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A.) Rearrange words, sentences or paragraphs. B.) Take out or add parts. C.) Do more
research if you think you should. D.) When revising, read what you have written again.

A.) The adobo cooking technique is thought to have originated during pre-refrigeration
times, in an attempt to preserve meat by cooking it in vinegar and salt. B.) Adobo is
prepared using pantry basics, like white vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, peppercorns, and
bay leaves, to create a marinade. C.) The meat is marinated in this mixture overnight,
then simmered in the same marinade on the stove top until the meat is cooked through.
D.) A signature of the cooking method is that after the chicken or pork is simmered to
perfection in the sauce, it’s usually browned in oil before serving.

A.) Communicating is one of the 4Cs in Learning Skills under 21st Century Skills. It is
noted in the National Institute of Education in Singapore that Communication skills are
one of the attributes of the 21st Century Teaching Professional. B.) People with a strong
English language facility can express themselves smoothly and clearly. C.) That is why,
as early as primary years, teachers train their students to practice their oral
communication skills through several classroom activities. D.) Candidates with strong
linguistic skills have a strong edge as far as employment is concerned.

A.) This is devised by James McCroskey. B.) There are 34 statements included in the
test to know the level of their public speaking anxiety. C.) The said test was
administered before and after the implementation of the said intervention. D.) A
standardized test of Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) was used in
this study.

A.) To observe proper research ethics, the researcher discussed to the participant the
objectives of the paper. B.) The interview was done through Google meet and lasted for
two hours and 21 minutes. C.) The consent form was submitted via e-mail to the
researcher. D.) The participant affixed his signature in the consent form, adhering that
he is willing to be part of the study.

A.) The idea for ‘rinsing’ glass over a molten tin bath came to Sir Alastair when he stood
at his kitchen sink washing dishes. B.) Pilkington’s proprietary process eliminated this
final manufacturing stage by floating the glass, after it is cast from a melting furnace,
over a bath of molten tin about the size of a tennis court. C.) A float line needs only half
the number of workers to produce three times as much glass as old production
methods. D.) The float process gives a distortion-free glass of uniform quality with
bright, fire-polished surfaces; savings in costs are considerable.

A.) You may not think about it, you can instinctively understand that when someone
helps you, you are expected sooner or later to somehow pay them back, in some
reasonable way. B.) You already know a lot more about influence than you realize. C.)
Some of the time, you can just ask for what you need, and if the other person or group
can respond, they will. D.) Sometimes you have to work a little harder to figure out how
to get what you want.

A.) They don’t think of influence as a kind of exchange, and don’t understand how
important it is to deliver something of value to the other person, rather than what they
themselves value. B.) As instinctive as some kinds of influence are, many people do not
have a very conspicuous idea of how to go about it when the other person or group is
not responsive. C.) They forget that it has to appeal to something the other person or
group cares about. D.) They revert to emphasizing how wonderful what they want is.

A.) The MTNL in a circular had made it mandatory for all booth operators to charge only
Re. 1 for every local call made to Mumbai B.) Navi Mumbai residents are being forced
to pay an extra rupee for every call made to Mumbai for local telephone booths despite
orders to the contrary issued by MTNL. C.) It had also warned that failure to comply
would entail legal action. D.) “We have in fact sent notices to around 100 call operators,”
said a senior official of MTNL’s vigilance section.

A. Coal contains a high percentage of carbon. B.) Carbon is the most important part of
most fuels. C.) Hard coal, or anthracite, has a higher percentage of carbon than other
types of coal, and so makes less smoke and ash. D.) Fuels with a high percentage of
carbon burn evenly and with a hot flame.

A.) Then the dream becomes too important. B.) Otherwise people are such that first
they waste their time in dreaming, then in enacting the dream in the walking state; then
they waste their time on some psychoanalyst’s couch talking about their dreams - and
the psychoanalyst analyses them. C.) That much importance should not be given to
them. D.) Remembering dreams, re-enacting and experiencing them in the walking
state, could be useful as the first step on the path of higher consciousness and truth –
but to a very limited extent.

A.) In ancient times most people lived on farms or on large estates. B.) There were no
shops, for the small settlements of people were too far apart. C.) Also, there were not
enough goods or people for daily trade. D.) But people always came together for
religious festivals.

A.) A second drop, and a third, fourth, and fifth left lime in the same place. B.) As time
passed, the rings of lime formed a little stone “icicle”, it kept on growing. C.) As the
water dripped, a tiny ring of lime crystallized on the ceiling. D.) About one million years
ago a single drop of rainwater clung to the ceiling of the cave.

A.) Nobody knows exactly when falconry began, but we do know it was a long, long time
ago. B.) According to ancient Japanese writings, the Chinese used trained falcons more
than four thousand years ago! C.) Falconry was probably known in Europe by the
beginning of the Christian era. D.) One of the greatest falconry books of all time was
written in the thirteenth century by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II.

