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11 Train Movement and

Energy Consumption
uctionTypical Sped Time (urven Crent. Spoerd, Average Speed aned Sehedue Spe
of Train
'aetors Affectin Schedule SpedSimplifid SpeedTimes Curve%Mechanies
MvementTractive Effort For Propulnion of "Train Power utput From Driving Ax
Energy utput From Driving Axlo-Determination f Speeifi: Energy Output Using Sinplilie
Spced Time CurveP'actorH Affecting Spe:ific Energy Conaumptinn f a n Electri
Given Schedule Specd- Dead Wight, Accelerating Weight and Adhesiv
Operating on a

Weight-Solved Examples-xercines Problem.

Lrains and their
The movement of cnergy

consumption c a n be mOst convenicntly


studicd by means of spced-time and specd

distance curves, which show respectively
the different time instants aler
speed at BRAKINCG
the start of run and the specd at
distances from the starting point. Of

the two, the speed-time curve is gcnerally

the more useful. 200 400t 600 B0o 1,1.000 1.200
The curve drawn between speed and ACCELERATION TIME IN SECONDS
time, taking specd (in km/hour) on
For Main Line Sert
Typical Sperd-Time Curve

Y-11xis and time (in seconds or minutes) Fig. 11.1

n X-axis, is known as sperd-tunecurv
information of the motion of the train. This c u r v e
The speed-time c u r v e provides complete
of the c u r v e
instants after the start of r u n directly. Slope
Hives thc speed at various time The a r e a covered
at any point gives the acccleration at
the corresponding instant o r speed.
the instants betwcen which the time
by the curve, the time axis and the
ordinates through
15 Taken, represents the distance covered in the correspondipg timC
(fig. 11.1) mainly (1) nitial acceleration (tu) c o n s t a n t specd
consists of
Spced-time curve
for m a i n line
retardation. TypICal speed-time c u r v e
runor free run (iii) coasting and (iu)
Service is shown in fig. 11.1
known as (a) constant acceleration or acceleration
() Acceleration. It consists of two parts
c u r v e running o r acceleration an the speed curve.
While notching up and (6) specd Acceleration During Nolching Up. During notching
(a) Constant Acceleralion o r constant and the voltage a c r o s s
maintained approXImatoly
up period (0 to t,) the current is resistance. Thus tractive eftort
the starting
m t o r is gradually increased by cutting out
constant dur1ng this period.
acceleration r e m a i n s
Onstant and, therefore,
Acceleration o n Speea Curve, During speed curve
6) Speed Curve Running o r Lhe n o t o r remalns constant and current starts
unning (, to t ) the voltage acting
according to le churilc'teriatiCs of the motor and
Creasing with the incrcase in specd
428 Electric Traction
finally the current taken by the motor becomes constant. During this period, though the
train accelerates but acceleration decreases with the increase in speed and
finally becomes
zero at the speed at which the tractive effort
developed by the motor becomes exactly equal
to the resistance to motion of the train.
(ii) Free Run o r Constant Speed Run. At the end of speed curve running i.e. at t,
the train attains the maximum
speed. During this period the train runs with constant
speed attained at t and constant power is drawn.
iii) Coasting. At the end of free running period (i.e. at
the train is allowed to t) power supply is cut off and
under its own momentum. The
speed of train starts decreasing
on account of resistance to the motion of
train. The rate
of decrease of speed during coasting
period is known a s caasting retardation
(iu) Retardation or Braking Period. At the end of
brakes are applied to bring the train to rest. coasting period (i.e. at t the
During this period speed decreases rapidly and
finally reduces to zero.
1. Urban o r City Service. In
urban or city service the distance between
the two stops 1s
comparatively very short (say 1 km or so). The time required for this run is
minutes). The acceleration as well as retardation is very smail (few
speed and short time of run is obtained. The acceleration and
io be high so that
high average
retardation for urban
is between 1.5 and 4
kmphps and between 3 and 4 kmphps respectively. Free runservice is not
present in this run. The coasting retardation is about 0.15
also small. Typical speed time curve kmphps. The coasting period is
for urban service is shown in
2. Suburban Service. In this
service the distance between the
fig. 11.2.
than urban service but smaller than stops is little longer
main line service (say between 1 and 8
is still not possible.
Coasting is for a comparatively longer period. Acceleration km). Free run
required are as and retardation
highas for urban service.





20 40 60 30
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Typical Speed-Time Curve
For Urban Service Typrcal Speed-Time-Curte
For Suburban Sertice
Fig. 11.2
Fig. 11.3
3. Main Line Service. The distance between two stops in main line
service is considerably
more (usually morethan 10 km). In this service free run is of
of acceleration and retardation is a longer duration. The duration
small fraction of total
acceleration and retardation does not affect the running time. Since rate ot
average and schedule speeds, therefore,
these are of little importance in main line service.
Movement ana
Train Energy Consumption
Characteristics or Varlous types of
services are
given below:
Table 11.1
Type of Acceleration
Service in kmphps Retardation
in kmphps Maximum
Speed in Distance Special
between Remarks
1 Urban 1.5 to 4.00 kmph Stations in km
3 to 4
No free running

Suburban 1.5 to 4.00

period, coasting
2 3 to 4
120 1 to 8 km
No free running
period, coasting
3 Main Line 0.6 to 0.8
1.5 period-long
160 More than Free running and
10 km
coasting periods-long.
Acceleration and
braking periods
comparatively small.
The acceleration and free-running periods are
of the electric traction motors, and these must be
governed by the speed-torque characteristics
he determined. Coasting and braking are governedavailable before this part of the curve can
by the train
braking retardation respectively. The actual resistance and the allowable
be somewhat different from the above due to
shape of any particular
speed-time curve may
the existence of
lengths of run. gradients and with different
Crest Speed. The maximum speed attained by the vehicle
during the run is known as crest speed.
Average Speed. The mean of the speeds from start to stop i.e. the distance
between two stops divided by the actual time of run is covered
known as average speed.
Mathematically average speed -Distance
=. between stops
Actual time of run, T
Schedule Speed. The ratio of distance covered between two stops and total time of run
including time of stop is known as schedule speced.
Mathematically schedule speed =Dstance between stops
Actual time of run + stop time
from above it is obvious that the schedule
speed is always smaller than the average
Pe The difference is large in case of urban and suburban services and is negligibly
small in case of main line service.


Schedule speed of a given train when running on a given service (i.e. with a given
ance between stations) is affected by the following factors:
Acceleration and braking retardation.
Maximum or crest speed.
Duration of stop.
Effect of Acceleration and Braking Retardation. For a given run and with fixed
Deed the increase in acceleration will result in decrease in actual time of run and.
re, Increase in schedule speed. Similarly increase in braking retardation will affect the
430 Electric Traction

schedule speed. Variation in acceleration and retardation will have more effect on schedule
speed in case of shorter distance run in comparison to longer distance run.

