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User Story 1: Login Page

As a user of, I want to be able to log in to my account easily so that I can access my
personalized information and make purchases.

Acceptance Criteria:

1..When I visit the website, I should see a clearly labeled "Sign In" or "Login" button
prominently displayed on the homepage.

2..When I click on the "Sign In" or "Login" button, I should be redirected to the login page.

3..On the login page, there should be fields for me to enter my email/username and password.

4..The login page should have a "Forgot Password" link that allows me to reset my password if needed.

5..After entering my credentials correctly and clicking the "Sign In" button, I should be logged into my
account and redirected to the homepage.

6..If I enter incorrect login credentials and click the "Sign In" button, I should see an error message
indicating that my credentials are invalid.

7..The login page should have an option to "Stay Signed In" or "Remember Me" that keeps me logged
in across multiple visits, unless I choose to log out.

User Story 2: Registration Page

As a new user of, I want to be able to create a new account easily so that I can start
making purchases and enjoy personalized features.

Acceptance Criteria:

1..When I visit the website, I should see a clearly labeled "Sign Up" or "Register" button
prominently displayed on the homepage.

2..When I click on the "Sign Up" or "Register" button, I should be redirected to the registration page.

3..On the registration page, there should be fields for me to enter my name, email address, password,
and any other necessary information.

4..The registration page should have validation checks to ensure that the email address is valid and

5..After entering all the required information correctly and clicking the "Sign Up" or "Register" button,
my account should be created, and I should receive a confirmation email.

6..The registration page should have a checkbox for me to agree to the terms and conditions and
privacy policy.

7..If I try to register with an email address that is already associated with an existing account, I should
see an error message indicating that the email address is already in use.

8..The registration page should have a link to the login page for users who already have an account.

These user stories and acceptance criteria provide a high-level overview of the desired functionality
for the login page and registration page on

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