A.) The letters spelled out the message: “this field has been plastered” B.) He laid out
lime plaster in the form of huge letters in a field along a highway near Philadelphia. C.)
The white letters soon disappeared, but when the crop came up, the message
reappeared, because the fertilized area was much greener than the rest of the field. D.)
In 1748, Benjamin Franklin demonstrated in America the value of a lime fertilizer.


A.) The economic disparity / B.) has grown rapid / C.) in the era of / D.) globalization. /
E.) No error
-B rapidly

A.) Either Ram / B.) or Bhuvan forgot / C.) to take / D.) their pen. / E.) No error
-D his

A.) Can you / B.) repair my / C.) digital-camera until / D.) Wednesday? / E.) No error
-C by
A.) A free press is not / B.) a privilege but the / C.) organic necessity in / D.) a free
society. / E.) No error
-B an

A.) Whenever you speak / B.) take care that / C.) others are not / D.) offended by your
words. / E.) No error 5)

A.) Scarcely had / B.) she gone / C.) when an inspector / D.) knocked at the door. / E.)
No error

A.) No sooner did / B.) the nurse enter / C.) the house / D.) then the patient died. / E.)
No error
-D than

A.) We cannot handle / B.) this complicated case / C.) unless full details / D.) are not
given to us. / E.) No error
-D are given to us

A.) Although the pain / B.) was behind / C.) his capacity / D.) yet he didn’t complain. / E.)
No Error
-B beyond

A.) Having come to Mumbai / B.) he had found that there / C.) was nothing pessimistic /
D.) in people. / E.) No Error
-D about

A.) He freed himself / B.) from the burglar’s hold / C.) and ran on / D.) the road. / E.) No
-C across

A.) Most of the UP / B.) is a fertile plain / C.) between which / D.) the river Ganga flows.
/ E.) No Error
-C through

A.) After opening the door / B.) we entered into / C.) the room / D.) next to the balcony. /
E.) No Error
-B ‘entered the room’

Both I and II are implicit

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow


Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ... What number should come next?
This is a simple division series; each number is one-half of the previous number.
In other terms to say, the number is divided by 2 successively to get the next result.
4/2 = 2
2/2 = 1
1/2 = 1/2
(1/2)/2 = 1/4
(1/4)/2 = 1/8 and so on.
The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago, father's
age was five times the age of the son. After 6 years, son's age will be:
-20 years

A man is 24 years older than his son. In two years, his age will be twice the age of his
son. The present age of his son is:
-22 years
Let the son's present age be x years. Then, man's present age = (x + 24) years.
(x + 24) + 2 = 2(x + 2)
x + 26 = 2x + 4
x = 22.

Nick is younger than Meijie by 7 years. If their ages are in the respective ratio of 7 : 9,
how old is Nick?
-24.5 years
Let Meijie's age be x years.
Then, Nick's age = (x - 7) years.
x - 7/x = 7/9
9x - 63 = 7x
2x = 63
x = 31.5
Hence, Nick's age =(x - 7) = 24.5 years.

The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging
the digits is 36. What is the difference between the sum and the difference of the digits
of the number if the ratio between the digits of the number is 1 : 2 ?
Since the number is greater than the number obtained on reversing the digits, so the ten's digit is
greater than the unit's digit.
Let ten's and unit's digits be 2x and x respectively.
Then, (10 x 2x + x) - (10x + 2x) = 36
9x = 36
x = 4.
Required difference = (2x + x) - (2x - x) = 2x = 8.

Find the next number. 5, 6, 10, 19, 35, 60, ____.

This is a series with a difference of 1^2, 2^2, 3^2,........
1^2 = 1; 5 + 1 = 6
2^2 = 4; 6 + 4 = 10
3^2 = 9; 10 + 9 = 19
4^2 = 16; 19 + 16 = 35
5^2 = 25; 35 + 25 = 60
6^2 = 36; 60 + 36 = 96

The ratio between the total expenditure on Taxes for all the years and the total
expenditure on Fuel and Transport for all the years respectively is approximately?
Required ratio
= [ (83 + 108 + 74 + 88 + 98)/(98 + 112 + 101 + 133 + 142) ]
= [ 451/586 ]
= 1/1.3
= 10/13 or 10:13

The price of the book is marked 20% above the C.P. If the marked price of the book is
Php. 180, then what is the cost of the paper used in a single copy of the book?
Clearly, marked price of the book = 120% of C.P.
Also, cost of paper = 25% of C.P
Let the cost of paper for a single book be n.
Then, 120 : 25 = 180 : n
n = Php. [ (25 x 180)/120 ]
n = Php. 37.50


DIVA:OPERA= thespian:play

DISTANCE:MILE= liquid:litre

MUNDANE:SPIRITUAL= worldly:unworldly

ARMY:LOGISTICS= business:strategy

Window is to pane as book is to= page

Cup is to coffee as bowl is to= soup

Yard is to inch as quart is to= ounce

Marathon is to race as hibernation is to= sleep

Sponge is to porous as rubber is to= elastic

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