2. Effect of Maximum Speed. For a constant distance run and with fixed acceleration
and retardation the actual time of run will decrease, and therefore, schedule speed will
increase with the increasein crest speed. The effect of variation in crest speed on schedule
speed is considerable in case of long distance run.
3.Effect of Duration of Stop. For a given average speed the schedule speed will increase
by reducing the duration of stop. The variation in duration of stop will affect the schedule speed
more in case of shorter distance run as compared to longer distance run. It is because stops in
case of urban and suburban services are kept very small (say 15 to 20 seconds). When the
distance between stations is much larger and duration of actual run is long as in case of main
line service, station stop has less conspicuous effect on the schedule speed.


In order to study the performance
of a service at different schedule
speeds the speed-time curves aree
replaced by simple geometric
shaped curves. From these
simplified curves the relationships
between acceleration, retardation,
average speed and distance can be
easily worked out. These can have
either quadrilateral or trapezoidal
shape. TIME
The speed-time curve of an (a) (b)
urbanservice can be
replaced by Approximate Speed-Time Curves
anequivalent speed-time curve of Fig. 11.4
simple quadrilateral shape. The speed-time curve of a main line
service is best and most easily
replaced by a trapezoid. Since the area of the speed-time curve represents the total distance
travelted hence the areas of the two curves should be same. The values of acceleration and
retardation are also kept the same as those of the
original speed-time curve. In case of simplified
trapezoidal speed-time curve, speed curve running and coasting periods are replaced by constant
speed period, as illustrated in fig. 11.4 (a). While in case of quadrilateral speed-time curve.
initial acceleration and coasting periods are extended, as illustrated in
fig. 11.4 (b).
The following examples illustrate the methods of calculations.
1. Calculations By Trapezoidal
Speed-Time Curve g
Let a =
Acceleration in kmphps
B Retardation in kmphps
V = Crest speed in kmph
T = Total time of run in secondS.

Time for acceleration in seconds, t, =

Time for retardation in seconds, t

Trapezoidal Specd-Time Cute
Fig 115
ovement and
Train Consumption
ri me for free running in
seconds. t, T =

t, + t,) T-

istance of run in km.s =

Distance travelled
, =

during free run + during acceleration + distance travelea

distance travelled during
3,600 V,
3,600 2 3,600
Substituting , =, t= and
T-T-, we get
7,200a 3.600
or S = V V
7.200a V V
3,600a 3,600p 7.200
3.600 7,200a
7.200p ...(11.1)
or S 0
3.6002a 2B 3,600
or Va - V,T+3,600S = 0

This is quadratic equation for V,


Substituting+= K
KVR-VT+3.600S =

or V = T-4Kx3,600 S ,600 S
2K K
The+ve sign cannot be adopted, as value of
V obtained by using +ve sign will be
much higher than that is possible in practice. Hence ve
therefore, we have sign will be used and, -

T2 3,600 S
2K V4K2 K .(11.2)
From the above equation unknown quantity can be
determined by substituting the value of known quantities.
2. Calculation By Quadrilateral Speed-Time
Curve. Let
Acceleration in kmphps
P=Coastingretardation in kmphps
B Braking retardation in kmphps
V, = Maximum speed at the end of acceleration in kmph
V2 = Speed at the end ofcoasting in kmph
T Total time ofrun in seconds

in seconds.
of acceleration t, =

Quadrilateral Speed-.Time Curve

Fig. 11.6
Electric Traction

Time of coasting in seconds, t, = - V

Time of braking in seconds t =

Total distance travelled in km.

S Distance travelled during acceleration + distance travelled during coasting
+distance travelled during retardation

_,V+Vx 3,600 vx 3,600


= 7,200 7,200
Vpa 7,2001 Vg(t *+a)
7.200 t)
7,200 7,200
or S

Since , + 2 +t = T

or S = = T
+V,) -_a-Vh
7.200 7,200
or 7.200+V,)- - - x . x = V,+v,) 7,200
7,200B 7,200 7.200 a
or 7.200 S =T(V, + -V,V ...(11.3)
We have
V =V, -

B/2 =
V, -

P.(T -

t -

t) =
V, -P.T-
or -.T - T(V1+V2)4920os
V-,T+ v,

Solving equations (11.3) and (11.4) values of S, V, V2 etc. can be obtained.

Example 11.1. The speed-time curve of a train consists of:
)Uniform acceleration of 6 km/h/s for 25 s;
(ii) Free running for l0 minutes;
(ii) Uniform deceleration of 6 km/h/s to stop the train;
(iu) A stop of 5 minutes.
Find the distance between the stations, the
average and schedule speeds.
A.M.I.E. Sec B. Electric Drives and Their Control Winter 1996]
Solution Acceleration, a = 6 kmphps
Accelerating period, t, = 25 seconds
Maximum speed. V at
= = 6 x 25 =
150 kmph
Time for free running, t, 10 60 seconds
= x
Retardation, B =6 kmphps
Time for retardation, t = = = 25 seconds

Distance travelled during acceleration period, S, =

n 150x 2525 F
2 3,600 3,600 48
T.ain Movement and
Energy Conwunmption

Distance travelled
during free running, S,
3,600 2 km
Distance travelled
during braking period, , 02 2 krn
Total distance 7,200 7,200
between stations, 8 =8, +
, +
26%.042 km Ans
Average speed, V. S 3,600
25600 2
114.23 kmph
Schedule speed, An
V, S3,600 2%.042 3,000
Example 11.2. An electric stop line
train has
1.400 m apart. It is
accelerated at 1.7
average speed of 42 98.6 kmph Ans.
3.3 kmphps. Draw the
speed-time and is brakedkmph
kmphps on a level track hetween
curve for the at sps
Acceleration, a =
1.7 kmphps

Retardation. ß =
Distance of run, S =
1,400 m 1.4 km
Average speed, V, =
42 kmph
Time of run, T
x 3,600 3600
120 seconds
Using equation V,, T T2 3,600 S
2K V4K? K
where K 66 0.4456 30 6s
- 736s

158 s

Fig. 11.7
Maximum speed, 120
V,m2x0.4456 2x 0.4456
3600 x 1.4
0.4456 52kmph
Acceleration period, t, = =
30.6 seconds
Braking period, t =-
= =
15.8 seconds
Free running period, t, T
= -

(0, +
t) =
120 -

(30.6 + 15.8) =
73.6 seconds.
Ahe desired speed-time curve is shown in fig. 11.7.
ample 11.3. A schedule speed of
46 km per hour is required between two stops 1.6 km
Find the maximum
speed over the run if the stop is of 20 second duration. apart.
The values of
acceleration and retardation are 2.4 kmphps and 3.2
kmphps Assume respectively.
trapezoidal speed-time curve. a
B.T.E. U.P. Electric Traction 2003
Solution: Acceleration, a 2.4

