Dunyia News

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Dedication (Optional)

I wish my heartiest thanks to my parents who encouraged me at every stage of life and
remembered me in their prayers. I can never turn down their efforts they put forward for my
bright and prosperous future. May ALLAH Almighty rendered them with affection and
forgiveness in this life and afterward. I am also thankful to my HOD Mr. Sohail Raja who helped
me whenever I ask him about anything. He has given me a lot of concentration and Mr.Rehman
Azhar who not only helped me in gaining practical experience but also explored my course work
skills in such an esteemed environment also helped me and supervised me on daily basis
3. Acknowledgement
Internship report is essential part of MS mass communication degree program. Internship
provides complete practical knowledge of the areas we passed through our course work. It makes
us aware of the practical and technical requirement in the field. I am grateful to Almighty
ALLAH, whose blessings have always been sources of encouragement for me and who gave me
the ability to complete this task
4. Executive summary
Duniya Television channel is a news channel and all its operations are based on providing the
audience with information, news, entertainment and educating them. In this internship report I
have describe about the working of the Duniya news channel in detail. This report highlights
how a news channel works, how it is managed and controlled. The daily operations of the
channel have been described as well, which ranges from collection of news to disseminating of
news or the final broadcast. In simple a full summary of the whole process that how the news is
made from where it comes from and how it is collected and who collects it ,to whom it is
forwarded ,where it reaches ,how it is treated ,what are the essential components of
news ,through what process it passes in to its final shape and up to the final broadcast has been
included in this report. I have divided my internship report in six segments as it is two months
therefore I have to spend a week or two so that I may grab all the process that takes place in the
organization with open mind. In the report I have described about the different offices that look
after the daily work and operations of the news channel. I have write-down about the different
departments which works throughout 24 hours in different shifts mainly in shift of three to bring
about news for the audience. The way in which the channel works is also explained in the report,
who supervises the newsroom how the news is treated in news room, and how it is transmitted to
the general or desired public
Brief Introduction of all the departments
The current set up of Dunya TV networks comprises 18 departments
 News
 Current Affairs
 Infotainment
 Creative
 Camera
 Archive and Ingest
 IT
 Web content Development
 HR
 Correspondent Network
 Sales & Marketing
 Accounts & Finance
 Revenue
 Administration
 Security
 Distribution

Comments on the organizational structure:

Yes the organization is fully decentralized and everyone is empowered to take decisions and
which fulfill the requirements of the organization.
Plan of your internship program
I completed my internship at the main head office of Dunya Television at abbot road Lahore, it
was for 8 weeks. Departments in which i got training are news department and programming
Training program
a. Reason for selecting the organization: As compared to other private channels Dunya TV
provides its internees a larger setup of studios sets and other technical equipments. Dunya TV is
fully digitalized with the state of art automation systems that controls digitizing, production, post
production, transmission and archiving undoubtly puts Dunya News as being Pakistan’s most
modern broadcast facility to date.
b. Duties performed:
Learning Experiences
a. Knowledge Gained: got the opportunity to work in the post production department for the
editing of the programs
b. Skills Learned: Scripting & Voice over
c. Most Challenging Task: on Adobe Premier but I had learnt that how we can edit the program
on Apple Macintosh Systems.
 Internees should not only be allowed to ‘’observe’’ but also allowed to use equipment for
better understanding and learning.
 There should be proper check and balance on internees, as to their timings and work.
 Each producer should be assigned equal number of internees so that every internee is
 able to work properly and the producer is also able to give maximum time to each

