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Pidato Bahasa Inggris dalam rangka Hari Anak

Tema "Smart In Using Social Media To Reach Golden Generation"

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh…
(Salam Pembuka)
Your Excellencies the committee,
The honorable of jury,
Dear my friends who participates in this speech contest,
And my loving brothers and sisters

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day after,
the creator of everything in this Universe, where he has no partner. He has also
given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence,
we could attend here in a good situation.
Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has
taught us the cardinal principles of the unity of God, obliged us to confess it
with the tongue and believe it in the heart. He also has brought us from the
darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness, in the other word
“Minaz Zulumati Ilannur”

Ladies and Gentlemen

Indeed, it is very great pleasure for me in this precious chance to deliver
my speech to the most honorable audiences entitled: "Pengaruh Penggunaan
Media Sosial Terhadap Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa"
Previously I wanted to ask, do friends here have social media? Of course
you do, right? Yes, I think it looks like you have social media.
What is social media anyway?
And why is it so important for students' learning achievement?
To answer those questions, let's listen to my speech well.
Social media is an internet platform where users can easily participate, share
and create content including blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and virtual
worlds. Blogs, social networks and wikis are the most common forms of social
media used by people around the world.
Social media is one of the instant media that currently has various functions
in its role. Besides functioning as a tool for communication, social media is also
a means for its users to explore various information. WhatsApp, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, Line Tiktok, Website, etc. are examples of social media.
In its current journey, social media has become one of the main things that
every student must have, because of the demands of the times it is not
uncommon for some children to think that using social media is a must, it is
incomplete if they do not use social media remembering that we are currently in
the era of globalization, all things are easy for us to accept without having to
filter them first, starting from positive and negative things, everything is on
social media, therefore we must be able to use social media for useful things so
that the GOLDEN GENERATION which is the goal of the Indonesian nation in
2045 is realized.
Ladies and gentlemen
In terms of the benefits of improving student learning performance, social
media can be a source of information and knowledge so that students can find
information related to material at school and help students complete
assignments easily. This can make students more creative and active to learn.
Which will also make students will be able to mastery, understanding and
even able to apply the learning material well in their daily lives. If this happens
then of course the end is that student performance will gradually increase. In
addition to improving learning achievement, social media can also be used as a
reference for students in their learning while at school, when he feels that it is
difficult to understand the material, he will look for other references on social
media which will make him able to sort and choose the right information so that
it can train his critical thinking. This will also improve student learning
achievement while at school.
Many social media platforms and the easiness that can be obtained in
accessing, should make students more active and more independent in learning
because the truth is that we do not only get knowledge at school but also
through many things.
Lastly, lets conclude that social media has various types and many benefits if
used properly the convenience of accessing social media can be useful for
finding new information and other references in learning, it will be beneficial to
the quality of a student which can improve student achievement itself.
Therefore, if we use social media properly, it is not impossible that we will get a
positive influence from social media so that this will be returned to each of us
about how to use social media well, wisely, and effectively.
So let's be wise in using social media together.
To achieve the golden generation of Indonesia!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think it’s completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are
caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT.
So, I beg your pardon, finally I say.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

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