Relardation. B = 3.2 kmphps

Distance of run, S = 1.5 kmn
Schedule speed, V,. = 45 kmph
Eleetrle Traction

rtuat tte for vun, t T, duraton= 20 20 100 necond

'stttg equaton (tL) we have

Maxumunn speed, V ,G00 S

whe K 2 2 2.4 2x3.2 0:G

100 T00 3,6i00 1b74kmph Ans.

0,3646 4 (0. G46) 0,3646
a p l e 1l4 An electrle train is to have aceeleration and braking rotnrdation of 0.8 kn/h/s und
S. v h s espectively. If the ratio of maximum to average apeed in 1.3 and time for ntops 26
seconds, Nnd sohedule spoed for a run of
1.6 km. Assume aimpllfled trapezoidal speed-tinne curve.
/Gorakhpur Univ. Uilisation of Elecetrical Power & Traction Sept. 1984
Solution: Let the actual time of run be T seconds

Average speod, V, G00S3,600 x1.55,400 km per hour

Naximunm speed, V,,= 1.3 V, = 3 x ,400 7,020 kun
per hour

V 2 r + 3.6008 =

V VT-3,600S 7,020x"r-3,G00
x1.5 7,020-5,400
2u 2 2x0.8 2x3.2
or V , = 1.620 x 6.4 45.53 kmph

and V, A5.53=
35.028 kmph
Actual time of run T ",600S 3,600x1.5
154 seconds =
Schedule time, T, =
Actual time of run + time of stop =
154 + 26 180 seconds
Schedule speed, V, = Sx3,6001.5X3,600
T 180
=30 kmph Ans.
Esample 11.5. The distance between two stations is 1 knm and
the schedule
Assuming braking retardation 3 kmphps andspeed
station stopping time 20 seconds. is 30 kmph,
1.26 tines the average
speed. Determine the acceleration required to run maximum speed
time c r v e is approximated by a the service if the speed
trapezoidal curve.
B.T.E. U.P. Electric Traction 2001/
Solution: Schedule time of run, T, = Sx3,600 =
o =
120 seconds
V 30
Actual time of run, T
T, duration of stop
= -

120 20 100 seconds
Average speed, V., =X3,6001x3, G00 = 36 kmph
Maximum speed, V, =
1.25 V, =
1.25 x 36 =
45 kmph
Using equation (11.1) we have

VT+3,G00S = 0
Tratn Movement and Energy Conumptlon

VT 3,600846 10 3,600 1 4
2 21 V (45)2
4 1
21 2

8 kmphps Ans.
Example 11.6. A uburban electrio traln has a maximum speed of 70 kmph. The nchedule speed
ineluding n atation ntop of 30 neconds iu 46 kmph. If the ueeeleratlon b 1.kmphps, ind the vlus
of retardation when the avernge distance between
stop» is 4 hm.
A.M.I. Sec B. Uilination of Elec, Iower Winter 19BAJ
8 3,600x 4
Solution: Sehedule time of run, 'T 3, 600 320 seconds
Actual time of run, T = "T, - duration of wtop = 320 - 30 290 seronds

Since V V,T+ 3,G00S= 0

2 2p

or VT-3,600S 70 x 290-3,600x 4
2 2 V (70)

Or 204 204- (0,87

2 2u 2x 1.5

or= 0.575 knphps Ans.

2x 0.87
Aample 11.7. A train in required to run between two stations 1.6 km upart at an average npeed
of 40 kmph. The run in to be made to a wimplified quadrilateral speed-time curve. If the maximum
peed is to be limited to 04 kmph, nceeleration to 2.0 kmphps and coastinx and braking rotardation
to 0.16 kmphps and 3.2 kmphps respectively, determine the duration of accelerntion, coasting and
braking periods. Gorakhpur Univ. Uiliuation of Electrical Power with Traction 1980;
Pb. Univ. Electric and Utilization January 1991||
Solution Distance of run, S = 1.6 km
Average speed, V, = 40 km per hour
Maximum speed, V, = 64 km per hour
Acceleration, a = 2.0 kmphps
Coasting retardation, B. = 0.16 kmphps
Braking retardation, = 3.2 kmphps

Duration of acceleration, t, = = 4
32 seconds Ans. V
Actual time of run, T = 3.600 S 3,600x 1.6 = 144 seconds
V 40
Let the speed before applying brakes be V2
64 V
then duration of coasting, t2 seconds V

Duration of braking. t, = V seconds

Since actual time of run, T = , t l2 +

144 = 324 4- V
0.16 3.2
leotrle Trantion


V , 6 km pr hour

Daton of V 4 48.6
coant ipt, 06, M neeondn An
Duraton of braking, , 1Hb I6.16neeondn Anw.
asental driving mechaniam of an MOVEMENT PINION OF MOTOR
oloctrice locomotive m
wown in tig.
1.8, The urmature of the driving motor r ROAD WHEEL
has a pinon of
diumotor d' attachod to it. The tractivo
ffort at the edge of the GFAR WHEE
pinion in tranaferrod to tho
drivmg whcel by means of a gear wheel.
Let the driving
motor exort a T in Nm.
Tractivo effort at the edge of torquo
pinion givon by th0

or 2T
Tractive offort transferred TransmiRsion of Tractine Efort
to the driving wheol Fig. 11.8

where d is diameter of 2011.5)

gear wheel in metres, D is diumoter of
driving wheel in metres and
i s the efficiency of transmission, y
is the gear
The maximum frietional force
ratio and is equal to
between the driving wheel and
is the cocfficicnt of udhesion
betweon the driving the track =uW where
of the train on the wheel and the track and W is the weight
driving axles (called adhesive weight).
tractive effort 1
uW. For motion of trains without
Slipping will not take place unless
than or at the most
cqual to pW but in no case greaterslipping tractive effort F should be less
The magnitude of the than uW.
tractive effort that can be
depends upon the weight coming over the employed for propulsion, therctore.
hetween the driving wheel and the driving wheels and the coefficient of adhesion
track. The cocfficient of
of tractive effort to
slip the wheels and adhesive adhesion is defined as the ratio
i.'C'ocflicient of adhesion, u= ractive effort to slip the wheels
Adhesive weight
td 1.6)
The coefficient of
adhesion reduces with the increase in speed as shown
Table 11.2. Varintion below in Table 11.2.
of coefficient of adhesion with
speed on dry rails.
Speed in kmph
15 30 5 G0 75
Cofficient of Adhesion 0.25 0.18 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09
Theormal value of coofficient of udhesion with
elean dry rails is 0.25 and
reasy rails the Value may be as low as (0,08. with wet or
ctric traction has a Very Inportant
c e a t t of greater adhesive weight
advantage over steam traction and that is on
- n a motor coach 100
eiin wheeli, inan eloctrie 1ocomotVe percent of the weight is on the
70 percent whereas in a steam locomotive less than
Train Movement and Energy Consumption 437
50 percent. The coefficient of adhesion in electric traction is also greater than that n steam
traction due to the following two reasons.
() In electric traction the torque exerted is
torque is pulsating which causes jolting and continuous whereas in steam traction the
(ii) In electric traction the skidding.
driving wheels
whereas in steam traction they are close to are distributed
over a much
greater length
each other.
Since higher value of tractive effort
can be used in electric
train can be made to accelerate at a traction. theretore. an electric
faster rate. This results in saving of time.
when the distance between
stops is small eg. in urban and suburban areas.
The etfective force. necessary to propel the train. atOF TRAIN
the wheels of
tangential to the driving wheels and measuredlocomotive is called
tractive efort. It is the
Total in newtons.
tractive effort required to run a train on track
Tractive effort required for
linear and angular acceleration
+tractive effort to overcome the effect
effort to
of gravity tractive -

overcome the train resistance.

