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INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE doi: 10.1111/ffe.


Remote nondestructive evaluation technique using infrared

thermography for fatigue cracks in steel bridges

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 657-8501, Japan
Received Date: 15 December 2014; Accepted Date: 27 February 2015; Published Online: 13 April 2015

A B S T R A C T Long-standing infrastructure is subject to structural deterioration. In this respect, steel

bridges suffer fatigue cracks, which necessitate immediate inspection, structural integrity
evaluation or repair. However, the inaccessibility of such structures makes inspection
time consuming and labour intensive. Therefore, there is an urgent need for developing
high-performance nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods to assist in effective main-
tenance of such structures. Recently, use of infrared cameras in nondestructive testing
has been attracting increasing interest, as they provide highly efficient remote and wide
area measurements. This paper first reviews the current situation of nondestructive in-
spection techniques used for fatigue crack detection in steel bridges, and then presents
remote NDE techniques using infrared thermography developed by the author for fa-
tigue crack detection and structural integrity assessments. Furthermore, results of apply-
ing fatigue crack evaluation to a steel bridge using the newly developed NDE techniques
are presented.

Keywords fatigue cracks; infrared thermography; nondestructive testing; self-reference

lock-in thermography; steel bridge; thermoelasticity.

NOMENCLATURE a = half crack length

A = offset value
B = intensity of thermoelastic temperature change relative to that in reference
Cp = specific heat at constant pressure
D = crack depth
fn = waveform
K0 = fundamental value of stress intensity factor
KI = mode I stress intensity factor
KII = mode II stress intensity factor
n = frame number
N = total frame number
r = polar coordinate with origin at crack tip
T = absolute temperature
yn = measured infrared signal
Yn = approximated infrared signal
α = coefficient of thermal expansion
ΔT = temperature change
Δσ = sum of changes in principal stresses
θ = polar coordinate with origin at crack tip
ρ = density
σ x, σ y, τ xy = Cartesian components of stress

Correspondence to: T. Sakagami. E-mail:

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779 755

INTRODUCTION serious problems associated with deterioration in relation

to ageing; such problems require immediate solutions.
Infrastructure built in Japan throughout the period of The welded steel structure that supports the vehicle load
high economic growth in the 1960s–1970s is now on a bridge is known as the orthotropic steel deck (Fig. 1).
experiencing problems related to deterioration such as It has been adapted because of its faster fabrication and
corrosion and fatigue, and studies relating to such prob- light-weight, and to create long span bridges.3 As such,
lems are being conducted. For example, Hanai et al.1 con- orthotropic steel decks are used in urban elevated high-
ducted field studies to investigate the extent of the way systems. However, the structure is welded using
deterioration of decommissioned bridges, and Uomoto many components, resulting in stress distribution in the
et al.2 reviewed the current situation of civil structures structure under the moving wheel complex, and thus en-
and issues associated with their maintenance, focusing abling the development of a variety of fatigue crack pat-
on the importance of employing nondestructive inspec- terns such as those shown in Fig. 2. Yamada and Ya3
tion in relation to highway bridges. reviewed the appearance of fatigue cracks observed in
However, the problem of fatigue cracks propagating orthotropic steel decks. Additionally, Yuge et al.4 and
from welded joints in steel bridges is one of the most de Jong5 clarified fatigue crack patterns to estimate the fa-
tigue crack initiation point related to structural details and
based on road traffic data.
Inspection of deterioration or damage is necessary to
ensure safety and estimate the remaining strength of the
steel structures. In this respect, nondestructive testing
(NDT) techniques play an important role. Conventional
NDT techniques for orthotropic steel decks include vi-
sual testing, eddy current testing, dye penetrant testing,
magnetic particle testing (MT) and ultrasonic testing
(UT).6 Regarding serious ageing problems of civil struc-
tures,7 the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism (MLIT), Japan, decreed in 2014 that bridges
with a length of over 2 m must be inspected every 5 years
Fig. 1 Illustration of an orthotropic steel deck used in road bridges. and that such an inspection should use short range visual

Fig. 2 Types of fatigue cracks found in orthotropic steel decks (courtesy of Dr. Murakoshi, Public Works Research Institute).

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

observations. However, there are a reported number of This paper presents a review of the current situation of
over 0.7 million bridges that fit this criteria, and the con- NDT techniques employed for detecting fatigue cracks in
ventional NDT techniques described earlier are time- steel bridges and discusses the progress made in thermal
intensive and labour-intensive techniques that require NDT and thermoelastic stress evaluation techniques
special equipment for inspection, such as scaffolding or using infrared thermography. Additionally, remote
vehicles to conduct work at heights. It is not realistically NDT and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques
possible for municipalities that harbour numerous struc- using infrared thermography, as developed by the present
tures to rely upon the use of conventional NDT tech- author, are introduced. In this respect, first, a relatively
niques because of the expense involved with regard to simple but useful NDT technique for fatigue crack
time and labour. Therefore, immediate development of detection is shown. This technique is based on the tem-
a high-performance NDT method is essential for the ef- perature gap that appears on the surface of structural
fective maintenance of ageing infrastructures. members because of the thermal insulation effect of the
A structural integrity evaluation based on fracture crack; the results of applying this technique to orthotropic
mechanics is considered essential for the fitness for ser- steel decks of a highway are presented herein. Second, this
vice evaluation of ageing orthotropic steel decks. Nu- paper presents both NDT and NDE techniques for use in
merous studies have been conducted to investigate the crack detection and structural integrity assessments based
stress distribution in steel structures using various ap- on thermoelastic stress measurements and relates the
proaches such as computational structure analyses, labo- results of the application of remote NDE to fatigue cracks
ratory element specimen tests, laboratory moving wheel in orthotropic steel decks. Finally, the applicability of the
load tests and load tests using actual bridges.8–11 How- developed technique to stress intensity factor evaluation is
ever, a structural integrity evaluation based on fracture discussed; this evaluation is based on the actual stress
mechanics should be conducted on the basis of actually distribution under vehicle wheel loading obtained by
measured stress distribution in the orthotropic steel thermoelastic stress measurements.
deck, including the effects of wheel loading conditions,
rigidity changes due to atmospheric temperature, resid-
ual stress and crack closure. In this respect, the conven-
tional NDT techniques described earlier are only
applicable to crack detection and cannot be used to di-
rectly evaluate the remaining strength of structures. Fur-
thermore, a structural integrity evaluation based on
Fatigue cracks in the trough rib to deck plate
fracture mechanics is only possible when actual applied
stress distribution around a fatigue crack and its history
due to the moving wheel load by vehicles on the bridge A cross-sectional view of a part of the trough rib to deck
are obtained. Conventional stress and strain measure- plate connection in an orthotropic steel deck (SD1 and
ment techniques cannot fulfil these requirements SD2 in Fig. 2) is shown in Fig. 3. Two types of fatigue
because of a lack of adaptability in obtaining field cracks initiate at the trough rib to deck plate joints – types
measurements, remote and noncontact measurements A and B. The type A crack initiates at the weld root, and
and full-field stress distribution measurements. There- then propagates through the weld throat. This type of
fore, a new stress measurement technique that enables fatigue crack is known as a ‘through-weld crack’ or a
remote, noncontact and full-field measurements of the ‘root-weld crack’ and can be observed on the surface of
stress distribution around fatigue cracks should be the weld bead to be inspected. The type B crack initiates
developed for the structural integrity evaluation of at the weld root, and then propagates through the deck
orthotropic steel decks. plate. It is known as a ‘through-deck crack’ or a ‘root-

Fig. 3 Types of fatigue cracks that propagate from the weld root at the trough rib to the deck plate connection.

