certain components of the work.

28. Retail Arbitrage

Have you ever watched Pawn Stars or Storage Wars on TV? That’s the general idea behind this
money making venture.

It’s one of the oldest and most proven ways to make money – buy low, sell high. The buy low
part comes from searching garage sales, estate sales, and even thrift stores to find items that
are in good condition (“gently used”) but selling well below what they would if they were
brand-new. In this way, you might be able to acquire an item for $5, and later sell it for $50.

You can sell the items on eBay and Craigslist. eBay is the better platform to sell small,
high-priced, and unusual items. Craigslist is better for larger and more practical items.

A good book on how to make it work is Garage Sale Millionaire by Aaron LePedis. The book will
tell you everything that you need to know, from buying (including determining values) to
marketing and selling.

29. Become a Tutor

This works with just about any subject that you are strong in – math, science, foreign language,
and even test preparation. By tutoring online, you will have control over your time as well as the
amount of work that you take on.

You can always offer your services directly by marketing to schools in your area or even placing
ads in neighborhood newsletters and on bulletin boards. But you can also use online platforms
that are dedicated to matching tutors with students.

Two sites worth checking out for this purpose are Chegg Tutors and You can use
either to enable you to tutor online and from home.

30. Take Photos and Sell Them Online

Some people have a talent for taking pictures. If that describes you, you might be able to make
money online from what has been a hobby up to this point.

Websites like iStock and Shutterstock will allow you to post your photos on their sites. Since
they are common photo sources, you’ll get people looking for very specific types of photos. If
they download one of yours, you can earn anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars per
downloaded photo.

If you can create an online portfolio of several hundred photos that people are interested in
downloading, you may have created one of the very best passive income sources. Take a look
at the types of photos that you see appearing across the Internet, and tailor your work to meet
that need.

31. Drive for Uber or Lyft

Driving for Uber and Lyft technically isn’t an online activity. However, the source of the business
is online, or more specifically, through your smartphone.

Customers sign up for a ride on their own smartphones, and you are alerted if you are in the
area. Since payment is made online, you do not have to concern yourself with collecting from
the customer, the way you would if you were driving a traditional taxicab.

This opportunity works better in large metropolitan areas, where people are both more likely to
not own cars, but more likely to attend major events, like sporting events and concerts. Airport
connections are also a very important source of business.

The downside is that you have to use your own vehicle, but this can be either a very generous
part-time venture, or even full-time. It all depends upon how much activity there is in your area,
and how much time and effort you are willing to put in.

32. Become a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker

Pet sitting has become one of the more common ways that people are making extra money.
Fortunately, you can use an online resource like to find paid opportunities. hooks up service providers with customers for all types of care-related situations. This
includes childcare and elder care as well as pet care. It can be an excellent source when it
comes to finding ongoing business, particularly if you are new to the business.

One factor that you must be aware of though is that is a peer-to-peer arrangement.
That means that you will be in direct competition with other pet sitters in your area. You must
price your services competitively in order to get business. Once you begin to develop a list of
regular clients, you will be in a better position to raise your rates. This will be particularly true as
you get referrals from those customers.

Also, check out if you want to be a pet sitter. This website will connect you with pet
owners in your area who need pet sitting, dog walking, and more. You can set your rates and
pick your own working days and hours too, so this side job is very flexible.

33. Make Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk

Remember earlier how I said that the new order of business is outsourcing? Well, that includes
every task that you can think of. And that includes what have come to be known as “micro
projects (or tasks)”. If you’re interested in getting involved in these, you can do so through
Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Amazon will have you work on micro-projects that require some sort of human interaction. Tasks
can include translating a paragraph into English (or another language), rating the search results
for certain keywords, or reworking an article. The tasks are simple, and you will be paid a small
amount to complete each. But if you do enough tasks quickly, you can make a respectable
amount of money.

Click here to learn more:

There’s certainly nothing glamorous about micro-projects, but check out the site, and find out if it
is a good fit for you. It will enable you to earn at least a small amount of money online, at home,
and in your spare time.

34. Buy Broken Items You Can Fix and Sell

We already talked about buying used items at garage sales and other places, and selling them
on sites like eBay and Craigslist. But you can do a variation of the strategy by buying used items
and either repairing or restoring them and then selling them on Craigslist at a substantial

The advantage here is that items that are broken or deficient can often be had for next to
nothing, or even completely free. If you have the skill, you may be able to restore them to a very
usable condition with a few dollars and some elbow grease.

Craigslist even has a free section, where you can get items that people are just looking to get rid
of – not to make any money. Why would they do this? Because it might actually cost them
money to have the item hauled away by the trash company.

If you can find and restore items like furniture and appliances, you can make a substantial
amount of money. You can acquire the items on Craigslist, or even at garage sales or estate
sales, restore them, and then list them for sale on the site. You may also be able to market
certain items on eBay, particularly if they are small or unusual but at a high price.

35. Buy and Sell Used Books

This is another favorite way to make money online! Everybody has used books somewhere in
their home, and a website like BookScouter can help you turn some of them into cash.