or F, =F, F, - F,
XTractive Effort For Acceleration. According to laws of dynamics for s
to accelerate the motion of the body and is given by the expression
Force Mass x acceleration
Consider a train of weight W tonnes being acceierated at a kmphps
The weight of train =1.000 W kgf
Mass of train. n =
1.000 W kg
Acceleration = a kmphps = ax- 1.000 m/s? =0.2778 a m/s
Tractive effort required for linear acceleration.
F m a =1,000 W x 0.277S a = 277.S Wa newtons .(11.8)
With the linear acceler tion of the train. the rotating parts of the train such as wheels
and motors also accelerate in an angular direction. and therefore. the tractive effort required
is equal to the arithmetic sum of tractive effort required to have the angular acceleration of
rotating parts and tractive effort required to have the linear acceleration. The tractive effort
required to hare the angular acceleration depends upon the individual weight, radius OE
gyration etc. of the rotating parts requiring angular acceleration. Hence the equivalent or
accelerating weight of the train is taken as W, which is higher than the dead weight W
requiring linear acceleration to consider the tractive effort for the angular acceleration. n
practice W, is higher than W by 8 to 15%. The normal value lies between 10 and 12 percent.
Hence tractive effort requured for acceleration
F =277.8 W. a newtons .(11.9)
2. Tractive Effort For Overcoming The Effect of Gravity. When a train is on a
slope, a force of gravity equaB to the component of the dead
weight along the slope acts _on
the train and tends to cause its motion down the gradient or slope.
Hence force due to gradient, F 1,000 W sin8 kg .(11.10)
But in railway work gradientis expressed as risein metres ina track W
sin W cos
distance of 100 metres and is denoted as 'percentagegradient (G°%).
Fig. 11.9
i.e. G = sin 0 x 100 or sin =G
0w.8x W
438 slectrie Tvactton
Substituting sin 8= in expression (11.10) we Net,

F= 1,000 W x = 10WG kg= 10 WG 98198.1 W newtona..(IIID

When the train is going up a gradient, the traetive effort will be required to balance thi
force due to gradient but while going down the gradient, the foree will add to tho traetiv
Tractie Effort For Oercoming Train Resistance. Train rosistance conaists of all
the forces resisting the motion of train when it is running nt unitorm s|ood on a traight
and level track. Under these
the whole of the energy output from tho driving
axles is expended against train resistance. Train resistance is due to t) he ttictuon at the
various parts of the rolling stoçk ) friction at the track and fet) i r resistunce. The first
two components constitute the
mechanical resistgnce component of train resistanco. Tho
train resistance depends
upon various factors, such as shape, sizo and condition of trnck ote..
and is expressed in newtons
per tonne of the dead weight. For a noral train tho valueof
specific resistance has been 40 to 70 newtons/tonne.
The general equation for train resistance is
given as
R =k+ k,V +k,V2 .(11.12)
k,, k2 and kz are constants depending upon the train and the track, R is the
resistance in newtons and V is the speed in kmph. The first two terms
mechanical resistance and the last term
roprosent the
represents air rosistance.
Tractive effort required to overcome the train resistance,
F. = W x r newtons
r is the specific resistance in newtons per tonne of the doud
Total tractive effprt required,
> F =F t F. +F, 277.8 Wa=
t 98.1 WG+
Wr (11.14)
+ve sign for the motion up the gradient and
- ve sign for the motion down the gradient.


Power, P =Rate of doing work
= Tractive effort x =
Tractive effort x
speed= F, x r
where is in newtons and is in
or P FxVx watts= *3,G00 kW ..(11.15) where V is in knmph.
Example 11.8. An electric train weighing 200 tonne has eight motors geared to driving wheels.
éach wheel is 90 cm diameter. Determine the torque developed by each motor to aceelerate the
train to a speed of 48 kmph in 30 seconds up a gradient of 1 in 200. The traetive resintanee i
of 60 newtons per tonne, the effect of rotational inertia is 10% of the train weight, the gear ratio
is 4 to1 and
gearing efficiency is 80 percent.
Agra Univ. Traction & Utilisation of Elec. Pouver 1983/
Solution: Weight of train, W = 200 tonnes.
Diameter of driving wheels, D = 90 cm = 0.9 m

Percentage gradient, G = 1
x 100 = 0.5%
N 1D00w siho
Fa Si'no 439
Frain Movement and Energy Con8umption

Tractive resistance, r = 50 newtons/tonne

Gear ratio, y = 4

Gearing efficieney, n =0.80

Equivalent accelerating weight of the train
W. 1.10 W = 1.1 x 200 = 220 tonnes
Maximum speed, V,m 48 kmph
Time taken in accelerating the train to a speed of 48 kmph, t, = 30 seconds

Acceleration, a = =30 1.6 kmphps

Tractive effort required, F, = 277.8 W,u + 98.1 WG + Wr
277.8 x 220 x
1.6 + 98.1 x 200 x 0.5 + 200 x 50 =
1,17,596 N

Total torque developed,T =xD 1,17,596x 0.9 = 16,537 N-m

nx 2y 0.8x 2x 4

Torque developed by each motor = 1 2,067 N-m Ans.

xample 11.9. A 200 tonne motor coach having 4 motors each developing 6,000 Nm torque during
Vacceleration, starts from rest. If the gradient is 30 in 1,000; gear ratio 4, gear transmission
efficiency 90%, wheel radius 45 cm, train resistance 50 N/tonne; addition of rotational inertia 10%.
calculate the tinme taken to attain a speed of 50 kmph. If the line voltage is 3,000 V de and
efficiency of motors 85%, find the current during notching period.
[Pb. Univ. Electric Drives and Uilization Dec. 1989
Solution Weight of train, W = 200 tonnes
Diameter of driving wheels, D = 2 x 45 9 0 em = 0.9 m

30 x
Percentage gradient, G =

100 = 3%

Tractive resistance, r = 50 N/tonne

Gear ratio, y = 4
Gear transmission efficiency, n = 90% or 0.9

Equivalent accelerating weight of the train,

W = 1.10 x 200 = 220 tonnes

Total torque developed, T = 4 x 6,000 24,000 Nm

Tractive effort, F, = nT2y 0.9 x

24,000 x 2 x4
= 1,92.000 N
D 0.9
Let the acceleration of the train be a kmphps
Then F,= 277.8 W, a + 98.1 WG + Wr
or 1,92,000 =277.8 x 220 a + 98.1 x 200 x 3 2 0 0 x 50