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

deck crack’; this type of crack is not visible on the inspec- paint cracks or stains of rust leachate are detected during
tion surface and is hidden by the asphalt pavement. The visual inspection, the corrosion protection paint is then
through-deck crack is very dangerous because it directly removed, and MT is used to obtain detailed measure-
leads to accidents due to cave-in of the road. Therefore, ments of the fatigue cracks. However, using this type of
several studies have been conducted to investigate the conventional NDT process for through-weld cracks is
mechanism involved in fatigue crack initiation and prop- problematic, as applying MT to all areas of cracking paint
agation.11–13 is extremely labour intensive, and it is impossible to de-
tect relatively short cracks that do not accompany paint
NDT techniques for detecting fatigue cracks open to cracking. Additionally, cracking paint does not necessar-
ily indicate a fatigue crack, and therefore removal of the
the inspection surface
corrosion protection paint could result in a waste of time,
The inspection process used for fatigue cracks open to energy and money.
the inspection surface, including through-weld fatigue
cracks, is shown in Fig. 4. For cracks open to the inspec-
tion surface, it is possible to use the visual inspection NDT techniques for detecting through-deck fatigue
technique. The surface of steel decks is coated with cor- cracks not open to the inspection surface
rosion protection paint; therefore, fatigue cracks in steel
members are located under the paint coating. Ample For through-deck cracks that are not open to the inspec-
crack propagation is usually accompanied by the cracking tion surface, neither visual inspection nor MT can be ap-
of paint and leakage of rust leachate, and can therefore be plied. Only UT, which is also applicable to internal
observed on visual inspection in practical cases. The vi- cracks, can be applied to detect and measure through-
sual inspection includes a distant view visual observation deck cracks. According to technical recommendations
and a short range visual observation. The former is usu- issued by the National Institute for Land and Infrastruc-
ally conducted as a screening test for the detection of ap- ture Management, MLIT, Japan,14 a pulse-echo UT
parent state changes in orthotropic steel decks and does technique with an angle probe is recommended for the
not require any specialised equipment such as scaffolding detection of through-deck cracks. In this method, crack
or vehicles to conduct work at heights. However, the re- detection is conducted using a longitudinal wave angle
liability of such an examination is questionable, particu- probe with a refraction angle of 90°, followed by a rough
larly when paint cracking is not always accompanied by estimation of the crack depth, which is conducted using a
leakage of rust leachate. Consequently, a short range vi- probe with a refraction angle of 70°. Kimura et al.15 de-
sual observation is usually conducted as a detailed inspec- veloped a UT method using a near critical angle probe
tion to ensure that all paint cracks are detected. As for the detection of relatively shallow cracks.
described in the previous section, the decree by MLIT, In addition to the conventional pulse-echo UT tech-
Japan, states that ageing bridges should be essentially nique with an angle probe, application of the phased array
inspected using short range visual observations. When UT technique to the evaluation of fatigue cracks in weld

Fig. 4 Inspection process for detecting through-weld cracks in orthotropic steel decks.

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

joints has been investigated.6 This technique uses a num-

ber of transducer elements in coordination to generate a
variety of ultrasonic waves that focus on a particular part
or a scanning angle beam on the test material. In recent
years, a portable phased array UT system has been devel-
oped and applied to the inspection of bridge weld joints.16
Kamibayashi et al.17 demonstrated the efficiency of the
phased array UT method with high-speed electrical scan-
ning for weld joints against that of the conventional UT
technique with a mechanical scanning probe. Further-
more, they developed a method for judging weld defects
and evaluated the detectability of phased array UT for weld
defects in weld joints.18 Wilkinson19 reported that the
phased array technique is applicable to the inspection of a
bridge weld during the construction of a steel bridge, in-
stead of radiographic testing. The accuracy improvement
of the phased array technique has also been investigated.
Hirabayashi et al.20 developed a UT technique using a
plural number of phased array transducers that enabled
the detection and sizing of incomplete penetration defects Fig. 5 Schematics of hierarchical investigation used in through-deck
in steel structural members having complicated shapes. fatigue crack monitoring.
However, even with the improvements in applicability
and accuracy of UT techniques, there are still implicit Step 2 involves a rough estimation, in which bridges with
problems with regard to the use of UT. For example, UT a higher possibility of suffering from through-deck crack
is a point contact measurement technique that requires initiation are chosen from the screening result of step 1.
the operator to have close contact with the point being An estimation of the possibility of through-deck crack ex-
investigated; undertaking such an operation is very time istence is then conducted on the basis of visual inspection
consuming. Solutions to improve the efficiency of UT of the damage and changes in the condition of the road
techniques have been discussed by researchers and bridge paving, as deterioration in structural rigidity due to
engineers. One such solution is the development of an au- through-deck fatigue cracks causes cracking of the road
tomatic UT (AUT) technique, which became available in pavement. Next, a simple investigation is conducted in
the 1980s, and has been effectively applied to the inspec- step 3 to narrow down the locations requiring detailed in-
tion of pipeline weld as well as bridge members. Miki and spections from the screening results of step 2 based on a
Shirahata21 investigated the applicability of AUT to bridge comprehensive investigation of the traffic severity condi-
weld joints through round robin tests. In recent years, tions and bridge specifications and a visual inspection of
numerous through-deck cracks have been observed in the the road pavement. Finally, in step 4, a detailed inspec-
orthotropic steel decks of urban highways. An on-site tion is conducted using NDT techniques, such as the
semi-automatic UT (SAUT) system has been developed UT technique. This type of hierarchical scheme enables
for the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo to detect the effective maintenance of through-deck cracks. In
through-deck fatigue cracks.22 Furthermore, the efficiency the hierarchical inspection process, infrared thermogra-
and applicability of the SAUT system have been improved phy is used to determine temperature measurements of
by employing a magnet attracting robotic crawler. the trough ribs, because as water ingresses into trough
A hierarchical approach has also been used to improve ribs from the through-deck cracks, it causes a tempera-
the efficiency of through-deck crack inspection in the ture change in contrast with the temperature of the
form of a hierarchical stepwise investigation programme. sound trough ribs. Several different NDT techniques,
This approach was used in relation to the technical rec- including thermography measurements, have been
ommendation issued by the National Institute for Land employed comprehensively or complementally to achieve
and Infrastructure Management, MLIT, Japan14 (a flow effective and reliable inspection results.23
chart of the hierarchical stepwise investigation is shown
in Fig. 5). The procedure used in the investigation
Remote monitoring or constant monitoring of
consists of four steps. A desktop study is conducted in
fatigue cracks
step 1, in which the possibility of through-deck crack ini-
tiation is roughly estimated from the data on bridge spec- Other approaches for remote monitoring or constant mon-
ifications, repair history and traffic severity conditions. itoring of fatigue cracks are described below. A fatigue

