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Having established the introduction, lets move to the first aspiration that is to get a well developed and

up to date educational system. Education has been the ultimate tool that can be used to eradicate from
the shackles of deprivation and ignorance. It is the most effective weapon to transform a country's
socio-economic, cultural, and technological outlook.

Our education sector constitutes only 0.14 % of total GDP and budget allocated for education is very low
This shows our non serious behavior towards education, education is the only way to lift one’s life
morally and financially
The youth of Pakistan has been suffering this for last 75 years , they really aspire that large weightage of
budget should be given to field of education so that more resources can be created to improve the
quality of education, payments of teachers, a better infrastructure of educational institutions .

Another important aspect in the field of education is that the public schools should be so well developed
and palatable by the year 2047 that parents don’t need to send their children to private schools and pay
hefty amount of fees with some extra charges, present day private schools are not center of giving
education rather are trading hubs that exploit parents. Govt should focus on providing quality education
to public schools

Another line of thought is the type of knowledge which our educational institutions are imparting, In the
current circumstances, most of Pakistani students are unable to avail quality education,
over 30% graduates are unemployed the reason is that our education is theory based , the demand in
job sector is of practical skills , we have to promote practical education as a key to the problem of
quality education. Practical education develops a better understanding by including practice, retains
knowledge in our minds, and does not require mugging. the youth of Pakistan really aspires that it
should get practical based knowledge , so that the unemployment rate decreases.

Nearly 22.8 million children are out of school in Pakistan due to various reason, according to article 25 A
it is responsibility of state to provide free education to all children, the relevant agencies need to
implement this law, the youth of Pakistan really hopes that more and more children should get into

Next aspect is a better examination system , our examination system focuses only on remembering,
while according to Blooms taxonomy remembering is the most basic stage of learning , memorizing
theory is not just helpful if we are unaware of practical education, it promotes rote based learning, by
the year 2047 our examination center should based on creative skills that is that is the uppermost level
of learning according to Blooms Taxonomy

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