There are some suggestions and recommendations which I refer to PTV for good career plan of
employees and management of the organization:
 PTV has two main sources of revenue, one is licensing fee and the other is advertising.
PTV can also provide technical services like training relating to editing, use of cameras
and training for the Artists etc.
 should consider the latest innovation in the field of science and technology and should
prepare and telecast those programmes up to the maximum level. This will enhance the
public interest in the PTV channel and will be popularized among the public.
 The Government influence should be minimized for the consideration of programs’
production and strategic decisions.
 Rules and Regulations of PTV Corporation strictly followed in dealing with the
 The TV authorities should have to give attention towards those programs, which are
being offer to the world via satellite. PTV can also increase its value in the international
market by dubbing the popular programs in to other languages. This will introduce
Pakistan into other countries as well.
 All the policies and planning should be prepared with the collaboration of all
 Talents must be selected on the basis of their devotions and artistic capabilities and
favoritism must be minimized to ensure the success of various programs of
 Fresh blood / graduates in every field should be entertained so that the traditional and old
set up can be modernized on scientific grounds
 The objectives and goals of each department must be determined and communicated
clearly to all staff members. The employees of PTV should be motivated by giving them
incentives either in tangible form or intangible form.
 Try to create competitive environment among employees for the performance in the job
 Some effective measures should be taken to eliminate the late coming habits of the staff
and punctuality should be ensured at maximum.
 Decrease the number of employees to decrease the cost.

2.3 SWOT Analysis of PTV

2.3.2 Strengths of PTV
 PTV Network is only network in Pakistan which operate throw all modems like satellites,
cable, and terrestrial.
 PTV operating more than 50 countries of world, that increase its viewer ship and also
increase the market value.
 PTV considered as a trustable channel which provide accurate information and that trust
give good market to PTV and also increase the viewer ship.
 PTV Home is considered as a family channel and that provide quality dramas and
programs, so people refer it to play on home and that also increase viewer ship of PTV.
 PTV also famous about its drama serials, people have craze for it and that serials are
popular among the people so PTV get high viewer ship, and the highest charges of PTV
slots is also for that time in which that serials play.
 PTV is the defender of cultural and ethical boundaries of society in electronic media
2.3.2 Weaknesses of PTV
 PTV mostly used the old technology, so employees are unable to get access to use up to
date technology.
 Huge size of the organization is also a week point of PTV. There is difficult to manage
accurately in all fields to employees.
 Due to own by government PTV bound under the government policies and has lack of
 Communication gap between departments.
 There is not a proper training facilitate to employees in PTV.
 PTV have large number of employees and effect to increase cost.
2.3.3 Opportunities for PTV
 Advertisement is a type of basic need for the corporations as increasing competition, so
PTV has opportunity to grape these advertisement and increase competition.
 International growth potential due to the increasing community population across
worldwide. As population increasing so as migration of people from Pakistan to other
countries, and those foreigner are want to share and even learn our traditional rules or
culture they want a platform and PTV have opportunity to provide this facility to them.
 PTV has highest ratio of coverage in Pakistan, so PTV has an opportunity
 to share its maximum transmission to maximum peoples for the purpose
 of extension.
 Due to have strong networking PTV has opportunity to easily launched new services.
2.3.4 Threats to PTV
 Taxes on broadcasting sector are increasing day by day and that is destructive for the
PTV in shape of low profit.
 Deterioration of law and order situation in any time in country is also another threat for
the PTV.
 Low rate of advertisement offer to customers by competitors is also threats for PTV.
 Turnover of old employees due to attractive packages offers by competitors is a big threat
for PTV.
 Large number of competitors in the sector is also a threat for an organization, and now a
days in television broadcasting sector there is a big market and it is difficult for PTV to
face the whole market.
The good thing in this organization was the learning atmosphere. The atmosphere was really
friendly and work oriented dedicated, energetic and motivated youths are working day and night
to make this channel a leading channel .As compared to other private channels Dunya TV
provides its internees a larger setup of studios sets and other technical equipments. Dunya TV is
fully digitalized with the state of art automation systems that controls digitizing, production, post
production, transmission and archiving undoubtly puts Dunya News as being Pakistan’s most
modern broadcast facility to date. The environment of this organization was quit professional and
all the producers of programming department were very co-operative and friendly. It was a good
experience for me to work in Dunya TV and I got much in the shape of knowledge. I learned
professionalism & objectivity.

Employee-centered Leadership: DAWN

Employee-centered Leadership style which believes in relationship building with the Clients is
present all over Dawn. Employees are given freedom in the performance of their work and are
towards their target. Authority is delegated and an open door policy is being adopted which
means that all kinds of suggestions are appreciated as long as they are realistic. Democratic style
is used
and employees are given work freedom.

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