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779


damage sensor based on the method of the sacrificial test

piece was developed and applied to fatigue life diagnosis
of welded structures.24 Additionally, a structural health
monitoring (SHM) method was introduced for use in civil

Framing rate
structures. Applications of various types of sensors and in-

strumentation techniques such as acoustic emission (AE),

digital image correlation and strain gauges were tested by
the National Physical Laboratory, UK, for their ability to
monitor the deterioration of a removed concrete foot-
bridge.25 AE monitoring, which was applied to concrete

Temperature resolution

temperature difference)
bridges as an effective on-site damage monitoring

(in noise equivalent

technique,26 was applied to SHM to gain a fatigue life
prediction of orthotropic steel decks. Pijpers et al.27 dem-

0.045 K
0.02 K
0.02 K
0.02 K
0.02 K
0.02 K
0.06 K

0.05 K
0.06 K
0.05 K
onstrated the effectiveness of using AE sensing in the de-
tection of early stage fatigue crack growth compared with
the use of strain gauges. SHM based on electric potential
measurements was also developed by a number of
researchers. The author of the current paper28,29 devel-
oped active and passive electric potential computed
tomography methods for detecting and sizing cracks.

Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Kim et al.30 developed a field signature method (FSM) for

fatigue crack monitoring in steel bridges, and Kawakami
et al.31 applied the FSM technique to fatigue crack
monitoring in the steel bridges of the Hanshin Expressway.

1.5–5.1 μm
2.5–5.1 μm
2–5 μm
1280 × 1024
Number of

640 × 512
640 × 512
320 × 256
320 × 256
640 × 480
640 × 480
320 × 240
320 × 240
320 × 240
Table 1 Current specifications of commercially available infrared thermography

Innovation in infrared thermography

Recent improvements in infrared detectors have brought
remarkable progress to NDT techniques using infrared
thermography. Table 1 shows the current specifications
of commercially available infrared thermography equip-
MCT (Mercury Cadmium Telluride)

ment. It can be seen from the table that high-

performance infrared thermography systems in category
(A) enable the measurement of temperature distribution
InSb (Indium antimonide)
InSb (Indium antimonide)
InSb (Indium antimonide)
InSb (Indium antimonide)

using a resolution of 20 mK with a very high framing rate.


This allows the acquisition of time-series sequential data

on transient temperature distributions that are utilised

for thermoelastic temperature measurements, which

are described in the following section. Furthermore, in-
novation in micro-machining technology has enabled
the production of micro-bolometer array detectors that
contribute to the production of light-weight infrared
thermography equipment, as listed in category (B).
Category (A)

Category (B)

NDT techniques employing infrared thermography

Nondestructive testing techniques based on temperature
distribution data measured by infrared thermography are

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

known as thermal NDT or thermographic NDT tech- detection of temperature gaps, as the temperature differ-
niques and have been developed as powerful remote ence is sufficiently large to be measured using micro-
and noncontact NDT techniques.32–35 Thermal NDT bolometer infrared detectors.
can be classified into three different methods, as shown Method (C) in Fig. 6 is based on the appearance of a
in Fig. 6. Methods (A) and (B) are based on temperature temperature change on the surface of an object when a
changes due to the thermal insulation effect at defects. defect acts as a heat source or heat sink, or when localised
Method (A) is the most commonly used thermal NDT heat generation or a temperature rise occurs in a defec-
and has been effectively applied to the detection of near tive portion. The identification of defects based on
surface delamination defects in building surface finishing thermoelasticity, as described in the following paragraph,
materials, concrete structures and fibre reinforced plas- belongs to method (C).
tics structures.36–40 Method (B) is based on the detection
of a sharp drop in the temperature distribution that ap- Advances made in thermoelastic stress evaluation
pears where a crack breaks the surface. As an active ther- techniques
mal method based on method (B) for crack detection,
Dynamic stress change causes a very small temperature
Lesniak and Bazile41 proposed forced diffusion thermog-
change under adiabatic conditions in a solid. This phe-
raphy using a moving line heat source. Washer42 then
nomenon is known as the thermoelastic effect and is de-
demonstrated the feasibility of this technique using labo-
scribed by Lord Kelvin’s equation. which relates the
ratory specimens. Furthermore, the author of this paper
temperature change (ΔT) to the sum of the changes in
developed a temperature gap detection technique as a
the principal stresses (Δσ) under cyclic variable loading
passive thermal NDT technique for fatigue crack detec-
as follows.
tion in orthotropic steel decks.43 The basic principle of
the NDT technique based on temperature gap detection ΔT ¼  TΔσ (1)
for through-weld fatigue cracks is shown and described ρC p
briefly in Fig. 7. The asphalt pavement on the steel α: coefficient of thermal expansion
bridge is heated by the sun, and heat conduction occurs ρ: mass density
from the pavement to the trough rib through the deck Cp: specific heat at constant pressure
plate, causing a temperature gradient in the trough rib T: absolute temperature.
(U-rib), as shown in the figure. When there is no crack
in the weld bead, the temperature change is continuous. The sum of the changes in the principal stresses (Δσ) is
However, when a crack is present, a temperature gap is obtained by measuring the temperature change (ΔT)
observed between the deck plate and the trough rib be- using high-performance infrared thermography.
cause of the thermal insulation effect of the crack in the Thermoelastic stress analysis (TSA) using infrared
weld bead. This temperature gap can be detected by con- thermography has come into widespread use as an
tinuous temperature monitoring along the weld bead effective, experimental and full-field stress measurement
using infrared thermography equipment. The equipment technique;44–46 such a development has been driven by
is shown in category (B) of Table 1; it can be used for the drastic improvements in the performance of infrared

Fig. 6 Illustrations of thermal nondestructive testing classification.

