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Question 1: 

Developer are responsible for deploying your application in a Kubernetes cluster in GCP.
You have created an application based on microservices and each microservice runs in a
separate container. When, if ever, would your developer will  consider running more than one
container in a single pod?

You would not, that is not supported.

When they use the same persistent storage

When the containers are tightly coupled and have similar life cycles

When they use the same database
When containers are tightly coupled and have similar life cycles you might run them in a
single pod. It is common practice to run one container per pod. The common use of persistent
storage or a database is not a reason to place two or more containers in the same pod.
Question 2: Correct
In GCP Who can change the billing account linked to a project?

Any project auditor

Only Google Support

Any project editor

The project owner

Any project billing administrator
Google Support does not generally get involved in changing project billing accounts.
Auditors cannot (should not be able to) make changes. Project editors and users do not have
authority to make billing changes.
Question 3: Incorrect
You have mapped /static/* to gs://resources_bucket/ and you are using HTTPS Load
Balancer to serve the contents from a host, the request to HTTPS LB will try to serve
gs://resources_bucket/static/path/to/content.jpg. When you hit the DNS, you get “The
specified key doesn’t exist” error. What could be the reason?

Object in the bucket is missing

Load balancer doesn’t have required permission to access the bucket

Content of the bucket is privately stored

HTTPS is not able to serve the content from the bucket
The error is observed when the requested object is not available in the
Question 4: Incorrect
You navigate to the Activity Log for a project containing a GKE cluster that you created a
while ago.   If you filter the Resource Type to “GCE VM Instance”, what you can expect to

None of these

You will see lines of the form “YOUR_EMAIL created

You will not see any lines because the instances are owned by GKE.

You will see lines of the form “DEFAULT_GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT created
Log lines for GKE node creation will show up in the activity log.

Question 5: Skipped
In your company ,A group of analysts developing machine learning applications have created
a Linux virtual machine instance and installed several machine learning tools on the boot
disk. They would like to quickly create other instances for machine learning but don’t want to
manually install the machine learning tools each time they start an instance. What would you
recommend they do?

Make a backup of the directories where the machine learning tools are located and restore
from the backup after creating a new instance

Write a script to install the machine learning tools and run that script after starting an

Make a snapshot of the boot disk where the tools were installed and use the snapshot
when creating an instance by specifying the snapshot as the boot disk

Use only tools already available with the installed operating system
nce the tools have been installed you can create a snapshot and specify that snapshot as the
boot disk source
Question 6: Skipped
For your new project in GCP, You are planning to use GPUs for your system .  Which of the
following statements is true about using the pricing calculator for this situation?

GPUs can be entered on both the GCE and GKE tabs.

None of these

GPUs are always entered on the GPU tab.

GPUs can be entered on any of the GCE, GKE, and GAE tabs.
The pricing calculator does not have a GPU tab. App Engine doesn’t support GPUs. GPUs
can be entered on the GKE tab. GPUs can be entered on the GCE tab.

Question 7: Skipped
You need to host a legacy accounting process on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server . Which of
the following is the best option for this?




Question 8: Skipped
Your manager wants to run large numbers of containers more efficiently while minimizing
the cost of administering those containers. You suggest a managed service to reduce
administrative overhead. Which service would you recommend?

Cloud Dataproc

Kubernetes Engine

Cloud Dataflow

Compute Engine
Kubernetes Engine is GCP’s managed container orchestration service and meets the
requirements. You could use Compute Engine to run containers but that would require more
systems administration than Kubernetes Engine. Cloud Dataproc is a managed Hadoop and
Spark service and Cloud Dataflow is a stream and batch processing managed service based
on Apache Beam so neither would meet the requirements.
Question 9: Skipped
Your security team has asked to disabled a custom role editor from the project which might
require deletion from your Google Cloud Platform console. The security team will inform
you when to perform the deletion of the role. Suggest the correct gcloud command to perform
the deletion.

gcloud iam roles disable editor --project [project_id]

gcloud iam roles disable editor --project-id [project_id]

gcloud iam roles update editor --project-id [project_id] --stage disable

gcloud iam roles update editor --project [project_id] --stage disabled
Question 10: Skipped
In your company, A colleague asks for your help diagnosing a problem with some of their
instance groups. It appears that when the overall workload decreases, the instance groups
remove more instances than should be to meet the lower workload. What would you suggest
your colleague do to correct this problem?

Decrease the maximum number of instances

Increase the minimum number of instances

Increase the cool down period to allow more time for an instance to finish so the
autoscaler ignores those instances when making a scale down decision.