BookScouter is actually a book buyer aggregator site. They work with dozens of companies that
buy back books. You can enter the ISBN number on the site and it will connect you with the
buyer that will pay the most for the book. You then send the book to the site in a prepaid
envelope, and you will be paid within a few days.

If you are good at finding valuable books in good condition, you may be able to turn this into a
profitable side business. It’s another example of putting the buy low, sell high strategy to work
for you.

36. Complete Tasks with GigWalk

This is another variation of micro-projects, except that it is oriented toward doing tasks on the
go. Gigwalk enables you to sign up for the app and begin to receive job orders right away.
Those orders come in on your iPhone, and you must be prepared to perform the task and to do
it quickly and efficiently.

As is typically the case with micro-projects, they are usually simple tasks that pay a few dollars
each. The key is to complete as many tasks as possible, in the shortest amount of time. There
are people who claim to be earning full-time equivalent salaries by fully committing to this

There are a variety of tasks that you may be asked to perform. This can include delivering
documents, delivering food or restaurant meals, taking pictures of a building for a real estate
developer, taking pictures of a menu in an upscale restaurant, or even delivering auto-parts. If
you have a good working car (or even a good bicycle), time on your hands, and a lot of energy,
this can be a real opportunity to make money online.

37. Complete Micro-Tasks On Zaarly

This is similar in concept to micro-tasks, except that it is oriented toward specific services such
as cleaning services, pest inspection, handyman services, house cleaning, lawn & garden
services or any of the skilled trades. It might actually be more accurate to say that it is a platform
where skilled service providers can offer their services to site visitors, similar to Angie’s List.

Zaarly is currently available in just three cities – Charlotte, Dallas – Fort Worth, and Kansas City
– but we should suspect that it will add more as time goes on. The tasks are actual customer
jobs, and generally more substantial than micro-tasks. They may even hold the opportunity to
develop ongoing customer relationships.

38. Get Paid to Be Politically Active

Next Wave Advocacy is a platform that will pay you to get involved in specific political activities.
You’ll perform these tasks from your home, and exactly what you will do will vary each day.

They often expect you to commit to working a certain number of hours per week, which is
generally part-time. They will pay you an hourly salary for that work, so it is really more of an at
home job situation than it is in an entrepreneurial way to make money online. Still, if you want to
get involved in political activity, and you have the time and motivation, this could be a way to
monetize that passion.
39. Sell with Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)

We’re always being inundated with news about how online sales – and particularly Amazon
sales – are eating up retail stores. Rather than getting rolled over by the trend, you can get on
the bandwagon and let the trend help you make money online. You can do that through
Fulfilled-by-Amazon (FBA).

There are a large number of independent businesses and individuals who sell through Amazon.
FBA enables you to set up an online business. In the process, Amazon will actually pack and
ship the orders that come from your ads on the Amazon website.

The process looks something like this:

1. Send your products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

2. Upload your listings to Seller Central.
3. Let Amazon fulfill all or part of your inventory.
4. Print PDF labels provided by Amazon or use FBA’s Label Service.
5. Use Amazon’s discounted shipping or select your own carrier.
6. Amazon stores your products
7. Customer’s order your products
8. Amazon fulfills orders placed directly on or fulfillment requests you submit
for sales not on Amazon.
9. Amazon picks and packs your products
10. Amazon ships your products

Click here to learn more:

Think of it as creating your own online product business, but one with the power of Amazon
behind you. How could you go wrong?

Making Money By Selling or Renting Your Stuff

Some work at home jobs require you to rent out your personal items or sell them at a profit.
Here are some of the best money-making opportunities in this niche.

40. Rent Out Your Unused Musical Instruments with Fretish

There’s an excellent chance that you have one or several musical instruments sitting in storage
that haven’t been used in years. Perhaps it’s a leftover from when you were in school, or even
from your days playing in a band. Whatever the reason that you have it, it’s probably worth
money if you can sell it. Brand-new instruments are ridiculously expensive, so people often look
to buy used equipment instead, particularly if they are novices.

You can make money online by selling your used instruments on a site called Fretish. Naturally,
they’ll take a fee from the sales proceeds, but that will still enable you to make some money
from an item that is just sitting around collecting dust.

Also, if you know a good bit about musical instruments, and know-how and where to buy them
on the cheap, you can use Fretish to sell them on an ongoing basis. That can turn into a nice
side business, that eventually might grow into something more.

41. Make Money Renting Out Your Car

Not everyone will be enthusiastic about this idea due to the fact that renting your car does come
with certain risks like damage or loss of your vehicle. But if you don’t use your car a whole lot,
and would like to use it to earn some extra income – without doing any extra work – web
platforms are available to make this happen.

Sites like HyreCar and Turo enable you to rent out your car hourly, daily, for a weekend, or even
for a specific trip. Some advertise that you can make up to $10,000 per year renting out your car
while you’re not using it.