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

Fig. 7 Schematic illustration of the principle of the nondestructive testing technique based on temperature gap detection for detecting
through-weld fatigue cracks in orthotropic steel decks.43

thermography, as shown in category (A) of Table 1. modulus. Combined use of thermoelasticity and photoe-
Although it was widely used in the industry, there were lasticity has enabled the development of an experimental
limitations to TSA in relation to stress separation and stress separation technique. Barone and Patterson54 exam-
achieving adiabatic conditions. A breakthrough in the ined the practicability of the hybrid use of thermoelasticity
former problem was made by innovative research related and photoelasticity to obtain maximum and minimum
to the development of stress separation methods. As shown principal stresses. The author of this paper developed a
in Eq. (1), a physical quantity measured by TSA is the sum full-field stress separation technique55 by the concomitant
of the changes in the principal stresses, that is, the changes use of thermoelasticity and photoelasticity to determine
in the first stress invariant. One of the disadvantages in- fracture mechanics parameters. In relation to the latter
volved in progressing TSA techniques has been related to problem mentioned earlier, that is, the achievement of
the difficulties involved in stress separation. Therefore to adiabatic conditions, Offermann et al.56 developed error
overcome this disadvantage, many researchers have restoration schemes for TSA under nonadiabatic condi-
endeavoured to develop stress separation techniques using tions, and Byrd and Haney57 investigated the effect of heat
various approaches.47–49 In recent years, remarkable prog- transfer from the object surface on the accuracy of TSA.
ress has been made in the development of stress separation Additionally, Inoue et al.58 developed an inverse heat
methods based on inverse analyses. Murakami and conduction analysis scheme based on the mollification
Yoshimura50 developed the inverse analysis scheme, in method to compensate for errors in TSA.
which unknown boundary values are estimated by inverse Innovative research related to thermoelastic stress anal-
analysis using values of the sum of the changes in the yses is also observed in fracture mechanics applications. An
principal stresses measured by the TSA technique. This attractive advantage of the TSA technique is that the
is followed by direct problem calculations to solve individ- fracture mechanics parameters can be determined from
ual stress components using the boundary values deter- the directly measured stress distribution around crack tips
mined by the inverse analysis. Kishimoto et al.51 in objective structures. Evaluation schemes for fracture
developed computational techniques to regularise ill-posed mechanics parameters based on the TSA results have been
inverse problems, and thus improved the accuracy of in- investigated by many researchers.59 In early experimental
verse analyses. Additionally, Hayabusa et al.52 proposed research, the stress intensity factor was evaluated from
an improved stress separation technique based on the TSA results, which were obtained by the first commer-
inverse problem using supplemental strain data obtained cially available thermoelastic stress measurement system,
from strain gauges. Inoue et al.53 proposed a new stress SPATE.60,61 Shiratori et al.62 proposed an estimation
separation technique based on fundamental equations method of J-integral from the distribution of the temper-
considering temperature dependence on the elastic ature rise due to plastic deformation measured using

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

infrared thermography. Ju et al.63 determined stress inten- are detected at both crack tips, indicating the existence
sity factors under mixed mode (mode I and mode II) load- of a crack in the objective steel plate. Thus, the
ing and showed that stress extrapolation using higher thermoelastic stress measurement technique can be
order terms was effective for accurate determination. Diaz employed for the detection and evaluation of fatigue
et al.64 evaluated the stress intensity factors of growing cracks propagating from weld joints in steel bridges. As
fatigue cracks using TSA data. The author of this paper thermoelastic temperature changes are very small and
applied the developed full-field stress separation method sometimes hidden by the thermal noise of the infrared
to the evaluation of the stress intensity factor and the camera, lock-in infrared thermography using reference
J-integral.55 In addition to the conventional calculation signals synchronised with stress changes is commonly
method, a near-tip exclusive domain integral method was employed to improve the accuracy of stress measurements.
proposed to avoid experimental error in the region very The conventional thermoelastic stress measurement
close to the crack tip. In this method, the J-integral was technique requires the lock-in algorithm with the refer-
evaluated without using degraded experimental stress dis- ence loading signal extracted from the load cell, strain
tribution data in the vicinity of the crack tip. He and gauge or displacement gauge for signal to noise ratio im-
Rowlands65 also examined stress intensity factor evalua- provement. However, it is difficult to obtain a reference
tion on the basis of far-field measured temperatures. signal from steel bridges that are actively in service. Fur-
thermore, the observed load signal does not have a clear
Development of self-reference lock-in thermography cyclic waveform like a sinusoidal wave as it contains ir-
regular waveform components because of moving wheel
and its application to steel bridges
loading by vehicles on the bridge. These problems cause
As described earlier, obtaining thermoelastic stress mea- difficulties for the use of conventional lock-in infrared
surements using infrared thermography has been widely thermography in the on-site thermoelastic stress mea-
employed as an effective full-field experimental stress surement of steel bridges, and applications of the tech-
measurement technique, gaining increasing attention as nique have thus been limited to laboratory tests.
the NDE tool for identifying fatigue cracks propagating The author of this paper has developed a self-
from welded joints in steel bridges. Steel bridges that reference lock-in thermography technique that does not
are susceptible to fatigue crack propagation are generally require any external reference signals and can be
subjected to frequent and heavy wheel loading from traf- employed even under irregular waveform loading.66,67
fic on the bridge. Therefore, if infrared thermography is In self-reference lock-in thermography, a reference sig-
employed for continuous temperature monitoring nal is constructed from a reference region that is arbi-
around fatigue cracks, the cracks can be identified from trarily set on the same sequential infrared images as
localised thermoelastic temperature changes due to stress those showing the thermoelastic temperature change.
singularities at crack tips under variable wheel loading. The distribution of the relative intensity of the
Figure 8 shows the stress distribution around a centre thermoelastic temperature change against that in the ref-
crack obtained from the thermoelastic temperature erence region can then be obtained using the following
change, where significant localised temperature changes least-squares approach,68 even under irregular waveform
loading, provided that the temperature change in the ref-
erence region has a similar and in-phase waveform to that
in the objective area under measurement. Assume that a
body is subjected to irregular waveform loading and the
waveform is expressed as fn, the infrared signal in the ob-
jective region can then be approximated as follows:
Y n ¼ A þ Bf n ; (2)

where A is an offset value, B is the influence coefficient

of the reference and n is the frame number. To calcu-
late B, the sum of the squares of the deviations between
Yn and the infrared signal yn obtained from the region,
defined as follows, is minimised:

Δ2 ¼ yn  Y n 2 : (3)
Fig. 8 Stress distribution around a centre crack obtained from
thermoelastic temperature change.67 Here, N is the total frame number. Then, B is obtained

