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Name: Tamy Wenneth A.

School: Cristo Rey West Elementary School

Teaching Science by Glocalization

A Reflection Paper

Integrating global perspectives and local contexts has had a big impact on my teaching methods and my
students' learning experiences. I've learned as a teacher that events in one area of the world can affect
events in other parts of the world because of how interrelated everything is. I have therefore made a
conscious effort to include global perspectives in my instruction, and doing so has assisted in expanding
my pupils' horizons.

I have been able to teach my students about the various cultures, beliefs, and practices found
throughout the world by introducing global perspectives. They have grown to respect and value variety
as a result of this. The children can now comprehend that while their experiences are particular to their
local settings, there are similarities and variances with experiences in other regions of the world. This
has stimulated people's curiosity and desire in finding out more about various civilizations.

Additionally, adding a global perspective has improved the relevance and interest of learning. Students
are more interested in studying about subjects that are pertinent to their daily lives, and I have been
able to make the learning relevant to their daily lives by introducing global perspectives. For instance,
we have talked about how local communities are impacted by global issues like climate change. The
pupils are now more aware of their responsibility in addressing global concerns thanks to this.

In conclusion, integrating global viewpoints into my teaching methods has significantly improved my
students' learning outcomes. Their perspectives have been expanded, a respect for variety has been
fostered, and learning has become more relevant and interesting. To better prepare my pupils for the
globally connected world, I shall keep incorporating global viewpoints into my teaching methods.

While self-directed learning is a continuous process that requires dedication and effort. By engaging in a
range of activities, such as researching glocalization models, developing intercultural competence, and
staying informed about global events, I can improve my ability to apply glocalization in the classroom
and provide my students with a well-rounded, culturally-responsive education.

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