Change the metric used to determine when to scale up or down
During the cool down period, the autoscaler does not take a VMs metrics into account when
making scale down decisions so increasing this period will give instances more time to
complete initialization and start taking on load. Increasing the minimum or decreasing the
maximum number of instances will not stop thrashing. Changing the metric used might avoid
thrashing but a metric that avoids thrashing may not be measuring a metric useful for scaling
Question 11: Skipped
Which of the following is not an abstraction used to control and implement computing
processes in Kubernetes?




PersistentVolumeClaims is an abstraction used to managed persistent storage in Kubernetes.
The other options are all used for controlling and implementing compute processes.
Question 12: Skipped
You are using CLI, you have been asked to list the name of active account. Which of the
following command will you use?

gcloud project list

gcloud account list

gcloud config list

gcloud auth list
To list the active account name, we use gcloud auth list.

Question 13: Skipped
For your new project you are planning a log analysis system to be deployed on GCP. Which
of the following would be the best service for processing streamed logs?

Stackdriver Logging

Big Table

Cloud Dataproc

Cloud Dataflow
Question 14: Skipped
Your client wants to migrate their 40 TB of Hadoop or Spark cluster from a RHEL 6.5 on-
premise servers to Google Cloud Platform. Which of the following service can be used at
GCP end?

App Engine

Compute Engine

Big Query

Data Proc
Dataproc A faster, easier, more cost-effective way to run Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop

Question 15: Skipped
Your project requirement is to run a single-node database on GKE. Which of the following
things do you need to consider?

GKE handles disk replication across pods

You should use a DaemonSet object

You should use PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim objects

You should use DataSet and DataSetReplication objects
Databases are about preserving information--about keeping and not losing data. so we need to
make sure that GKE  store and need to keep it around. To do this, we need Persistent
Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims.
Question 16: Skipped
You are asked to create 2 users for your new team members on GCP console. You add the
users to IAM and when you click on select a roles you find primitive roles to set project-level
permissions. Which of the following role is not included in primitive roles list?




Primitive roles have 4 levels of permissions: a) Owner, b) Browser(beta), c) Editor, d)

Question 17: Skipped
In your company , a group of data scientists are developing machine learning models in
Google Cloud. They have tried a number of different machine types but are still not achieving
the performance they would like. You suggest using GPUs. What parameters can you
configure when attaching a GPU?

GPU type and number of GPUs

GPU type only

GPU type, number of GPUs, and amount of memory on each GPU

Number of GPUs only because there is only 1 GPU type
Users can specify which type of GPU they would like and how many of them they would
like. There is no option for changing the memory on each GPU.
Question 18: Skipped
What feature of Kubernetes is used to segment nodes in a Kubernetes cluster?

Node Pools

Node Services

Node Instance groups

Node deployments
Node pools are used to segment nodes in a cluster and are implemented using managed
instance groups. The other options are not actually components of Kubernetes.
Question 19: Skipped
A financial company has a retention policy of 5 years. The records older then 4 months get
accessed a few times in each quarter for reporting purposes. Company is using Cloud Storage
to store all their records and is looking for a cost effective archiving solution. Which object
lifecycle management option would you recommend to this use case ?

Condition: age:365, action:type:SetStorageClass, storageClass: COLDLINE

Condition: creationDate: 20161130 action:type:SetStorageClass,

Condition: creationDate:20161130 action:type:SetStorageClass, storageClass:

Condition: age:365, action:type:SetStorageClass, storageClass: NEARLINE
condition to check the age of the records and store it in Nearline which is the cheapest
archival storage in this case.

Question 20: Skipped
You have a new  GKE cluster setup , however it  has fluctuating load over the course of each
day and you would like to reduce costs.  What should you do to handle fluctuating load in

In the GCE console, add the nodes to a managed instance group.

In the GKE console, edit the cluster and enable cluster autoscaling.

Write a script to recreate the cluster as demand changes.

Run `gcloud container clusters resize mycluster --size=auto`
Clusters are editable, not immutable, and should not be recreated because of changes in
Question 21: Skipped
Which of the following gcloud command lets you view the details of a custom subnet you
created in a particular region?

gcloud compute networks subnets view [SUBNET_NAME] --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets describe [SUBNET_NAME] --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets list [SUBNET_NAME] --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets read [SUBNET_NAME] --region us-central1
describe flag gives a detailed description of the subnet mentioned in the command.

Question 22: Skipped
You have deployed a  new GKE cluster that currently has eight nodes but will soon run out of
capacity.  What should you do?