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

from the following equation: Additionally, once a fatigue crack initiates, it is necessary
  to gain an accurate evaluation of its size and propagation
 N ∑ yn  rate, and fracture mechanics analysis then needs to be
∑f ∑ yn f n  N ∑ yn f n  ∑ yn ∑ f n conducted accurately to evaluate the remaining strength
B ¼  n ¼     : (4)
 N ∑ f n  N ∑ f 2  ∑ f 2 and life prediction of the bridge. Furthermore, after am-
  2  n n
ple crack propagation, steel bridges then require repair or
∑f ∑ fn 
n reinforcement to prolong their life.
The author of this paper thus proposes NDT and
When this calculation is performed on all pixel data NDE methods employing infrared thermography at cer-
obtained by infrared thermography, it is possible to obtain tain stages in the life cycle of a steel bridge. If a dissipated
the correlation between the infrared signal in the reference energy evaluation using infrared thermography is
region and that in any region. The value of B indicates the employed before fatigue crack initiation, it would be pos-
intensity of the thermoelastic temperature change relative sible to predict the location of fatigue crack initiation. In
to that in the reference region. The distribution of the this respect, the author of this paper observed that mea-
obtained values of B is effectively employed for the surements of dissipated energy emission caused by the
detection of areas of stress concentration around notches generation and motion of slip bands were effective for
or cracks. This self-reference lock-in thermography the prediction of fatigue crack initiation.69,70 For crack
method enables a fully remote and noncontact stress distri- detection, both a temperature gap detection technique
bution measurement under irregular wheel loading, and as and a thermoelastic stress evaluation technique can be
such can be considered as a new remote NDE technique employed.43,71–73 For the evaluation of fatigue crack prop-
using infrared thermography for orthotropic steel decks. agation after crack initiation, a thermoelastic stress mea-
surement technique can then be effectively applied for
the full-field stress distribution measurement around crack
DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE CYCLE NDT AND NDE tips, followed by a fracture mechanics evaluation.74,75 Fi-
USING INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY nally, after the repair or reinforcement of a steel bridge,
it is essential to confirm the reduction in the severity of
Figure 9 shows the development of life cycle NDT and the stress distribution around the defect portion.
NDE for steel bridges. The first signs of deterioration Consequently, life cycle NDT and NDE techniques
in ageing steel bridges are the initiation of fatigue cracks. for steel bridge maintenance can be developed by
Therefore, it would be beneficial to preempt this phase employing infrared thermography. The results of the ap-
by predicting the occurrence and location of fatigue crack plication of NDT and NDE techniques using infrared
initiation. After fatigue crack initiation, detection of fa- thermography to several cases are presented in the subse-
tigue cracks is required for maintenance of steel bridges. quent sections within this paper.

Fig. 9 Development of life cycle nondestructive testing (NDT) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques using infrared thermography
for fatigue cracks in orthotropic steel decks.

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

DETECTION OF THROUGH-WELD FATIGUE Table 2 Surface lengths of detected through-weld fatigue cracks
Crack No. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5
FRARED THERMOGRAPHY Crack length 42 mm 160 mm 60 mm 60 mm 60 mm

Test object and experimental procedure

The object of this experimental study was a steel contin- maintenance works. Infrared temperature measurements
uous box-girder bridge in a part of the Honshu–Shikoku were conducted several times a day in different seasons
Expressway in Japan. A photograph and cross-sectional (summer: 11 September 2013, autumn: 6 November
view of the bridge is shown in Fig. 10. A maintenance ve- 2013 and winter: 4 February 2014). The spatial resolution
hicle, situated under the over-hanging part of the bridge, of the infrared cameras was adjusted in relation to the lens
moves in the direction of the bridge axis and is used for and the distance between the object and the cameras; it
the inspection and maintenance of the outside girder. was 1 mm/pixel for crack Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and
Three infrared cameras were installed on the mainte- 2 mm/pixel for crack Nos. 4 and 5. The framing rate of
nance vehicle so that each infrared camera could take the infrared cameras was set to 15 frames/s.
continuous thermal images along one weld line. Infrared The experimental result for crack No. 2, obtained at
cameras with micro-bolometer infrared array sensors 12:00 in summer, is shown in Fig. 11. The infrared image
(320 × 240 pixels, temperature resolution: 30 mK and shown in the figure was captured from sequential infra-
framing rate: 60 frames/s) were employed. Weld lines lo- red images taken by the infrared camera travelling along
cated under areas where wheel loading was directly ap- the bridge in an axial direction. It can be seen from the
plied were chosen for inspection. Each infrared camera infrared image that the temperature gap appears in a weld
continuously measured the temperature distribution on bead, indicating a thermal insulation effect by the fatigue
the deck plate, the weld bead and the trough rib in the in- crack. Line profiles of the temperature along the red
spection area along the bridge in an axial direction. Infra- line A (at the cracked portion) and along the blue line
red measurements were conducted under the conditions B (at the sound portion) are also shown in the figure.
of ‘no flat black paint application’ and ‘no anti-corrosion The temperature gap can be clearly identified from a
paint removal’. comparison between the line profiles of the cracked
and sound portions.
The influence of the measurement conditions, such as
Fundamental experiments for investigating crack
season, time and spatial resolution, on crack detectability
was investigated from the obtained experimental results.
Fundamental experiments were conducted to investigate The obtained results for crack detectability are shown in
the size of detectable cracks and the influence of the mea- Fig. 12. The abscissa in the figures indicates the tempera-
surement conditions, such as season, time and spatial res- ture gap between the deck plate and the trough rib.
olution, on the crack detection ability of the newly Measurement points were set on the deck plate and
developed NDT technique based on temperature gap de- trough rib 25 mm away from the weld bead centre. It
tection. Table 2 lists the fatigue cracks that were detected can be seen in the figure that a larger temperature gap is
by visual testing followed by the use of MT within the observed in summer, and therefore this season enables

Fig. 10 Cross-sectional view and photograph of the bridge used in the experiment.43

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

Fig. 11 Experimental result obtained for crack No.2 (at 12:00 local time, in summer).43

Fig. 12 Influence of measurement conditions on crack detectability.43

superior crack detectability. In contrast, crack detectabil- Practicability investigation of crack detection using
ity is inferior in winter. Furthermore, it can be found from the temperature gap technique in uninspected areas
the figure that the temperature difference changes ac-
cording to the time of day during which the measurement The practicability of the NDT technique based on tem-
was performed. Moreover, it is noted that the spatial perature gap detection was investigated by through-weld
resolution of the infrared camera significantly influences fatigue crack detection in uninspected areas in the bridge,
crack detectability, and a spatial resolution of 1 mm/pixel where NDT had not yet been conducted. Infrared mea-
is required to accurately detect a 40 mm fatigue crack. surements were conducted in early November, when the