1,23,1400 = 2.015 kmphps

277.8 x 220

Time taken for the train to attain a speed of 50 kmph

50 = 24.82 seconds

Power output from the driving axles = FxV_ 1,92,000 Xg0

= =
2.666.7 kW
3,600 3,600

Power input = Power output2,666. 7 3.137 kW


Power input in kWx1,000 3,137x 1,000 = 1,046 A

Total current drawn
V 3.000
Electric Traction

Current drawn per motor

= 261.5 A Ans.
be driven up a n incline percent at a speed of 2
11.10. A train weighing 120 tonnes is to tonne, find the
c u r r e n t required at
ample resistance at this speed is 2 kg per
3 6 kmph. If the train is 88 percent. If the c u r r e n t were cut off,
de if the efficiency of the motors and gearing
1600 V
how long would the train take to come to rest 25,900N
Solution: Tractive effort, F, 98.1 WG = x 120 x 2 + 120
+ Wr 98.1
* 2 =
x 9.81
Speed, V 36 kmph
Power output of driving axles = Fx 25,900x36 = 259 kW
3,600 3,600
Power output 259 - 294.3 kW
Power input 0.88
Efficiency of motors and gears
input in kW x 1,000 294.3 x1,000
Current required PowerVoltage of the line 1,500
196.2 amperes Ans.

Let the coasting retardation be P

then F, = 277.8 W,-B) + 98.1 WG + Wr

Assuming We = 110 per cent of dead weight, we have

0 - 277.8 x 1.1 WB, + 98.1 x 2W + 2 x 9.81 W

98.1* 2.2 = 0.7 kmphps

Pe271.8 x1.1
Time taken to come to rest = B. = =0.7 = 51 seconds Ans.

Example 11.11. An electric train accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 48 km/hour in 24
seconds. It then coasts for 69 seconds against a constant resistance of 58 N/tonne and is braked
to rest at 3.3 km/hour/second in 11 seconds. Calculate (i) the acceleration (ii) coasting retardation
and (iii) the schedule speed, if the station stops are of 20 second duration. What would be the
effect on schedule speed of reducing the station stops to 15 second duration, other conditions
remaining same? Allow 10% for rotational inertia.
Solution: Time of acceleration, t, = 24 seconds

Time of coasting, t2 = 69 seconds

Time of braking, t3 = 11 seronds
Maximum speed, V, = 48 kmph

Acceleration, a = =
2 kmphps Ans.

Let the coasting retardation be P

F, 277.8 W-B) + 98.1 WG+ Wr
- 277.8 x 1.1 W B. + 98.1 W x 0 + 58 W

(ii) or P.
Pe na 58 0.19 kmphps Ans.
Speed at the end of coasting period V, = V, - B. x t
= 48 0.19 x 69 = 34.9 kmph

elled s = V
Distance travelled, S = (V +V2)t2 Vea km
7,200 7,200 7,200
48x24 (48+34.9)
7,200 7,200
x 69
34.91-1.0 km
Schedule time, T, = t, +2 *'s t duration of stop = 24 +69+11 +20 = 124 seconds

(ii) Schedule speed, V, =SXS,500 1.0x3,600 29 kmph Ans.

T 124
Train Movement and EnerEy Consumption
When the duration of stop is 15 seconds
Schedule time, T, 24 + 69 + 11
119 seconds
and schedule speed, V: = .0x 3,600
119 30.25 kmph Ans.
Example 11.12. An electric train has quadrilateral speed-time curve as follows:
) Uniform acceleration from rest at 2
kmphps for 30 seconds;
(ii) Coasting for 60 seconds; (iii) Uniform
If the train is
to rest for 20 braking seconds.
moving á uniform
rotational inertia effect 10% of dead weightgradient
of 10/1,000, train resistance is
and duration 40 schedule
of stop 30 seconds, find the N/tonne
Solution: Time of
acceleration, t, 30 seconds
= 10
Time of coasting,
t, 50 seconds

Time of braking, t
20 seconds
Acceleration, a = 2 kmphps
Maximum speed, V, 2
t, = x 30 60 km/hour
Gradient, G = 1 x 100= 1%
Let the coasting retardation be B.
F 277.8 W.-B+ 98.1 WG + Wr
or 0 =-277.8 x 1.1 W
B. + 98.1 x 1 x W + 40 W
98.1+. 138.1
277.8x1.l 0.452
Pe277.8x 1.1 kmphps
V2V -Bet2 =
60-0.452 x 50 37.4 km per hour
Braking retardation, B = 2 = =1.87 kmphps
3 20

Distance travelled, s =-L+*V2)2, km

7,200 7,200 7,200
60x30 60+37.4 50 20 =
1.03 km
7,200 7,200 7,200
Schedule time, T, =t, +t2 + ta + duration of stop = 30 +50 + 20+ 30 130 seconds

Schedule speed, V. 3,600 xS3.600 X1.03 = 28.52 km per hour

T 130
Example 11.13. The speed-time curve of an electric train on a uniform rising gradient of 1 in 100
(i) Uniform acceleration from rest at 2 kmphps for 30 seconds
(i) Coasting with power of for 70 seconds
(ii) Braking at 3 kmphps to stand still.
The weight of the train is 250 tonnes, the train resistance on level track being 6 kg/tonne,
and allowance for rotary inertia 10%.
Calculate the maximum power developed by traction motors and total distance travelled by
the train. Assume transmission efficiency as 97%.
Agra Univ. Traction & Utilisation of Elec. Power 1979
Solution: Weight of train, W 250tonnes

Effective weight of train, W, =100W = 1.1 W

Train resistance, r 5 kg/tonne = 5 x 9.81 = 49.05 N/tonne

44 Rlectrie Troction

radiont Ipront

Traetive fart rnquired. F 277NW, NW W

277 811 8 1 200I200 49 05
9,37i newtoa
Maxnmum power utput thom the driving axle
Maximum power developed by trton nutora

,2N &W Ans.

Let the coasting rotardnton be then
, 2 7 7NW 98.IW Wr
277.8 1.IW 98.1 W I Wx 49.05
98.11) 05
277.8 1.1 04818kmphpa
N . G0 - 70 (0.4815 26.3 km/hour
Brakmg poriod, 8.77 soconds

Total dstance travelled by the

S V V,) V,
, 200 7,200 7,200
60x30 60+ 26.3 26.3 x 8. 77
x 70 + 1.12 km An».
7,200 7,200 7,200
Assuming the run according to trapezoidal specd-time curve
Total energy required for the run = Energy required
during acceleration +
energy required
during free run
Average power during ncceleration * acceleration perixl
+average power during free run x duration of free run

1 ,
2 3,G00 3,6p0 3,600
(11 16)

where V. is the maximum speed in kmph, t, is the time of acceleration in seconds, t, is the
time o Ttee-run in seconds, F, is the Iractive eflort required during accoloration in newtons
and F is the tractive effort required during free run in newtons.
Instead of expressing the energy in kWh, it is more conveniqnt for the purpase of
comparison to introduce the xeightof the Lrain and the distance of run and to eNpress the
energy in watt-hours per tonne-km

L.e. Enorgy outputin watt -hours (1117)