Clusters are immutable so simply create a new cluster for the larger workload.

In the GKE console, edit the cluster and specify the new desired size.

Run `gcloud compute instances create gke-9`

Nothing. GKE is always fully managed and will scale up by default.
Clusters are editable, not immutable, and should not be recreated because of changes in
demand. Cluster autoscaling is an optional setting. You do not manage nodes via GCE.
Question 23: Skipped
In your company , a team of data scientists has deployed an instance group of VMs running a
custom Python application. The instance group has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8
instances. The instance group is constantly running with 12 instances although none of the
instances has CPU utilization over 50%. What would you do to reduce the number of
instances running and increase CPU utilization?

Use a Stackdriver memory metric to determine when to add instances

Reduce the maximum number of instances one at a time until CPU utilization hits the
desired target.

Use CPU utilization as the metric to determine when to scale and ensure it is set to the
appropriate level of CPU utilization you are targeting.

Use HTTP load balancing servicing capacity
Question 24: Skipped
For your new work in Google Cloud , you need to process data streamed from Cloud
Pub/Sub.  Which of the following is a managed service that would handle this situation?

Cloud Dataflow

Cloud Dataproc

App Engine

Cloud SQL
App Engine is not made to handle processing of this type. Cloud Data proc is made for
running Hadoop/Spark clusters but does not support streaming jobs.

Cloud Dataflow is for newly-built processing that can take advantage of Apache Beam and
supports both batch and streaming.

Question 25: Skipped
You are working as a Cloud Engineer in a start up and have been asked to use Cloud Storage
with a minimum budget of $0.006 - $0.012 per GB/Month to store their product info
document files. Which storage class would you recommend?




Coldline is priced at the price between $0.004 - $0.014 per GB/Month
Question 26: Skipped
You have an application running on-premises in a cluster of VMs. The application uses a load
balancer to distribute work across the cluster. This application is to be migrated to Google
Cloud. What kind of instance group would you use?

Hybrid instance group

Managed instance group

Unmanaged instance group

Heterogeneous instance group
Only a managed instance group can load balance workloads across instances; unmanaged
instance groups do not support load balancing. Heterogeneous and hybrid are not types of
instance groups
Question 27: Skipped
GCP provides instance groups to manage virtual machines as a single instance. If you are
migrating a group of instances that have different configurations from on-premises to Google
Cloud, which kind of instance group would you recommend?

Hybrid instance group

Managed instance group

Heterogeneous instance group

Unmanaged instance group
An unmanaged instance group is used when the instances in the group are not identically
configured. Managed instance groups are used for identically configured instances.
Heterogeneous and hybrid are not types of instance groups.
Question 28: Skipped
You are running the command `gcloud compute instances list`, and the response that you
see is `HTTPError 403: Access Not Configured.`.

What may be the reason for this error message?

Your user account does not have read access to any of the currently running instances.

The GCE API has not yet been enabled for this project.

The GCE API has not yet been enabled for this Cloud Shell instance.

The startup script for this Cloud Shell instance has not yet finished running.
APIs must be enabled at the project level, and 403 can indicate that that has not yet been
Question 29: Skipped
You need to to list objects in a newly-created GCS bucket that you created for production
deployment. Which of the following would allow you to do this?




Question 30: Skipped
You are planning a log analysis system to be deployed on GCP. Which of the following
would be the best way to ingest the logs?

Activity Log

Cloud Pub/Sub

Stackdriver Logging

Cloud Storage
Stackdriver Logging is perfect for accepting many logs, and is a better choice than Cloud
Pub/Sub for the initial ingestion
Question 31: Skipped
Your dev team wants you to update a viewer role in your google cloud platform project using
CLI. The roles has access to App Engine list and get method and you have been asked to add
the cloud storage list and get permissions. The changes were reflected after your ran the
command but the user complain that they are unable to view the content of Cloud Storage
buckets using CLI. What could be the most appropriate reason?

Cloud Storage permission needs to be created and attached separately

The API for Cloud Storage is not enabled

The App Engine permission in the roles are overlapping the new permissions.

The API of App Engine needs to be disabled
It is possible that the Cloud Storage API is not enabled for the project, hence the users are not
able to access it using CLI

Question 32: Skipped
None of the available instance types in Compute Engine meet your needs. You would like to
configure a custom machine. What resources can you specify on a custom machine?

Memory Only

vCPU and disk only

vCPU only

vCPU and memory only
you can specify the number of vCPUs and the amount of memory. You can specify the disks
you would like to attach to virtual machines in general.

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