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

difference between the temperature of the asphalt The detailed inspections showed that paint cracking
pavement and atmospheric temperature was 10 °C. Three could be detected by visual inspection at a very short dis-
infrared cameras installed on the travelling maintenance tance of approximately 50 cm. However, it was difficult to
vehicle were used to take continuous temperature detect paint cracking at a distance of 1 m from the surface,
measurements. The time taken to inspect a total weld as there was no associated leakage of rust leachate in these
line length of 10 km was approximately 9 h. The spatial detected areas. Additionally, it was found that the crack
resolution of the infrared cameras was set at 1 mm/pixel length, as estimated from the temperature gap, coincided
using the telescopic optional converter lens according very well with that measured using MT. From these re-
to the results of the fundamental experiment described sults, the practicability of using the NDT technique based
in the previous paragraph. After data acquisition, se- on temperature gap detection was demonstrated.
quential infrared images were analysed to identify any
temperature gaps.
As a result of the infrared image analysis, several parts
of the bridge were exposed as having temperature gaps RESULTS OF FATIGUE CRACK DETECTION IN AN
that indicated the possibility of fatigue crack propagation; ORTHOTROPIC STEEL DECK USING
therefore, detailed inspections of these areas were subse- SELF-REFERENCE LOCK-IN THERMOGRAPHY
quently conducted on another day. These detailed in-
spections were performed using visual testing of the
Detection of fatigue cracks open to the inspection
surface condition, followed by MT after the removal of
surface in an orthotropic steel deck
anti-corrosion paint. Results of the detailed inspections
Detection of through-thickness fatigue crack in trough rib
showed the existence of fatigue cracks measuring be-
tween 40 and 120 mm. Figure 13 shows the infrared im- Detection of a through-thickness fatigue crack in a trough
age, line profile of temperature and MT result used to rib (SD1 in Fig. 2) of an in-service orthotropic steel deck
identify a fatigue crack measuring 80 mm. A localised was conducted under a national highway bridge, as shown
low temperature region due to the temperature gap can in Fig. 14 (an illustration of the detected fatigue crack and
be clearly identified in the infrared image. the MT result are also shown in the figure). The through-

Fig. 13 Result of the detection of an 80 mm through-weld fatigue crack using the temperature gap technique.43

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

Fig. 14 Steel deck used in this study and an illustration of the fatigue crack for measurements using self-reference lock-in thermography.75

weld crack initiated at the intersection of the deck plate, technique. This shows that an improved contrast image can
trough rib and cross rib, and propagated in a weld line be- be obtained when a clear reference signal is employed in
tween the deck plate and the trough rib. After ample self-reference lock-in processing.
propagation, the crack deflected into the trough rib.
The temperature change under moving wheel loading
Remote detection of through-weld fatigue crack
by vehicles on the bridge was measured by the infrared
camera with a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) array Remote detection of a through-weld fatigue crack in an in-
detector (temperature resolution: 25 mK, infrared spectral service orthotropic steel deck was conducted using self-
range: 7.7–9.3 μm). The infrared measurement frequency reference lock-in thermography with a telescopic lens, as
was set to 113 Hz, and the obtained sequential infrared data shown in Fig. 17. Infrared measurements were conducted
were processed using the self-reference lock-in technique. from distances of 8 and 12 m. The thermoelastic tempera-
Figure 15 shows infrared images captured from sequential ture change near the crack tip under variable wheel loading
images at maximum loading (the time at which a vehicle by traffic on the bridge was measured using the MCT in-
wheel passes a point), and waveforms of the infrared inten- frared camera, as described earlier, and the experimental
sity values measured at points A, B and C in the infrared results obtained using self-reference lock-in thermography
image. A significant change in the infrared intensity was are shown in Fig. 18. The region used to generate the ref-
observed at the crack tip because of the stress concentra- erence signal for lock-in processing is indicated by the term
tion, and a clear signal was obtained at point A, which ‘Ref.’ in the figure, and the location of the fatigue crack tip
was located near the crack tip. Sequential infrared data is indicated by arrows. A significant contrast change was
were processed using the self-reference lock-in technique observed at the crack tip because of the singular stress field
that employed reference signals obtained at points A, B in the vicinity of the crack tip, which verifies that the loca-
and C. The results of the self-reference lock-in data pro- tion of a fatigue crack tip is clearly detected from a remote
cessing are shown in Fig. 16, where a significant contrast place using the present technique. This experiment also
change can be observed at the crack tip because of the sin- shows that it is possible to detect the crack tip despite deg-
gular stress field in the vicinity of the crack tip; the location radation due to infrared attenuation by the optical system
of the fatigue crack tip is clearly detected using the present of the telescopic lens.

Fig. 15 Obtained infrared image of thermoelasticity around a fatigue crack tip.75

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

Fig. 16 Experimental results of self-reference lock-in processing for detecting through-thickness cracks.75

of the deck plate was 19 mm, and the dimensions of the

cross section of the trough rib were indicated as
U320 × 240 × 6; therefore, the top width, height and thick-
ness were 320, 240 and 6 mm, respectively. To initiate and
propagate a fatigue crack, a cyclic load was applied to the
specimen using a servo-hydraulic testing machine. The
cyclic load was applied at two points through solid rubber
measuring 200 mm × 200 mm × 15 mm, as shown in
Fig. 19, which simulated the loading of a single vehicle
tyre. The loading positions were set at the centre of the
trough ribs on the deck plate, the loading frequency was
9 Hz, and the minimum and maximum loads were 10
and 110 kN, respectively.
A photograph of the infrared measurement area and a
schematic illustration of the through-deck crack in the
specimen are shown in Figs. 20 and 21, respectively. The
Fig. 17 Remote fatigue crack detection with telescopic lens.75 thermoelastic stress measurement area was set near the in-
tersection of the deck plate, trough rib and cross rib, where
fatigue crack initiation and propagation were expected, and
Results of through-deck fatigue crack detection in
is indicated by the rectangle in Fig. 20. Results show the
orthotropic steel decks
initiation of a fatigue crack from the back surface of the
Laboratory test
weld bead, as shown in Fig. 21(a), and the subsequent for-
An experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of mation of a semi-elliptical crack towards the deck plate, as
through-deck fatigue crack detection in a steel deck spec- indicated in Fig. 21. Infrared measurements were con-
imen using self-reference lock-in thermography. The ducted at regular intervals during the fatigue crack propa-
steel deck sample, which simulated a part of the actual gation test, and the changes in the stress distribution by
steel deck of the bridge, is shown in Fig. 19. The thickness the fatigue crack initiation and propagation were observed.