Weight of the train in tonnes x distanee of run in km
This quantity is called specific energy oulput, and is used for
comparing the dynamcal
performances of trans operating to different schedules.
>Theenergy input to the motors is called the energy con sumption of the Lran, since it
is the energy consumed for propelling the train. The total
enorgy drawn from the distribution
wn Movement nd EnerEy
stem will be greater
than this by the
braking. quantity required for lighting,
The energy heating, control and
consumption can be expressed in watt-hours per
i.e. Energy consumption of train in watt. tonne-km.
Weight of train in tonnes x hours
The above quantity is distance of run in km .(11.18)
called the
specific energy consumption.
Let the track have a
gradient of G
Energy output to accelerate the percent through out its run.
train from
rest to speed V a
1 2 3,600 X_3.600 Wh
Wh== 1 y _ V
3,600 2 3,600
3,600 a sincet
2 (3.600 1.8 W + 98.1 WG +
Wr] kWh ...(11.19)
since F,
277.8 W, u + 98.1 WG
Energy output to run the train at the =
+ Wr
speed V,, against the gradient and resistance to
3,600 3,600 kWh
[Wr + 98.1 WG]x kWh
3.600 ... (11.20)
since ' g S', the distance travelled
Motal energy output for the 3,600 during free run

2a(3,600)277.8 W,a 98.1 WG + Wr]+ [Wr WG]x S
+ 98.1 kWh
= 2a x (3,600)2
277.8 W.a + 98.1 WG+ Wr]+ [Wr + 98.1 WG]xA1,000 Wh
= x1,000 y2
277.8 Wu +x_ 1,000
2a (3.600)
(3, 600) 2a
98.1 WG+Wr]+ Wr 98.1 WG
(3,600)2 3,600

0.01072 V W, +[98.1 WG+ Wr]| 2u X 600+S"

x 3,600
0.01072 V2 W, +
[98.1 WG+ Wr][S+S']

where =
S"', distance travelled during
2a x 3,6000 accelerating period
0.01072 VW, +0.2778 (98.1 WG + Wr) S,
where S, is the distance travelled during acceleration and free run in km
Energyoutput for the run in watt- hours
Specific energy output Weight of train in tonnes
x distance of run in km
0.01072 V W, + 0.2778(98.1 WG Wr)S

O.01072 V W 0.2778 (98.1 G + r) watt-hours per tonne- km

Electric Traction
If the track is level one, G =

then specific 0.01072

energy output
Vmx+0.2778 W
watt-hours/tonne-km ...(11.23)
Bpecific energy consumption = Specific energy output at driving wheels
Overall efficiency of the motors and gearing
O.01072 mx+0.2778x watt-hours/tonne-km
Sn W
K.10.1. Factors Affecting
Energy Consumption. Energy consumption in propelling
train is required for the
A having the linear and angular
working against gravity while acceleration;
working against the resistancemoving
up the gradient;
overcoming the losses due to motion;
supplying losses in motors andgearing
system and
Energy required
being the system.
product of power and time depends
and the
duration for which the power is upon the power required
The power (in watts) required in taken.
rate of
acceleration a, the
accelerating the train on level track depends upon the
acceleration V, being equal to 77.17 weight of the train W, and the speed at the end of
upon the rate of VWa whereas the energy (in watts-hours)
which the train acceleration, effective weight of train, maximum speed and the depends
2. The accelerates, being equal to 0.01072 time for
power (in watts) V,W,at.
gradient being equal torequired
in overcoming the force of gravity while
27.334 WG V
gradient the energy is returned back. The depends upon the gradient. While goingdown up the
is given by the energy required or returned (in
going the
expression 27.334 WG V,t and,
therefore, watt-seconds)
weight of train, maximum and duration of run. depends upon the gradient, dead
3. The speed
power (in watts) required in
and energy
required 0.2778 Wr overcoming the resistance to motion, is equal to 0.2778
V,t watt-seconds. The expression for WrV
indicates that it depends the resistance to
The energy output of trainupon motion, maximum speed energy required
for a given and time of run.
employed, but energy consumption depends curve is
independent of the type of drive
the upon type of drive
11.11. FACTORS employed.
The specific energy GIVEN SCHEDULE SPEED OF AN
the following factorsconsumption
of a train
operating at a given schedule speed depends upon
(a) distance between stops (6) acceleration
of route and (c) retardation (d) maximum
() the type of train equipment. speed (e) nature
Specific energy output is given by the
Specific energy output =0.01072 VW 0.2778 (98.1 G+r)s
Specific energy output is independent of locomotive watt.hours/tonne-km ..(11.25)
energy consumption being overall efficiency but the
equal to specific energy output divided specific
efficiency depends upon the overall efficiency of the by locomotive overall
lesser will be the locomotive. Greater the overall efficiency
specific energy
expression (11.25) clearly eonsumption
The for a given specific energy
shows that specific energy output at axles.
maximum speed V,, the distance consumption depends upon the
travelled by the train while power is on,
S,, the specific
and Pnergy Conaumption
Train Movement 445

resistance r, grad
ient Gand distance
between stops. irea-
ter the distance bet
ween stops lesser
will be the specific
energy consumption.
at a
Fora given run
given schedule sp-
eed, greater the
value of acceleration
and retardation,
more will be the
and, therefore, lesser
(a) (b)
the period during
which power is on Pig. 11.110
i.e. S, will be small and, therefore, specific
energy consumption will accordingly be less. Steep
gradient will involve more energy consumption even if regenerative braking is used. Similarly more
the train resistance, greater will be the
specific energy consumption.
How the specific energy
consumption fall with the increase in value of
(retardation) and distance of run is illustrated in figs. 11.10 () and 11. 10 (b) acceleration
Typical values of specificenergy consumption are () 50- 75 watt-hours per respectively.
tonne-km for
suburban services and (ii) 20- 30 watt-hours per tonne-km for main line service.
Bkample 11.14. An eleetrio train has a n
average speed of 42 kmph on a level track between
1,400 m apart. It is accelerated at 1.7
kmphps and is braked at 3 kmphps. Estimate the energystops
consumption at the axle of the train per tonne-km. Take tractive resistance constant at 50 N
tonne and allow 10% for rotational per
inertia. /B.T.E. U.P. Electric Traction 19977
Solution: From solution of Example 11.2 wo have
Maximum speed, V, =
52 kmph
Duration of braking, t, =
15.8 seconds
Distance travelled during braking 15.8
V 3,600 3,600
= 0.114 km

S, = S - 0.114 = 1.4 0.114 =1.286 km

Resistance to motion, r = 50 NAonne

o energy consumption at the axlo of the train por tonno-kmn

0.01072 Vm 0.2778r

0.01072x X1.1 +0.2778 x50x-286 =

35.534 Wh Ans.
ample 11.16. Calculate the wpecifio energy1.4
consumptiou if a maximum 1.4
speed of 12.2 m/s and for

i v e n run of 1,525 metres an acoeleration of 0.366 m/s are desired. Train rosistance during
leration is 62.6 newtons/1,000 kg and during ooasting is 6.12 newtons/ 1,000 kg, 10% being
allowable for rotation al inertia. The efficienoy of the equipment during the avceleration period
i50%. Assume a quadrilateral spped-time curve.
Solution: Effocti ve weight of train W. = 1.1 W whero W is the woight of train in kg
Electrie Traction

Acceleration a= 0.366 m/a

Maximum speed, V, 12.2 m/s
Distance of run, S = 1,525 metres

Acceleration period , 12.2 33.3 seconds

kg 0.0526 N/Rg
=52.6 N/1,000

Train resIstance during acceleration, r

Tractive effort required during acceleration,.