42. Host Travelers In Your Home

The peer-to-peer concept is coming to virtually every corner of human existence. That includes
the hospitality industry. Through the AirBnB website, you can actually rent out your house for
various lengths of time for a predetermined fee. This lets you earn extra income on your house
while giving the visitor the benefit of having an entire house versus being crammed into a single
hotel room.

Exactly how much you can earn from this activity depends on a variety of factors. Obviously, the
size and amenities of your home are important and larger homes will fetch higher fees. The
location of your home is also critical.Locations close to a large city or major recreational venues
are perhaps the best candidates.

The practice isn’t for everybody, but as AirBnB has become common across the globe, there are
safeguards in place. If you tend to be out of town a lot, this can be an excellent way to earn
additional income.

43. Sell Your Old Cell Phones for Cash

Most cellphones need to be replaced every few years, but you can use this situation to earn
some cash on the side. Gazelle is a web platform that will pay you for your old cell phone,
typically in the form of cash or gift cards.

You might be able to turn this into a small part-time business if you are able to obtain used
phones on a fairly regular basis. But be advised that Gazelle only pays for late-model,
higher-end smartphones. That means that there isn’t any money in selling old flip phones you
can usually find for free.

44. Turn Your Car Into a Mobile Billboard

Like online surveys, this is another opportunity that exists in the “gray zone” (a lot of companies
in this space have come and gone). But the theory of it makes it interesting! Basically, you use
your car as a moving billboard, displaying advertisements for the general public. And if you don’t
mind driving a car that’s covered in ad space, may be able to make several hundred dollars per
month through My Free Car.

Do some deep research on the company, and if it seems to be on the up and up, give it a try.
You’re going to be driving anyway, and you know that it always costs money to keep and drive a
car. You may as well earn some money doing what you’re going to do anyway, and this is an
opportunity to make that happen. According to the company website, you can get paid up to
$400 per month.

Click here to learn more:

Miscellaneous Money-Making Opportunities You Can Do
From Home

Other money-making opportunities don’t really fall into a specific category, but that doesn’t mean
you can’t use them to rack up cash when you need it. Here are some other alternative work
from home gigs to consider.

45. Find Hidden Refunds

While this is hardly the most generous way to make money online, it gets my vote as probably
the most interesting. An app called Paribus enables you to get money back on online
purchases. And it’s free to sign up!

They scan your email archives for the receipt of any online purchases made. They have a list of
several major retailers that they regularly work with (such as Amazon and Target), and they will
issue you a refund anytime there is a price drop on the product or service that you purchased.
That’s free money for the taking, so you might as well take advantage.

46. Get Paid to Get Fit with AchieveMint

Doctors and health experts are always telling us we need to take better care of ourselves. Well,
thanks to the internet, you may be able to earn some extra money for doing just that.

A website called AchieveMint gives you points for engaging in healthy activities like exercise,
tracking your eating habits, or even taking health related surveys. Points can be redeemed
either for cash (10,000 points are worth $10) or for Amazon Gift Cards. The app actually
connects with other health apps, like Fitbit and MyFitnessPal, to track your progress.

47. Get Paid to Lose Weight

What could be a better payoff for losing weight than getting healthy? How about some extra
cash for doing it?

It sounds too good to be true, but that’s exactly what HealthyWage will do. You sign up with the
site, set your goal weight, and the amount of time that you expect to achieve it. You then place a
bet of between $20 and $500 per month that you will make it.
The site advertises that you can win up to $10,000 for reaching your goal. They even have an
on-site calculator that will calculate how much you can win based on the amount of weight you
need to lose.

Obviously, this will represent a one-time payout for your efforts. But you’ll lose weight along the
way, and this website could even provide you with extra motivation to reach your goals.

48. Sign Up for Rakuten

If you do a significant amount of your shopping online, Rakuten is a good way to earn some
extra money from doing it. It doesn’t actually provide an additional income in the true sense, but
it does provide you with rebates on your shopping that have the same net effect.

The platform is free to use. When you make your purchases through the site, Rakuten splits its
commission with you in the form of rebates.

This is also a generally passive income source, and one that you can earn just from doing what
you would be doing anyway – shopping!

49. Give InboxDollars a Try

InboxDollars is another website that makes it easy to earn money when you shop online, but
you can also earn rewards for completing simple tasks like watching television, taking surveys,
and even playing games. At the moment, InboxDollars is even offering $5 just to sign up. While
this platform won’t help you get rich, you can at least sign up to earn your free $5 and give it a

Note that, in addition to money, InboxDollars might also pay you in Paypal cash or gift cards to
retailers like

The Bottom Line

These are some of the best ways to earn money from home, but don’t forget that you can try
more than one. Since most of these opportunities require mostly time on your part, you don’t
have anything to lose when it comes to experimenting with new gigs that could help you earn
significant amounts of money over time.
And heck, get one of these jobs up and running – earning even just a few dollars per month –
and you’ll be on your way. From there, it’s just a matter of scaling your business or adding any
other businesses to your income mix. If you keep plugging away and never give up, you’ll be an
entrepreneur in no time!

Click here to learn more:

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