Fig. 18 Results of self-reference lock-in processing for detecting a through-weld crack from a distance.75

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

Fig. 19 Configuration of the steel deck sample used in the experiments.73

Fig. 20 Infrared measurement area for through-deck fatigue crack.73

Fig. 21 Illustration of the cross section of a test specimen with a through-deck fatigue crack.73

The temperature change under cyclic loading was mea- against that of the reference region, labelled ‘Ref’ in the
sured using the infrared camera with the MCT array figure. Characteristic stress concentration in the deck-
detector, as described in the preceding paragraph. The to-rib weld bead was not evident in the early stage of
infrared measurement frequency was set to 113 Hz, and fatigue testing, as shown in Fig. 22(a). On the other hand,
the obtained sequential infrared data were then processed significant stress concentration was observed in the weld
using the self-reference lock-in technique. bead at a location away from the intersection of the cross
Experimental results of the crack propagation process, rib, as shown in Fig. 22(b), (c) and (d). Furthermore, it
as obtained using self-reference lock-in thermography, was observed that these stress concentration zones moved
are shown in Fig. 22. The colour bar shows the relative away from the cross rib with increasing loading cycles. It
intensity values of thermoelastic temperature change appears, therefore, that the stress concentration was

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

Fig. 22 Results of detection of through-deck fatigue cracks using self-reference lock-in thermography.73

caused by stress singularity at the crack front of the semi- stress concentration zone that appeared on the deck-to-
elliptical through-deck crack. Experimental results of the rib weld line indicates a possibility for the estimation of
crack measurement using self-reference lock-in thermog- the location of the crack front and the half crack length
raphy and ultrasonic inspection are compared in Table 3. of the semi-elliptical crack.
It was found that the distance between the centre of the Another experiment76 was conducted to test the effec-
stress concentration zone and the cross rib corresponded tiveness of through-deck fatigue crack detection in a steel
to the half crack length obtained using ultrasonic inspec- deck specimen subjected to a travelling wheel load, as
tion. Moreover, it was confirmed that the significant shown in Fig. 23. The thickness of the deck plate was

Table 3 Comparison of crack measurements determined using lock-in thermography and ultrasonic inspection73

Number of Distance from cross rib to stress concentration Half crack length obtained
load cycles obtained using self-reference lock-in thermography by ultrasonic inspection
5.0 × 105 (Difficult to determine) 17 mm
1.0 × 106 35 mm 34 mm
2.0 × 106 40 mm 40 mm

Fig. 23 Illustration of the travelling wheel load test and the configurations of employed specimen.76

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

12 mm. The dimensions of the trough rib cross sections

were indicated as U320 × 240 × 6; that is, the top width,
height and thickness were 320, 240 and 6 mm, respec-
tively. The measurement area was set near the point of
intersection of the deck plate, trough rib and cross rib.
The experimental results of the crack propagation pro-
cess obtained by self-reference lock-in thermography
are shown in Fig. 24. From the figures, it can be seen that
no evident stress concentration was detected in the early
stage of fatigue testing (Fig. 24(a)); however, significant
stress concentration was detected in the weld bead
(Fig. 24(b) and (c)).

Experimental investigation of through-deck crack detection

in a steel highway bridge

Detection of through-deck type fatigue cracks in an in-

service steel deck of the Metropolitan Expressway (Bay
Shore Route in Yokohama) was conducted using self-
reference lock-in thermography, as shown in Fig. 25. Fig. 25 Orthotropic steel deck for through-deck crack detection and
set-up of infrared camera.73
Measurements were conducted for through-deck fatigue
cracks in the intersection part (intersection of deck plate,
trough rib and cross rib), as shown in Fig. 26(a), as well as were captured over a period of 30 s while waiting for
in the intermediate part shown in Fig. 26(b). The thick- heavy weight vehicles, which caused sufficient
ness of the deck plate of this orthotropic steel deck was thermoelastic temperature changes to detect stress con-
12 mm. The field measurements were conducted on 4 centrations. The thermoelastic temperature change was
October 2011. The average ambient temperature in measured using the infrared camera with the MCT array
Yokohama was around 18.3 °C. Sequential infrared data detector, and the framing rate of infrared measurements

Fig. 24 Results of detection of through-deck fatigue cracks using self-reference lock-in thermography in travelling wheel load test.76

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

Fig. 26 Measurement areas for through-deck fatigue crack detection.73

was set to 157 Hz. The obtained sequential infrared data region. The figure also shows that a significant stress
were then processed using the self-reference lock-in concentration was detected on the deck-to-rib weld line
technique. in each of the cases. In the sound portion, the location
Experimental results of self-reference lock-in ther- of the stress concentration was observed behind the scal-
mography obtained for a sound portion and a cracked lop at the intersection point of the deck plate, trough rib
portion of the intersection parts are shown in Fig. 27(a) and cross rib. On the other hand, in the cracked portion,
and (b), respectively. Waveforms of the infrared intensity the location of stress concentration was observed away
employed as reference signals for self-reference lock-in from the intersection point of the deck plate, trough rib
processing and processed images are also shown in the and cross rib, as indicated by the arrow. This shows the
figure; the square marks in the self-reference lock-in im- same tendency as observed in the experimental labora-
ages indicate the locations from which the reference sig- tory results, as discussed in the preceding paragraph.
nals were generated. The contrast in the self-reference The result indicates that a through-deck fatigue crack ex-
lock-in image shows the intensity of the thermoelastic ists behind the weld bead. Furthermore, the half crack
temperature change compared with that in the reference length of the through-deck fatigue crack was estimated

Fig. 27 Experimental results using self-reference lock-in thermography obtained for the sound portion and the cracked portion of the inter-
section parts.73

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

as 48 mm on the basis of the distance between the stress Stress intensity factor evaluation based on on-site
concentration point and the intersection point. This area thermoelastic stress measurements
was inspected using SAUT (as mentioned in Section 2), Stress intensity factor evaluation based on thermoelastic
which measured the half crack length to be 43 mm. stress measurements
Self-reference lock-in thermography was then applied,
As shown in the preceding section, evaluation schemes
and the results were shown to be in good agreement with
those obtained by SAUT. for fracture mechanics parameters based on the TSA re-
sults have been investigated by many researchers.
The experimental result obtained for the intermediate
Tomlinson et al.77 developed a scheme to determine
part using self-reference lock-in thermography is shown
stress intensity factors for mixed mode cracks based on
in Fig. 28. The waveform of the infrared intensity
TSA data measured using the SPATE system. In this
employed as the reference signal for the self-reference
lock-in processing and processed images are also shown experimental study, changes in the stress intensities
ΔKI and ΔKII were determined from the change in the
in the figure. Two stress concentration points were ob-
sum of the principal stresses for two different values of
served in the self- reference lock-in image, indicating
θ in the coordinate system shown in Fig. 29 using the
both fronts of a semi-elliptical, through-deck fatigue
stress extrapolation method given by the following
crack in the longitudinal direction. The crack length in
the longitudinal direction was estimated to be 64 mm equations:
on the basis of the distance between the two stress con-
centration points. The size of the crack length obtained rffiffiffiffiffi   
πr  θ1 θ1
using SAUT was 70 mm. In this case, estimated crack lim Δσ θ¼θ ¼ ΔK cos  ΔK sin ; (5)
2  1
r→0 2 2
length obtained using self-reference lock-in thermogra-
phy again shows good agreement with that obtained
using SAUT. rffiffiffiffiffi   
πr  θ2 θ2
lim Δσ θ¼θ2 ¼ ΔK I cos  ΔK II sin : (6)
r→0 2 2 2



The NDE technique based on thermoelastic stress mea-

surements is extremely beneficial not only for crack de-
tection but also for on-site evaluation of stress
distributions around crack tips, which is important for
the estimation of future crack growth. This NDE tech-
nique is also beneficial for confirming the severity reduc-
tion in the stress distribution around the defective
portion after repair or reinforcements. This section
shows examples of a stress intensity factor evaluation
based on the results of thermoelastic stress distribution
measurements, followed by a stress evaluation before
and after bridge reinforcements using steel fibre rein-
forced concrete (SFRC) paving on the bridge. Fig. 29 Coordinate system near crack tip.