1.1 Wx0.366+0.0526 W =0,4552 W newtons
F= W,a +Wr= there is no free
during acceleration as run
Total energy required for the r u n = Energy roquired acceleration X ncceleration period
Average power during

EV =x0.4562W
x 12.2x 33.3 joules
92.56 W joules or

92.56 W= 0.0257 W watt-hours


Energy required for the run

0.0257 W
Specific energy output =
WxS Wx1,525
= 1.685 x 10° Wh/kg-m

Specificenergy output1.685 x
Specific energy consumption 0.5
3.37 x 10 Wh/kg-m Ans.
c u r v e as follows:
train has quadrilateral speeä-tinme
Example 11.16. An electric for 30 seconds
rest at 2 kmphps
(i) Uniform acceleration from
for 60 seconds
(ii) Coasting
(iii) Braking period of 20 tractive resistance is 40 newtons per tonne,
The train is moving a uniform up gradient of 1%,
dead weight, duration of station stop 16 seconds and overall
rotational inertia effect 10% of value of its schedule speed and
and motor as 76%. Calculate the
efficiency of transmission gear Nov. 1988
specific energy consumption of
run. [Pb. Univ. Electric Drives and Utilization
Solution: Maximum speed, V, = at, = 2 x 30 = 60 kmph

11.6 and also solution to example 11.12.

Refer fig.
Coasting retardation, P. = 0.452 kmphps
V 37.4 kmph
Braking retardation, B = 1.87 kmphps
Total distance travelled, S
= 1.03 km
30 + 50+ 20 + 15 115 seconds
Schedule time, T, =t, + t + 'g +stop duration =

3,600x S 3,600 XL03 = 32.24 kmph Ans.

Schedule speed, V, = 115
Distance travelled when power is on,

S, = Distance travelled during acceleration period

V 60 X30 = 0.25 km
7,200 7,200

Specific energy output

0.01072 VW+0.2778 (98.1 G + r)
0.01072 *60x1.1+0.2778 (98.1x1+ 40)* 103
= 50.5 Wh/tonne-km
Train Movement and Energy Consumption 447

Specific energy consumption = 67.34 Wh/tonne-km Ans.
Example 11.17. An electrie train has quadrilateral speed-time curve as follows:
Uniform acceleration from rest at 2 kmphps for 30 seconds.
(i) Coasting for 60 seconds.
(ii) Braking period of 20 seconds.
The train is moving a uniform down gradient of 1%, tractive resistance 40 newtons per
tonne, rotational inertia effect 10% of dead weight, duration of stop 15 seconds and overall
efficiency of transmission gear and motor as 75%. Calculate its schedule speed and specific
energy consumption of run. IPb. Univ. Electric Drives and Utilization May 1989]
Solution : Maximum speed, V = a t = 2 x 30 60 kmph
Let the coasting retardation be P.
Tractive effort, F, = 277.8 W, (-B) - 98.1 WG+ Wr
or 0 =-277.8 x 1.1 W B. - 98.1 x W x 1 + 4 0 W

or Pe277.8x1.1 =
-0.19 kmphps
V V B . t = 60 --0.19) x 50 = 69.5 kmph

Distance travelled, S =7,200 7,200 t7.200

50+ 69.5x20
- 0.25 + 0.899 0.193
1.342 km
Schedule time, T, = t, + +t t stop duration = 30 + 50 + 20 + 15 115 seconds

3,600x S_ 3,600 XL.342 =

42 kmph Ans.
Schedule speed, V, 115
Specific energy output 0.01072 x W
0.2778 (98.1 G +r)
0.01072 x 602 0.25
x1.1+0.2778 [98.1(-1)+ 40]x.1.342
28.6 Wh/tonne-km
ation 28.0 = 38.14 Wh/tonne-km Ans.
Specific energy consumption =

100 tonnes has a rotational inertia of 10%. This train
ample 11.18. An electric train weighing
which are average speed of 50 km/hour.
2.5 km apart has an
while running between two stations 1 km/hour/second and 2 km per
ne acceleration and retardation during braking respectively are
stations is 1% and the train is to
O u r per
second. The percentage gradient
between these two
combined efficiency of the electric
The track resistance is 40 NItonne. If the
move up the incline.
power at the driving
axle (ii) total energy consumption and
rain is 60%, determine (i) maximum Assume that journey estimation is being made o n simplified
LL) specific energy consumption.
trapezoidal speed-time curve.
Solution: Effective weight of train, W W =1.1 W == 1.1 x 100 =110 tonnes

2.5 kmn
Distance of run, S

Va = 50 kmph
Average speed,
3,600x S 3,600X 2.8 =
180 seconds
Duration of run
K 2212x 0.75
Electric Traction

T T 3,600S
Maximum speed, Vm=

180 180 3,600x 2.5 = 71 kmph

=-2x0.75 0.75
71 seconds
Acceleration period, t=n = =

Braking period,t = =
35.5 seconds
35.5) = 73.5 seconds
Time of free run, to = 180 -

277.8 W.a 98.1 WG + Wr
Tractive effort required, F, =

x 1 + 100 * 40 =
44,368 N
= 277.8 x 110 x 1 + 98.1 x 100
) Maximum power at the driving
FX =
44,368XT1 - 875 kW, Ans.
3,6003,600 3,600

output =Fx_x. m x _l2

Total energy 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
is effort required during free run and is equal to (98.1 WG+ Wr)
i.e. 98.1 x 100 x i + 100 x 40 13,810 N

x -3,600 x3,600
. 14.19 kWh. =

T o t a l energy output =
x 44,368 x +13,810 x

consumption = 14.19 23.65 kWh Ans.

ti) Total energy
0.6 ANU
(i) Specific energy consumption Total energy consumption in watt-hours
Weight of train in tonnes x distance of r u n in km
23.65 x1, 000 - 94.6 Wh/tonne-km Ans.
100x 2.55
Example 11.19. A train weighing 203 tonnes accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 46 kmpa
up a gradient of 1 in 500, the time taken being 30 seconds. The power is then cut off and train
coasts down a uniform gradient of 1 in 1,000 for a period of 40 seconds when brakes are apple
for a period of 15 seconds so as to bring the train uniformly to rest on this gradient. Calculae
() the maximum power output from the driving axles (ii) the energy taken from the conducto
rails in kWh, assuming an efficiency of 60%.
Assume train resistance to be 44 newtons per tonne at all speeds, and allow 10% TO
rotational inertia. Agra Univ. Traction & Elec. Power 1976 Ulilisation of
Solution: Weight of train, W 203 tonnes
Effective weight oftrain, We = 1.1 W = 1.1 203 223.3 tonnes
The train resistance, r = 44 newtons/tonne

