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Smart Obit 2019

Automated, User friendly, InDesign less, Manageable and with Best Reports

• Single Server for all users across Units and Bureaus

• No separate Proofing, Spell check will be available.
• Ability to choose content – Full / Partial / With or without Photo
• Users at Units can see and Manage the position of Obit in real time
• Ability to read PPI Inlink XML and place advertisement.
• Print the whole Page as Acrobat PDF
• Ability to create multiple Pages on emergency like the day after a holiday to accommodate
more number of stories
• Perfect and accurate Report from creation of Obit till Export and Ready of Page with Time and
User details.
• Access Permission
• Audit Trail
• Face recognition based on open type algorithm
• Store the Name, Place in Database
• Above two are to avoid Duplicate stories being given to different Bureau / Unit
• Record the Audio of item received over Phone

Obit Work-flow
Admin Module

Unit : All Printing Units including Outside Kerala Editions

Edition: First, Second like may be up to Fifth
Time: Schedule Page ready time of each Unit / Edition
Bureau : Sub Offices under a Unit. There will be number of Bureaus under a Unit.
Users : who can access this application with different ACL or Group with ACL. User should belong to
a Unit or to a Bureau in turn to a Unit.
ACL : Create story, Proof Story, Detach / Attach Photo, Selection or Top Positions, Selection of Must
Story for a Unit , Selection of Must Story for Multiple Units. Selection of Parts of Stories / Units,
Report creation, Page Export, Page Proof, Page Ready, Page Un Ready, Rearrangement of news on
Audit Trail Parameters
Email: Email address of Users to be informed up on release unrelease
Phone number: Phone number of users. SMS, Voice message (pre recorded) to be send up on Ready,
Unready of Pages
Page size Width and Height in CM
Column Width
Gutter Space
Size of Photograph
Running Matter Font and Size
Paragraph spacing
Place Size and Font
Headline Font and size
Photograph Size
Photograph Resolution
Photograph background Colour
Photograph Attach / Detach folder for each Unit

Current Page Size is 33 CM X 52 CM

Advertisement Column width is 3.818 CM
Obituary Story Column Width is 2.985 CM
Running Font Pachari Uni 9.5 / 9
Gutter Space : 0.35 CM
Place : Archa Uni 9 / 8.5
Heading : Archa Unit 12 / 12
Mast Head width : 1.9 CM
Photograph size Width 2.985 Height 2.6

Obit Story Creation

User login
Create an Obit Story.
It belongs to a Originating Unit.
Fill the mandatory Phone number, Whats App number, Email address, EC card number and Agency
number if available.
Choose District from Drop down Menu
Type the Place Line
Type Address details. Record This in DB.
Type Name with age in bracket. Record this in DB.
While doing the above, if any similar Name or Address is found in stored DB, it should pop up that
story. By doing this, we can eliminate the duplicate story.
Story should be divided in to three parts. One basic story. Second Part is with brothers and sisters. And
Third part with any additional Information about the deceased.
Attach a Photo. Using face detection algorithm, search for any duplicate story in DB.
If photo is not available now, ability to attach the photo later and choose a selection box that Photo will
come later.
Choose the desired Unit and Edition which are Must, and can choose wish list Unit / Edition which are
not must. Ability to choose Selection of Part 1, 2 and 3 as must in multiple Unit.
Choose any of the Top 20 positions. If this is must for multiple Unit Choose that also. Make this part of
Top 20 selection is Top Left, positions 2 to 9 Top 10th Position and from 11 to 20.
When ever a story is created with all the selections, it should show it in concerned Page automatically.

Obit Story Processing

Obit Coordinator will read all the story for any style or typo error and correct it.
Choose must selection of whole story / part of story 1,2,3 any combination.
Choose Position of Story Top 20 positions. If any duplicate or more than the required selection is made,
the System should pop up a message.
All selection is based on Unit and Editions (All Editions or choose from 1 to 5)
Can send it to Proof Reading if required.
Or he can mark it as proofed.

We have set target of resolution of Photograph in Admin Module. So as the height and width of it.
There is a fixed background Colour. Let us call it as Photo Template. We should be able to choose the
Photograph with the desired features while attaching the Photograph.

When a story is sent for Proof / Mark as proofed the Photograph should get detached in a predefined
Server / Folder. Using face recognition application, choose the area other than the face and make it as
background colour and should apply that colour. Size and resolution of Photograph should be
automatically corrected and can choose a Automation application called “Claro” to correct it. If
anything is beyond correctable, it should go to a folder call Rejected. Then someone can attend to that
manually. When a proper photo is ready in Colour and size, it should get copied to Attach folder.
System will automatically attach that Photograph to the story and story as a whole is ready.

Facility to share the Photograph with advertisement wing.


When Marketing release the Dummy, the same with advertisement should appear in proper place.

If later some advertisement is being received manually, means not though booking system and PPI,
there should be a provision to mark the intimated area as advertisement in the system.

All stories will flow to area which are not marked for Advertisement.


Coordinator at Unit can see all Pages of all Unit and Editions. Check for any must listed story. Apart
from the selections made while creating the story, he can manually adjust the positions / content ( Full
or Partial ) etc on the Page GUI also. Same change will get reflected back to the System also.

This selection of Pages of Unit / Edition is based on ACL

Story placement in Page

1. Should follow Malayalam hyphenation rules

2. Top Left in 1st column 1st row
3. Position 2 in 2nd column 1st row
4. Position 3 in r3d column 1st row till 10th position
5. Position 11 in 1st column 2nd row
6. Position 12 in 2nd column 2nd row till 20th position
7. Sorted Obits based on District (from admin module for a Unit / Edition) and place
8. Own Unit Obit and editions selections = Flow full story
9. Own Unit and not selected Edition = flow basic story
10. If Page is not full, use Neighboring Unit (based on Admin Module) basic story without
11. If Page is over set, ability to choose basic story / Part for some story
12. Should not flow to Advertisement area
13. Up on completion, finish the Page and Print , Ready it
14. Both the cases, print the page as acrobat PDF format
15. Send message SMS or Voice call to the configured users
16. Less User interventions
17. Ability to use more than one page during special occations


• Story creation user date time

• Proof time
• Photograph detach attach time
• Story ready time
• Page ready time, User for all Unit / Edition
• Overset report
• Duplicate report
• Contact details like Name of immediate relative of deceased, Phone, Email, Agent's details need
to be stored for future use in a separate DB.

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