Fig. 28 Experimental results obtained for the intermediate part using self-reference lock-in thermography.73

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

Stress intensity factor evaluation for a through-weld crack square sum of differences (SSD) parabola fitting method,78
in an orthotropic steel deck which enabled motion compensation with sub-pixel preci-
sion. Changes in stress distribution were thus evaluated
Stress intensity factor evaluation based on thermoelastic
from sequential infrared data processed using the SSD pa-
stress distribution measurements was performed for a
rabola fitting motion compensation technique.
through-weld fatigue crack in an orthotropic steel deck. Dis-
Figure 30 shows the waveform of change in the sum of
tribution of the thermoelastic temperature change near the
the principal stresses during the passing of a vehicle,
fatigue crack tip under wheel loading by traffic on the bridge
which was obtained near the crack tip. It was thus ob-
was continuously measured using infrared thermography.
served that a significant stress change appeared near the
The temperature values were obtained from a calibration re-
crack tip under wheel loading by the vehicle on the
lation between infrared values and temperatures obtained
bridge. The distributions of the change in the sum of
using a blackbody furnace. Stress values were calculated
the principal stresses in the inspection area at 0.44 and
from the thermoelastic coefficient, which can be calculated
0.65 s (in Fig. 30) are shown in Fig. 31. It can be observed
using handbook values for physical quantities of mild steel.
from the figures that a singular stress field in the vicinity
Vibration of the bridge due to vehicle loading causes
of the crack tip was clearly obtained. From these stress
displacements in the field of view in sequential infrared im-
distributions, the values of KI and KII were determined
ages. These displacements cause an error in thermoelastic
using the stress extrapolation technique, as shown in the
stress measurements, which is known as the edge effect,
foregoing paragraph. The time-series variation in the
when time-series processing is conducted for sequential in-
K-value was then calculated from the measured stress dis-
frared images. Therefore, the author of this paper devel-
tribution during the passage of a vehicle, and the obtained
oped a new motion compensation technique based on a
results are shown in Fig. 32. In the thermoelastic stress
simplified pattern matching technique combined with the
measurement, the measured stress values indicate the dif-
ference from the fundamental stress values, including the
mean stress or residual stress. Therefore, the K-value is
given by the difference from the fundamental value, K0. It
was found that the time-series variation in the K-value can
be obtained using the proposed technique. Furthermore,
it was found from Fig. 32 that changes in the mode II stress
intensity factor, KII, were dominant for the through-weld
crack in this study. A stress intensity factor evaluation was
then conducted for the through-thickness fatigue crack in
the trough rib shown in Fig. 14, and the obtained time-
series variation in the K-value is shown in Fig. 33. In con-
trast, in this case, it was found that changes in the mode I
stress intensity factor, KI, were dominant. This crack was
deflected into the trough rib from the deck-to-trough rib
weld line. It is well known from field observations of fatigue
failures in orthotropic steel decks that fatigue cracks are
Fig. 30 Waveform of change in the sum of the principal stresses.67 deflected into the trough rib after ample propagation in

Fig. 31 Distributions of change in the sum of the principal stresses.67

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

the deck-to-trough rib weld line. Numerous studies can

be found with regard to crack path prediction under
mixed mode loading.79–81 Additionally, Yates et al.82 inves-
tigated crack paths under mixed mode loading based on
the crack tip stress field using TSA, and Beretta et al.83
conducted experimental and computational studies for fa-
tigue crack paths in butt-welded rails subjected to wheel
loading. The obtained results in the present study corre-
spond with the well-known fact that fatigue cracks propa-
gated in the direction of mode I are dominant. These
experimental results of stress intensity factor determina-
tion based on the near-tip stress intensity provide direct
information on the driving force of fatigue crack propaga-
tion. This information can be used for assessing the ur-
gency of repair or evaluation of the remaining life of a
Fig. 32 Time-series variation in K-value evaluated for a through- structure based on the crack propagation rate.
weld fatigue crack based on thermoelastic stress measurements.67

Stress evaluation before and after bridge reinforcement

Construction of SFRC paving is effective for
prolonging the life of orthotropic steel decks and has
the effect of preventing crack initiation or retarding
crack propagation. To confirm the severity reduction
after the application of SFRC paving, the stress distri-
bution near the crack tip was measured before and after
the construction of SFRC for the national highway
bridge, and the results were compared.84 In the experi-
ments conducted both before and after the application
of SFRC paving, infrared measurements were con-
ducted using the same loading conditions by applying
the same weight vehicle on the same wheel driving path.
The obtained self-reference lock-in images and time-
series variation in infrared intensity values measured
using infrared thermography are shown in Figs. 34
Fig. 33 Time-series variation in K-value evaluated for the through- and 35, respectively. A drastic reduction in the stress
thickness fatigue crack shown in Fig. 14 based on thermoelastic level can be observed after application of SFRC, indi-
stress measurements. cating the positive effect of bridge reinforcements.

Fig. 34 Stress distribution around through-weld fatigue crack obtained by self-reference lock-in thermography. SFRC, steel fibre reinforced

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38 755–779

shown in this paper were supported by a Grant-in-Aid

for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (A: 19206015, B: 23366057), and
grants from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism and Casio Science Foundation.


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14 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management,
Acknowledgements Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism,
Japan: Cooperative Research on durability of the steel members
on bridges—Survey on the inspection method of the
The author would particularly like to acknowledge Prof.
Orthotropic Steel Decks, NILIM Document number 471, 2008.
Murakami for his valuable advice. Furthermore, the au- 15 Kimura, T., Koike, M., Wadaka, S., Takahashi, M. and
thor would like to acknowledge all the co-authors of the Murakoshi, J. (2013) Ultrasonic testing method for fatigue
papers referenced in this study. The research works cracks in orthotropic steel deck using near critical angle probe.

© 2015 Wiley Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2015, 38, 755–779

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