Gradient, G = x 100 0.2%

Maximum speed, V,m = 45 kmph
Acceleration period, t, = 30 seconds

Acceleration, a =
m = =
1.5 kmphps
Tractive effort required, F, 277.8 W.a + 98.1 WG + Wr
277.8 x 223.3 x 1.5+98.1
x 203 x 0.2+ 203 x 44 =
and Energy Consumption 449
Train Movement

)The maximum power output from driving axles

X n =1,05,964 x 45 = 1,324.55 kW Ans.
3,600 3,600
free run
Total energy required for the run Energy required during acceleration as there is no

= 1Vmx 1x1,05,964 x 45 x _ 30 = 5.52 kWh

2 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600

(ti) The energy taken from conductor rails

= =
9.2 kWh Ans.

a city. The schedule speed is

Eample 11.20. It is proposed to put a n electric trolley service in
The track is assumed to be level. Each stop
to be 45 kmph. The distance between stops is 2.8 km.
curve, calculate the maximum speed
is of 30 seconds duration. Using simplified speed-time
and retardation to be 3.2 kmphps. The dead weight
assuming the acceleration to be 2kmphps
of the dead weight and track resistance
of the car is 16 tonnes, rotational inertia is 10 percent
is 40 newtons per tonne. If the overall efficiency
is 80%, calculate (maximum power output
watt-hours per tonne-km.
from driving axles (6) the specific energy consumption in
Schedule speed, V, = 45 kmph
X3,6002.8 x 3,600 224 seconds
Schedule time of run, T. =

Actual time of run, T =224 30 194 seconds

K + A 0625

3,600 S
Maximum speed, V2EK K

194 194 3,600 x 2.8

= 58 kmph Ans.
2x0.40625 2 x 0.40625 0.40625
Acceleration time, t, = m = = 2 9seconds
Duration of braking, t = =3.2 18.125 seconds

Time offree run, t = T - , + t) = 194 (29 + 18.125) = 146.875 seconds

Tractive effort during acceleration,
F 277.8 Wr
W,a +

277.8 x 16 x 1.1 x 2+ 16 x 40 10,418.56 Newtons

(a) Maximum power output = m W =10,418.56 x58 = 167.855 kW Ans.

3,600 3,600
(6) Distance travelled during braking period
= 1a =Lx8X814
0.146 km =

2 3,600 3,600
Distance travelled with power on S, = 2.8 0.146 2.654 km

Specific energy output = 0.01072 Vx+C.2778rWh/tonne-km


O.01072 Xb8x 1.1+ 0,2778 x 40 x 24.7 Wh/tonne-km

2.8 2.8

Specific energy consumption = 30.9 Wh/tonne-km Ans.

Electric Traction
runs A uniform upgradient of 11% with the
electric train
weighing 200
11.21. An
6 l l o w i n g speed-time curve:
for 30
acceleration of 2 kmphps
for 40 seconds
(ii) Constant speed
30 seconds
(ii) Coasting for
(iv) Braking at 2.5 kmphps to rest
16 seconds. effect 10% of
(w) Stop at station rotational inertia effect dead
weight and
is 40 N/tonne,
If the tractive is 76% determine
transmission and motor
overall efficiency of (iv) :distance
consumption (iii) total energy consunption (iv)
() schedule speed (i) specific energy
[Pb. Univ. Electric Traction June 1993|
between two stations.
Solution: Speed at the end of accelerating period,
V, =at, =2 x 30 =
60 kmph
Let the coasting retardation be P. then
98.1 WG + Wr
F, = 277.8 W,(-B,) +
B. +98.1 x 1 W + 40 W
or 0 =
- 277.8 x 1.1 W x

or e 138.1= 0.452 kmphps

217.8x 1.1
Speed at the end of coasting period,
V =V - B, x t = 60 - 0.452 x 30 = 46.44 kmph

Braking duration, t, =2=46.44 =18.6 seconds


Total distance travelled, S =i + 2 , Y+Y2xt V

7,200 3,600 7,200 7,200
60 x 30
60x 40
60+46.44 20+ 46.44 * 10.0 =
1.48 km Ans.
3,600 7,200 7,200
Distance travelled when power is on,
60x 30 60 x 40= 0.9167 km
7,200 3,600





30 60 90 120

Fi.g 11.11
Schedule speed, V, =
Sx3,600 1.48 x 3,600
1*2 + 'a + t +stop
duration 30+ 40+30 +18.6+ 15
39.88 kmph Ans.
Train Movement and Energy Consumption t by X3 451

Specific energy output = 0.01072

Vx W
0.2778 (98.1 G r)+

0.01072 x 602 X1.1 + 0.2778 (98.1 x1+40) x .9l67

1.48 1.48
52.45 Wh per tonne-km
Specific energy consumption = = 69.93 Wh/tonne-km Ans.
Total energy consumption =
energy consumption x W xS
69.93 x 200 x 1.48 20,700 Wh or 20.7 kWh Ans.


Dead Weight. The total weightof locomotive and train to be pulled by the locomotive is
knownas dead weight.
Accelerating Weight. The dead weight of the train i.e. the weight of locomotive and
train can be considered to be divided into two parts.
X The weight, which requires angular acceleration such as weight of wheels, axles, gears
etc. and
2. The weight, which requires linear acceleration.
Hence the effective weight, which is greater than dead weight is called the
weight. Accelerating weight is taken 5 to 10 percent more than dead weight.
Aihesive Weight. The total weight to be carried on the driving wheels is known as the
adhesive weight.
Example 11.22. 400 tonne goods train is to be hauled by a locomotive up a gradient of 2% with
celeration of 1 kmphps. Coefficient of adhesion is 20%, track resistance 40 N/tonne and effectivve
rotating masses 10% of the dead weight. Find the weight of the locomotive and number of axles
if the axle load is not to increase beyond 22 tonnes.
[Agra Univ. Traction & Utilisation of Elec. Power 1979; B.T.E. U.P. Electric Traction 2002]
Solution: Let the weight of the locomotiv be W tonnes
Dead weight of train and locomotive,. W (400 + tonnes =
Gradient, G = 2 percent
Coefficient of adhesion, u = 0.2
Effective weight of trainand locomotive, W. = 1.1 (400
Tractive effort, F, = 277.8 Wa +98.1 WG + Wr

277.8a +98.1 G+r W =[277.8 x 1.1 x 1 + 98.1 x 2 + 40] W

541.78 W newtons
541.78 W =
0.05523 W tonnes =
0.05523 (400 +
W) tonnes
9.81 x 1,000

Maximum value of tractive effort that can be possible with W., adhesive weight of locomotive
F W L = 0.2 W1, V
Comparing expressions (i) and (ii) we get
0.2 W = 0.05523 (400 +
or W, = 0.05523
0.2 0.05523
x 400
22.092=152.6 tonnes Ans.

Number of axles required = W

Allowable load
152.6 7 Ans.

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