Mentos and Cola Eruptions

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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

Senior High School
Fatima, General Santos City

Name: GROUP 4 Date: June 06, 2023

Section: Ganymede Lesson: Endogenic Processes

Activity No. 2: Mentos and Cola Eruptions

I. Objective:

Learn about the gas-driven eruption through a Mentos-cola demonstration.

II. Materials:

One roll-Mentos

Bottle of cola or soft drinks

III. Procedure

1. Unwrap one roll of Mentos candies. Stack the candies in a rolled up piece of paper.

2. Cover one end of the stack with another piece of paper and place it directly on top of the
open 2L bottle of cola or soft drinks

3. Quickly remove the paper at the bottom of the stack of Mentos to allow the candies to
drop into the bottle.

IV. Guide Questions

1. Is the eruption a result of an acid + base reaction, like vinegar and baking soda
eruption? Explain your answer.

The eruption caused by mixing Mentos and Cola is not primarily due to an
acid-base reaction like the vinegar and baking soda eruption. The reaction between
Mentos and Cola is a physical process known as nucleation, accompanied by the
release of carbon dioxide gas.

The surface of Mentos candies is rough and porous, providing numerous sites
where carbon dioxide bubbles in the Cola can form. When the candies are dropped into
the Cola, the carbon dioxide gas quickly comes out of the liquid and creates bubbles on
the surface of the candies. The rough surface of the Mentos candies offers plenty of
opportunities for the bubbles to form and expand. Moreover, the presence of ingredients
like gelatin and gum arabic in Mentos further facilitates bubble formation by reducing the
liquid's surface tension.

On the other hand, the vinegar and baking soda eruption indeed involves an
acid-base reaction. Baking soda, which is a base, reacts with vinegar, an acid, resulting
in a chemical reaction known as an acid-base reaction. This reaction generates carbon
dioxide gas, water, and salt as byproducts.

To summarize, the Mentos and Cola eruption is primarily a physical process

involving the rapid release of carbon dioxide gas as a result of nucleation on the surface
of the Mentos candies. It does not involve an acid-base reaction in the same way that
the vinegar and baking soda eruption does.

2. Is the experiment physical or chemical change? Explain your answer.

According to National Geographic (n.d.), a physical change is a change that

involves the altering of the physical properties (i.e. texture, shape, temperature, and its
state of matter) of a material. Whereas, chemical change occurs when the chemical
composition of a substance is changed. Once a chemical change has occurred, the
atoms are rearranged forming a product, which is said to be brand new molecules that
cannot be easily reverted back to their original state.

This experiment, namely the Soda Geyser experiment, is primarily considered to

be a physical change. This is because the chemical composition of both the soda and
the Mentos remains unchanged. The reaction occurs due to a physical process known
as nucleation, where tiny pits on the surface of the Mentos candies provide sites for the
rapid release of carbon dioxide gas that is already dissolved in the soda (Sperling,

In summary, the experiment is only a physical change as it involves only a rapid

release of gas without any significant alteration to the chemical compositions of the
Mentos candies and the soda.

3. What is inside the Mentos and Cola that reacts with each other causing the

Cola contains carbon dioxide (CO2), which is pumped into bottles at the
manufacturing site under high pressure. When you shake the cola, some of the gas
escapes, and bubbles stick to the inside walls of the container, due to the small pits and
imperfections in the bottle's inner surface known as nucleation sites.

Mentos, on the other hand, is covered in thousands of small pits and is also
dense enough to sink faster to the bottom of the cola bottle. Because Mentos has tiny
pits, when it is dropped into the cola, bubbles attach to the candy's surface and swiftly
rise to the liquid's surface. Since Mentos is also heavy enough to sink to the bottom of
the bottle, the gas it releases forces the soda to blow up and out in a blast.

4. How is the experiment similar to the eruption of volcanoes?

In this experiment, when the Mentos is dropped in the soda, it erupts and
releases a large amount of gas and foam, similar to how active volcanoes erupt; as
magma rises and pressure drops, dissolved gasses come out of the solution and
expands, and drive lava out of the ground and flows.

