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DUOLINGO 50-Word Essay Topics

Describe the house in which you live?

Describe the neighborhood where you live?

DUOLINGO 50-Word Essay Topics

Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach

students. What are the advantages of this new approach?

In many countries schools have severe problems with student

behavior? What do you think are the causes of this?
DUOLINGO 50-Word Essay Topics

Many historic buildings are being destroyed or replaced. What are

the reasons for this?

Describe a time when you were extremely happy. What happened?

DUOLINGO 50-Word Essay Topics

Some people argue that teenagers have lost moral values. What is
your opinion?

Public transport helps save money and curbs pollution over private
transport. What do you prefer and why?
DUOLINGO 50-Word Essay Topics

Some people argue that the government should spend money on

Space research while others say that the government should build
hospitals. Which argument do you support?

Having a good university degree is important in finding a job. Do you

DUOLINGO 50-Word Essay Topics

Describe a skill that you want to learn.

Describe your favorite actor. Why is he your favorite?

Describe a time when you spent a lot of money. What did you buy?

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