Furthermore, the formation of bubbles is critical in both cases. When Mentos are
dropped into cola, the rough surface creates nucleation sites for carbon dioxide bubbles
to form and grow quickly. Similarly, as magma rises to the surface in volcanic eruptions,
the decreasing pressure allows dissolved gases to escape and form bubbles. These
bubbles can accumulate in the magma and create a frothy texture, contributing to
explosive eruptions.

However, it is important to note that the Mentos-cola reaction and volcanic

eruptions differ significantly in scale, intensity, and underlying processes. Volcanic
eruptions are extremely complicated geological events that involve molten rock, intense
heat, and a variety of geological factors. The Mentos and cola reaction, on the other
hand, is a more straightforward physical process involving nucleation and the release of
carbon dioxide gas.

5. What are the factors should you consider in order to make the eruption stronger
and higher?

As per this experiment, the independent variable is the Mentos candies since it
catalyzes the release of gas from the beverage. From this, the amount, freshness, and
surface characteristics of Mentos are significant factors that should be considered.

More Mentos candies in the cola can increase the surface area available for
bubble formation, resulting in a larger eruption. Dropping multiple Mentos at the same
time or in quick succession can also heighten the reaction.

Using whole Mentos candies rather than crushed ones produces a stronger and
higher eruption. Because whole Mentos candies have a higher density, they sink
quickly through the carbonated drink. Their rough surface provides many nucleation sites
as they sink, resulting in a rapid release of carbon dioxide gas. This rapid gas release
causes a powerful eruption. Crushed Mentos candies, on the other hand, sink more
slowly due to their lower density, resulting in a smaller eruption due to fewer
interactions with the dissolved carbon dioxide.
Moreover, when using a carbonated beverage, it is preferable to keep it at a
warm temperature because it will release carbon dioxide bubbles much faster because
a warm gas is more energetic. Also, the force and height of the eruption can be affected
by the depth of the cola. A deeper container or bottle allows for more pressure to build
up as the gas is released, potentially leading to a stronger eruption.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Mentos and Cola experiment offers a captivating and visually stunning
display of the principles of nucleation and gas release. The eruption occurs as a result of
various factors working in unison. The rough surface of the Mentos candies acts as a
catalyst for the rapid formation and growth of carbon dioxide bubbles when dropped into the
carbonated cola. This process, known as nucleation, creates a chain reaction as more and
more bubbles form and coalesce.

The release of carbon dioxide gas from the cola further intensifies the reaction, causing
the eruption to become increasingly vigorous. As the pressure inside the liquid builds up, the
gas bubbles push their way to the surface, resulting in an impressive display of fizzing and
spraying liquid. The combination of the nucleation process and the release of trapped gas
creates a visually captivating and dynamic eruption that never fails to capture the attention
and awe of observers.

While the Mentos and cola interaction differs from the vinegar and baking soda
experiment, which involves an acid-base reaction, it offers its own unique insight into the
properties of carbonation and the influence of surface characteristics. The experiment
serves as a reminder that simple physical processes can produce remarkable and enjoyable
outcomes, making it a popular choice for scientific demonstrations and educational activities.
VI. Documentation
VII. References

Acid-Base Reactions. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK.


Buddies, S. (2012, June 14). Spurting Science: Erupting Diet Coke with Mentos. Scientific


Changes in Matter: Physical vs. Chemical Changes. (n.d.).


Diet Coke & Mentos Geyser Experiment. (n.d.).



Eepy, & Eepy. (2013). The Science of Coke and Mentos | Eepy Bird. Eepy Bird |

Entertainment for the Curious Mind.


FAQ: Mentos & Other Explosions. (n.d.).


Sperling, L. H. (1989). Interpenetrating Polymer Networks. In Elsevier eBooks (pp.

Steve Spangler Science. (2022, May 31). Mentos Geyser Experiment - Mentos & Coke

Experiment. The Lab.


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